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 Image result for DEI one cent coin in 1855

The rare limited edition first nederland Indie one cent castcoin in 1855,the half cent more rare unique I don’t have it(Dr iwan note)

Lettre frappée du cachet bleu ovale SAMARANG FRANCO, datée de 1855 à destination de BATAVIA. Sup.; lettre; Précurseur

 Image result for Batavia - NY - Belgium. Stampless env. red paid 5 +

  1. Batavia – NY – Belgium. Stampless env. red paid 5 + via Boston with BRITISH + AMERICAN PACKET marks (9 Jan – 17 Jan). Belgium entry charges. Boats charged at Boston. Very interesting p history item


Image result for Regent Bandung RA Wiranatakusumah

Based on data from various sources, the development of fully Bandung carried out by a number of people under the leadership of Regent Bandung RA Wiranatakusumah II. Therefore, it can be said that the regents RA Wiranatakusumah II is the founder of (the founding father) of Bandung.
The development of the city of Bandung and its strategic location in the middle Priangan, has encouraged the emergence of the idea of
the Dutch East Indies government in 1856 to move Capital Keresiden Priangan from Cianjur to Bandung

Hotel der Nederlanden kunnen kiezen en toen op een dag in 1856 kwam Douwes Dekker voorbij, mogelijk op weg naar de Franse kleermaker Oger Frèves tegenover Societeit De Harmonie.

En natuurlijk moet dit er dan even bij, de voetnoot onder bijna ieder Nederlands-Indië verhaal van Aad :

……een roofstaat aan de Noordzee……
            …..dat spoorwegen bouwt van gestolen geld en tot
            betaling de bestolene bedwelmt met
            opium, Evangelie en jenever…

Aan U durf ik met vertrouwen te vragen of het
            Uw wil is dat daarginds Uw meer dan dertig
            millioenen onderdanen worden mishandeld en
            uitgezogen in UWEN naam?







Image result for Hong Kong, 1858 (14 Mar.) entire letter

Hong Kong, 1858 (14 Mar.) entire letter from Hong Kong to Netherlands (28.4) “per land mail via Triest” showing very fine “Paid/at/Hong Kong” small Crowned Circle in red (Webb type 11) with “Hong Kong” double-arc d.s. on reverse, handstruck (at Trieste) blue framed “6¼” and manuscript ratings, fine, another scarce destination for a Crowned Circle.


Dirk Anthonius Varkevisser, an official of the Dutch East Indies government, was born in Samarang (present-day Semarang in Central Java) on 11th July 1800 and passed away on 4th January 1857 in Batavia. He was the former Dutch resident of Pasuruan (in east Java, near to the city of Surabaya), and he was also knighted and conferred the Order of the Netherlands Lion, a Dutch order awarded to eminent individuals from all walks of life, including generals, ministers, mayors, leading scientists, industrialists and high ranking civil servants, among others


1 C. als EF auf Kab-Drucksache 1857 mit blauem K2 BALT. PAID. nach Halifax in Canada, hs. Land Mail




The Indian Rebellion of 1857, known to the British as the “Great Mutiny” (also known as First War of Indian Independence), brought the consequence that the British government nationalized the EIC indirectly.


After this rebellion, the EIC lost all its administrative powers and dissolved on 1st of January



een van de eerste foto’s van Woodbury & Page

1857 Java

de tijger werd later “bijgeplakt” ???
We hebben dus nu zoo’n mooi foto album gekocht van Woodbury & Page en spoedden ons weer voorzichtig terug naar ons Hotel Des Indes, want wat we zojuist hebben gekocht is over zoo’n 150 jaar heel zeldzaam….

Woodbury & Page
werkzaam zijn, bij wie je prachtige foto’s van Batavia en omgeving kon verkrijgen.

het atelier van Woodbury & Page in Batavia

met het Britse wapenschild boven hun namen

Woodbury & Page in Batavia nemen het er even van en terecht….
Nu moet Aad eerlijk bekennen dat het nooit precies duidelijk is geworden wie is nu Woodbury en wie is nu Page. Maar in alle oude fotoboeken over o.m. Batavia kom je (bijna) altijd tegen dat de foto is genomen door Woodbury & Page…..dankzij hen kun je je helemaal verdiepen in het oude Batavia, wat Aad dus heel graag doet met al zijn boeken met foto’s van Woodbury & Page

Reeds in 1857 begonnen Walter Bentley Woodbury (1834 – 1885) en James Page (1833 – 1865) hun atelier in Batavia. Zij maakten grote reportages niet alleen van Batavia, maar ook van Java en dan natuurlijk altijd in de vroege nog koele ochtend, helaas dus zelden met een Europeaan op de foto. Later kwam nog een broer Henry James Woodbury erbij.
Uit advertenties is af te leiden dat je bij hen komplete albums kon kopen, nu natuurlijk onbetaalbaar en zeldzaam, maar gelukkig is er een paar jaar geleden een prachtig overzichtsboek verschenen door Aad binnen een dag gefinancierd….

Want als een van je hobbies Nederlands-Indië is, dan kun je ademloos naar een foto van Woodbury & Page kijken en dan weten dat hier ooit o.m. Loudon, van Swieten, Snouck Hurgronje, Köhler, van Daalen, Christoffel en natuurlijk de bekendere Van Heutsz en Colijn hebben rondgelopen. Wie dit allemaal waren :

Klik hier als je wilt zoeken via Aad’s Freefind search engine, vul in het venster jouw woord in, bijvoorbeeld Heutsz en klik op ENTER

De onderstaande foto is een van de eerste van Woodbury & Page geweest, waarschijnlijk uit 1857, de beroemde tijger foto gemaakt ergens op Java. De tijger sprong te vlug en daarom, aldus het verhaal, is de tijger er later “bijgeplakt”


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The Banjarmasin War (1859–1863) in southeast Kalimantan resulted in the defeat of the Sultan


Legendary story of Banjar War
Many legendary stories in Banjar War period that lasted from 1859 until 1865. one of which there are death squads called the Army War Beratib Ba-mall. Until now, the name of the force is still very legendary ….

Beginning of the conflict in the palace of Sultan Tahmudiah Banjar is when I died. He has a son who still small. Therefore, for while the power is held by Prince Tamjidillah I, brother, Sultan Tahmidillah I. But in fact, Prince Tamjidillah I not only became the guardian of his nephew was a kid, but took control with a smooth and would not return

the son of Sultan Tahmidillah I. Even to strengthen its position as the Sultan of his descendants in the future, Banjar land handed over to the Netherlands. Then by the Dutch were given to the Sultan hakPemerintahan Tamjid I and his descendants.

Therefore there was an armed uprising of Prince Amir (Prince Antasari a hero’s grandfather), a descendant of Sultan Tahmidillah I. However, resistance can be broken by the Dutch. He was later exiled to Ceylon or Sri Lanka.

To reconcile these two offspring, then, Adam Sultan Al Wasique Billah who is a descendant of Sultan Tamjidillah I married his daughter to Prince Antasari. But alas, the Queen died before giving Antasari trigger descent.

In addition, Prince Sultan Muda Abdurrahrnan also had a concubine of the Chinese nation. In 1817 the mistress gave birth to a son. Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman wanting sons became crown prince. Therefore then freed and married her legally and was named the Big Nyai Aminah. While his son was named Prince Tamjidilllah,

Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman desire is opposed by the grandfather and father of Sultan Sulaiman and Adam Sultan Al Wasiqu `Billah. They forced the young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman himself married to a cousin of Queen Siti, Miss Mangkubumi Nata.

Nata Mangkubumi besedia Young married his daughter to Prince Sultan Abdurrahman condition, later-born son will be king when the Sultan Muda died. This provision was approved, and the Sultan Muda had made a will on anyone who is entitled to the throne of the Sultanate of Banjar.

In Prince 1822Iahirlah Hidayatutlah. A few years later died so jabatan’tersebut Mangkubumi Nata. is empty. This opportunity was used by Prince Tamjid best, namely the Netherlands requested that appointed him in the Sultanate Mangkubumi Banjar. `With pleasure, of course, the Dutch agreed to because it will benefit the ‘they.’

In 1852 the Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman died suddenly. A day later with Pengeran Tamjid secretly sent a letter to the Resident of the Dutch in Yogyakarta to appoint him as the heir apparent to the promised delivery of the Sultanate of Banjar areas that prompted the Dutch origin of the request is approved. Once again the Dutch Prince’s request Tamjid, because this is an opportunity for the Dutch reap the fish in troubled waters, as well as running the political divide et empera: glassware and colonize.

On June 10, 1852 the Dutch crown prince Tamjid become crown prince. Of course this appointment caused angry reactions to the nobility, clergy and community on Prince Tamjid and its allies, especially the Dutch.

In April 1853, Sultan Adam, Son of the Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman sent envoys to Batavia to meet with Governor General of Dutch East Indies in order to request the cancellation of the appointment of justice PangeranTamjid become crown prince and Prince Setting Hidayatullah become crown prince in accordance with the testament of Sultan Adam. But this request was rejected by the Dutch East Indies governor. This adds to the heat of the political climate in the Kingdom of Banjar Prince Tamjid so do not dare to live in the palace which is located diIbukota Banjar Jewels Temple (City of Gems) that the person called Banjar City Martapura now Martapura Banjar regency’s capital.

Tamjid Prince Sultan fled to Banjarmasin. To cool the political atmosphere is getting warmer, finally. HidayatuIlah into Dutch raised Pengeran Mangkubumi previously held by PangeranTamjid and set PangeranTamjid as crown prince. Besides capturing the Dutch Prince and banished him to the King Anom Banjarmasin because it is considered as a provocateur who oppose the decisions of the Netherlands.

To avoid unwanted things to his son, then, the Sultan had come to accompany Prince Adam King moved to Banjarmasin Anom. When gering, or severe illness, he was taken to the palace in Martapura Banjar. On November 01, 1857 he died and was buried in Martapura

On 3 November 1857 the Dutch crown prince as the king’s successor Sultan Tamjid Adam, and the Prince immediately ordered the arrest of Prince Tamjid Anom King then threw to Bogor, West Java.

In 1858, there is a continual movement of people who want to restore the kingdom of culture and the concessions that have been damaged due to the inclusion of power penjajajah Netherlands.

EMERGENCE bead cherished daughter of froth

Mentioned, magical princess who emerged from the foaming whirlpools, then by Gastric Mangkurat crowned as queen in the Kingdom of Dipa Nagara, and then married to the Majapahit royal palace, Raden Putra

After marriage with Princess Bubble cherished, Raden Putra became king in the Kingdom under the name Prince Dipa Nagara Ananta Surya (son of the sun). According to legend Banjar society, they both, in the end mokswa or disappear into the invisible realm and became a ruler in the palace of Magical Mountain Pamaton

According to public confidence, they could both dripping or possessed bodies of people they want.

Thus, when the political temperature in the Kingdom of Banjar is getting hot because the Dutch intervened at the coronation of Prince Tamjid as king in the Kingdom of Banjar to replace Adam Sultan because Sultan Muda Prince Abdurrahman had died first. In fact, the nobility, clergy and the people willed Banjar Hidayatullah became Prince Sultan, according to the testament or the testament of Sultan previous

One of the pious scholars in Kumbayau Tambarangan, Overseas (Regency But right now), named Datu Aling are concerned about the crisis in the palace Banjar. Accordingly, it is because he salampah or penance with his own solitude, fasting, prayer, and remembrance wird, and other practice-practice to draw closer to God, accompanied by a request that the instructions given and the solution to the crisis that is happening in the palace Banjar . Datu Aling_dilaksanakan penance for nine months nine days, beginning in April 1858 until. by February 1859.

On February 2, 1859 to coincide with the 10th Rajab 1275 H; Datu Aling visited by kings and magical kingdom of Banjar Datu Aling asked to bring Prince Muning Antasari to the area. He will start the New Kingdom until the rightful king was elected.

On 13 Rajab 1275 AH, Princess Datu named Aling Saranti, cherished daughter was possessed by Bubble. He is married with a young man asked village named Dulasa because in her magical spirit benemayam Prince Surya Ananta.

Hearing all that, then, was Aling Datu daughter Implementing all these desires. Once married to Dulasa, then, Saranti be named espouse Bubble Princess and her husband Prince Surya Dulasa named Ananta. Datu Aling then announced to the public about Saranti coronation, the king cherished Princess Bubble Bead. Kumbayau area was renamed the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. As a king in the Kingdom Tambay Mecca, Saranti Bead Princess Bubble lift ayahya cherished, Datu Aling, as Panembahan, brother Sambang given the title of the Yellow Emperor, his sister was given the title Queen of the Sacred Nuramin, while the husband was given the title as Mangkubumi Nuramin Kusuma Nagara, Bayan Sampit, Garuntung waluh, Garumung manau, Kindaui Aji, Kindui Mu `l, splitting Batung, Panimba Sagara, there is also the Commander Juntai In Sky and others.

Tambay Mecca kingdom separate from the Sultanate of Banjar and not subject to the Dutch colonizers. Bubble bead Saranti cherished became queen in Mecca KerajaanTambay only as a symbol of the head of state, while the affairs of government are held, by Penembahan Muda Datu Aling. As a Panembahan, the pious, just and wise he is working with Immediate Banua Ampat, namely: Banua Halat, Banua Gadung, Banua Padang and Banua Parigi. They are subject to the Datu Aling. Then follow the same Banua Top, Trunk Hulu, Guava, Amandit and Pangabau

To his followers, Datu Aling always instill the spirit of jihad for the sake of fighting injustice and occupation. The call for jihad Aling Datu who received tremendous response from the community, was made Prince of the Netherlands felt teracam Tamjid its position. For the Dutch Resident in Banjarmasin send a team consisting of the Chief Prosecutor. Suryadinata prince and the prince of the Head of Prince Muhammad Seman accompanied by 120 followers

Knowing the Will of their arrival, then, was Aling Datu Yellow Emperor ordered his troops to prepare his jihad as many as 700 people complete with weapons drawn

to keep all possibilities that bakal_terjadi.Tentu Dutch Resident is just the messenger gasped to see so many forces in Datu Aling the STAP jihad fighters if they do sort-rnacam. Because they just want to see the actual situation in the Kingdom of Mecca, they were welcome to meet at the Palace of Datu Aling Tambay Mecca.

After hearing reports messenger, once again ordered the Dutch Resident Mangkubumi Prince Hidayatullah to deal with the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. Then sent Prince Prince Hidayatullah Antasari. Kesuma Jantera Prince and Prince Omar Sharif to meet Datu Aling, Datu Aling During the meeting explaining the intent and purpose of establishment of the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. It turned out that what is conveyed by Datu Aling dengart hand in hand what is desired by Prince Antasari. Until finally terjadilahn matchmaking agreement between the child named Antasari Prince Prince Mohammed Said with Saranti Bead Princess Bubble who have been widowed cherished.

Thus grew stronger the position of Datu Aling due 30 days after the wedding with Prince Muhammad Said Saranti, the incarnation of Princess Bubble cherish, then, Prince Antasari began to actively lead the popular movement in Banua Ampat and Banua five are directed to the Dutch.

28 April 1859 Puncaknyapada jihadists from Datu Aling Banua Banua Ampat and five under the leadership of Prince Antasari, attacked the Dutch fortress in Pengaron Orange Nassau. The attack was very successful. That was the beginning of the outbreak of the War Banjar. Finally, the battle also extends to various areas in South Kalimantan

As retaliation for the collapse of bastion of Orange Nassau in Pengaron, then, on 16 November 1859, suddenly attacked the Dutch defense forces Yellow Emperor. This attack was greeted with cries of Allahu Akbar by jihadi forces under the command of Sultan Datu Aling Yellow. In battle, the leader of the Dutch army captain killed by a spear Benschop. That day came again a platoon of the larger Dutch troops, but all were driven back.

In the evening, come back bigger Dutch troops to storm the bastion of Datu Aling Muning ie in the mosque. The battle occurred overnight. Datu Aling, Saranti Along with a few people remained loyal followers in the mosque. Aling Datu did not want to surrender to the Dutch even though the fire had licked all the mosques are made of wood. Finally, Datu Aling and Saranti was killed as a martyr.

Listen to the death of Datu Aling and Saranti, then, Prince Antasari issued a slogan which reads “Heram manyareh, waja until ka nipple: (haram surrendered to the Dutch until the last drop of blood)”


Attacks on the forts, coal mines, warships and other Dutch possessions to make the colonists could not do anything about it. Until June 25, 1859 forced the Dutch Prince Tamjid turunt ahta and throw it to Bogor. Prince is being run from the palace Martapura Hidayatullah joined Prince Antasari.

The battle occurred not only in South Kalimantan region, but extends to Central Kalimantan. Central Kalimantan is the field of battle Barito, Kapuas and Katingan led by Prince Antasari, accompanied by the original Surapati Tumenggung Dayak tribe. Martapura and Tang Sea region led by Lehman Demat, Region Five Banua led by Jalil degree Kiyai Wall Duke Anom king.

After the Netherlands asked for help to Batavia, then, berdatanganlah warships and complete with soldiers and cannon-cannon. Onrust Warships sailing to Barito to capture Prince Antasari metalui Tumenggung Surapati. However Tumenggung Surapati not want to sell out despite promises prizes of several thousand Dutch Guilders if Tumenggung Surapati could give Prince Antasari.

On December 26, 1859, suddenly Tumenggung Surapati with his men attacked the ship Onrust In this incident commander Onrust warships and 93 of his men were killed. The guns and cannon cannon transported ashore while his ship was sunk. Meanwhile, the warship sailed Tjipanas Martapura River came under fire from Demat Lehman and his men so hastily returned to Banjarmasin.

On June 11, 1860, proclaimed the abolition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands makes the Banjar and the region as a Dutch colony. Thus the war against the Dutch because the Dutch are no longer intervene in the area of Banjar palace, but the war against Dutch colonialism who want to destroy the Muslims. Therefore, in 1861 came the death squads to defend the religion of Islam. The force is called Ba-Baratib War Forces charity. The cornerstone of their struggle is the sentence of God, Hadith Prophet Muhammad, ask syafa’at 40 prophets, sacred science of the Datu and Heroes. Before progressing to the battlefield, first, they purify the body of hadast with shower and ablution, then dressed in white like clothing Rasullullah war era. They also fasted then beratib ba charity (practice / mewiridkan one practice: Pen) until I forget myself. Then advanced into battle to face the enemy. They believe, if they fall in battle against the infidels Dutch and their allies, they die a martyr.

Leaders of the movement of Ba `War Beratib this mall is the religious teachers and the prince. Among the leaders of the Army War Baratib Perhaps this is the charity of Banua Lawas Badr Haji, the prince of Rashid, and Abdul Gani Buyasin headman of the village Amuntai Basil.

Sementera it Pula, Prince Hidayatullah who has been crowned as the Sultan of the Kingdom of Banjar in Amuntai repeatedly received offers of peace from the Netherlands, but the offer was always declined. With the ruse. Dutch Prince Hidayatullah tricked to come to-Martapura on orders Siti’s mother Queen Dowager. Queen Mother Queen Siti who can not read Latin letters to the Dutch believe it enough to sign a letter written by the Kingdom of the Netherlands as well as stamped Banjar. As a pious man, of Prince Hidatullah afraid of his mother. Hidayatullah Prince came to Martapura on March 3, 1862. Rock aat the same way, he was arrested and exiled to Cianjur.

Prince Antasari continue the struggle against the Dutch. But unfortunately he was a sickly start to Rahmatullah finally passed away on October 11, 1862.

Nevertheless, the war continues. Commander of the Army War Beratib Ba-Hajj Amal Buyasin fall in battle, following the then Chairman of the prince Rashid, Commander of Bukhari, Tumenggung State Tigers, Tumenggung Naro, and others,

Demat Lehman, leader of the guerrilla war untukwilayah Martapura Land Sea and was caught by fraud Dutch in Slippery Rock area and then transported to Martapura and hanged to death in the plaza III (now the Great Mosque of Al-page KaromahPen) Martapura. After that head cut off and sent to Holland. And there is a necklace around her neck ajimat. When ajimat is opened in it there is a white paper that read Arabic letters that people which means free or die


The Banjarmasin War (1859–1863) in southeast Kalimantan resulted in the defeat of the Sultan









Multatuli [1860] …aan Nederland…Koning Willem III

….dat dorp stond in brand, omdat het veroverd was door Nederlandsche soldaten…….

Ja, ‘t dorp was veroverd door Nederlandsche soldaten, en stond dus in brand.

Op Nederlandsche heldendaad volgt brand.
Nederlandsche overwinning leidt tot verwoesting.
Nederlandsche krygsbedryven baren wanhoop.

Maar terug naar ons verhaal:


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1861. Entire letter to Bordeaux from Batavia with blue prepaid datestamp of despatch (Feb 2) and thence via Suez and Marseille (March 15). Charged 16 decimes handstruck on arrival in black






1862 (14 May). Batavia – USA. Stampless env via London (27 June) + British Packet / Boston + 7sh / 7d + 20c US Charge. On reverse Singapore GPO May 1862 red cds


In 1862 werden in Paleis Rijswijk de eerste gasverlichtings armaturen van Batavia aangebracht.


Ook in 1862 verscheen een wat negatief commentaar over Paleis Rijswijk: waarom werd dit armetierige gebouw Paleis genoemd, aan de voorzijde hangt weliswaar het Wapen van het Koninkrijk van Nederland, maar de rest van het gebouw lijkt meer op een paardenstal dan een Paleis een Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië waardig.



01/07/1863 – 30/06/1868 C.F.W. Wiggers van Kerchem
Wiggers van Kerchem was appointed President per July 1, 1863. Wiggers van Kerchem was a member of the firm Tiedeman & van Kerchem in Batavia prior to his appointment. Per decree of June 30, 1868, it was decided to discharge Wiggers van Kerchem in the most honorable way. After finishing the concept of the fifth Exclusive Right that should be implemented per April 1, 1870, Wiggers van Kerchem decided to return to Europe for retirement


Very rare 1863 (5 Sept). Scotland – Batavia. Fkd GB E / 10d rate. Via Singapore fwding agent on front Martin Dice & Cº + boxed. Postage / 6 British Share offi 6d (xxx / RR) of transit charge + 1 shilling at dest. Reverse London. Exceptional exhibition rarity with pmks usage



Woodbury & Page

vanuit de Benedenstad langs het Molenvliet (links) meteen rechts de ingang van ons hote lin de verte links De Harmonie met rechts in dat ronde gebouw de Frank leermaker Oger Frèves

Hotel des Indes in 1863



Rare 1864, Post Offices Not Controlled By India – BATAVIA (Dutch East India): entire letter from Batavia, Java to London with small boxed ”INDIA PAID/BY BATAVIA” in black. This mark was applied by the Dutch P.O. in Batavia to all letters sent by the P.& O. Steamers to show that the steam postage had been paid. Endorsed ‘Per English Mail via Marseilles’ and ‘India Paid’, backstamped ”SINGAPORE P.O./6 APR(inverted)/1864” in red double circle, and despatch and arrival cds’s.

“Tarif à 30c pour le CHILI” : 1864 10c(n°21)+ 20c(n°22) sur lettre du HAVRE pour VALPAR
AISO. Tarif à 30c des batiments de Commerces(Par navire PADANG). TTB


The idea for a variety of new things realized in 1864. Based Besluit Governor-General dated August 7, 1864 No.18, Bandung defined as the central government Priangan Residency.

Thus, since then the city of Bandung has a double function, namely as the Capital District as well as the capital of Bandung Residency Priangan. At that time, who became Regent of Bandung is Wiranatakusumah RA IV (1846-1874).






De Javasche Bank note issues 1864


De Javasche Bank note issues, January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.

info source:Rob Huisman

In 1863, De Javasche Bank, was the circulation bank of the Netherlands Indies. One would expect it to be a well-established colonial institution, however the opposite is true. Research at the archives of the printer Joh. Enschede en Zonen at the Museum Enschedé in Haarlem, the Netherlands, shows a completely different picture. The board and especially the President of De Javasche Bank were directly involved in detail in all operational matters related to the design and ordering of their banknotes


01/07/1868 – 31/03/1870 J.W.C. Diepenheim
Wiggers van Kerchem was succeeded by Diepenheim by decree of June 30, 1868. Diepenheim who proviously was Secretary for two years, was President for a short period. He resigned shortly after the fifth Exclusive Right was made public. On March 18, 1870, his resignation was accepted. Diepenheim died in The Hague on May 21, 1875 in the age of 75.

01/04/1870 – 31/03/1873 F. Alting Mees (LL.M.)
By decree of March 19, 1870, Alting Mees was appointed to the position of President of the Javasche Bank. Alting Mees, previously lawyer and attorney, already served the bank as director for several years. Due to his appointment to President of the two high courts of the Netherlands Indies, he left the Javasche Bank per March 31, 1873.


01/04/1873 – 01/09/1889 N.P. van den Berg (LL.M.)                               
Norbertus Petrus van den Berg was chosen as the next President of the Javasche bank from two nominees and was appointed per decree of March 20, 1873. After more than 16 years of service, Van den Berg left the Netherlands Indies in 1889 to become Director of the Nederlandsche Bank and two years later President for a period of 21 years until the age of 81. He passed away in Amsterdam on January 8, 1917.

De Javasche Bank 1864-1895

January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.
Info Sources: Rob Huisman

In 1863, De Javasche Bank, founded in 1828, is a circulation bank in the Netherlands Indies. One would expect to become an established colonial institutions, but the opposite is true. Research in archives John printer. Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem Museum in Enschede, the Netherlands, showed a completely different picture. Council President De Javasche and in particular the Bank is directly involved in operational detail in everything related to design and order their paper money

Section 4, January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.

In 1863,

De Javasche Bank, founded in 1828, is a circulation bank in the Netherlands Indies.
One would expect to become an established colonial institutions, but the opposite is true.
Research in archives John printer. Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem Museum in Enschede,
The Netherlands, showed a completely different picture. Council and in particular President De
Javasche Bank directly involved in operational detail in all matters related to the design and
to order their paper money.

Reading through all the correspondence carefully stored and arranged between Javasche Bank
and printing companies in the homeland, one can feel the atmosphere of modern
entrepreneurial start-up companies. President (CEO) of E. Francis De Javasche Bank (DJB) and
Wiggers van Kerchem successor, wrote a letter to John. Enschede en Zn. (Later called the “Heeren
Enschedee te Haarlem “) on a regular basis to order the new banknotes, commenting on the quality and implementation
command, complained about delays in delivery, and often underscores the urgent need for new supplies to
those remote regions.

Most striking is that they often mention that the cost is to limit the maximum
important. The letters are written with beautiful calligraphy and using ways of polite and politically correct
complaining, urging, comment and criticize. Words such as “worry”, “disappointed”, “propose” and
“Like” is used regularly and frequently suggestions and proposals submitted by completing the statement
such as:

“But we rely on your expertise in this regard and believe you will make the right decision”.
E. Francis (he signed his letters with M. Francis), third President of Javasche Bank, started as a
employees in 1815 and worked his way in the service of civil government to finally be over
available to the Commissioner General of the servant. From 1848 to 1850 Francis is the Superintendent of Financial
and in 1851 he was honorably discharged from government service. Furthermore, Francis was appointed
Javasche to the President of the Bank under the decision dated March 4, 1851. In the early sixties of the 19th century,
De Javasche Bank started to prepare a complete new emission of paper money the Dutch East Indies. In
cooperation with the Nederlandsche Bank, De Javasche Bank is pointing towards the Netherlands
printer “De Heeren Enschedee” (now known as John. Enschede en Zn. (Enschede Security)) to have
The new banknotes are designed and manufactured. Francis was personally involved in the process and
communicate with the printer on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Francis did not stay in the office to see
the results of his efforts. At the request of Francis himself honorably discharged per July 1, 1863
The decision by 20 April 1863. In 1864 Francis published the book “De-beginselen regerings van
Nederlandsch Indie: getoetst aan de behoefte van moederland en kolonie “, expressed his
dissatisfaction with the implementation of a new economic system in the Netherlands Indies and
proposed inquiry by an independent committee. In 1869 Francis issued a request to
Dutch Parliament about his famous right to payment of pensions to retired civil servants
Government of the Netherlands Indies. This response proposal and the request is not found, leading to
believe that Francis ignored by the establishment and must fight for that trust and pension
pay the old days.
In a letter from Francis dated January 31, 1863, with the management of the Nederlandsche Bank, which
evidence has confirmed receipt of the record and the evidence has been approved. In the same letter Francis
raised some comments that he wanted to address:
– Size note: DJB prefer to be the difference in size between the records of 100 and 50
guilders. This means that the records of 1000, 500, 300, 200 and 100 will be great, and notes
of 50, 25 and 10 will be small size. DJB stated that if the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) think
the divide should be between 25 and 10 guilders, DJB will also agree.
– Character value in the corner records should be larger.
– Lions at 10 guilders note has an expression, surprised almost frightened. DJB would like
lion to have a more relaxed expression symbolizes strength.

– DJB would prefer that the signature is placed under the words “Secretary” and “President” and demand
words to be printed under the date as high as possible.
– DJB prefer that the date is printed on a printer that was not applied in (Joh. Enschede en Zn.)
DJB after arrival. In the case of a printer to print the date, Francis suggests choosing a date is not be
Christian holiday or Sunday and about 6 months after the date of expected departure from the
paper money.
– DJB stated that they calculated six months for the duration of the trip and apply numbers and
signatures for the amount of paper money needed for the exchange of banknotes in circulation today.
In early 1870 the delivery of DJB’s request to be sent through the Suez Canal opened, reducing the
travel time by more than 50%.

De Javasche fourth President of the Bank,

C.F.W. Wiggers van Kerchem, took office on July 1
1863 and continue the process of ordering new issues of paper money.
During the period January 1864 – April 1895, serial number and signature on the front and
cons in the opposite sign printed locally by the Bank in the Netherlands Indies Javasche on
complete records are sent from the printers in the Netherlands. The Bank also Javasche
ordering equipment numbering stamps and signatures of the printer and some blank signature stamps
in the case of signatories will change, allowing them to carve out a new signature stamps
own local. Together with the first order of 1864 new banknotes, the Bank Javasche
ordered the mechanic to accompany numbering machine and take care of the machine becomes
production. Willem Hooij contracted by Joh. Enschede en Zonen for traveling to Batavia in
Dutch East Indies and install the machine. In a letter from Hooij to John. Enschede en Zonen date
August 12, 1864, he wrote about President patient from Javasche Bank makes
difficulties because Hooij not get the machine installed in one day. Wiggers van Kerchem
invite a local printer to meet and together they underestimate Hooij.
161a – from private collections, with the Contra Mark printed in the lower right corner opposite.
All banknotes issued by the De Javasche Bank in the Dutch East Indies during the period 1864 to 1931
and printed by Johan Enschede en Zonen, bringing counter-sign, printed in the lower right corner or
lower center of the opposite. A code that is printed in black on the cap ellipse with a triangular shape
pointing outwards and have up to 5 numbers. Countries lower denomination notes issued during this
period does not have this mark.

Collectors who are familiar with the Dutch East Indies paper money from
This period may be aware that there is a relationship between the date of issuance and cons
the sign. Although it looks like a date then the higher the score, in reality this is not always
the case.
In order to determine the proper application of the mark cons, I gather more information about
than 150 records starting from 1864 to 1931. When setting up and organizing all relevant information
such as date, serial number and the cons, I observed the following:
– One of the unique sign of a counter is always connected to only one specific date of issue
– One of the specified date there are problems with different security code, but the security code that is close
– When a record is more of the same problem occurs with the same date and security code, the record has
combinations of the same character in the serial number
– When the date occurs with more than one mark each sign cons cons unique place with different
combinations of characters in the serial number of a specific problem or a sign of a counter connected to the
other denominations issued
– Many have missed the date, there are many days or weeks gap between one and the subsequent counter-sign
– Note the different denominations issued on the same date with different sign cons
– It seems that a range of sequence numbers is used to sign a counter that includes all the notes issued
from the entire period
– There are some exceptions in which the later date has a number of counter low marks
– No combination of different character serial number of a particular denomination with
same counter-sign.
– Changes from 4 to 5 digits occur in the course of 1918
– Note EXAMPLE frequently have signs that are not suitable to deviate counter the usual sequential increase
counter-sign and date.
Clearly, the Bank managed the Netherlands will keep detailed records of the security code and
dates and serial numbers of all paper money issued. It is unknown whether this note De Javasche
Banks still exist in archives somewhere today, although there are rumors that this record is still
present in the archives of Bank Indonesia in Jakarta.
Based on the “Note by PJ Soetens, former conservator DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank), the archive
Geldmuseum, Utrecht, The Netherlands “, I conclude that the Bank used the sign of De Javasche cons
number to identify a separate batch of unfinished bills are transported between
various departments, where they were printed with the serial number and signature, and finally
stored in a vault teller before circulation
Archives of Enschede Museum contains many original orders, production records,
delivery of information and also letters from Batavia where Javasche Bank confirms receipt
shipments. The author makes an overview of all this data and be able to specify the exact amount of
issued notes for each date of issuance. The number of issued notes mentioned in the summary below
should be regarded as a minimum. There is strong evidence that these figures actually incurred.
Although it is possible that more records were published, the opportunity – while there is no distinct
detailed records mention them – very small.
Here is an overview of the different banknotes and their varieties are printed in Johan
Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem, the Netherlands which will be issued by the De Javasche Bank in Batavia,
Dutch East Indies. Although there are rumors about another date of issue and signature combinations,
Overview below lists only those banknotes and varieties that writers have sufficient evidence that
they actually exist.
Java Auction Catalog (7), Cookies (15) and Mevius (16) mentions Van Duyn as a signatory, but
no one by that name is part of the board of DJB during the period. It seems that the signature
of H.P.J. van den Berg (Secretary of 19/10/1893 – 17/01/1899) has been mistaken as it looks like
Van Duyn. H.P.J. van den Berg, brother of the past president of the Bank Javasche NP van den Berg,
appointed as successor to President Groeneveld is on January 17, 1899, but died on February 9, 1899
in Nice, before actually starting his new position.



5 Gulden

1 Oktober 1866
issued : 100,000

10 Gulden

1 Februari 1864
issued : 350.000

25 Gulden

1 Agustus 1864
issued : 120.000


50 Gulden

174 – 1 September 1864
withdrawed l 1872 becaus e too many counterfiet circulated
issued : 40.000

100 Gulden

1 Maret 1864
issued : 60.000

200 Gulden


1 Januari 1864
issued : 16,010
Watermark: “JAV BANK.” and two  “200”  __________________________________________________________________________

300 Gulden

193 – 2 Mei 1864
issued : 6.000

500 Gulden

197 – 1 Juni 1864
197c – koleksi Museum Enschede (BB2140 28/13)

198 – 1 Juni 1872

issued : 2.000

1000 Gulden

1 Juli 1864
issued : 14,998



Dutch Indies NVPH 1 hinged

1864 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. wijnrood

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 400,00



Dutch Indies NVPH 1 used

1864 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. wijnrood

Mooie gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00

Halfround CDS on DEI first and second stamps

(courtecy Pipiet Sulistyowati)






1865, stampless native envelope w. framed „FRANCO” and violet „CHERIBON 15 9 1865” alongisde to Singapore, on reverse framed ”SINGAPORE/SHIPLETTER 10 OC. ..„ and ”SINGAPORE / PAID„

1865 (14 Sept). Batavia – India. Staylers envelope with contains. Arrival accts charge mark + red Bombay Oct 4,65 on reverse. VF appealing item.[


Photograph of night watchmen in Batavia by Isidore van Kinsbergen, 1865

Painting of Mount Merapi erupting in 1865, by Raden Saleh



Unusual 1866, “BATAVIA FRANCO” auf Brief nach Bremen über Triest mit blauem Tax-Vermerk “6” in guter Bedarfserhaltung


The emblems of the Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij

were deposed in 1866. They consisted of a larger emblem, a medial emblem and a cypher. [18]

GRECIA. 1866 (Jan.). Entire letter from CALIMNO to TRIESTE, with fine strike of oval Forwarding Agent´s cachet GEORGES CALVOCORESSI/SYRA in blue at upper left and SYROS despatch cds´s. Charged in manuscript with ´28´ (kreuzer) due marking on arrival. A fine entire.

Unusual Càd rouge BATAVIA sur lettre pour Bordeaux, taxe tampon 12 et très rare Càd d’entrée rouge (faible) INDES NEERL. / PAQ. BR. AMB. MARS. 1866. – B / TB.

In 1860 verkocht Wijss het hotel weer door aan de Fransman Cresonnier en deze Cresonnier was degene die Woodbury & Page foto’s liet maken van zijn Hotel Des Indes, waarom ? Inderdaad, om met deze
fotographieën reclame te maken…..

En dus hier slechts twee foto’s genomen van Hotel Des Indes door Woodbury & Page :


In 1866 ,



Bickmore stories …

Prof. Albert S. Bickmore was traveling in Sumatra, he saw not a little of these people, and he believed then that the place where their aboriginal civilization sprang up was very likely on the shores of that famous Sumatran lake, Lake Toba, and upon the neighboring plateau of Silindung. From this locality they gradually occupied an extensive domain in the in- terior, which was extended upon either side to the seacoast. Eventually, however, the Malays spread along the coast line, and thus confined the Battaks once more to the interior.


The origin of the Battas is doubtful

Battas or Dutch Battaks, the inhabitants of the formerly independent Batta country, in the central highlands of Sumatra, now for the most part subjugated to the Dutch government. The still independent area extends from 9 8 °-99° 35′ E., and 2°-3° 25′ S. North-east of Toba Lake dwell the Timor Batta [ Batak Timur = Simalungun now, red], and west of it the Pakpak [Dairi, red ], but on its north (in the mountains which border on the east coast residency) the Karo Batta [ Batak Karo , red ] form a special group, which, by its dialects and ethnological character, appears to be allied to the Gajus [ suku Gayo , red ] and Alias [suku Alas : red] occupying the interior of Achin [Aceh : red ].

The origin of the Battas is doubtful. It is not known whether they were settled in Sumatra before the Hindu period. Their language contains words of Sanskrit origin and others referable to Javanese, Malay and Tagal influence. Their domain has been doubtless much curtailed, and their absorption into the Achin and Malay population seems to have been long going on.

Battas are physically quite different from the Malay type

The Battas are undoubtedly of Malayan stock, and by most authorities are affiliated to that Indonesian pre-Malayan race which peopled the Indian Archipelago, expelling the aboriginal negritos, and in turn themselves submitting to the civilized Malays. In many points the Battas are physically quite different from the Malay type. The average height of the men is 5 ft. 4 in.[± 160-170 cm , red ]; of the women 4 ft. 8 in [± 130 – 140 cm , red ].


The Battas are dirty in their dress and dwellings and eat any kind of food

In general build they are rather thickset, with broad shoulders and fairly muscular limbs. The colour of the skin ranges from dark brown to a yellowish tint, the darkness apparently quite independent of climatic influences or distinction of race. The skulll is rather ovall than round. In marked contrast to the Malay type are the large, black, longshaped eyes, beneath heavy, black or dark brown eyebrows. The cheek-bones are somewhat prominent, but less so than among the Malays. The Battas are dirty in their dress and dwellings and eat any kind of food, though they live chiefly on rice. They are remarkable as a people who in many ways are cultured and possess a written language of their own, and yet are cannibals.
Battaks have long been notorious for the most revolting forms of cannibalism
The more civilized of them around Lake Toba are good agriculturists and stock-breeders, and understand iron-smelting. They weave and dye cotton, make jewellery and krisses which are often of exquisite workmanship, bake pottery, and build picturesque chalet-like houses of two storeys. They have an organized government, hereditary chiefs, popular assemblies, and a written civil and penal code. There is even an antiquated postal; system, the letter-boxes being the hollow tree trunks at crossroads. Yet in spite of this comparative culture the Battas have long been notorious for the most revolting forms of cannibalism. ( see: Memoirs of the Life, &c., of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, 1830.)

Battaks is mainly confined to a belief in three gods concept

The Battas are the only lettered people of the Indian Archipelago who are not Mahommedans. Their religion is mainly confined to a belief in evil spirits, but they recognize three gods, a Creator, a Preserver and a Destroyer, like a trinity suggestive of Hindu influence.
Up to the publication of Dr H. N. van der Tuuk’s essay, Over schrift en uitspraak der Tobasche taal (1855), our knowledge of the Batta language was confined to lists of words more or less complete, chiefly to be found in W. Marsden’s Miscellaneous Works, in F. W. Junghuhn’s Battalander, and in the Tijdschrift van het Bataviaasch Genootschap, vol. iii. (1855). By his exhaustive works (Bataksch Leesboek, in 4 vols., 1861-1862; Batakschnederduitsch Woordenboek, 1861; Tobasche Spraakkunst, 1864-1867) van der Tuuk made the Batta language the most accessible of the various tongues spoken in Sumatra.


Batta is poor in general terms, but abounds in terms for special objects

According to him, it is nearest akin to the old Javanese and Tagal, but A. Schreiber (Die Battas in ihrem Verheiltnis zu den Malaien von Sumatra, 1874) endeavoured to prove its closer affinity with the Malay proper. Like most languages spoken by less civilized tribes, Batta is poor in general terms, but abounds in terms for special objects. The number of dialects is three, viz. the Toba, the Mandailing and the Dairi dialects; the first and second have again two subdivisions each.
The Battas further possess six peculiar or recondite modes of speech, such as the Hata Andung, or language of the wakes, and the Hata Poda or the soothsayer’s language.
A fair acquaintance with reading and writing is very general among them. Battaks’s alphabet is said, with the Rejang and Lampong alphabets, to be of Indian origin.
The language is written on bark or bamboo staves from bottom to top, the lines being arranged from left to right. The literature consists chiefly in books on witchcraft, in stories, riddles, incantations, &c., and is mostly in prose, occasionally varied by verse.’
See also “Reisen nach dem Toba See,” Petermanns Mitteil. (1883); Modigliani, Fra i Batacchi indipendenti (Rome, 1892); Neumann, “Het Paneen Bilastroomgebiad,” Tydschr. Aardr. Gen., 1885-1887; Van Dijk in the same periodical (1890-1895); Wing Easton in the Jaarboek voor het Mynwezen, 1894; Niemann in the Encyclopaedia van Nederlandsch-Indie, under the heading Bataks, with very detailed bibliography; Baron J. v. Brenner, Besuch bei den Kannibalen Sumatras (Wurzburg, 1893); H. Breitenstein, 21 Jahre in Indien, Java, Sumatra (Leipzig, 1899-1900); G. P. Rouffaer, Die BatikKunst in niederlcindisch-Indien and ihre Geschichte (Haarlem, 1899).



1867, vorphilatelistischer Brief aus Benkoelen (Küstenprovinz in Sumatra)nach den Niederlanden, schwarzer „FRANCO” cds. und roter Ankunftsstempel „S’GRAVENHAGE JUN 67”.



In line with the development function, in the city of Bandung was built buildings in the area Cicendo prefecture (now the Home Office of the Governor of West Java) and a government hotel. The building was completed residency in 1867.







Dutch Indies NVPH 2 hinged

1868 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. karmijnrood

Mooie ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met originele bruinige gom + cert. NVPH

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 1500,00+++


Dutch Indies NVPH 2 used

1868 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. karmijnrood

Mooie gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 225,00


1868 – Envelope from Cheribon (Java Island) May 1, 1868 to Samarang (Java Island), bearing 10 cent. lake (Yv. 1 – King William III), tied by “Cheribon/1/5/1868/Franco” semi-circle postmark. Alongside same postmark in black over c.d.s. in red of Cheribon. On the reverse c.d.s. of Samarang “3/5/1868” on arrival. Several handstamps on the front and back in Javanese language. Very fine and rare. Est E 10000,-

1868, incoming mail: stampless cover from Netherlands w. red „TERBORGH 8 APR 68” endorsed „Via Marseilles” to Benkoelen/Sumatra w. red arrival „BENKOELEN 28/5 1868


DEI Half cent castcoin 1858

The Town Hall in the old city center built in 1710 (3rd building)

Military parade in front of the statue of Jan Pietersz. Coen at Waterloo-square during the coronation celebrations of Queen Wilhelmina, 1898.

The Artesian well at Salemba, 1885.

The Artesian well at the Koningsplein square, 1885.

The City Theatre, 1865

The ‘Landsarchief’ – the colonial archives, housed in a former country house built around 1760

A typical Chinese house.

The shop of ‘Eigen Hulp’ at the Molenvliet-West canal, 1890.

Building in the botanical gardens and zoo.

Bathing kids in the Molenvliet canal next to ‘De Harmonie’ society builing. (Architect: J.C. Schultze, 1815)‘De Harmonie’ society building, 1875.

The Aceh monument at the Koningsplein square

The protestant Willemskerk, 1875.

Museum of the Society for Arts and History. (Built in 1862)

Military Society on the east side of the Waterlooplein square, corner Sipajersweg-road.

www.geheugenvannederland.nlMilitary Society Concordia.

Weltevreden Palace at the Koningsplein square, 1880.

Soldiers in front of a ‘watch-house’ of Weltevreden Palace, 1880.

Audience-hall in the Palace

The Palace (back), 1875.

palace interior

Volksraad or Council of the Indies Building or Raad van Indië (founded in 1918).


Private estate in Rijswijk in Batavia, 1875.

www.geheugenvannederland.nlPrivate estate, 1856-1878.









Off cover Semicircle cheribon PMK 28.11.1869

Batavia half round PMK to cognae

DUTCH INDIES 1868-73, Six folded entires to France from the Dutch Indies, all with semi-circle BATAVIA desptach cds, plus one item from Sydney/Australia, fine (Est. € 100/200)


In 1869 kreeg Gouverneur-Generaal Pieter Mijer toestemming voor de bouw van Paleis Koningsplein.

1866 – 1872

Gouverneur-Generaal Pieter Mijer


Rare Off cover wille II perf second DEI stamp

CDS semicircle Buitenzorg 18.6.1870

Dutch Indies Proof 12-a hinged (scan A)


Emissie 1870 – Koning Willem III – Proef 12-a 10 cent zwart
Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel
Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 25,00






Dutch Indies Proof 17-a hinged (scan A)


Emissie 1870 – Koning Willem III – 17-a 10 cent geelgroen
Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel
Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 85,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00+



Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F MNH

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – schaarse zegel!!! + fotocertificaat C. Muis –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 600,00+++

Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F used

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige gebruikte (used) zegel – lastige zegel!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00+


Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F MNH block

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige postfris (MNH) blok  – als blok zeer schaars!!!!  !    + fotocertificaat NKD – zegels zijn ook los te bestellen met kopie fotocertificaat ad € 495 per stuk – also 1 piece € 495 with copy certificate!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 2400,00+++








Dutch Indies NVPH 3 hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type I

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 15,00



Dutch Indies NVPH 4 hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type II

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 10,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 4 MNH

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type II

Mooie postfrisse (MNH) zegel met volle originele gom.

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 45,00


Dutch Indies NVPH 7 F MNH

1870-1888 Kon. Willem III – 2,5 ct. geel -7 F

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00++




Dutch Indies NVPH 9 MNH

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 10 ct. oranjebruin –

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 150,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 12 G hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 20 ct. ultramarijn –

G – Kamtanding 11,5 : 12 grote gaten

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 350,00







Dutch Indies NVPH 10 H MNH block of 4

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 12,5 ct. grijs

– H – tanding 12,5 – kleine gaten

Prachtig postfris (MNH) blok van 4 zegels – zeer zeldzaam!!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH ca. € 680,00 – omgerekend via cat NVPH!!!





Dutch Indies NVPH 12 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 20 ct. ultramarijn

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 160,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 13 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 25 ct. donkerpaars

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel – prachtig van kleur!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 40,00+





Dutch Indies NVPH 14 K MNH

1870 – 1888     Koning Willem III – 30 ct. groen

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 350,00++


Dutch Indies NVPH 15 H MNH

1870 – 1888     Koning Willem III – 50 ct. karmijn

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met iets ingedroogde gom  – SCHAARSE ZEGEL!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00++





Dutch Indies NVPH 16 A MNH

1876 – 1889 Koning Willem III – 16 A Lijntanding 14 kl. gaten

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 675,00+++

Dutch Indies NVPH 16 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00




Dutch Indies NVPH 16 MNH

1876 – 1889 Koning Willem III Kamtanding

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!! + cert. Vleeming

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 650,00+++



original info:

Maar natuurlijk hebben we ook een schets van iemand anders met een van de beroemde Javaanse Waringinbomen, een mistieke boom die nooit gekapt mocht worden, want in de boom wonen boomgeesten.

Plotseling zwenkt de koetsier rechts af, voert ons een met hoge, schaduwrijke waringinbomen beplant plein op en doet het rijtuig voor

de marmeren vestibule van het kolossale Hotel des Indes



Cresonnier overleed in 1870, zijn familie verkocht het hotel aan Theodoor Gallas die het op zijn beurt weer verkocht in 1886 aan Jacob Lugt voor dfl 177.000,=. Lugt breidde het hotel fors uit met allerlei grondaankopen van de buren. In 1897 werd zelfs de N.V. Hotel Des Indes door Lugt opgericht, want in de jaren negentig ontstond er in de kolonie een economische depressie. Door die N.V. was Lugt niet meer persoonlijk aansprakelijk.




Rare Càd BATAVIA PP (R) semi circircle PMK sur imprimé complet pour Nantes + taxe tampon 20 (R) et Càd d’entrée octo rouge INDES NEER V. S. / P. F. AMB. MAR. 1872. – TB. – R

  1. (7 Feb) Padang to Enschede/Netherlands. Printed matter franked 10c. King William III orange brown perf, tied “Padang/Franco”, also alongside. V. fine and early usage.[ 11388]




Since the establishment of the VOC in the seventeenth century, the expansion of Dutch territory had been founded on business. However from the mid-nineteenth century it was Dutch national expansionism, in line with the prevailing empire-building outlook of Europe during the era of New Imperialism, that saw them wage a series of wars to enlarge and consolidate their possessions.[8] The most prolonged of these was the Aceh War in which a Dutch invasion in 1873 was met with indigenous guerrilla resistance and ended with an Acehnese surrender in 1912.[7] Disturbances continued to break out on both Java and Sumatra during the remainder of the 19th century,[3] however, the island of Lombok came under Dutch control in 1894,[9] and Batak resistance in northern Sumatra was quashed in 1895.[7].



Dutch Indies NVPH postage due 1 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer

Prachtige ongebruikte (MNH) zegel met voor deze zegel een bijzonder mooie centrering

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 375,00+

Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 2 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 10 ct. groen op geel

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 150,00




Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 3 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 15 ct. oranje op geel

Prachtige schaarse ongebruikte (hinged) zegel –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 30,00

Top of Form

€ 14,50





Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 4 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 20 ct.groen op blauw –  Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 60,00

Top of Form

€ 29,50

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form


Dutch Indies NVPH postage due 09 B TIII MNH + cert M

1874 -1875 Cijfer in zwart – 20 ct.

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer zeldzaam – very rare !!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 840,00++ omgerekend naar postfris




EIC was indirectly subject to the British government and it ruled India through the three presidencies of Bombay, Madras, and Bengal, each of which maintained forces for internal and external defense.T


he backbone of the EIC military system was the Indian regular soldier or sepoy (from the Persian sipahi) and for infantry private (a cavalry trooper was a Sowar).

They served under mainly British officers and mainly Indian NCOs

The painting above depicts a soldier of the European Company of the West Coast of Sumatra garrison, on duty at Fort Anne, Moco Moco, circa 1764.
Courtesy: Alan Harfie, “A History on the Honourable East India Company’s,
Garrison on the West Coast of Sumatra 1685-1825”

Native Troops, East India Companys Service, A Sergeant and a Private Grenadier Sepoy of the Bengal Army, from Costumes of the Army of the British Empire, according to the last regulations 1812, published by Colnaghi and Co. 1812-15, Charles Hamilton Smith.

British officers, trained at the EIC’s ‘military seminary’ at Addiscombe, held their commissions from the EIC’s court of directors and enjoyed the right of command over British troops.


Akhir abad ke-19. Belanda menata ulang pemerintahan Priangan dan membaginya menjadi 9 afdeeling (Jerman: Abteilung).



Salah satunya adalah Sukapura di bawah Raden Tumenggung Wiratanubaya IV. Wirahadiningrat (1874-1906)

memperoleh penghargaan bintang Oranye Nassau dari Belanda



1876 (6 Oct). Batavia – Netherlands. eL full text fkd 10c + 50c red, tied “4” dots + cds alongside. Via Marseille / Deutchland Packen. VF + Scarce 50c on cover.[

DOT Postmark

Dot postmark no 98 from ?

F.D. Cochius was born 3rd of December 1787 in Valburg.

His parents are Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius and Anna Dibbets.

He died in Huize Vredenoord near Rijswijk, Netherlands on 1st of May 1876.



1877 5c + 10c(x2) + Boxed NED. INDIE/VIA NAPELS on cover to GERMANY. Rare so early. Vf.

1877 (10 July). Batavia – Deft. 5c stat card + 10c adtl / cds + boxed “Ned Indies / Via Marseille”. VF



1879 William 12,5 CT 5 Mint collectible , 150K




House in Batavia, from Le Tour du Monde, 1879


Dutch intervention in Lombok and Karangasem against the Balinese in

Source Ebay



During one of the many Sasak peasant rebellions against the Balinese, Sasak chiefs sent envoys to the Dutch in Bali and invited them to rule Lombok. In June 1894, the governor general of the Dutch East Indies, Van der Wijck, signed a treaty with Sasak rebels in eastern Lombok. He sent a large army to Lombok and the Balinese raja capitulated to Dutch demands.(see Dutch intervention in Lombok) The younger princes however overruled the raja and attacked and routed the Dutch.

Source Ebay




The Dutch counterattacked overrunning Mataram and the raja surrendered. The entire island was annexed to theNetherlands East Indies in 1895. The Dutch ruled over Lombok’s 500,000 people with a force of no more than 250 by cultivating the support of the Balinese and Sasak aristocracy. The Dutch are remembered in Lombok as liberators from Balinese hegemony.

Source Ebay





  1. Soerabaja – Batavia. Reg 10c brown stat env + 2 adtls / box x5 red wax seals reg on reverse. Fine. Not common.













In 1879

the Koningsplein Palace beginning to built,and klater became Rijswijk Palace Of DEI Govenour General


En dus (?) werd in 1879 begonnen met de bouw van Paleis Koningsplein, in de achtertuin van Paleis Rijswijk…

19th Century19e eeuw

Old DEI Gouvenor General Palace Rijswijk at Batavia Het (Oude) Rijswijk Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Rijswijk, Batavia



In 1879

werd het Paleis Koningsplein officieel geopend, het zou dienst doen tot 1949.

Op Paleis Koningsplein zou de Indonesische vlag voor het eerst gaan wapperen.

Luchtfoto Koningsplein Batavia

Met het (werk) Paleis / Residentie van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië

…….indien aanwezig in Batavia……..

Het (woon) Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië was in Buitenzorg

zie hieronder

Waar lagen nu al die Paleizen, daarvoor pakken we de kaart van Batavia uit 1897 weer erbij:

Batavia plattegrond 1897

Ten noorden van het woord Rijswijk op het Koningsplein lag het (nieuwe) Koningsplein Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië, dit is dus het laatste Paleis / Residentie geweest van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië. In dit Paleis vond dus de Soevereiniteitsoverdracht in Batavia in 1949 plaats, een foto van deze Soevereiniteitsoverdracht staat verderop in het verhaal.

Het Koningsplein Paleis werd gebouwd in de achtertuin van het (oude) Rijswijk Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië, op de kaart het rode blokje ten noorden van het Koningsplein paleis.


Het Rijswijk Paleis lag aan het Molenvliet water, de weg erlangs heette ook Rijswijk. Aan de overkant van het Molenvliet heette de weg langs het Molenvliet Noordwijk. Kortom, de weg langs de noordoever van het Molenvliet heette dus Noordwijk, de weg langs de zuidoever Rijswijk !

Het Paleis van Daendels ligt aan het Waterlooplein, (nummer 19 op de kaart), ten oosten van het Koningsplein.

Het Waterlooplein is natuurlijk vernoemd naar de Slag bij Waterloo. Ter ere van de overwinning op















Unusuak 1880, 80 R / 80 R double card brownish-yellow, sent from „MACEIO 24 ABR 94” via London with red cds „LIVERPOOL MY 16 94 SHIP”

to Rembang, there forwarded to Toeban,)Java)

Java with arrival 19 … 1894, reply card unused, extremly rare destination!

Unusual 1880 (20 July). Soerabaja to Woolwich/Maine/U.S.A. Roughly opened envelope franked King William III. 50c. red, tied dots cancels, cds. alongside. Via London and N.Y. on reverse. Scarce


In 1880, the first major railroad between Jakarta to Bandung was opened, boosting light industry and bringing in Chinese workers










Dutch Indies NVPH 5-13 MNH

1882 – 88     Cijfer in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels – schaars!! met cert. Muis voor Nr 9

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 5,00+++


2 Cover William (1) Cirebon to Indramayu (2) Madiun to Cirebon , 1888 & 1889 , 150K



Dr iwan comment

I have the same cover send from Padang pandjang to Padang.

Di bawah ini beberapa nama bupati di daerah(the regent Of)  Priangan,yakni:

  1. Bupati Sumedang XV (1882-1918), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Sadeli, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja, dan setelah wafat dijuluki Pangeran Mekah karena ia wafat di Mekah sewaktu menunaikan obadah haji.
  2. Bupati Sumedang XV (1882-1918), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Sadeli, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja, dan setelah wafat dijuluki Pangeran Mekah karena ia wafat di Mekah sewaktu menunaikan obadah haji.
  3. Bupati Bandung X (1893-1918), sewaktu muda diberi nama Kusumaningrat, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Raden Adipati Aria Martanegara, dan setelah pensiun hingga wafat digelari Kangjeng Burujul karena setelah pensiun ia tinggal di desa Burujul, Sumedang.
  4. Bupati Cianjur IX (1834-1862), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Hasan, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Dalem Pancaniti karena selama menjadi bupati ia lebih senang tinggal di paviliyun kabupaten yang biasa disebut pancaniti dari pada tinggal dibangunan utama kabupaten.
  5. Bupati Limbangan yang memerintah antara tahun 1836-1871, sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Jenon, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal dengan nama Tumenggung Jayaningrat, dan setelah naik pangkat menjadi Raden Adipati Wiratanuningrat VII. Setelah pensiun dan wafat dikenal sebagai Dalem Sepuh (Bupati Tua).
  6. Bupati Sukapura yang memerintah antara tahun 1855-1975, sewaktu kecil dipanggil Raden Tanuwangsa, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Tumenggung Wiratanubaya, setelah naik pangkat menjadi Raden Adipati Wiradadaha. Setelah wafat dikenal sebagai Dalem Bogor karena ia dibuang ke Bogor oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda akibat dianggap kurang loyal.

Ada beberapa yang mendapat julukan Dalem Bintang karena mereka mendapat tanda jasa berupa gouden ster Nederlandsche-Leeuw (bintang mas singa Belanda), misalnya RAA. Wiranatakusumah IV  Bupati Bandung (1846-1874), R. Adipati Wirahadiningrat Bupati Sukapura (1874-1904).



Dutch Indies NVPH 17-22 MNH

1883 -1890 Cijferserie zonder watermerk

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) serie, schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 475,00+


Dutch Indies NVPH 21 c MNH

1883 -1890 Cijferserie zonder watermerk – kamtanding 12,5 kleine gaten in olie-achtige druk!!!!

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel, zeer schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 325,00+



  1. Poerworedjo – Batavia. 5c black stat card. VF.[
  2. Cheribon – Batavia. 10c ovptd stat env. F-VF


Java. Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after T. Taylor. 1884. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted

Native Battak and Atjeh ethnic Original wood engraving engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Light foxing. Hand-coloured. 20x13cm. Matted.

Native ethnic Moi Indonesia. Original wood engraving drawn by G. Vuillier, engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x12cm. Mounted

Gravure, engraving, Plates, Stiche, Indonésie, Indonesia, Moi People, Peuple Moï, Klawelem, Makbon, Mosana, Mooi, Mekwei

Timor island Original wood engraving drawn by T. Taylor, engraved by A. Sargent. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request

Batavia forest in 1884

Photo traveller Palm Batavia in 1850

  • Francis Frith, born 1822 – died 1898 (maker)
  • Francis Frith, born 1822 – died 1898 (maker)
  • Francis Frith was one of the most successful commercial photographers from the 1850s and 1860s. He also established what was to become the largest photographic printing business in England. This image is part of the V&A’s Francis Frith ‘Universal Series’ archive which consists of over 4000 whole-plate albumen prints predominantly of historical and topographical sites. Images such as these were highly desirable throughout the 1850s and 1860s.
  • It is now known that nearly all of the works bearing the F. Frith and Co. stamp were not taken by Frith himself, but by one of his travelling employees. Photographers associated with Frith’s ‘Universal Series’ include Robert Napper (Andalusia), Frank Mason Good (Egypt) and Frederick William Sutton and Hugo Lewis Pearson (Japan). In addition to hiring his own photographers, Frith also bought the negative stocks of established photographers such as Roger Fenton and Francis Bedford.
  • The images that make up the V&A Frith ‘Universal Series’ are file prints acquired from F. Frith & Co. Ltd of Reigate, Surrey. Mounted on brown card, with the place name and stock number usually handwritten on the print itself, they were most probably used as place-markers within the company’s filing system, allowing for easy retrieval of stocks of unmounted prints.
  • Frith’s growing business coincided with many technological developments taking place within the field of photography. These developments changed and expanded the audience for photography and Frith’s operation was well-prepared to provide for it and, it can be argued, worked to develop it employing a diverse range of publishing channels. Targeted towards a market that would later adopt the postcard as the ideal format for its needs, the ‘Universal Series’ forms a bridge between the initial low volume craft/art production associated with photography of the 1850s and the more commercial mass production work of the latter half of the century.





The development occurred after the Bandung railway transport operations to and from the city since 1884.

Because the city of Bandung serves as a center of railroad transportation “West Lin”, it has encouraged the development of life in the city of Bandung with the increase in population from year to year.

At the end of the 19th century, the population of the European group number has reached thousands of people and demands an autonomous institution that can take care of their interests. Meanwhile the central government realized the failure of centralized government system following the implementation of its impact. Therefore, the government arrive at a policy to replace the system of government with a system of decentralization, decentralization not only in finance, but also decentralization in the field of government granting autonomy (zelfbestuur)

In this case, the government of Bandung regency under the leadership of Regent RAA Martanagara (1893-1918) welcomed the idea of the colonial government. Ongoing autonomous government in Bandung, means the district gets a special budget fund from the previous colonial government did not exist.



INDIA HOLANDESA. 1885 (Aug 28). 5c. green postal stationery card used to Batavia cancelled by ´Tegal´ cds in black with framed ´Poerwokerto´ handstamp at left and Weltvreden cds below. Scarce.

  1. Weltevreden – Batavia. 5c lilac stat card. Namidd stline. VF


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1885 (Aug 28). 5c. green postal stationery card used to Batavia cancelled by ´Tegal´ cds in black with framed ´Poerwokerto´ handstamp at left and Weltvreden cds below. Scarce.


1886 (30 Aug). Batavia – Switzerland. Registered 10c stat env + 5x10c adtls / “10” dots cancel, box + proper transits 5 red wax seal on reverse. VF multiple usage

1886 (7 March). Sokaboemi – Batavia. 5c green stat card. VF

Borneo. Original wood engraving drawn by Langlois, engraved by Barbant. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 18,5×12,5cm. Mounted.

Java. Original wood engraving drawn by A. Slom, engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request.

Koepang Timor Original wood engraving drawn by G. Vuillier, engraved by F. Meaulle. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request




  1. Soerabaja – Klaten 16.7.1887 – Kelandan – Semarang. 5c dark green stat card. VF
  2. Padang – Austria. Registered multifkd env 10c + 25c (x3) bluish paper. Stline via Marseille. VF




Sumatra. Original wood engraving by A. Slom. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted

Brass island Atjeh Feli Jungle Sumatra. Original wood engraving by P. Langlois. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted

Sourabia Java. Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after T. Taylor. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted.

Bali. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Kohl. 1889. Foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm.

Banda Niera Islands. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Kohl. 1889. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Ternate Mollucas Islands. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Méaulle. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Batavia(Jakarta)Indonesia. Original wood engraving drawn by Taylor. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm.

Raegent Preager Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after A. Slom 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted

Manado Original wood engraving drawn by Taylor, engraved by Méaulle. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request




5 c. Yellow green stationery card, H & G 8, but with additional sender´s address surrounding the card in red print, used to SOLOK cancelled by BATAVIA despatch cds and WELTVREDEN, PADANG and PADANG PANDJANG cds´s. Unusual and fine early stationery advertising item for this area.

. Borneo. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Barbant. 1889. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Borneo. Original wood engraving, engraved by Hildibrand after Ronjat. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 18x12cm. Matted.



Borneo. Original wood engraving, engraved by H. Thiriat. In texte, printed on the reverse side. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 15,5×11,5cm.



04/12/1889 – 19/09/1893 S.B. Zeverijn
Altough the board recommended Buijskes to become the next President, the Governor General appointed S. B .Zeverijn to that position by decree of August 21, 1889. Zeverijn was forced because of illness to leave for Europe on March 1, 1893 where he died on December 13, 1893





Dutch Indies NVPH post 13C + 13B MNH

1882-88 Cijfer in zwart – 13C + 13B  gecombineerde tanding 11,5:12,00) + 12,5:12

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels met de niet gave boventanding, zoals beschreven in de NVPH catalogus – schaars!!!

Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 160,00+ (omgerekend via de NVPH cat.)


Above tjilatjap 9.12. 1882 dot pmk no 21 to stuttgart germany

Below semarang dot pmk no 4

1882 P./Stat 7 1/2c canc. LAHAT + NI.EXP.KANT SINGAPORE + french LIGNE N PAQ FR to GERM


  1. KR(small Circle) Koedoes – 4.11.1883 Semarang. 10c stat env ovptd

The Dieanst free Post form the commandant of 4th Battalion depot Padang CDS Padang 22/2/1893 to commandat RH 16th Infantry Battalion CDS Fort de Kock(Boekittinggi) 23.2.1883






February ,19th.1883


The Official dienst free port post card from Assisten resident Of 50 kota(Pajacombo) via CDS Fort de Kock CDS destination 19.2.1883 to CDS Padang 21.2.1883

  1. Tegal – Samarang. 10c stat env ovptd used bilingual. VF




Rare 1884. Djokjakarta – France. Registered 25c stat env + 10c adtl. Boxed “Ned Indies / Via Naples”. Fine

  1. Cheribon – Batavia. 10c ovptd stat env. F-VF.[ 528196]



The road is now called Jalan Asia-Afrika in memory of the conference.

Mileposts on the road were numbered starting at Bandung. Rapid growth of the city, however, began only after the railroad from Batavia (now Jakarta) arrived in 1884





Soerakarta to Weltevreden batavia

Lang (straight log) stempel(PMK) halte Poerwokerto CDS Tegal 27/8/1885 to Batavia cds weltevreden


Ordonasi Reveneu

REVENUE ORDONASI 1885 the new order of Revenue stamped in 1885 had changed to the newe order”ordonatie op de heffing van Zege recht van nederlandch Indie” in this ordonatie there were practise revenue with the same (seragam) Reveneu from one and half G and from 10 cent.This ordonatie still used until the new ordonatie in 1921. please look at the regulation in Indonesia language below,





  1. Cheribon – Semarang. 10c intense red – brown stat env bilingual. F-VF.[
  2. Bandoeng to Gravenhage. 5c green King William stationery with additional 2½ yellow orange (Sc. 19), tied c.d.s.´s Ned Indie/Via Brindisi”(**) box alongside, as well as arrival c.d.s. and “c.12”. Light vertical crease not affecting stamps.[



  1. Kediri – Netherlands. Registr 10c stat env + 25c x2 adtls. VF

1887 (10 Dic). Straits Settlements 3c card written from Pº (Penang/Pulan Pinang) and crossed over to Weltevreden (12 Dic) where franked also with Dutch Indies 5c green, tied cds via Soerabaja (15 Dic), and arriving to Borneo/Banjermasin on the 23 (?) Dic 1887. An extraordinary scarce usage from a Malayan outpost with combination of a Dutch stamp est Price: $ 2,500.00





2.11.1888 Dutch East indie(DEI) first issued revenue stamp 5 cent , please report the earliest used and another high nominal revenue issued like 10 gld





  1. Tegal – Samarang. 10c stat env. VF. Bilingual chinese

The official dienst free port card of Padang cds 10..10.1889 to Welteverden CDs 12/10.1889

1889, portofreie Dienstbriefkarte vs. grünlich, rs. weiß, (DIENSTBRIEFFKAART), aus „WELTEVREUEN 12.10.89” nach Batavia mit Durchgangsstempel „PADANG”, die Nutzung dieser Dienstsbriefkarten war gesetztlich geregelt (Staatsblad 1880 No. 165)., oben kleiner Einriß

  1. (21 Jan.) Tegal to Den Haag/Holland. 7½ Bister brown King stationery, cancelled c.d.s. (***) with several transits and marks on front and reverse, including “Napostijd” in box and “Ned India/via Marseille”. Min. hole in upper center, otherwise fine item


The latset used of five cent nedl Oost Indie  Revennue stamp in 1889








1890 (8 Dec). Medan – Suriname / Paramaribo. Fkd env 10c + 15c via Italian with arrival / transit. Extremely rare inter Dutch Colonies dest mail.[ 536304]

Bid Info: Price: $ 1,250.00

  1. Semerang dot PMK no 2 small round(KL)- Magelang. 10c stat env local usage


The church of Our Lady of Assumption at waterlooplein stood until 9 April 1890 when it collapsed due to old age and poor maintenance.

A new church was rebuilt in its place between 1891 and 1901 and today it stands as the Jakarta Cathedral. The church is acknowledged as an integral instrument for the spread of Roman Catholicism in Java during the 19th century


1891 (April 23). Provisional 15c. on 25c. violet postal stationery envelope sent registered to Rotterdam cancelled by Magelang cds´s. Framed ´Ned Indie/Par Marseille´ in black on front, reverse with Semarang, Weltvreden and Rotterdam arrival datestamp.

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1891 (April 16). Cover to Germany endorsed ´Via Singapore´ bearing 1870-88 25c. violet, slight faults, tied by framed ´Sambas´ handstamp and ´36´dotted lozenge, Pontianak (Borneo) cds at upper right. Framed ´Ned: Indie / Via Brindisi´ route mark in black, reverse with fine ´N. I. Agent Singapore´ cds (April 21). Scott 13

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1891 (April 23). Provisional 15c. on 25c. violet postal stationery envelope sent registered to Rotterdam cancelled by Magelang cds´s. Framed ´Ned Indie/Par Marseille´ in black on front, reverse with Semarang, Weltvreden and Rotterdam arrival datestamp.

Rare Puntstempel (dot pmk)112 – Goenoeng Toea – mooi en volledig op envelop 25 cent 18-12-1891 via Padang naar Geisweid (D),

Posta lly used leltter sheet willem III cover rare dot stamped 112-Goenoeng toea and smalll round CDs Goennoeng Toea (south tapanoeli) 1812-1891 to Gestwaal netherland via choped NE.Indie. via genua,







Cover William 12,5C dengan tambahan bea 2,5C using “SHIPCANCEL” Longbar + Dotmart 1 , 225K



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