Pertualangan Dr iwan Ke Pulau Bangka

November 22, 2016, 11:27 am

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Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA



Adiwidjaya ^ By Yun, DR Iwan Suwandy,MHA ^

Image result for Lily widjaja

Ny Lily,

Image result for Aswin widjaja

Aswin &Murni

Berangkat Tanggal 15 Oktober 2016 dari Jakarta jam 10.00 Pagi

Image result for bandara soekarno hatta terminal I

Tiba Pangkal pinang sekitar jam 11.00 WIB

Kemudian munju Hotel Hariitge

 Image result for Serrata Terrace Hotel Bangka


Serrata Terrace Hotel ***

Alamat : Jl. Pantai Pasir Padi Pangkal Pinang

Telepon : (0717)7010166, 42560

Fax : (0717) 4256196

 Image result for Hotel Bumi Asih Pangkal Pinang

Hotel Bumi Asih Pangkal Pinang

Alamat : Jl. Jend. Sudirman N0.25, Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung.

Telepon : (0717) 437-776





RM Asui


Image result for Café Pitti Pitipo   Pangkal Pinang

RM Asui merupakan restoran hidangan laut yang menyajikan makanan lokal seperti Lempah Kuning.
Klik gambar di sebelah kiri untuk menampilkan beberapa foto yang lebih besar dari RM Asui.



Jl. Yang Zubaidah No. 242



0717 423772

Jam operasional


setiap hari, pk. 10:30-22:00



hanya menerima pembayaran dengan uang tunai.

 Image result for Restoran Biru Laut    Pangkal Pinang

Restoran Biru Laut
Berada di pinggir
Pantai Pasir Padi, Biru Laut tidak hanya menawarkan hidangan olahan laut, namun juga masakan khas Bangka seperti Lempah Kuning.



Jl. Pantai Pasir Padi, Pangkalpinang atau sekitar 7 kilometer dari Pangkalpinang



0812 717325




Greeng Lesehan
Greeng Lesehan adalah tempat di mana Anda bisa makan makanan tradisional Bangka, seperti lempah darat, lempah kuning, dan lainnya.



Jl. A. Yani, No. 97, Pangkalpinang



0852 68080773

Jam operasional


setiap hari, pk. 10:00-23:30



hanya menerima pembayaran dengan uang tunai.

 Image result for Mie Koba     Pangkal Pinang

Mie Koba
Tempat makan ini khusus menyediakan Mie Koba, mie kuah khas dari Bangka.



Jl. Balai No. 83, Pangkalpinang



0813 67001929

Jam operasional


setiap hari, pk. 7:00-22:00



hanya menerima pembayaran dengan uang tunai.


OtakImage result for Otak-otak Kon Kim      Pangkal Pinang-otak Kon Kim
Otak-otak Kon Kim ini terkenal akan otak-otaknya, makanan tradisional yang terbuat dari ikan tenggiri dan tepung, yang disajikan dengan saos tauco maupun saus kacang, dll.



Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 54, Gg. Aster, Pangkalpinang



0717 424148

Jam operasional


setiap hari, pk. 10:00-22:00



hanya menerima pembayaran dengan uang tunai.

 Image result for Kedai Mie Bangka    Pangkal Pinang

Kedai Mie Bangka
Kedai Mie Bangkaini terkenal akan Mie Bangka-nya, salah satu makanan khas Bangka yang biasanya disajikan dengan bakso, babat, dan pangsit goreng.



dekat Pasar Ramayana, Pangkalpinang



0717 424148



Restoran Aurora
Restoran Aurora menawarkan hidangan khas tanah air, China dan juga hidangan Barat, serta mempunyai pemandangan yang indah dari Pantai Tajung Pesona.



Tanjung Pesona Beach & Resort, Jl. Pantai Rebo, Sungailiat



0717 436650, 0812 71235999



0717 435561

 Image result for RM Saung Kuring          Pangkal Pinang

RM Saung Kuring
RM Saung Kuring menyediakan berbagai macam hidangan Sunda, terutama olahan dari ikan guramenya.



Jl. Girimaya, Pangkalpinang



0717 434647



restoran ini bisa menampung hingga 115 pengunjung dan tersedia dalam setting modern dan tradisional (lesehan







 Image result for Restoran Aurora   Pangkal Pinang

 Rumah makan Asia Pangkal pinang




  1. Peta Jarak Antar Kecamatan..

 Image result for Peta Jarak Antar Kecamatan Bangka


Peta Jarak Tempuh ke Kecamatan Lai


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Peta Pangkalpinang







Lima Wisata Sejarah Paling Hits di Pangkalpinang

Kota PangkalpinangMelihat Langsung Tradisi Cengbeng. Read more … » di pulau BangkaKesederhanaan ala Kedai Kopi Akhew, Pangkalpinang. Read more … » adalah ibukota provinsi Bangka Belitung yang memiliki banyak kawasan wisata yang menarik.

1.Rumah Eks Residen Bangka

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Rumah Eks Residen Bangka

Ini adalah bekas rumah Residen Bangka di Pangkalpinang yang memiliki catatan sejarah yang panjang. Rumah ini terletak di pusat kota, tepatnya di jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Pangkalpinang. Bulan Februari lalu saya sempat berkunjung kemari dan melihat langsung keindahan arsitektur rumah ini.

Rumah berarsitektur Eropa ini dibangun awal abad ke-20, dan mulai ditempati pada tahun 1913 oleh Residen (penguasa Belanda) di Bangka yang berkedudukan di kota Pangkalpinang.  Menurut catatan sejarah, Pangkalpinang dijadikan ibukota karesidenan Bangka di masa penjajahan Belanda, setelah sebelumnya ibukota Karesidenan ini berada di kota MuntokMengunjungi Rumah Pengasingan Soekarno di Bangka. Read more … », Bangka BaratKejayaan Timah Bangka Bukan Isapan Jempol. Read more … ».

Bentuknya yang besar membuat warga Bangka menyebutnya sebagai rumah besar. Yang paling mencolok dari bentuk rumah ini adalah adanya 10 pilar yang berada di teras depan rumah. Selain itu yang khas dari rumah berarsitektur Eropa adalah bukaan jendela yang lebar, ventilasi dan pintu berukuran serba besar. Rumah Residen kini menjadi rumah dinas Walikota Pangkalpinang M.Irwansyah Rebuin dan menjadi salah satu cagar budaya yang dilindungi.

  1. Tamansari (Wilhelmina Park)

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Taman Sari alias Wilhelmina Park

Nama taman Wilhelmina Park ini mengingatkan pada sosok ratu Belanda, Wilhelmina. Dinamakan seperti nama ratu Belanda karena taman ini dibangun saat masa pendudukan Belanda di IndonesiaPulau Bali Raih Best Island 2015. Read more … ». Setelah kemerdekaan RI nama taman diubah menjadi Tamansari dan diresmikan oleh Wakil Presiden Ri Mohammad Hatta pada tahun 1949.

Tamansari dirancang oleh Van Ben Benzenhorn sebagai fasilitas pendukung rumah Residen Bangka, yang letaknya bersisian. Taman ini ditata bak taman-taman di Eropa. Dengan pepohonannya yang rindang, taman ini menjadi oase bagi warga Pangkalpinang yang hendak melepas penat. Selain difungsikan sebagai taman, Tamansari juga digunakan sebagai tempat konservasi tanaman, tempat berolahraga hingga sekedar bersantai bersama keluarga.

Oiya, nama Tamansari ini diambil dari nama kecamatan tempat taman ini berada. Sejak tahun 2010 Tamansari dijadikan cagar budaya Pangkalpinang yang dilindungi Undang-undang Cagar Budaya.

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  1. Museum Timah Indonesia

Bangka identik dengan timah, dan bicara timah asal Bangka berarti membicarakan sejarah panjang eksplorasi timah di Nusantara. Dan untuk memahami sejarah pertimahan di pulau Bangka, maka berkunjunglah ke Museum Timah Indonesia yang terletak di jalan Ahmad Yani, Pangkalpinang.

Di museum ini kita bisa menyaksikan perjalanan sejarah penambangan timah di Bangka. Mulai dari penambangan yang dilakukan secara tradisional oleh masyarakat, sejarah perkembangan teknologi pertambangan sejak jaman Belanda hingga terkini.

Mencermati satu persatu koleksi museum Timah pengunjung akan dibawa menyelami kejayaan timah Bangka di awal abad ke-20. Masa di mana timah sebagai komoditas andalan Indonesia yang dikenal bukan saja di kancah regional, namun hingga ke seluruh dunia. Keterkenalan itu menjadikan timah Bangka sebagai salah satu timah terbaik di dunia.

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  1. Panti Wangka (Societeit Concordia)


Gedung Panti Wangka alias Societet Concordia

Panti Wangka atau gedung Societeit merupakan gedung pertemuan bagi orang-orang Belanda di kota Pangkalpinang. Gedung ini terletak di pusat kota, dekat dengan sejumlah kantor pemerintahan. Letak gedung ini tak jauh dari Wilhelmina Park atau Tamansari.

Gedung ini didirikan pada masa residen Bangka A.J.N Engelenberg yang memerintah tahun 1913 – 1918. Societeit Concordia digunakan sebagai tempat berkumpulnya sosialita Belanda, yang terdiri dari ambtenar goebernemen (petinggi pemerintahan), petinggi militer, pejabat perusahaan BTW (Banka Tin Winning), hingga pengusaha. Di tempat ini biasanya mereka melepas lelah, makan-makan, mendengarkan musik dan hiburan seni.

Seiring dengan nasionalisasi aset milik pemerintah Belanda menjadi BUMN, tahun 1953 gedung ini pun beralih pengelolaannya menjadi dibawah Unit Penambangan Timah Bangka dan berubah namanya menjadi Panti Wangka. Setelah itu gedung ini pernah menjadi gedung pertemuan, kantor sementara DPRD Provinsi Bangka Belitung, serta PN Pangkalpinang saat gedung pengadilan tersebut direnovasi. Kini gedung bersejarah ini digunakan oleh KONI Bangka Belitung sebagai kantornya.

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  1. Rumah Kapitan Lain Nam Sen


Rumah Kapitan

Rumah cantik berarsitektur perpaduan China Hakka dengan Melayu ini bisa ditemukan di jalan Balai, Pangkalpinang. Rumah Kapitan Lain Nam Sen ini merupakan bukti betapa akulturasi budaya China berjalan dengan cara yang indah dan berdampingan dengan budaya lokal Melayu. Hidup damai berdampingan memang sudah ada sejak lama di Pangkalpinang. Ini terbukti dari keberadaan rumah ini yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1800-an.

Rumah ini awalnya adalah rumah panggung, sama seperti kebanyakan rumah di Sumatera pada masanya. Rumah semacam ini dibangun dengan alasan keamanan, sebab saat itu masih kerap ditemukan binatang buas yang berkeliaran di kampung-kampung. Dengan rumah panggung, sentral kegiatan di rumah berada di lantai atas. Sementara di bagian bawah biasanya digunakan untuk menyimpan ternak atau kendaraan.

Dari luar rumah ini tak beda dengan rumah di Pangkalpinang lainnya. Namun begitu kaki melangkah ke bagian dalam, maka akan tampak keunikan rumah ini. Yang paling unik menurut saya adalah tegelnya. Coraknya sangat vintage, cantik sekali. Kemudian pembagian ruangnya juga menarik. Rata-rata ruangannya cukup luas, dengan area publik di bagian bawah. Sementara area privat berada di lantai dua.

Keunikan berikutnya adalah furnitur kayunya yang masih terawat dengan sangat baik. Semuanya adalah peninggalan keluarga turun temurun.

Saat ini proses renovasi rumah Kapitan ini sudah hampir selesai. Nantinya rumah ini akan dijadikan semacam galeri atau museum rumah khas China-Melayu dan terintegrasi dengan hotel di bagian belakang rumah.


Interest area

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Situs Kuto Panji Belinju

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Fortress or Citadel Kutopanji Bongkap,
located in the village of Dull.

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 Monolit Sungai Liat


Benteng Kuto Panji

Sebagai salah satu asset sejarah yang menyimpan banyak cerita misteri, baik itu berupa mitos atau pun sejarah, Benteng Kuto Panji memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung, terutama pada cerita sejarahnya.

Ada banyak versi cerita sejarah benteng ini yang berhubungan erat dengan kerajaan di Tiongkok.

Dari semua versi itu, ada kemiripan cerita yaitu seorang raja kerajaan kecil bernama Bong Kiung Fu yang memerintah di Belinyu yang memiliki seorang anak gadis berparas cantik bernama Bong Lili atau putri Chok Tian.


Bong Khiung Fu adalah seorang penguasa yang baik hati di Tibet-China yang menolak membayar upeti kepada penguasa Tiongkok yang lalim pada masa itu.

Sang penguasa marah dan memerintahkan hukuman mati kepada Bong Khiung Fu.

Bersama pasukan dan putrinya, Bong Khiung Fu pun melarikan diri dari daratan Tiongkok dan mengarungi samudra.

Mereka membawa seluruh harta dan pasukannya dengan menggunakan beberapa buah kapal besar dan kecil.

Mereka juga membawa tanaman jeruk Kingkit sebagai obat anti mabuk, yang dimasa mendatang, merupakan tanaman yang mahal dan langka di Indonesia.

Ketika melewati perairan Selat Berhala dekat ujung utara pulau Bangka, rombongan ini dikejar oleh para bajak laut, sehingga mereka melarikan diri menuju Pulau Bangka, memasuki Teluk Kelabat hingga muara Sungai Karang Lintang dan bersembunyi di situ.

Setelah merasa aman bersembunyi di situ, mereka lalu membuka lahan untuk berkebun dan bercocoktanam sehingga kemudian berfikir untuk mendirikan sebuah benteng pertahanan yang kokoh untuk bertahan dari serangan bajak laut dan serangan lainnya.


Bangunan yang didirikan itu sebagai benteng sekaligus istana kecil, lengkap dengan perangkat pemerintahannya. Sebagai kerajaan kecil yang saat itu tunduk pada kekuasaan Kesultanan Palembang, maka tentu saja diharuskan memberikan upeti berupa timah tiban.


Pembangunan Benteng Kuto Panji atau dalam bahasa China, Bongkap, memakan waktu 5 tahun (1664-1669 M).

Sebagai perekat/ semen, digunakan putih telor angsa sebagai campuran pasir dan batu sehingga benteng ini dapat bertahan beberapa abad sebelum benar – benar runtuh di tahun 1774 karena serangan musuh serta serangan Lanun.

Versi lainnya mengenai keberadaan benteng ini mengenai seorang raja kikir dan bengis bernama Bong Khiung Fu yang memerintah di Tibet, dimana selama pemerintahannya sang raja telah menyalahgunakan kekuasaan demi kepentingan pribadi, misalnya dengan memberlakukan pajak yang sangat tinggi sehingga menyebabkan rakyat menderita.

Hal tersebut diketahui oleh maharaja Khian Lung yang bertahta di Provinsi Fukkian setelah mengadakan peninjauan terhadap negeri – negeri kekuasaannya.


Terciumnya kebusukan Bong Khiung Fu ini bermula dari sebuah peristiwa besar yang dikenal dengan Thai Nau Fa Leu atau Insiden Hotel Seribu Bunga, dimana sang kaisar berontak hebat dengan putera angkat Bong Khiung Fu yang bernama Cok Hin, sehingga kejahatan Bong Khiung Fu pun terungkap.

Sang Kaisar marah besar dan memerintahkan para pengawal untuk menangkap Bong Khiung Fu yang kemudian memutuskan untuk melarikan diri bersama pengikut dan putri kesayangannya serta penduduk yang dibohinginya dengandalih mencari bahan makanan pokok ke Nanyang.



Bong Kiung Fu membawa semua harta kekayaannya dalam pelarian tersebut menggunakan 3 kapal besar dan 3 kapal kecil hingga merapat di pelabuhan Karang Lintang Desa Kuto Panji Belinyu. Sejak itulah mereka menetap di bagian utara pulau Bangka dengan alas an, sebagai buronan sudah semestinya bersembunyi di daerah kecil agar susah dilacak oleh kerajaan China.


Pada saat Pulau Bangka termasuk wilayah kekuasaan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang, yang kemudian mengizinkan Bong Khiung Fu menetap di Kutopanji dan mendirikan sebuah benteng megah dan indah yang dikerjakan selama kurang lebih 149 minggu. Benteng ini memiliki 9 ruangan dan 18 sumur serta pintu gerbang – pintu gerbang yang menghadap ke Timur Laut.


Bong Khiung Fu bergelar Kapitan Bong atau lebih dikenal dengan Bongkap, memulai usaha dengan membuka tambang timah, perkebunan karet dan lada yang amat luas sehingga mempekerjakan banyak kuli dari Pulau Jawa.


Menurut beberapa versi mengenai kematian sang raja, Bong Khiung Fu mati terbunuh oleh bangsa Lanun, namun ada juga yang menyatakan dirinya lari ke  Semenanjung Malaka, sementara putrinya Cok Tian mati bunuh diri dengan menceburkan diri ke sumur di sekitar istana bersama dengan seluruh emas dan perhiasan, sehingga diyakini bahwa benteng ini menyimpan harta karun yang tak ternilai harganya, serta cerita mengenai peti emas yang terbuka dengan aneka perhiasan berkilauan, tetapi setelah didekati tiba – tiba raib entah.

Benteng ini pun terkenal angker dan keramat. Sampai saat ini, reruntuhan benteng Kuto Panji masih menyisakan beberapa bangunan terletak di belakang Kantor Camat Belinyu.



Kekuasaan Bong Khiung Fu mengalami keruntuhan sekitar abad ke 17, ketika para bangsa Lanun atau bajak laut yang berasal dari Filipina mendengar bahwa di pulau Bangka ada seorang hartawan yang memiliki kekayaan berlimpah ruah.

Para Lanun tersebut menyerang ke benteng ketika Bongkap dan anak buahnya sedang berada di Malaysia untuk menjual hasil timah dan lada, namun penyerangan itu gagal setelah salah seorang kapten para perompak tewas ditimpa buah bakau yang banyak tumbuh dipelabuhan Karang Lintang.

Kejadian tersebut membuat puteri Bong Khiung Fu nekad melakukan bunuh diri setelah membuang semua harta kekayaan mereka ke dalam sumur karena takut ditangkap, dianiaya dan diperkosa oleh para Lanun.

Sejak kejadian itu, Bongkap yang semula kikir menjadi orang yang dermawan, namun kondisi kesehatannya menurun drastis dan mulai sakit-sakitan.


Pada abad ke 17, daerah ini merupakan dataran rendah bagian dari teluk Kelabat Belinyu yang lama-lama terjadi pengendapan dan pendangkalan, sehingga akhirnya berubah menjadi daratan.

Timah alluvial (endapan) dengan mudah ditemukan di kawasan ini, karena pasir timah mengendap di bagian terendah.

Sejak zaman kerajaan Bongkap, wilayah ini telah menjadi obyek galian timah dan beberapa bagian diserahkan sebagai upeti kepada kesultanan Palembang yang berkuasa pada saat itu dan dikenal sebagai Timah Tiban.

Sementara, akulturasi dan asimilasi antara suku Melayu di Belinyu dengan etnis Tionghoa di daerah ini  telah berlangsung sejad dari 4 abad yang lampau.

Hingga hari ini, sisa reruntuhan benteng tersebut masih dapat dilihat di Desa Kuto Panji. Untuk menghargai jasa – jasa Bongkap, dibuatlah sebuah makam di dalam benteng. Tidak jauh dari reruntuhan benteng, terdapat sebuah kelenteng kecil yang didirikan oleh Bong Kiung Fu sendiri.Di dalam kelenteng ini terdapat sepasang patung dewa Thai Pak Kung yang dibawa dari dartan Tiongkok. Disamping kelenteng ini juga terdapat sebuah sumur tua peninggalan Bongkap yang menjadi sumber air bagi penduduk di sekitar kelanteng. Sumur ini tidak pernah kering airnya walaupun pada musim kemarau.

Enam Objek Diajukan Pemkab Bangka untuk Dijadikan Cagar Budaya


KONFRONTASI-Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung mengusulkan enam objek di daerah itu untuk ditetapkan sebagai bangunan atau situs cagar budaya ke pemerintah pusat melalui Direktorat Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

“Kami mengusulkan enam objek agar ditetapkan sebagai cagar budaya oleh pemerintah pusat,” kata Asisten Administrasi Umum Setda Kabupaten Bangka, Surtam pada sosialisasi pendaftaran cagar budaya tahun 2015 di Sungailiat, Senin.

Menurut dia, keenam objek itu diusulkan sebagai situs cagar budaya karena memiliki sejarah dengan bangunan fisik yang sudah cukup lama.

Keenam objek itu yakni Rumah Dinas Camat Belinyu, Tugu Kemerdekaan, Nisan Horatio Nelson Levyssohn, Benteng Kuto Panji, Situs Kota Kapur, dan Benteng Kotawaringin.

Ia menjelaskan, secara fisik Rumah Dinas Camat Belinyu memiliki luas bangunan 331 meter persegi dengan luas tanah 10.287 meter persegi, sementara Tugu Kemerdekaan yang belokasi di terminal Sungailiat mempunyai luas bangunan dan luas tanah 66.24 meter persegi.

Sementara Nisan Horatio Nelson Levyssohn di Sungailiat mempunyai luas bangunan dan luas tanah tiga meter persegi, Banteng Kuto Panji memiliki luas bangunan 2.784 meter persegi dan luas tanah 2.940 meter persegi, Situs Kota Kapur di Mendobarat memiliki luas bangunan 132 hektar dan luas tanah 154,045 hektar, sedangkan Benteng Kotawaringin mempunyai luas bangunan 144,94 meter persghi dan luas tanah 901,11 meter persegi.

Direktur Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaa, Harri Widianto mengatakan pendaftaran cagar budaya dilakukan di kabupaten atau kota secara online.

“Setelah mendaftar kemudian ditunjuk sebanyak tiga orang dari dinas terkait di pemerintah daerah untuk mengikuti bimbingan teknis selama satu minggu,” katanya.[mr/tar]


Wisata Rumah Sejarah Pesona Pangkalpinang

Wisata Rumah Bersejarah Di Pangkal Pinang

Kota Pangkalpinang pernah menjadi wilayah kekuasaan Inggris, Belanda, Jepang, Kerajaan Sriwijaya, dan Majapahit. Pada masa Belanda, ibukota Karesidenan Bangka terletak di Muntok. 3 September 1939 dipisahkan pengelolaan timah, administrasi, dan Pemerintahan dan memindahkan Ibukota ke Pangkalpinang. Sampai sekarang Kota Pangkalpinang menjadi daerah otonom (pusat pemerintahan, perdagangan, dan sebagainya).

Menyelusuri sebagian obyek wisata Kota Pangkalpinang memang tidak terlepas dari ‘bau’ Kolonial, Kerajaan, Sumatera Selatan, Tionghoa, dan Timah. Kali ini saya bercerita tentang rumah sejarah yang saya kunjungi. Tiga rumah berunsur sejarah yang sangat menarik bila kamu datang ke Pangkalpinang dan Muntok.

Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta

 Image result for Rumah Pengasingan Soekarno Pangkalpinang di Bukit Menumbing

Image result for Rumah Pengasingan Soekarno Pangkalpinang di Bukit Menumbing

Rumah Pengasingan Sukarno Pangkalpinang di Bukit Menumbing

Untuk mencapai ke tempat obyek wisata sejarah ini, melewati jalan berkelok-kelok, turunan dan tanjakan yang mirip Roller Coaster atau Kora-kora di Dunia Fantasi. Namun, terbayar dengan menginjakkan kaki di Rumah Pengasingan yang dikelilingi laut dan gunung/bukit Menumbing.

Rumah  yang terletak Di Bukit Menumbing, Mentok, Bangka Barat pernah menjadi tempat pengasingan Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta – saat asgresi kedua di tahun 1948-1949. Rumah besar ini terlihat megah dan kokoh. Hal pertama yang menarik dan seksi ketika masuk ke rumah ini ialah mobil klasik Ford De Luxe 8 berwarna hitam. Yang ternyata sudah tidak ada lagi mesinnya, hilang entah ke mana. Terpenting kerangkanya masih dapat bertutur bahwa Bung Karno dan beserta ajudannya pernah ada di dalamnya.

Terdapat juga , foto-foto para tokoh tertempel di dinding juga bercerita tentang peristiwa yang mereka cetuskan. Tokoh-tokoh yang pernah mengunjungi dan mengadakan pertemuan dengan  Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta di Rumah Pengasingan. Selain rentetan foto, saya menemukan surat penghargaan Bung Karno tentang masyarakat Bangka. Singkat isinya:

“Rakjat Bangka njata bersemangat republikein, njata berkehendak Bangka masuk dalam daerah Republik.”

Saya sekilas mendapatkan apa yang pernah terjadi di tahun tersebut. Saya pun jadi membayangkan raut wajah Pemimpin Negara Indonesia itu ketika menuliskannya. Pasti penuh kebanggaan dan senyuman.

Di Rumah Pengasingan, dibiarkan barang-barang, desain, dan furniture apa adanya dan tidak diganti. Selain Pemerintah, ada seorang dari generasi ketiga yang pernah menjadi ajudan Presiden Sukarno di rumah pengasingan. Generasi ketiga asal Jawa ini yang memelihara rumah tersebut. Hingga ruang tidur pun tidak diubah letak posisi dan furniture yang semuanya dari kayu jati.

Kemudian, di luar rumah, ada yang menarik perhatian saya dan teman-teman, seekor ular sejenis Venom (ular berbisa). Ular tersebut muncul sekitar tahun 1951-1952, tidak pernah makan, tapi bertelur sampai 4 ekor. Ketika kami di sana, 4 ekor lainnya tidak ada di tanaman tersebut dan menurut penjaga rumah sedang jalan-jalan. What? Itu berarti saya bisa bertemu 4 ular di tempat tak terduga di rumah ini. Aish. Dan menurut penjaga sekaligus perawat rumah ini, Mas Tedjo – meski tanaman telah berkali-kali diganti – ular-ular itu tetap mendiami posisinya di mana pot tanaman diletakan seperti semula.


Pemandangan Di Rumah Pengasingan Bangka #pesonapangkalpinang. Dokumentasi Foto: Rosid

Satu lagi yang seksi. Pemandangan alam luar Rumah Pengasingan. Dari atas rumah pengasingan, kami dapat melihat wilayah Muntok yang ternyata bagus sekali. Atas rumah yang berbentuk segi empat dan tiap sudutnya berdiri bendera Merah Putih. Langsung semua pada foto-foto dan wefie atau selfie. Di area ini, udaranya segar dan bukit-bukit atau gunung Menumbing terlihat hijau dan gagah. Bagus nih kayagnya buat terapi dan meditasi. Eh..

Image result for wisma ranggam muntok

Wisma Ranggam

Rumah atau disebut wisma ini masih berkaitan dengan sejarah Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta. Di Wisma ini, Bung Karno dan Agus Salim, M. Roem, Ali Sastroamidjojo dan lainnya pernah menginap di tahun 1948 dan 1949. Wisma yang terdiri dari 8 ruang (kamar dan ruang pertemuan) berbentuk sederhana dan berdiri sejak tahun 1827. Dan tak perlu melalui jalanan berkelok yang bikin jantung naik-turun. Malah jalanannya mulus, rapi, dan bersih.


Wisma Ranggam, Muntok #PesonaPangkalpinang.

Dibangun oleh Banka Tin Winning, perusahaan timah milik Belanda. Terletak masih di wilayah Muntok. Di depannya, kami langsung bisa melihat sebuah tugu berwarna putih. Di samping halaman berdiri beberapa batu. Sayangnya tempat wisata yang sederhana dan menarik ini tidak terlihat keterangan mengenai wisma, batu, dan tugu. Mungkin ada hal lainnya yang terselip di Wisma Ranggam – yang tidak terlihat di mata pengunjung. Padahal Wisma Ranggam salah satu obyek wisata yang juga perlu dikupas.

Rumah Kapitan Lain Nam Sen

Rumah bertingkat dua yang dibangun dari peninggalan seorang kapitan  peranakan Tionghoa dan Melayu terletak di Jalan Balai, Pangkalpinang. Dibangun sekitar tahun 1700-an. Rumah yang juga disebut rumah panggung merupakan destinasi paling berkesan bagi saya (selain ketiga di atas). Di rumah ini tidak saja merupakan destinasi sejarah, tapi juga seni budaya. Dengan arstitektur Tionghoa dan Malayu, pemilik sekarang tidak menghilang ‘arwah’ seni yang begitu kental.

Dari interior, perlengkapan rumah, ornamen, ventilasi, sampai lantai membuat saya terkagum-kagum pada tempat ini.


Rumah Kapitan Tionghoa Malayu, Wisata Sejarah & Seni Budaya #PesonaPangkalpinang

Rumah yang dibangun oleh seorang kapitan, dan pernah menjadi salah satu orang berpengaruh di Bangka di masa perjuangan, meninggalkan Heritage luar biasa. Warisan yang tidak hanya bercerita tentang gaya hidup dan rumah-rumah di zaman dulu, tapi juga dapat memikat wisatawan melalui seni bernilai tinggi.

Kini, Rumah Kapitan dimiliki Ongky, entah dari generasi berapa. Ongky bercerita tentang kakek dari kakeknya yang membangun rumah cantik ini. Jadi silahkan menghitung sudah berapa generasi rumah ini berdiri. Ia pun sengaja memugar rumah tersebut tanpa melenyapkan perabotan rumah dan lainnya serta sebagian lebih bangunan. Alasannya agar wisatawan bisa menjelajah obyek wisata sejarah dan seni budaya .

Udara yang masuk pun begitu bebas dan berhawa ke tempoe doeloe. Suatu tempo yang terus hadir di masa modern ini. Dan masih tidak ketinggalan bila orang menerapkan konsep seni Tionghoa dan Malayu yang kuno dan authentic di rumah, cafe, bahkan di

isi-isi dari Rumah kuno tapi bernilai seni ini. Dari lemari, meja tamu, meja makan, tempat tidur, kaca, televisi, kaca rias, lantai, ornamen ventilasi, pintu, dan rupa-rupa lainnya, saya potret satu per satu. Asli sangat berkesan.

ini merupakan keindahan seni otentik yang berkumpul di satu tempat. Belum lagi kuliner daerah ini yang rasanya enak dan patut dicicipi.

Kenikmatan apalagi yang didustakan. Jiah ngikutin pribahasa kekinian.


Rumah Kapitan Tionghoa-Malayu Halaman Belakang. Wisata

sejarah & seni budaya #PesonaPangkalpinang

Paling kece lagi, di halaman belakang Rumah Kapitan, berdiri gapura dan tangga yang menghubungkan tamu salah satu hotel dengan rumah ini.

Menunjukan pemilik rumah sekarang, membuka akses wisata dan membiarkan para tamu menikmati kejayaan masa lalu beserta seni yang tidak memudar ini.


Population at Bangka-Belitung Islands Province (2008)


Number of Population









Bangka Barat




Bangka Tengah




Bangka Selatan








Belitung Timur












Kantor Pos Pangkal Pinang

Kode Area Telepon : 0715-0719
Kode Area Pos : 33111-33791


Kabupaten Bangka

Robustness of the remains of the Citadel building berwaran grayish-black is made from baked clay, which was built around 1700 by
 Kapitan Bong Bong or Khiung Fu

 Blinyu Goa Maria


Ujung utara Pulau Bnagka

Dari Bangka kie Belitung dengan pesawat Udara




10 Tempat Wisata di Belitung yang Wajib Dikunjungi

Pulau Lengkuas

Belitung bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata yang dulunya tersembunyi. Tidak banyak orang tahu keindahan sesungguhnya dari Belitung. Tetapi sejak munculnya film Laskar Pelangi, keindahan Belitung yang sesungguhnya mulai terekspos. Hal ini mengakibatkan Belitung menjadi salah satu destinasi liburan favorit bagi para traveler yang ingin mengeksplor keindahan negara kita tercinta ini.


Jika Anda memasukkan Belitung sebagai tempat liburan Anda selanjutnya, beberapa tempat wisata di Belitung yang wajib dikunjungi antara lain:

1. Pantai Tanjung Tinggi

Pantai Tanjung Tinggi

Pantai Tanjung Tinggi

Pantai Tanjung Tinggi adalah pantai terkenal di Belitung yang digunakan sebagai salah satu lokasi syuting untuk film Laskar Pelangi. Pantai ini terletak di sebelah utara Belitung, tepatnya 37 km dari kota Tanjung Pandan. Berpasir putih, air laut jernih, dan batu granit super besar adalah ciri khas dari pantai ini.

Ombak di Pantai Tanjung Tinggi relatif tenang sehingga Anda bisa berenang tanpa harus takut terbawa ombak. Di tepi pantai, terdapat warung-warung yang menjajakan seafood untuk memuaskan rasa lapar Anda setelah puas bermain air.

2. Pantai Tanjung Kelayang

Pantai Tanjung Kelayang

Pantai Tanjung Kelayang

Terletak di sebelah utara Pulau Belitung, Pantai Tanjung Kelayang adalah pantai kedua yang terkenal setelah Pantai Tanjung Tinggi. Yang khas dari pantai ini adalah Batu Kelayang yang merupakan maskot dari Sail Wakatobi – Belitung 2011. Pantai Tanjung Kelayang terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu sebelah barat dengan gugusan batu granit dan sebelah timur berupa hamparan pasir putih nan cantik. Anda bisa menyelam, berenang, berjemur, memancing, dan malakukan beragam atraksi air lainnya di pantai ini.

3. Pulau Lengkuas

Pulau Lengkuas

Pulau Lengkuas

Objek wisata ketiga yang terkenal di Belitung adalah Pulau Lengkuas. Pulau ini berada di sebelah utara Pulau Belitung, Anda hanya perlu menempuh jarak sekitar 30 menit untuk menyeberang ke pulau ini. Hal yang menarik dari Pulau Lengkuas adalah mercusuar yang menjulang tinggi di tengah-tengah pulau.

Mercusuar ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1882. Dari atas mercusuar ini, Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan keindahan pantai-pantai di Belitung dari




4. Bukit Berahu

Bukit Berahu

Bukit Berahu

Bukit Berahu adalah sebuah tempat perpaduan antara resto dan bungalow atau villa di sebuah pantai indah di Belitung. Bukit Berahu terletak dekat dengan Tanjung Tinggi. Dari atas Bukit Berahu, Anda bisa menikmati keindahan pantai berpasir putih dan laut biru muda yang jernih.

Untuk mencapai pantai di bungalow ini, Anda harus menuruni 97 anak tangga, sehingga ada baiknya Anda menggunakan sepatu tanpa hak. Karena pantai di sini merupakan bagian dari bungalow, Anda bisa menikmati sensasi private beach yang tidak bisa Anda temukan di pantai Belitung lainnya.

5. Pantai Punai

Pantai Punai

Pantai Punai

Pantai Punai berlokasi di sebelah Tenggara Belitung, tepatnya di desa Tanjung Kelumpang. Berbeda dengan pantai khas Belitung lain yang memiliki batu granit super besar, di pantai ini Anda akan mendapati pasir putih dengan batu granit kecil dan suasana yang lebih tenang.

Di depan pantai ini ada pulau kecil bernama Pulau Punai. Dulunya, di pulau ini terdapat banyak sekali burung punai. Untuk menuju pulau ini Anda hanya perlu berjalan kaki jika air sedang surut.


6. Pulau Pasir

Pulau Pasir

Pulau Pasir

Pulau Pasir sesungguhnya adalah sebuah tumpukan daratan yang hanya terdiri dari pasir. Saat air laut surut, tumpukan pasir ini akan terbentuk seperti pulau. Sedangkan saat air laut pasang, daratan ini seluruhnya akan tenggelam di bawah air laut. Pulau ini tidak terlalu luas, hanya sebesar setengah lapangan sepak sepak bola.

Saat air surut, ada banyak sekali wisatawan yang singgah di pulau ini dengan menggunakan perahu nelayan. Anda akan merasa takjub dengan pemandangan di pulau ini, karena pulau ini berdekatan dengan pulau-pulau lain.

7. Danau Kaolin

Danau Kaolin

Danau Kaolin

Danau Kaolin ini sebenarnya bukan tempat wisata umum, tetapi banyak fotografer yang ingin mengetahui potensi fotografi di sini, sehingga ada beberapa agen wisata yang menyediakan jasa paket wisata ke tempat wisata di Belitung ini. Kaolin adalah salah satu kekayaan tambang di pulau Belitung. Keindahan tempat ini merupakan perpaduan antara air danau berwarna biru dan kaolin berwarna putih. Pemandangan di sini hampir sama dengan pemandangan Kawah Putih di Bandung.

8. Pantai Penyabong

Pantai Penyabong

Pantai Penyabong

Pantai Penyabong adalah sebuah pantai yang terletak di Kecamatan Membalong, Belitung Selatan. Pantai ini juga dikenal dengan sebutan Pantai Batu Lubang. Keindahan alam pantai ini hampir sama dengan keindahan di Pantai Tanjung Tinggi, dengan gugusan batu granit yang bertebaran di tepi pantai. Bedanya, batu granit di pantai ini saling menyambung dan memanjang, menjorok ke arah laut sehingga membentuk seperti dermaga secara alami. Ombak di sini tidak terlalu besar sehingga aman untuk berenang, air pantai juga jernih dengan pasir putih yang lembut.

9. Museum Kata

Museum Kata

Museum Kata

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata adalah museum literatur pertama di Indonesia. Di sini, Anda bisa menyaksikan koleksi tentang film Laskar Pelangi. Anda bisa menemukan berbagai karya Andrea Hirata di museum ini.

Ada sebuah cerpen khusus yang dibuat oleh Andrea Hirata yang tidak diterbitkan umum, dan hanya bisa Anda baca di sini. Museum ini dibangun Andrea Hirata dengan tujuan untuk menginspirasi anak-anak dan remaja di desa Gantong, agar memgembangkan bakat seni mereka.

Selain jejak Laskar Pelangi, di sini juga terdapat banyak sekali karya seni Andrea. Ada juga Warung Kupi Kuli yang merupakan sebuah gambaran keseharian kehidupan para penambang.

10. Pantai Nyiur Melambai

Pantai Nyiur Melambai

Pantai Nyiur Melambai

Pantai Nyiur Melambai terletak di Desa Lalang, Kecamatan Manggar, Belitung Timur. Pantai ini adalah salah satu pantai yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan, dan termasuk lokasi wisata terpopuler.

Jika biasanya pantai dihiasi pohon kelapa, berbeda dengan Pantai Nyiur Melambai. Pantai ini ditumbuhi oleh pohon pinus di sekitarnya dengan pasir putih khas pantai Belitung. Garis pantai di sini panjang dan suasana di sini teduh. Aktivitas yang dapat Anda lakukan di sini antara lain berenang, voli pantai, dan juga panjat tebing.

4.27 (85.45%) 11votes




Belitong Timur Kampung AHOK

 BUdha statue
Sekolah Laskar Pelanggi





Image result for Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi '中和公正''祉山' (1740-1812) Rare
Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘中和公正”祉山’ (1740-1812) Rare

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘兵郎公司’ ca 1775-1812 Rare(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘光道聚寳”源記’ ca 1740/50-1812 RR




Bangka  Historic Collections

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Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

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Nature of the Bangka Island

Bangka-Belitung Islands Province was formed as the 31st province by Indonesian Government based on the Act No. 27 year 2000 with Pangkal Pinang as its capital city. It consists of two main islands i.e. Bangka and Belitung Islands and several small islands (see Figure 4), located at 104° 50’ – 109° 30’ E and 0° 50’ – 4° 10’ S.

The total area of Bangka-Belitung Islands Province is about 81,725.14 km2, consisting of land area about 16,424.14 km2 or 20.1 percent of the total area and sea area about 65,301 km2 or 79.9 percent of the total area.

Figure 4. Administrative Map of Bangka-Belitung Islands Province

The hill or mountain lies at the center of Bangka and Belitung Island. The highest level of topography is 675 m at the mountain in the north part of Bangka Island. In general, the slope at the center of Bangka Island ranged from 5% to 40%, while near the coastline, the slope is very gentle.

In terms of the characteristics of the coast line and marine condition in general the seabed has a gentle to slightly steep slope from the coastal line to the sea. The regional bathymetry map is provided in Figure 5.

Bangka and Belitung Islands are located on the area with relatively low seismicity. There are no significant earthquakes in Bangka-Belitung Islands Province. The main earthquake events are along Sumatera Island at the western part as Semangko Fault manifestation (Figure 6). The value of peak ground acceleration on the basement rock for 500 years period is based on SNI 1726-2002 is very small, about 0.03 g.



Figure 5. Topography and Bathymetry Map of Bangka Belitung Region

Figure 6. Earthquake Distribution along 1900 – 2009 (source USGS)

The shortest distance of an active volcano (Bukit Lumut Balai) to Bangka is ± 303 km to the southwest direction. There is no volcano in Bangka-Belitung Islands Province (See Figure 7).

Figure 7. Distribution of Active Volcanoes around Bangka-Belitung Islands Province

Geologically, the main formation in Bangka Island is the Tanjung Genting Formation which is dominated by clastic rocks (sandstone) sedimentation of Triassic age which settled at shallow sea and Klabat Granite which is dominated by intrusive granite of Late Triassic age (see Figure 8).

Figure 8. Geological Map of Bangka Belitung Islands Province

Bangka island lies in Sunda peneplain, which is a part of elevated Sunda land. From geological point of view, distribution of tin ore in Indonesia is a continuation of granitic belt of Jurassic to Cretaceous that extends from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Riau islands (Singkep, Karimun and Kundur islands), Bangka, Belitung to Karimata islands. The belt is also known as the tin belt, a granite containing casiterite series.

There is no significant tsunami effect in Bangka-Belitung Islands Province. The main sources of tsunami are mostly located in Indian Ocean, at the west side of Sumatera Island. The effect of tsunami from this area is retained by Sumatera Island and therefore the Bangka-Belitung Islands was protected from tsunami hazard.

Demographically, the total population of Bangka-Belitung Islands Province in year 2008 was 1,122,526 people (National Socio-economy Survey, SUSENAS 2008) as shown in Table 16, while population in 2000 was 899,095 people (Year 2000 Population Census), therefore the population growth rate is about 1,19 percent.



Population at Bangka-Belitung Islands Province (2008)


Number of Population









Bangka Barat




Bangka Tengah




Bangka Selatan








Belitung Timur













Lima Wisata Sejarah Paling Hits di Pangkalpinang

28 Maret, 20164 April, 2016 syaifuddin sayuti 2 Komentar bangka, pesona pangkalpinang, rumah kapitan


Kota PangkalpinangMelihat Langsung Tradisi Cengbeng. Read more … » di pulau BangkaKesederhanaan ala Kedai Kopi Akhew, Pangkalpinang. Read more … » adalah ibukota provinsi Bangka Belitung yang memiliki banyak kawasan wisata yang menarik. Bulan lalu bersama sejumlah bloggerKranggan, Sebelah Mana Indonesia?. Read more … » saya sempat berkunjung ke kota ini selama 3 hari. Terlalu singkat memang kunjungan ini. Harusnya minimal seminggu berada di kota ini dan bisa menyelami satu persatu keragaman destinasi wisatanya.

Sebagai penggemar wisata budaya dan sejarah saya begitu terpukau dengan kota cantik ini. Ternyata kota ini menyimpan berbagai kekayaan budaya dan sejarah yang luar biasa. Menurut catatan Ahmad Elvian, Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga Pangkalpinang, di kota ini sedikitnya ada 30 destinasi wisata sejarah. Wah, ternyata yang kami datangi baru beberapa diantaranya.

Adanya perpaduan budaya Melayu dan China dalam keseharian masyarakat Pangkalpinang membuat kota ini unik. Terlebih adanya peninggalan bangunan masa penjajahan Belanda membuat kota ini makin menarik. Lalu, apa saja destinasi wisata sejarah yang ada di Pangkalpinang? Saya pilihkan 5 diantaranya.

1.Rumah Eks Residen Bangka

Rumah Eks Residen Bangka

Ini adalah bekas rumah Residen Bangka di Pangkalpinang yang memiliki catatan sejarah yang panjang. Rumah ini terletak di pusat kota, tepatnya di jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Pangkalpinang. Bulan Februari lalu saya sempat berkunjung kemari dan melihat langsung keindahan arsitektur rumah ini.

Rumah berarsitektur Eropa ini dibangun awal abad ke-20, dan mulai ditempati pada tahun 1913 oleh Residen (penguasa Belanda) di Bangka yang berkedudukan di kota Pangkalpinang.  Menurut catatan sejarah, Pangkalpinang dijadikan ibukota karesidenan Bangka di masa penjajahan Belanda, setelah sebelumnya ibukota Karesidenan ini berada di kota MuntokMengunjungi Rumah Pengasingan Soekarno di Bangka. Read more … », Bangka BaratKejayaan Timah Bangka Bukan Isapan Jempol. Read more … ».

Bentuknya yang besar membuat warga Bangka menyebutnya sebagai rumah besar. Yang paling mencolok dari bentuk rumah ini adalah adanya 10 pilar yang berada di teras depan rumah. Selain itu yang khas dari rumah berarsitektur Eropa adalah bukaan jendela yang lebar, ventilasi dan pintu berukuran serba besar. Rumah Residen kini menjadi rumah dinas Walikota Pangkalpinang M.Irwansyah Rebuin dan menjadi salah satu cagar budaya yang dilindungi.

  1. Tamansari (Wilhelmina Park)

Taman Sari alias Wilhelmina Park

Nama taman Wilhelmina Park ini mengingatkan pada sosok ratu Belanda, Wilhelmina. Dinamakan seperti nama ratu Belanda karena taman ini dibangun saat masa pendudukan Belanda di IndonesiaPulau Bali Raih Best Island 2015. Read more … ». Setelah kemerdekaan RI nama taman diubah menjadi Tamansari dan diresmikan oleh Wakil Presiden Ri Mohammad Hatta pada tahun 1949.

Tamansari dirancang oleh Van Ben Benzenhorn sebagai fasilitas pendukung rumah Residen Bangka, yang letaknya bersisian. Taman ini ditata bak taman-taman di Eropa. Dengan pepohonannya yang rindang, taman ini menjadi oase bagi warga Pangkalpinang yang hendak melepas penat. Selain difungsikan sebagai taman, Tamansari juga digunakan sebagai tempat konservasi tanaman, tempat berolahraga hingga sekedar bersantai bersama keluarga.

Oiya, nama Tamansari ini diambil dari nama kecamatan tempat taman ini berada. Sejak tahun 2010 Tamansari dijadikan cagar budaya Pangkalpinang yang dilindungi Undang-undang Cagar Budaya.

  1. Museum Timah Indonesia

Bangka identik dengan timah, dan bicara timah asal Bangka berarti membicarakan sejarah panjang eksplorasi timah di Nusantara. Dan untuk memahami sejarah pertimahan di pulau Bangka, maka berkunjunglah ke Museum Timah Indonesia yang terletak di jalan Ahmad Yani, Pangkalpinang.

Di museum ini kita bisa menyaksikan perjalanan sejarah penambangan timah di Bangka. Mulai dari penambangan yang dilakukan secara tradisional oleh masyarakat, sejarah perkembangan teknologi pertambangan sejak jaman Belanda hingga terkini.

Mencermati satu persatu koleksi museum Timah pengunjung akan dibawa menyelami kejayaan timah Bangka di awal abad ke-20. Masa di mana timah sebagai komoditas andalan Indonesia yang dikenal bukan saja di kancah regional, namun hingga ke seluruh dunia. Keterkenalan itu menjadikan timah Bangka sebagai salah satu timah terbaik di dunia.

  1. Panti Wangka (Societeit Concordia)


Gedung Panti Wangka alias Societet Concordia

Panti Wangka atau gedung Societeit merupakan gedung pertemuan bagi orang-orang Belanda di kota Pangkalpinang. Gedung ini terletak di pusat kota, dekat dengan sejumlah kantor pemerintahan. Letak gedung ini tak jauh dari Wilhelmina Park atau Tamansari.

Gedung ini didirikan pada masa residen Bangka A.J.N Engelenberg yang memerintah tahun 1913 – 1918. Societeit Concordia digunakan sebagai tempat berkumpulnya sosialita Belanda, yang terdiri dari ambtenar goebernemen (petinggi pemerintahan), petinggi militer, pejabat perusahaan BTW (Banka Tin Winning), hingga pengusaha. Di tempat ini biasanya mereka melepas lelah, makan-makan, mendengarkan musik dan hiburan seni.

Seiring dengan nasionalisasi aset milik pemerintah Belanda menjadi BUMN, tahun 1953 gedung ini pun beralih pengelolaannya menjadi dibawah Unit Penambangan Timah Bangka dan berubah namanya menjadi Panti Wangka. Setelah itu gedung ini pernah menjadi gedung pertemuan, kantor sementara DPRD Provinsi Bangka Belitung, serta PN Pangkalpinang saat gedung pengadilan tersebut direnovasi. Kini gedung bersejarah ini digunakan oleh KONI Bangka Belitung sebagai kantornya.

  1. Rumah Kapitan Lain Nam Sen



Rumah Kapitan

Rumah cantik berarsitektur perpaduan China Hakka dengan Melayu ini bisa ditemukan di jalan Balai, Pangkalpinang. Rumah Kapitan Lain Nam Sen ini merupakan bukti betapa akulturasi budaya China berjalan dengan cara yang indah dan berdampingan dengan budaya lokal Melayu. Hidup damai berdampingan memang sudah ada sejak lama di Pangkalpinang. Ini terbukti dari keberadaan rumah ini yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1800-an.

Rumah ini awalnya adalah rumah panggung, sama seperti kebanyakan rumah di Sumatera pada masanya. Rumah semacam ini dibangun dengan alasan keamanan, sebab saat itu masih kerap ditemukan binatang buas yang berkeliaran di kampung-kampung. Dengan rumah panggung, sentral kegiatan di rumah berada di lantai atas. Sementara di bagian bawah biasanya digunakan untuk menyimpan ternak atau kendaraan.

Dari luar rumah ini tak beda dengan rumah di Pangkalpinang lainnya. Namun begitu kaki melangkah ke bagian dalam, maka akan tampak keunikan rumah ini. Yang paling unik menurut saya adalah tegelnya. Coraknya sangat vintage, cantik sekali. Kemudian pembagian ruangnya juga menarik. Rata-rata ruangannya cukup luas, dengan area publik di bagian bawah. Sementara area privat berada di lantai dua.

Keunikan berikutnya adalah furnitur kayunya yang masih terawat dengan sangat baik. Semuanya adalah peninggalan keluarga turun temurun.

Saat ini proses renovasi rumah Kapitan ini sudah hampir selesai. Nantinya rumah ini akan dijadikan semacam galeri atau museum rumah khas China-Melayu dan terintegrasi dengan hotel di bagian belakang rumah.


Interest area


According to literature study and field confirmation, all of the visited areas in Bangka Island are free from exclusions factors and therefore they can be considered as areas which are potential to be developed further.

However, to enable good site survey management, 2 areas with best characteristics in terms of their acceptability (safety, suitability, and construction cost), proximity to Sumatera Island, and other considerations are selected as the preferred areas for the first NPP sites.

The two areas will then be called interest areas.


The two interest areas are:


The interest area 1 can be reached from Pangkal Pinang through Kelapa by paved road of approximately 140 km long, then continued for about 4 to 6 km by unpaved road, of which only 3 km can only be accessed by car and the rest by motorcycle or by 4 wheel-drive vehicle. The unpaved road needs to be repaired before starting the main activity.


The interest area 2 can be reached from Pangkal Pinang through Sungai Selan, Bangka Kota, Simpang Rimba, Permis,Village, Rajik Village and Sebakin Village by paved road of 83.5 km long. It seems that the unpaved road does not need further improvement before main activities start except for the broken small Sebagin bridge.



Road network including access road to both interest areas is provided in Figure 10

Figure 10. Access Road to Interest Area 1 and 2 from Pangkal Pinang




(1) Teluk Manggris-Tanah Merah in Bangka Barat Regency,

The interest area 1 can be reached from Pangkal Pinang through Kelapa by paved road of approximately 140 km long, then continued for about 4 to 6 km by unpaved road, of which only 3 km can only be accessed by car and the rest by motorcycle or by 4 wheel-drive vehicle. The unpaved road needs to be repaired before starting the main activity.


Figure 9. Interest Areas in Bangka Island


(2) Tanjung Berani-Tanjung Krasak in Bangka Selatan Regency (see Figure 9).


The interest area 2 can be reached from Pangkal Pinang through Sungai Selan,

Bangka Kota, Simpang Rimba, Permis,Village, Rajik Village and Sebakin Village

by paved road of 83.5 km long.

It seems that the unpaved road does not need further improvement before main activities start except for the broken small Sebagin bridge.


Road network

including access road to both interest areas is provided in Figure 10

Figure 10. Access Road to Interest Area 1 and 2 from Pangkal Pinang



The chronicle history Of Bangka

How does the history of tin that originated on the island of Bangka who has been known as the Chinese sailors named

the island

Pu-lei since the 3rd century AD.

Chinese news the 7th century

 mentions that the commodity trade of Shih-li-fo-hell (Srivijaya), among others, is tin.

Srivijaya Sumatera Portuguese Cube Cross Tin Coin (River Found)

CAD 6.50 0 Bids <1m , CAD 7.96 Shipping, 14-Day Returns


 In later centuries it Bangka-Billiton including Srivijaya territory.



Only in the mid-18th century

 the involvement of Chinese people in the Pacific, which generally comes from Hakka region, comes into play, either as a rough power, buyer agents, and entrepreneurs mining itself.
The presence of Chinese mainland origin miners in Bangka Island area of
11,704 square kilometers continues to grow.
 Mary F. Somers Heidhues in Bangka Tin and Mentok Pepper explained, thousands of workers from China were imported by the Dutch in bulk and bumpy as contract laborers in the Pacific in 1710.
The Netherlands took over the power of tin mining on Bangka Island from Palembang Sultanate in the 19th century post-fall of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.
Holland then established tin mining company,
This then became the early presence of PT Timah on the island of Bangka-Belitung until now


Tin mines in Bangka in the open around mid-year 1700
The arrival of the first Hakka is to the Overseer and Montrado, gold mining dikonsesi by Sultan Mempawah and Sambas, Around the beginning of the year 1700, they brought in large numbers through Sarawak.
When the tin mines in Bangka in the open around mid-year 1700, which followed later in the Pacific Islands, hundreds of Hakka people shipped to the Pacific.

Fortress or Citadel Kutopanji Bongkap,
located in the village of Dull.







Benteng Kuto Panji

Bahasa Indonesia/ English


Sebagai salah satu asset sejarah yang menyimpan banyak cerita misteri, baik itu berupa mitos atau pun sejarah, Benteng Kuto Panji memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung, terutama pada cerita sejarahnya.

Ada banyak versi cerita sejarah benteng ini yang berhubungan erat dengan kerajaan di Tiongkok.

Dari semua versi itu, ada kemiripan cerita yaitu seorang raja kerajaan kecil bernama Bong Kiung Fu yang memerintah di Belinyu yang memiliki seorang anak gadis berparas cantik bernama Bong Lili atau putri Chok Tian.


Bong Khiung Fu adalah seorang penguasa yang baik hati di Tibet-China yang menolak membayar upeti kepada penguasa Tiongkok yang lalim pada masa itu.

Sang penguasa marah dan memerintahkan hukuman mati kepada Bong Khiung Fu.

Bersama pasukan dan putrinya, Bong Khiung Fu pun melarikan diri dari daratan Tiongkok dan mengarungi samudra.

Mereka membawa seluruh harta dan pasukannya dengan menggunakan beberapa buah kapal besar dan kecil.

Mereka juga membawa tanaman jeruk Kingkit sebagai obat anti mabuk, yang dimasa mendatang, merupakan tanaman yang mahal dan langka di Indonesia.

Ketika melewati perairan Selat Berhala dekat ujung utara pulau Bangka, rombongan ini dikejar oleh para bajak laut, sehingga mereka melarikan diri menuju Pulau Bangka, memasuki Teluk Kelabat hingga muara Sungai Karang Lintang dan bersembunyi di situ.

Setelah merasa aman bersembunyi di situ, mereka lalu membuka lahan untuk berkebun dan bercocoktanam sehingga kemudian berfikir untuk mendirikan sebuah benteng pertahanan yang kokoh untuk bertahan dari serangan bajak laut dan serangan lainnya.

Bangunan yang didirikan itu sebagai benteng sekaligus istana kecil, lengkap dengan perangkat pemerintahannya. Sebagai kerajaan kecil yang saat itu tunduk pada kekuasaan Kesultanan Palembang, maka tentu saja diharuskan memberikan upeti berupa timah tiban.


Pembangunan Benteng Kuto Panji atau dalam bahasa China, Bongkap, memakan waktu 5 tahun (1664-1669 M).

Sebagai perekat/ semen, digunakan putih telor angsa sebagai campuran pasir dan batu sehingga benteng ini dapat bertahan beberapa abad sebelum benar – benar runtuh di tahun 1774 karena serangan musuh serta serangan Lanun.

Versi lainnya mengenai keberadaan benteng ini mengenai seorang raja kikir dan bengis bernama Bong Khiung Fu yang memerintah di Tibet, dimana selama pemerintahannya sang raja telah menyalahgunakan kekuasaan demi kepentingan pribadi, misalnya dengan memberlakukan pajak yang sangat tinggi sehingga menyebabkan rakyat menderita.

Hal tersebut diketahui oleh maharaja Khian Lung yang bertahta di Provinsi Fukkian setelah mengadakan peninjauan terhadap negeri – negeri kekuasaannya.


Terciumnya kebusukan Bong Khiung Fu ini bermula dari sebuah peristiwa besar yang dikenal dengan Thai Nau Fa Leu atau Insiden Hotel Seribu Bunga, dimana sang kaisar berontak hebat dengan putera angkat Bong Khiung Fu yang bernama Cok Hin, sehingga kejahatan Bong Khiung Fu pun terungkap.

Sang Kaisar marah besar dan memerintahkan para pengawal untuk menangkap Bong Khiung Fu yang kemudian memutuskan untuk melarikan diri bersama pengikut dan putri kesayangannya serta penduduk yang dibohinginya dengandalih mencari bahan makanan pokok ke Nanyang.



Bong Kiung Fu membawa semua harta kekayaannya dalam pelarian tersebut menggunakan 3 kapal besar dan 3 kapal kecil hingga merapat di pelabuhan Karang Lintang Desa Kuto Panji Belinyu. Sejak itulah mereka menetap di bagian utara pulau Bangka dengan alas an, sebagai buronan sudah semestinya bersembunyi di daerah kecil agar susah dilacak oleh kerajaan China.


Pada saat Pulau Bangka termasuk wilayah kekuasaan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang, yang kemudian mengizinkan Bong Khiung Fu menetap di Kutopanji dan mendirikan sebuah benteng megah dan indah yang dikerjakan selama kurang lebih 149 minggu. Benteng ini memiliki 9 ruangan dan 18 sumur serta pintu gerbang – pintu gerbang yang menghadap ke Timur Laut.


Bong Khiung Fu bergelar Kapitan Bong atau lebih dikenal dengan Bongkap, memulai usaha dengan membuka tambang timah, perkebunan karet dan lada yang amat luas sehingga mempekerjakan banyak kuli dari Pulau Jawa.


Menurut beberapa versi mengenai kematian sang raja, Bong Khiung Fu mati terbunuh oleh bangsa Lanun, namun ada juga yang menyatakan dirinya lari ke  Semenanjung Malaka, sementara putrinya Cok Tian mati bunuh diri dengan menceburkan diri ke sumur di sekitar istana bersama dengan seluruh emas dan perhiasan, sehingga diyakini bahwa benteng ini menyimpan harta karun yang tak ternilai harganya, serta cerita mengenai peti emas yang terbuka dengan aneka perhiasan berkilauan, tetapi setelah didekati tiba – tiba raib entah.

Benteng ini pun terkenal angker dan keramat. Sampai saat ini, reruntuhan benteng Kuto Panji masih menyisakan beberapa bangunan terletak di belakang Kantor Camat Belinyu.


Kekuasaan Bong Khiung Fu mengalami keruntuhan sekitar abad ke 17, ketika para bangsa Lanun atau bajak laut yang berasal dari Filipina mendengar bahwa di pulau Bangka ada seorang hartawan yang memiliki kekayaan berlimpah ruah.

Para Lanun tersebut menyerang ke benteng ketika Bongkap dan anak buahnya sedang berada di Malaysia untuk menjual hasil timah dan lada, namun penyerangan itu gagal setelah salah seorang kapten para perompak tewas ditimpa buah bakau yang banyak tumbuh dipelabuhan Karang Lintang.

Kejadian tersebut membuat puteri Bong Khiung Fu nekad melakukan bunuh diri setelah membuang semua harta kekayaan mereka ke dalam sumur karena takut ditangkap, dianiaya dan diperkosa oleh para Lanun.

Sejak kejadian itu, Bongkap yang semula kikir menjadi orang yang dermawan, namun kondisi kesehatannya menurun drastis dan mulai sakit-sakitan.


Pada abad ke 17, daerah ini merupakan dataran rendah bagian dari teluk Kelabat Belinyu yang lama-lama terjadi pengendapan dan pendangkalan, sehingga akhirnya berubah menjadi daratan.

Timah alluvial (endapan) dengan mudah ditemukan di kawasan ini, karena pasir timah mengendap di bagian terendah.

Sejak zaman kerajaan Bongkap, wilayah ini telah menjadi obyek galian timah dan beberapa bagian diserahkan sebagai upeti kepada kesultanan Palembang yang berkuasa pada saat itu dan dikenal sebagai Timah Tiban.

Sementara, akulturasi dan asimilasi antara suku Melayu di Belinyu dengan etnis Tionghoa di daerah ini  telah berlangsung sejad dari 4 abad yang lampau.

Hingga hari ini, sisa reruntuhan benteng tersebut masih dapat dilihat di Desa Kuto Panji. Untuk menghargai jasa – jasa Bongkap, dibuatlah sebuah makam di dalam benteng. Tidak jauh dari reruntuhan benteng, terdapat sebuah kelenteng kecil yang didirikan oleh Bong Kiung Fu sendiri.Di dalam kelenteng ini terdapat sepasang patung dewa Thai Pak Kung yang dibawa dari dartan Tiongkok. Disamping kelenteng ini juga terdapat sebuah sumur tua peninggalan Bongkap yang menjadi sumber air bagi penduduk di sekitar kelanteng. Sumur ini tidak pernah kering airnya walaupun pada musim kemarau.

Kuto Panji Fortress


As one of the historical assets keeping many mystical stories, both myth and history, Kuto Panji Fortress holds specific appeal especially in its history to visitors. There are many versions of it strongly related to Chinese Empire. A story of a ruler named Bong Khiung Fu has a similarity to it. Bong ruled in a small administration in Belinyu and had a beautiful daughter named Bong Lili or Princess Chok Tian.


Bong Khiung Fu was a good ruler in Tibet-China. However, because he refused to pay some money as a tribute to tyrannical Chinese emperor, he was sentenced to death by the emperor. He, along with his daughter and army, went away from the mainland China across ocean. They loaded all their wealth onto several big and small Chinese ocean-going junks. They also took key-lime with them as an anti-sea sick plant which is an expensive and rare plant in Indonesia nowadays.


When they were on Berhala Strait waters at the northern part of Bangka Island, they were chased by pirates. It forced them to sail into Kelabat bay to hide in Karang Lintang river. After feeling safe, they cleared the ground and started farming. To protect themselves from pirates and others, they built a strong fortress thence. It was not only functioned as a fortress but also a small palace along with its government and officials. However, as a small administration, they obeyed Palembang sultanate, and for that, they had to pay timah tiban or tiban tin as a tribute to the sultanate.


The construction of Kuto Panji Fortress – known as Bongkap in Chinese – spent five years (1664 – 1669). The use of swan egg white as cement to mix with sand and stone was the reason why this fortress stood firmly for several years before it really collapsed in 1774 due to pirate attack.


Another version of its existence was about a tight-fisted and cruel local ruler named Bong Khiung Fu in Tibet. During his reign, he misused his power for his own purpose such as imposing a very high tax causing people suffering. It was heard by his superior – Khian Lung ruling in Fukian province – after he inspected his territory.


Khian Lung got wind of Bong’s crime in a big incident known as Thai Nau Fa Leu or A Thousand Flowers Hotel Incident when he was in fight with Bong’s stepson, Cok Hin. Bong’s crime was then revealed. Khian Lung was very angry and ordered his troops to arrest Bong who decided to abscond with his followers and lovely daughter. He also lied to his people on the pretext of looking for staple food to Nanyang so his people were willing to join him.


Bong loaded all his wealth onto three big and small Chinese ocean-going junks to finally anchor to Karang Lintang port in Kuto Panji village, Belinyu. Thenceforth they lived in the northern part of Belinyu. This remote area was difficult to track by Chinese empire.


Bangka was under the authority of Palembang Sultanate ruled by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin at that time. He permitted Bong to stay in Kuto Panji. Bong built a luxurious fortress shortly thereafter. It was constructed in 149 weeks consisting of nine rooms, eighteen wells, and gates facing to the northeast.

Bearing a tittle as Kapitan Bong – commonly known as Bongkap – he started his business in tin mining, rubber plantation and pepper. His businesses employed so many Javanese coolies.


According to some versions, Bong was killed by pirates, but some also said he absconded to the Malay Peninsula, while his daughter committed suicide by throwing herself into a well around the fortress. All of the gold and jewelries were taken with her. That’s why it’s believed the fortress hides priceless hidden treasure. Some even told stories about a mysterious opened-treasure box with shining jewelries in it which vanished when it was approached. Thus, this fortress is well known of being horrifying remains.


Bongkap started to lost his power around 17th century when Philippine’s pirates heard how rich he was in Bangka. The pirates attacked his fortress when he was selling his tin and pepper in Malaysia. Fortunately, the attack was failed because one of the pirate captains died stroke by falling mangrove fruit which trees grew so many at Karang Lintang port. However, the pirate’s plan terrified Bong’s daughter and forced her to put end of her life by throwing herself into a well. She was afraid of being caught, abused, and raped by the pirates. After that, Bongkap who was a miser changed into a generous person. Thenceforth, his health worsened day by day.


In the 17th century, this lowland area was previously part of Kelabat bay in Belinyu which became shallow waters because of sedimentation and turn into land. Since it was as same level as the sea, tin sedimentation was easily found here. It has been explored since Bongkap era and some tin had been given to Palembang Sultanate as tributes known as timah tiban. The assimilation and acculturation of Malay and Chinese has also started in 17th century.


The remaining of the fortress is still firmly standing in Kuto Panji village, Belinyu. To glorify his contributions, Bong was buried inside the fortress. A small Chinese temple – in which Pak Kung or Earth god taken from the mainland China are kept – built by him stands nor far from it. Besides the temple, there is a well dug also by Bong as a source of water for surrounding people. The well never runs dry even in dry season.

Naskah: Risnawati (diambil dari berbagai sumber)

Translator: SAS

Photo: Edo Martyno



Kabupaten Bangka

Robustness of the remains of the Citadel building berwaran grayish-black is made from baked clay, which was built around 1700 by
 Kapitan Bong Bong or Khiung Fu


Tin was first excavated in Bangka Island in 1709.


Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘中和公正”祉山’ (1740-1812) Rare

o    IDR701,168.83

Was: IDR1,168,701.30

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘兵郎公司’ ca 1775-1812 Rare

o    IDR1,168,701.30

Was: IDR1,947,922.08

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Apr-06 05:38

o    From Singapore

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘光道聚寳”源記’ ca 1740/50-1812 RR

o    IDR623,246.75

Was: IDR1,038,831.17

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Apr-06 04:14

o    From Singapore

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘Jawi Script’ 1740/50-1812

o    IDR1,792,077.92

Was: IDR2,986,883.12

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-20 23:04

o    From Singapore

Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi both ‘Ornamental Designs’ 1740/50-1812

o    IDR2,181,688.31

Was: IDR3,636,233.77

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-20 22:45

o    From Singapore

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘大吉茂記’ ‘眾用’ 1740/50-1812 RRR

o    IDR1,947,922.08

Was: IDR3,246,623.38

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-20 22:30

o    From Singapore

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘Jawi Script’ 1740/50-1812

o    IDR1,168,701.30

Was: IDR1,947,922.08

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-20 21:36

o    From Singapore

(Indonesia) Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi ‘列港’ ‘公司’ ca 1740/50-1812 RR

o    IDR529,870.13

Was: IDR883,116.88

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-19 23:09

o    From Singapore

Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi “UNKNOWN SCRIPTS” ca 1740/50-1812 RRR

o    IDR1,324,545.45

Was: IDR2,207,662.34

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-19 23:01

o    From Singapore

Bangka Chinese Tin Mining Token,Kongsi “UNKNOWN SCRIPTS” ca 1740/50-1812 RRR

o    IDR1,402,467.53

Was: IDR2,337,532.47

o    Buy It Now

o    40% off

o    Oct-19 22:56

o    From Singapore

  • More items related to bangka tin

Nice XF Bangka Indonesia Chinese Gongsi Token 1740-1812

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o    Oct-01 05:29

o    From Malaysia



October 14, 2016, 11:21 pm

Did you know you can view enhanced stats on Show Me

Tin mining continued until mid 1800.
Average Contract Coolie Meixien imported from china and they come without bringing his wife.

When the contract runs out there are only two choices, go back to China or settle in the vicinity of the mine.
For those who do not return to open settlement in the Pacific, as in Belinyu.


Tan Liong Tjen (80th) was born in Sunghin, near the town of Clay River, West Bangka. Her mother (mama) Ngafa who is the daughter of Jet Tan On which since the 1800’s served as head of the Trench (Mining) Tin in Sunghin in collaboration with the Indian government Belanda.Ibu Ngafa married to his father Tan Mung Jung. The father joined his father’s head trench,
Tjen Liong Tan was born in 1933 in Sung Hin, as a child to-5 of 12 brothers (currently only five people are still alive, in the Pacific there are still two people).

(Tan liong Tjen is dr Iwan Neighbour from bangka)


BTW, aka Winning Banka Tin
As a child participate in sunghin father, a school in sung Hin, elementary school Suek Siauw Sung Hin, and
Papa tan yung story might have a story about mine (trench) Tin.
Tin Mine a lot of Chinese workers by the hundreds, of workers in the screen grab yourself with your own boat from China (Kwantung village, Sichuan)


Special for szechuan etnis I upload some picture from their homeolnad country below




If you fall off the eastern edge of the Himalayan mountains, the first major city (population 4.1 million) that you come to is Chengdu, in China’s Sichuan province. You’ve heard of it from the spicy Chinese food, called “Szechuan” in the west.

Rosemary and I spent 5 or 6 days based around there. A few of those were visiting a Buddhist holy mountain, and the largest Buddha in the world – I’ll write about them in another post.

Chengdu itself was like every other large Chinese city – endless streets with few distinguishing features. My fault for hoping it might be a bit better than that. It has some super parks, but you have to deliberately go to them, you couldn’t stumble upon them by accident.

We saw real Giant Pandas at the breeding centre outside town – they’re super cute, mainly because they have a sixth thumb-like finger so they look like people as they eat bamboo. The Red Pandas are even better. I hope somebody domesticates some soon. They were running round playing, happy like dogs, but cute like cats.

The surprise attraction in Chengdu itself was Du Fu’s “cottage”. Really a whole complex of buildings and gardens (photo right), originally where an 8th century poet lived in a thatched house. There was lots of good bonsai trees, and also calligraphy of Du Fu’s poems. Those are the two arts which I’ve seen that are both still practiced properly in China, and are uniquely Chinese

From google exploration I found information from Szecuan during Dai Nippon Occupation below

Dari eksplorasi Google ditemukan info tentang kampong Szechuan masa perang dunia kedua

Needham Photographs – Wartime China, 1942-1946

Northwest Journey 西北之旅

Photographs taken by Joseph Needham on the long expedition to the northwest from Chongqing to Jiayuguan in Gansu province and back, via Chengdu, Lanzhou and many other places. Note that on this journey he travelled beyond Jiayuguan to the Buddhist caves at Qianfodong near Dunhuang in Gansu, the photographs for which are in CFT. The Northwest journey was undertaken from 7th August – 14th December 1943, but there are also a few photographs taken before and after the journey on rolls NW2 and NW6. On the outward leg of the journey to Lanzhou, Needham was accompanied by SBSCO staff members H.T. Huang 黃興宗 and Liao Hongying 廖鴻英, as well as Edward Beltz, an American oil geologist, and a young scientist Chen Zixin 陳自信. In another truck travelled the famous explorer Sir Eric Teichman (1884-1944). From Lanzhou to Qianfodong and back he was accompanied by H.T. Huang (who travelled back to Lanchow separately), Rewi Alley (1897-1987), Sun Guangjun 孫光俊 and Wang Wansheng 王萬盛, two boys from the Lanzhou Bailie School, the painter Wu Zuoren 吳作人, as well as a driver, Kuang Wei 鄺威, and a mechanic from Lanzhou, Yu Dexin 俞德新. The photographs have been rearranged from their original sequence into chronological order.

照片是李约瑟先生在从重庆到甘肃省嘉峪关往返的漫长途中拍摄的,期间他还经过了成都市,兰州市和其它许多地方。需要指出的是在这次旅行中,他还参观了甘肃敦煌的千佛洞,那部分的照片请参看CFT。西北之旅的照片是在194387号到1214号之间拍摄的,但NW2NW6胶卷上也有少量照片是在之前和之后拍摄的。在去兰州旅行的途中,陪同李约瑟先生的有中英科学合作馆的黄兴宗和廖鸿英,还有美国石油地质学者 Edward Beltz 和青年科学家陈自信。在另外一个卡车上旅行的有著名的探险家 Eric Teichman 爵士。从兰州到千佛洞往返的途中,陪同的有黄兴宗 (兰州回来时他独自返回),路易艾黎 Rewi Alley (1897-1987),孫光俊和王萬盛, 来自兰州培黎学校的两个男孩, 画家吳作人,司机鄺威,还有来自兰州的机械师余德新。照片已按照年代顺序重新进行排列

<BTitle: H.T. Huang (Huang Hsing-Tsung / Huang Xingzong
黃興宗) outside the guest-house in Lichuang (Lizhuang) 李莊, Szechuan (Sichuan) 四川
Location: Lizhuang
李莊, Sichuan 四川省.
Date: 4 Jun. 1943 – 12 Jun. 1943
Original caption by Joseph Needham:
Photographer: Needham, Joseph.
Classmark: NW2/27

<BTitle: Joseph Needham outside the guest-house in Lichuang (Lizhuang) 李莊, Szechuan (Sichuan) 四川
Location: Lizhuang
李莊, Sichuan 四川省.
Date: 4 Jun. 1943 – 12 Jun. 1943
Original caption by Joseph Needham:
Photographer: Needham, Joseph.
Classmark: NW2/26

Chinese immigrants who worked as coolies in the tin mines of Bangka build such temples in the 1800.


Kwan Ti Miau temp

Chinese immigrants who worked as coolies in



Kwan Tie Miau one of the oldest temples on the Bangka Island

Kwan Tie Miau

The history of an old temple in Bangka Island can not be separated from the history of tin mining and Kwan Tie Miau. Big wave arrival of the Chinese to exploit tin in Bangka began in the early 20th century.

Many trade partnership that stands to mine and sell / purchase of tin, each group or partnership has its own leaders and social structure, they also bring genuine belief from which they originate.

To perform worship according Their religious. Chinese immigrants who worked as coolies in the tin mines of Bangka build such temples in the 1800. would not be surprised if the from end to end of Bangka Island stood so many temple. indeed there is no exact data, but at least there are 200 temples big and small.

Kwan Tie Miau

in Pangkalpinang is one of the oldest temples on the island of Bangka – Formerly called the Temple of Kwan Tie Bio -.



This Kwan Tie Miau  temple is located on the Major Syafrie Rachman Street Pangkal Pinang . This temple is built in 1841 AD (according from the Chinese characters on an iron bell in temple) and built by a group of tin mining in Pangkalpinang,



Temple Kwan tie Miau inaugurated in 1846.

This proved of congratulations from several associations on a good day a good month year 26 Daoguang which coincided with the year 1846.



Temple of Kwan Tie Miau

There’s Pumpkin fruit garnish (gourd) at the top of the roof of the temple. in front of the temple there is a symbol of Patkwa ( Pakua ) which in the middle there is a black and white circles (Ying and Yang). Patkwa (Pakua) symbolizes good luck, fortune or happiness . Two features of the above shows that the Taoisme still the most important

The main worship of the temple is to Thian (God’s universe) and to Huang Ti (Emperor of Chin dynasty, the famous Shih Huang Ti) is the dominant one in this temple, so they are often called the Cin.

there are statues of Chui chang on the left and Pien Kuan on right besides Huang Ti.

In addition to gods and goddesses derived from Confucian beliefs, the worship of Goddess Kwan Im also performed.

This goddess is Awalokiteswara, one God in the pantheon of Mahayana Buddhism is believed to awaken the world from destruction and save humanity from the doom of the Hereafter.

Every day to 13 months of five calendar days of the Lunar New Year celebration was held the god of the temple deity.




The plague of beri-beri disease (Vitamin B1 deficiency)in the Bangka  around year 1850-


this activity is performed to reject any reinforcements and the plague that struck the public like the plague of beri-beri in the Bangka  around year 1850-1860






The houses in the street Pangkal Pinang is an elite area occupied by employees of mining tin porch, built in 1928

Dutch East indies (Indonesia) send postcards from Belawan (Medan Port) via Dutch Post 18.06.1932 Agent Louth singapore to Bangka Island.
The Dutch post abroad Agent Will showed in the next Indonesia Postal History (Shipmail), Singapore Post british agent never reports, the collections below post still not clear british agent in Indonesia or abroad Straits (Singapore) or Johor cancceled stamps at the port (Singapore or Indonesia) if the letter Pls post the ship arrived at the Port Abroad,. @ Copyright Dr. Iwan S.


In the city Muntok
 there is also a monument to 21 (twenty one) Australian nurses who died in the bombing of ships Australia by the Japanese army on 16 February 1942.
The nurses were stranded in Muntok after the boat they were riding the SS Vyner Brooke sank in the waters of the Pacific on his way to Singapore.


TAN.’s experience during Dai Nippon Occupation

When the soldiers of Dai Nippon from Pangkal pinang  dating to the Sung Hin village wwhere Tan lived(Tan is Dr Iwan neighbour from Bangka), all the people had to march and salute memebri (beggar), if not the first man will be beaten or put to the sun heated up, their stature official clothing tentara.Semua people are afraid of soldiers met dai Nippon, many who fled into the forest.
During the Japanese occupation of difficult economic times, rice, cassava and apparel is up, people eat cassava and beras.sehingga sack dress of the people starving and many died.
After Japan’s defeat, the Dutch came in and ruled for five years, and the newly independent in 1949.


History of the Pacific after the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia

the role of the Chinese Bangka (Thong Ngin) into the regional administration in the early days of independence and the exile of President Sukarno, Vice President Mohammad Hatta on the island of Bangka.

On December 10, 1946
 born of a decision by Lieutenant General Gouverneur Netherlands Indies as an autonomous region makes the Pacific through the Pacific While the Board formation (Voorlopige Bangka Raad).
Bangka Council
While this is the highest government agency in the Pacific, was unveiled February 10, 1947 with co-chaired by
Datuk Masyarif Bendaharo Lelo,
beraggotakan 25orang, 14 people were Indonesia (13 elected, one appointed by the resident), 9 Chinese (8 elected, one appointed by the resident, two Dutch people (one elected, one appointed by the resident). This is the first official government in the Pacific after Republic of Indonesia’s independence proclamation of August 17, 1945.
 Since the initial form of government in Bangka Bangka Chinese people (Thong Ngin Bangka) already involved in it.

Through July 12, 1947

decision letter No.7 (Stbl. 1947 # 123) “While the Pacific Council” to the Pacific Council appointed 11 November 1947.

Until 22 April 1950
 Bangka Council mandate handed to the Governor of South Sumatra Dr. M. Isa, then the Pacific are under a resident named Raden Sumarjo.
Pacific People’s Struggle for Independence against Dutch colonialism was not a bit ranging from civil disobedience to fight the army of the people. Good resistance is sporadic or organized resistance. The spirit of nationalism People Bangka, experienced a peak when
 the arrival of President Sukarno and Foreign Minister Agus Salim on February 6, 1949.


This is illustrated in the writings of Abdullah

“… Sunday morning on February 6, 1949 appear in droves flow of people back and forth and in groups waiting in the outskirts of major road, heard the news when and where Bung Karno was going to land. Those who have money or who have private vehicles and or who have a great zest to the coming of the Bung Karno, group after group was headed to the airfield Dul Village, where Bung Karno likely will land, figuring it would be impossible to ship.
After a while they wait, the news gives another, out of nowhere comes the source said Bung Karno and Haji Agus Salim will arrive by plane katalina through …

From start Jetty Balam Balam arrived at the

intersection of Jetty pier environments that are restricted primarily to barbed wire, already crowded people are standing and fro, looking for opportunities to enter the front entrance pelabuhan.Di colonial police guard with his weapon to the rigors. Intermittently they move to block the people who continue to come forward …
In the midst of the throng that crowded the sound of car horns. Three sedans after splitting the stream of people struggling, finally can also go up on the edge of the pier.

From sedans are out the mission of the BFO Anak Agung Gde Agung (NTT), Ateng Karmamiharja, accompanied the delegation, Dr RI. Darma Setiawan, Sujono and Dr. Leimena. Mr. entourage then out again. Moh. Rum … more about Around 10:00 am, the sound of aircraft sounds.

Shortly Katalina them a plane seems closer. All eyes fixed on the door of the plane. Heart thumping. Whether that comes true Bung Karno’s beloved President? Just a moment, but it was a long time. With gray suits, and the famous black cap never cracked the head. No doubt, that he, Bung Karno. Following Haji Agus Salim wearing white suits with gray coat, cane, glasses and cap the pointed beard hitam.Jelas visible and have started to turn white …
when Bung Karno menjejakan foot on the jetty Jetty Balam
, Suddenly came Mat Amin (Alimin) Bung Karno squatting ushered up to his shoulder. Stature as a driver krant Mat Amin was quite stocky coupled with overwhelming enthusiasm. He was like take it easy as getting satisfaction.

Arriving at the gates of the port state was already out of control again … There’s nothing more that could catapult independent cried. Throat feels clogged. Tears of emotion began to flow.

A white Plymouth sedan service vehicles Masyarif BN 2 specifically provided for both the leaders, but the Bung Karno prefer to sit on the front hood of course. Tjong Tjhia Ka (Ka Chia Cong) from Ipphos Fotocorrespondent with his assistants busy looking and waiting for a good snap. 12.30 .. until the vehicle is still at Jetty Balam.

Arriving at the village Lembawai.

Car engine is turned off. Car is running slowly, driven by a burly-burly young man … Finally at about 14:00 just got home Masyarif “. Thus the story of Abdullah’s paintings are bright for the events Bung Karno’s exile on the island of Bangka.

People kept coming Bangka Island Old Young, Male Female, Thong Fan Ngin Ngin all united to welcome the arrival of President Sukarno.

There is a sense of unity, togetherness, pride, enthusiasm and euphoria of independence in the Republic of Indonesia welcomed the supreme leader at the time. Then get together with Bung Karno, Bung Hatta who had arrived earlier to exile in deadlock, t

he House of Bangka Tin Mine (CCTs) on Mount Manumbing. Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Haji Agus Salim and some pertinggi Indonesia at that time under house arrest in landfills, at Mount Manumbing, Mentor, the island of Bangka.

In landfills is still undergoing funginya Bung Karno as Head of the State with all its limitations. He also met with various leaders of the movement, leaders of Chinese organizations Bangka, the young warrior, and so forth.

Be a deep impression Bung Karno, etched deep in the Pacific People’s hearts at the time. Masyarif, Mat Amin, Tjhia Tjong Ka (Ka Chia Cong), Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Haji Agus Salim all had gone, but the sense of unity, togetherness, pride, enthusiasm and euphoria of independence still exist in the middle of the Pacific people to kini.MEERDEKAAA

in 1946
Tan in junior high school in Louth Hung Mung Suek Siauw until graduation.

There to learn Mandarin (every day), Malay (1xseminggu), arithmetic, geography, history (Lie Se).
Bangka history learned in junior high, Chinese history, History of the Pacific is studied.
In the Dutch colonial period, there is a dutch in Sung Hin as a supervisor (controleur) and assistant at the Jetty Pinang.Waktu r4esident school in Louth remain in Hin sung every morning at 4:00 am riding a bike to the base of the Areca (the distance is 8 km, taken two hours )

Bung Karno Mentor Mount Manumbing discharged into the Pacific
The place is currently
Pensions Menumbing is a silent witness to the struggle of historic building figures proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia tens of years ago. This building is one of the houses built by the Dutch exile to limit the space for independence leaders at the time. No data exactly when the guesthouse / guesthouse was built Menumbing. Clearly this building was built by the workers corvee (forced labor) in the Dutch colonial period around the year 1927, while other sources mention of this complex was built in 1890 and other sources mentioned in 1932. This historic building located at the top of Mount Menumbing and the building stood on a height of 450 meters above sea level and directly facing the Bangka Strait. This building is a historical asset that should continue to be preserved, because it became a place of exile of President Sukarno and republican leaders during Dutch colonial rule in 1949.

Over an area of two hectares, this building stands upright diketinggian 445 meters above sea level. Consisting of three buildings, namely the main building comprising 6 rooms and two pavilions comprising 6 rooms and 7 rooms. Here is an idea sparked by the founders of this republic to conduct negotiations with the Dutch. Based on information written and displayed in room 102 House Menumbing, Sukarno and a number of other national leaders brought to this place is divided into three groups or party. The first group, Mohammad Hatta, Mr. A.G. Pringgodigdo, Mr. Assaat and Air Commodore S Suryadarma the exiled December 22, 1948 from Yogyakarta. Then the second group, Mr. Roem and Mr Moh. Sastroamidjojo who was exiled from Yogyakarta to Manumbing on December 31, 1948. And the third group, Bung Karno and Agus Salim also exiled to the Pacific on February 6, 1949 from exile in the city originally Prapat, North Sumatra.

To get into your building free of charge for Rp.2.500/orang. Inside the building visitors can see the old VW car (Volks Wagon) driven by Sukarno’s old to get around Mentor who only lived body (frame) only while the engine already lost. In addition there are also bed as many as two pieces which fitted inside the bathroom, 2 lounge chairs, a wardrobe and so forth fruit. Outside the room there is a room where the writing and reading of Bung Karno.

To reach this location you should proceed first in Post 1 (Entrance) especially if you bring a car. This is because the road is narrow because it only passable by one vehicle only. By driving a car or motorcycle then the time required to reach the location of exile Ir.H Soekarno about 15 minutes. But if you are traveling by foot, it takes about 1 hour trip more meaningful time round trip takes about 2 hours more. Not a short time. I suggest you better ride the vehicle to get to the top unless you want to really feel the cool mountian air.

The President himself did not long been at the Mount Menumbing because of her condition could not stand the cold weather of the mountains. At his request, Bung Karno was placed in the middle of the city of Mentor in a building that is currently named Pesanggrahan Ranggam or Ranggam Pensions. Bung Karno just stay at Pesanggrahan Ranggam, but daily life may be more at Wisma Menumbing. Before coming to the House of Bung Karno Menumbing first inhabited by another character, say Vice President Mohammad Hatta, the Secretary of State Pringgodigdo, Foreign Minister Agus Salim, Minister of Teaching Sastroamidjojo, Mr. Chairman KNIP Assaat, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Mohammad Roem and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Air Commodore S Suryadarma. Bung Karno himself brought to the Pacific uses the plane type B-25 bomber Sukarno moved from North Sumatra to Bangka. No one knows exactly what kind of atmosphere when the leaders gathered in Menumbing. It’s just a choice to pursue confrontation and negotiations with the Dutch-born Menumbing.

Keeping the spirit of that history is important, because in this region Bung Hatta to make poetry of the importance of the island of Bangka for Indonesia’s independence. Consider the poem that ever engraved on metal plates which today no longer know where missing.

Under the rays of light sparkling weather
Recalled memories bring victory
Bangka, Jogjakarta, London
Living Pancasila, Unity in Diversity.

Hatta wrote memories about Menumbing as part of his gratitude to the people of Bangka the unrelenting show of support to the nation’s leaders during the exile. Unfortunately his gratitude was wasted with no history of Pensions Menumbing terawatnya assets by local governments.

But the history of the Pensions Menumbing that should be the primary concern of government in power today no longer even a pride, Wisma Menumbing ever rented in 1996. Bangka regency government, when it was incorporated with the Province of South Sumatra, the historic building is leased to PT Carmeta for 15 years to be managed as a hotel and restaurant. Pensions Menumbing also changed its name to Hotel Jati Menumbing. I wonder what the reason was time Bangka regency, allow the Pensions Menumbing leased. Too bad assets of the history that was built towers and telecommunication facilities broadcasting television station. Unconsciously the existence of the tower is clearly damaging the overall landscape of the historic site.
But the history of assets is much more valuable. This is where tens of years ago the leaders of Indonesia’s independence penjuang for approximately nine months to finish his time

Indonesian version

Bagaimana sejarah timah itu berawal di Pulau Bangka yang telah dikenal pelaut-pelaut China sebagai pulau bernama

Pu-lei sejak abad ke-3 Masehi.

Berita China abad ke-7

menyebutkan bahwa komoditas perdagangan dari Shih-li-fo-sih (Sriwijaya) antara lain adalah timah.

Pada abad-abad itu Bangka-Belitung termasuk wilayah kekuasaan Sriwijaya.

Baru pada pertengahan abad ke-18

keterlibatan orang-orang Tionghoa di Bangka, yang umumnya datang dari wilayah Hakka, mulai berperan, baik sebagai tenaga kasar, agen pembeli, maupun pengusaha pertambangan itu sendiri.

Keberadaan penambang asal daratan Tiongkok di Pulau Bangka seluas 11.704 kilometer persegi terus bertambah.

Mary F Somers Heidhues dalam Bangka Tin and Mentok Pepper memaparkan, ribuan pekerja asal China didatangkan oleh Belanda secara massal dan bergelombang sebagai kuli kontrak di Bangka pada tahun 1710.

Belanda mengambil alih kuasa penambangan timah di Pulau Bangka dari Kesultanan Palembang pada abad ke-19 pasca-kejatuhan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.

Belanda kemudian mendirikan perusahaan pertambangan timah,

Inilah yang kemudian menjadi awal keberadaan PT Timah di Pulau Bangka-Belitung hingga kini



Tambang timah di Bangka di buka sekitar pertengahan tahun 1700

Kedatangan Hakka pertama adalah ke Mandor dan Montrado, pertambangan emas yang dikonsesi oleh Sultan Mempawah dan Sambas, Sekitar awal tahun 1700, mereka didatangkan dalam jumlah besar melalui Serawak.

Ketika tambang timah di Bangka di buka sekitar pertengahan tahun 1700, yang disusul kemudian di Belitung, beratus-ratus orang Hakka dikapalkan ke Bangka.


Benteng Kutopanji atau Benteng Bongkap,

terletak di kampung Kusam. Kekokohan sisa-sisa bangunan Benteng berwaran hitam keabuan—terbuat dari tanah liat yang dibakar—yang dibangun sekitar 1700 oleh

Kapitan Bong atau Bong Khiung Fu




Timah pertama kali digali di Pulau Bangka pada tahun 1709.



Penambangan Timah terus  berlanjut hingga pertengahan tahun 1800.

Rata-rata Kuli Kontrak cina  didatangkan dari Meixien dan mereka datang tanpa membawa istri.



Ketika kontrak habis hanya ada dua pilihan, kembali ke Cina atau menetap di sekitar lokasi tambang.

Bagi mereka yang tidak pulang membuka permukiman di Bangka, seperti di Belinyu.



Tan Liong Tjen(80th) lahir di Sunghin,dekat kota Sungai Liat,Bangka Barat. Ibunya(mama)Ngafa yang merupakan putri dari Tan On Jet yang sejak tahun 1800-an menjabat sebagai kepala Parit(Tambang) Timah di Sunghin yang bekerjasama dengan pemerintah Hindia Belanda.Ibu Ngafa menikah dengan ayahnya Tan Mung Jung. Sang ayah ikut ayahnya kepala parit,

Tan Liong Tjen lahir tahun 1933 di Sung Hin,sebagai anak ke-5 dari 12 orang bersaudara(saat ini tinggal lima orang masih hidup, di Bangka masih ada dua orang).


Banka Tin Winning alias BTW





Waktu kecil ikut bapak di sunghin ,sekolah di sung Hin, sekolah SD Sung Hin Suek Siauw, dan

Cerita Papa tan mung yung pernah cerita tentang tambang(parit) Timah.

Tambang Timah banyak pekerjanya dari tiongkok yang jumlahnya ratusan,pekerja di ambil sendiri dengan Kapal Layarnya sendiri dari Tiongkok (kampungnya Kwantung –sichuan)




Rumah-rumah di kawasan jalan Depati Amir itu adalah kawasan elit yang ditempati oleh pegawai teras atas pertambangan timah, dibangun pada tahun 1928



Dutch East indie(Indonesia) postcard send from Belawan (Medan Port) 18.6.1932 via Dutch Post Agent singapore to Pangkal Pinang Bangka Island.

The Dutch post Agent abroad will showed in the next Indonesia Postal History (Shipmail), Singapore british Post Agent never report, the collections below still not clear british post agent abroad in Indonesia or Straits(singapore) or Johor stamps cancceled at the port (Singapore or Indonesia) if the letter post when the ship arrived at the abroad Port,.@Copyright Dr Iwan S.



Di kota Muntok

terdapat pula monumen peringatan 21 (duapuluh satu) perawat Australia yang gugur dalam peristiwa pemboman kapal laut Australia oleh tentara Jepang pada tanggal 16 Pebruari 1942.

Para perawat itu terdampar di Muntok setelah kapal yang mereka tumpangi SS Vyner Brooke tenggelam di perairan Bangka dalam perjalanan menuju Singapura.




Pengalaman masa pendudkan jepang

Apabila tentara Dai Nippon dari Pangkal pinag dating ke Sung Hin,semua rakyat harus berbaris dan memebri hormat(kere),bila tidak kere akan dipukul atau dihukum berdiri dipanas matahari, mereka badannya pendek pakaian dinas  tentara.Semua orang takut ketemu tentara dai Nippon,banyak yang kabur ke Hutan.

Pada masa pendudukan jepang ekonomi sulit,beras ,singkong dan pakaian sudah habis,orang makan singkong dan baju dari karung beras.sehingga rakyat kelaparan dan banyak yang meninggal dunia.

Setelah Jepang Kalah,Belanda masuk dan berkuasa selama lima tahun,dan baru merdeka tahun 1949.



Sejarah Bangka Paska Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia


peranan orang Tionghoa Bangka (Thong Ngin) ke dalam pemerintahan daerah pada masa awal kemerdekaan dan masa pembuangan Presiden Soekarno, Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta di Pulau Bangka.

Pada 10 Desember 1946

lahirlah sebuah keputusan oleh Letnan Gouverneur General Nederlandsch Indie menjadikan Bangka sebagai daerah otonom melalui terbentuknya Dewan Bangka Sementara (Voorlopige Bangka Raad).

Dewan Bangka

Sementara ini merupakan lembaga pemerintahan yang tertinggi di Bangka, diresmikan 10 Februari 1947 dengan diketuai oleh

Masyarif Datuk Bendaharo Lelo,

beraggotakan 25orang, 14 orang Indonesia (13 dipilih, 1 diangkat oleh residen), 9 orang Tionghoa (8 dipilih, 1 diangkat oleh residen, 2 orang Belanda (1 dipilih, 1 diangkat oleh residen). Ini adalah merupakan pemerintahan resmi pertama di Bangka setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia 17 Agustus 1945.

Sejak awal pemerintahan di Bangka terbentuk orang-orang Tionghoa Bangka (Thong Ngin Bangka) sudah terlibat didalamnya. Melalui surat keputusan 12 Juli 1947 No.7 (Stbl. 1947 no.123) ”Dewan Bangka Sementara“ menjadi Dewan Bangka yang dilantik 11 November 1947.


Hingga akhirnya 22 April 1950

diserahkannya mandat Dewan Bangka ke Gubernur Sumatera Selatan Dr. M. Isa, selanjutnya Bangka berada dibawah seorang residen bernama Raden Sumarjo.

Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Rakyat Bangka melawan penjajahan Belanda tidaklah sedikit mulai dari perlawanan sipil hingga perlawanan tentara rakyat. Baik perlawanan yang sporadis maupun perlawanan yang terorganisir. Semangat nasionalisme Rakyat Bangka, mengalami puncaknya ketika

kedatangan Presiden Sukarno dan Menteri Luar Negeri Agus Salim pada 6 Februari 1949.


Ini terlukis dalam tulisan Abdullah “…Minggu pagi tanggal 6 Februari 1949 kelihatan berbondong-bondong arus manusia hilir mudik dan berkelompok-kelompok menanti di pinggir-pinggir jalan besar, mendengar berita kapan dan dimana Bung Karno akan mendarat. Mereka yang punya duit atau yang punya kendaraan pribadi dan atau yang punya animo besar terhadap kedatangan Bung Karno tersebut, berkelompok-kelompok sudah menuju ke lapangan udara Kampung Dul, tempat kemungkinan besar Bung Karno akan mendarat, dengan pertimbangan takkan mungkin dengan kapal laut.

Setelah agak lama mereka menunggu, terbetik berita, entah dari mana datang sumbernya mengatakan Bung Karno dan Haji Agus Salim akan tiba dengan pesawat katalina lewat Pangkal Balam…Dari mulai simpang Pangkal Balam sampai di lingkungan dermaga yang dibatasi denan kawat berduri, sudah penuh sesak manusia berdiri dan hilir mudik, mencari kesempatan untuk dapat masuk ke pelabuhan.Di muka pintu masuk polisi kolonial dengan senjatanya berjaga-jaga dengan ketatnya. Sebentar-sebentar mereka bergerak menghalau orang-orang yang terus mau maju…

Di tengah kerumunan manusia yang berjejal tersebut terdengar bunyi klakson mobil. Tiga buah sedan setelah bersusah payah membelah arus manusia, akhirnya dapat juga masuk sampai di pinggir dermaga.

Dari sedan-sedan tersebut keluar perutusan BFO Anak Agung Gde Agung (NTT), Ateng Karmamiharja, disertai delegasi RI yaitu Dr. Darma Setiawan, Sujono dan Dr. Leimena. Kemudian keluar lagi rombongan Mr. Moh. Roem…Sekitar lebih kurang pukul 10.00 pagi, kedengaran bunyi pesawat udara.

Tak lama antaranya sebuah pesawat Katalina tampak mendekat. Semua mata tertuju ke pintu pesawat. Jantung berdetak keras. Apakah betul Bung Karno yang datang itu Presiden RI tercinta? Hanya sesaat, tapi terasa lama sekali. Dengan stelan abu-abu, dan peci hitamnya yang terkenal tak pernah lekang dari kepala. Tak salah lagi, itu dia, Bung Karno. Menyusul kemudian Haji Agus Salim mengenakan stelan putih dengan mantel abu-abu, bertongkat, berkacamata dan peci hitam.Jelas nampak jenggotnya yang lancip dan sudah mulai memutih…

saat Bung Karno menjejakan kakinya di dermaga Pangkal Balam


, tiba-tiba datang Mat Amin (Alimin) berjongkok menyilakan Bung Karno naik ke pundaknya. Perawakan Mat Amin sebagai supir krant memang cukup kekar ditambah dengan semangatnya yang meluap-luap. Ia seperti santai saja seperti mendapat kepuasan tersendiri. Sampai di gerbang pelabuhan keadaan sudah sudah tidak dapat dikendalikan lagi…Tak ada lagi yang sanggup melontarkan pekik merdeka. Kerongkongan terasa tersumbat. Air mata haru mulai mengalir.

Sebuah sedan Plymouth putih BN 2 kendaraan dinas Masyarif disediakan khusus untuk kedua orang pemimpin, tapi Bung Karno lebih senang duduk diatas kap depannya saja. Tjhia Ka Tjong (Chia Ka Cong) dari Ipphos Fotocorrespondent dengan pembantu-pembantunya sibuk mencari dan menanti snap yang bagus. ..hingga pukul 12.30 kendaraan masih di Pangkal Balam. Sampai di kampung Lembawai. Mesin mobil dimatikan. Mobil berjalan pelan, didorong oleh para pemuda yang tegap-tegap…Akhirnya sekitar pukul 14.00 baru tiba di rumah Masyarif “. Demikian lukisan kisah Abdullah yang terang atas peristiwa pengasingan Bung Karno di Pulau Bangka.

Rakyat Pulau Bangka terus berdatangan Tua Muda, Laki Perempuan, Thong Ngin Fan Ngin semua bersatu menyambut kedatangan Presiden Sukarno. Ada rasa persatuan, kebersamaan, kebanggaan, antusiasme dan euforia kemerdekaan di dalam menyambut pemimpin tertinggi Republik Indonesia kala itu. Kemudian Bung Karno berkumpul dengan Bung Hatta yang sudah tiba lebih dulu untuk diasingkan di mentok, di Wisma Tambang Timah Bangka (TTB) di Gunung Manumbing. Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Haji Agus Salim dan beberapa pertinggi Indonesia kala itu menjalani tahanan rumah di tempat pembuangan, di Gunung Manumbing, Mentok, Pulau Bangka. Di tempat pembuangan inilah Bung Karno tetap menjalani funginya sebagai Kepala Negera dengan segala keterbatasannya. Ia bertemu pula dengan berbagai pemimpin pergerakan, pemimpin organisasi Tionghoa Bangka, pemuda-pemuda pejuang, dan lain sebagainya. Kesan yang mendalam akan seorang Bung Karno, tergores dalam di hati sanubari Rakyat Bangka kala itu. Masyarif, Mat Amin, Tjhia Ka Tjong (Chia Ka Cong), Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Haji Agus Salim semua sudah pergi, namun rasa persatuan, kebersamaan, kebanggaan, antusiasme dan euforia kemerdekaan masih ada di tengah-tengah orang-orang Bangka hingga kini.MEERDEKAAA



tahun 1946

Tan sekolah di SMP di Pangkal Pinang Hung Mung Suek Siauw sampai tamat.


Di sana belajar bahasa mandarin(tiap hari),bahasa Melayu(1xseminggu),berhitung,ilmu bumi,sejarah(Lie Se).

Sejarah Bangka yang dipelajari di SMP,sejarah Tiongkok,Sejarah Bangka tidak dipelajari.

Pada Masa Kolonial Belanda, ada belanda di Sung Hin sebagai pengawas(controleur) dan assisten r4esident di Pangkal Pinang.Waktu sekolah Di Pangkal Pinang tinggal tetap di sung Hin tiap pagi jam 4.00 pagi naik sepeda ke pangkal Pinang (jaraknya 8 km,ditempuh dua jam)







Bung Karno dibuang ke Mentok Gunung Manumbing Bangka



Tempat tersebut saat ini


Wisma Menumbing merupakan sebuah bangunan bersejarah saksi bisu perjuangan tokoh-tokoh proklamator Republik Indonesia puluhan tahun silam. Bangunan ini merupakan salah satu rumah pengasingan yang dibangun oleh Belanda untuk membatasi ruang gerak para tokoh kemerdekaan pada saat itu. Tidak ada data pasti kapan wisma/pesanggrahan Menumbing ini dibangun. Yang jelas bangunan ini dibangun oleh para pekerja rodi (pekerja paksa) pada masa penjajahan Belanda sekitar tahun 1927, sementara dari sumber lain menyebutkan komplek ini dibangun pada tahun 1890 dan sumber lainnya menyebut pada tahun 1932. Bangunan bersejarah ini berada di puncak Gunung Menumbing dan bangunannya berdiri di atas ketinggian 450 meter dari permukaan laut dan langsung menghadap selat Bangka. Bangunan ini merupakan aset sejarah yang harus terus dilestarikan, karena menjadi tempat pengasingan Presiden Soekarno dan para tokoh republik pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda di tahun 1949.




Di atas lahan seluas dua hektar, bangunan ini berdiri tegak diketinggian 445 meter dari permukaan laut. Terdiri dari tiga bangunan, yakni bangunan utama yang terdiri 6 kamar dan dua paviliun terdiri 6 kamar dan 7 kamar. Disini lah tercetus ide oleh para tokoh pendiri republik ini untuk melakukan perundingan dengan belanda. Berdasarkan informasi tertulis dan terpajang di ruang 102 Wisma Menumbing, Soekarno dan sejumlah tokoh nasional lainnya dibawa ke tempat ini dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok atau rombongan. Rombongan pertama, Mohammad Hatta, Mr A.G. Pringgodigdo, Mr. Assaat dan Komodor Udara S Suryadarma yang diasingkan 22 Desember 1948 dari Yogyakarta. Kemudian rombongan kedua, Mr. Moh Roem dan Mr. Ali Sastroamidjojo yang diasingkan dari Yogyakarta ke Manumbing pada 31 Desember 1948. Dan rombongan ketiga, Bung karno dan Agus Salim juga diasingkan ke Bangka pada 6 Februari 1949 dari tempat pengasingannya semula di Kota Prapat, Sumatera Utara.




Untuk masuk ke dalam bangunan anda dipungut biaya sebesar Rp.2.500/orang. Di dalam bangunan tua tersebut pengunjung bisa melihat mobil VW (Volks Wagon)tua yang dikendarai Soekarno untuk berkeliling Mentok yang hanya tinggal body (kerangka) saja sedangkan mesinnya udah hilang. Selain itu juga terdapat tempat tidur sebanyak 2 buah yang didalamnya dilengkapi kamar mandi,2 buah kursi santai, 1 buah lemari pakaian dan sebagainya. Di luar kamar terdapat ruangan tempat Bung Karno menulis dan membaca.




Untuk menuju lokasi ini anda harus melapor lebih dulu di Pos 1 (Pintu Masuk) apalagi jika anda membawa mobil. Hal ini dikarenakan jalan yang sempit karena hanya bisa dilewati oleh satu kendaraan saja. Dengan mengendarai mobil atau sepeda motor maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai lokasi pengasingan Ir.H Soekarno sekitar 15 menit. Namun jika anda menempuh perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki,  maka dibutuhkan waktu perjalanan sekitar 1 jam lebih berarti waktu perjalanan pulang pergi memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam lebih. Bukan waktu yang singkat. Saya menyarankan lebih baik anda naik kendaraan untuk menuju puncak kecuali jika anda ingin benar-benar merasakan sejuknya hawa pengunungan.




Sang Presiden sendiri tidak lama berada di Bukit Menumbing karena kondisi tubuhnya yang tak tahan cuaca dingin pegunungan. Atas permintaannya, Bung Karno ditempatkan di tengah kota Mentok pada sebuah bangunan yang saat ini bernama Pesanggrahan Ranggam atau Wisma Ranggam. Bung Karno hanya menginap di Pesanggrahan Ranggam, namun kesehariannya boleh jadi lebih banyak di Wisma Menumbing. Sebelum kedatangan Bung Karno ke Wisma Menumbing terlebih dahulu di huni oleh tokoh lain, sebut saja Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta, Sekretaris Negara Pringgodigdo, Menteri Luar Negeri Agus Salim, Menteri Pengajaran Ali Sastroamidjojo, Ketua Badan KNIP Mr Assaat,Wakil Perdana Menteri Mr Moh Roem dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Komodor Udara S Suryadarma. Bung Karno sendiri dibawa ke Bangka menggunakan pesawat pembom jenis B-25 memindahkan bung karno dari Sumatra Utara ke Bangka. Tak ada yang tahu persis seperti apa suasana para tokoh saat berkumpul di Menumbing. Hanya saja pilihan untuk menempuh konfrontasi dan perundingan dengan Belanda lahir di Menumbing.

Menjaga ruh sejarah itu memang penting, sebab di kawasan ini Bung Hatta membuat puisi akan arti penting Pulau Bangka bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Simak saja puisinya yang pernah terpahat pada lempeng besi yang sekarang ini tak tahu lagi ke mana rimbanya.

Di bawah sinar gemerlap terang cuaca
Kenang-kenang membawa kemenangan
Bangka, Djokjakarta, Djakarta
Hidup Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Hatta menuliskan kenangan tentang Menumbing sebagai bagian dari rasa terima kasihnya kepada masyarakat Bangka yang tak henti-hentinya menunjukkan dukungan kepada para pemimpin bangsa selama dalam pengasingan. Sayang rasa terima kasih itu terbuang sia-sia dengan tak terawatnya aset sejarah Wisma Menumbing oleh pemerintah setempat.



Tapi nilai sejarah Wisma Menumbing yang seharusnya menjadi perhatian utama pemerintah yang berkuasa saat ini malah tak lagi menjadi kebanggaan, Wisma Menumbing pernah di sewakan tahun 1996. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka, saat itu masih tergabung dengan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, menyewakan bangunan bersejarah tersebut kepada PT Carmeta selama 15 tahun untuk dikelola sebagai hotel dan restoran. Wisma Menumbing pun berubah nama menjadi Hotel Jati Menumbing. Entah apa alasan Pemkab Bangka waktu itu, mengizinkan Wisma Menumbing tersebut disewakan. Sayang sekali aset sejarah itu pun dibangun menara sarana telekomunikasi dan stasiun pemancar siaran televisi. Secara tak sadar keberadaan menara itu jelas merusak lanskap keseluruhan situs bersejarah tersebut.
Namun aset sejarah ini jauh lebih berharga. Disinilah puluhan tahun silam para tokoh penjuang kemerdekaan RI itu selama kurang lebih sembilan bulan menghabisi waktunya.



in 1986

Name of the temple has been amended twice. in the Orde Baru era is named Amal Bhakti temple

the front of the temples kwan tie miap being exposed to widening the road so that the front yard, front door and the wall back several feet. the altar remains intact and in the front is built into 2 floors.

In 1991

the back of the temple was changed into place of employee bed and kitchen.

Dated February 22, 1998

a fire destroyed all the buildings except the temple on the left side of the building,

after that the temple was rebuilt by an expert in the temple: Jamal. All restored and finished as the form now and

inaugurated on August 5, 1999

under the name

Temple of Kwan Tie Miau.

Kwan Tie Miau

near by with the location of Pasar Mambo and Gang Singapur has changed as one of the place attractions the city Pangkalpinang as place of cultural tourism and shopping tourism.

This site attempted to china town (to remind the old faces Pangkalpinang city heavily influenced by the houses and temples china). and also serves as a center for celebrating the Lunar New Year (Imlek), celebrating Cap Go Meh, Sembahyang Rebut activities and activities of Pot Ngin Bun. Pot Ngin Bun activities is the only one ritual in the Temple of Kwan Tie Miau.






Bangka Travelling Informations

Legend story

Tradisi Perang Ketupat di Tempilang, Bangka

Perang Ketupat di Tempilang

Gendang panjang, gendang Tempilang/Gendang disambit, kulet belulang/Tari kamei, tari Serimbang,/Tari kek nyambut, tamu yang datang

Lagu Timang Burong (Menimang Burung) pengiring tari serimbang itu dilantunkan secara lembut.

Lagu itu, diiringi suara gendang dari enam penabuh serta alunan biola, untuk mengiringi gerak lima penari remaja yang menyambut tamu.

Dengan baju dan selendang merah, kelima penari menyita perhatian ribuan pengunjung yang memadati Pantai Pasir Kuning, Tempilang, Bangka Barat, Bangka Belitung.

Tarian yang menggambarkan kegembiraan sekumpulan burung siang menyambut kehadiran seekor burung malam itu merupakan pembukaan dari rangkaian tradisi perang ketupat,

khas Kecamatan Tempilang, awal September lalu. Tradisi tersebut menggambarkan perang terhadap makhluk-makhluk halus yang jahat, yang sering mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat.

Tradisi itu sebenarnya sudah dimulai pada malam sebelum perang ketupat dimulai. Pada malam hari sebelumnya, tiga dukun Kecamatan Tempilang, yaitu dukun darat, dukun laut, dan dukun yang paling senior, memulai upacara Penimbongan.

Upacara dimaksudkan untuk memberi makan makhluk halus yang dipercaya bertempat tinggal di darat. Sesaji untuk makanan makhluk halus itu diletakkan di atas penimbong atau rumah-rumahan dari kayu menangor.

Secara bergantian, ketiga dukun itu memanggil roh-roh di Gunung Panden, yaitu Akek Sekerincing, Besi Akek Simpai, Akek Bejanggut Kawat, Datuk Segenter Alam, Putri Urai Emas, Putri Lepek Panden, serta makhluk halus yang bermukim di Gunung Mares,

yaitu Sumedang Jati Suara dan Akek Kebudin.

Menurut para dukun, makhluk-makhluk halus itu bertabiat baik dan menjadi penjaga Desa Tempilang dari serangan roh-roh jahat. Karena itu, mereka harus diberi makan agar tetap bersikap baik terhadap warga desa.

Pada upacara Penimbongan itu digelar tari campak, tari serimbang, tari kedidi, dan tari seramo.

Tari campak dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap dengan iringan pantun yang dinyanyikan secara bersahut-sahutan. Tari ini juga biasa digelar dalam pesta pernikahan atau pesta rakyat lainnya.

Tari kedidi lebih mirip dengan peragaan jurus-jurus silat yang diilhami gerakan lincah burung kedidi, sedangkan tari seramo merupakan tari penutup yang menggambarkan pertempuran habis-habisan antara kebenaran melawan kejahatan.

Seusai upacara Penimbongan, para dukun itu kembali mengadakan upacara Ngancak, yakni pada tengah malamnya. Upacara Ngancak dimaksudkan memberi makan kepada makhluk halus penunggu laut.

Diterangi empat batang lilin, dukun laut

membuka acara itu dengan membaca mantra-mantra pemanggil makhluk halus penunggu laut, di antara bebatuan tepi Pantai Pasir Kuning, Tempilang. Nama-nama makhluk halus itu diyakini tidak boleh diberitahukan kepada masyarakat agar tidak disalahgunakan untuk kepentingan tertentu.

Seperti pada upacara Penimbongan, upacara Ngancak juga dilengkapi sesaji bagi makhluk halus penunggu laut. Sesaji itu dipercaya merupakan makanan kesukaan siluman buaya, yaitu buk pulot atau nasi ketan, telur rebus, dan pisang rejang.

Perang ketupat

Pagi harinya,

seusai tari serimbang digelar, dukun darat dan dukun laut bersatu merapal mantra di depan wadah yang berisi 40 ketupat.

Mereka juga berdoa kepada Yang Maha Kuasa agar perayaan tersebut dilindungi, jauh dari bencana.

Di tengah membaca mantra, dukun darat tiba-tiba tak sadarkan diri (trance) dan terjatuh. Dukun laut menolongnya dengan membaca beberapa mantra, dan akhirnya dukun darat pun sadar dalam hitungan detik.

Menurut beberapa orang tua di tempat tersebut, ketika itu dukun darat sedang berhubungan dengan arwah para leluhur. Kenyataannya, setelah siuman, dukun darat menyampaikan beberapa hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan (pantangan) warga selama tiga hari, antara lain melaut, bertengkar, menjuntai kaki dari sampan ke laut, menjemur pakaian di pagar, dan mencuci kelambu serta cincin di sungai atau laut.

Setelah semua ritual doa selesai, kedua dukun itu langsung menata ketupat di atas sehelai tikar pandan. Sepuluh ketupat menghadap ke sisi darat dan sepuluh lainnya ke sisi laut.

Kemudian, 20 pemuda yang menjadi peserta perang ketupat juga berhadapan dalam dua kelompok, menghadap ke laut dan ke darat.

Dukun darat memberi contoh dengan melemparkan ketupat ke punggung dukun laut dan kemudian dibalas, tetapi ketupat tidak boleh dilemparkan ke arah kepala. Kemudian, dengan aba-aba peluit dari dukun laut, perang ketupat pun dimulai.

Ke-20 pemuda langsung menghambur ke tengah dan saling melemparkan ketupat ke arah lawan mereka. Semua bersemangat melemparkan ketupat sekeras-kerasnya dan berebut ketupat yang jatuh.

Keadaan kacau sampai dukun laut meniup peluitnya tanda usai perang dan mereka pun berjabat tangan.

Selanjutnya, perang babak kedua dimulai. Prosesnya sama dengan yang pertama, tetapi pesertanya diganti. Perang kali ini pun tidak kalah serunya karena semua peserta melempar ketupat dengan penuh emosi.

Rangkaian upacara itu ditutup dengan upacara Nganyot Perae atau menghanyutkan perahu mainan dari kayu ke laut. Upacara itu dimaksudkan mengantar para makhluk halus pulang agar tidak mengganggu masyarakat Tempilang.


Pergeseran budaya

Kentalnya pengaruh dukun dan dominannya aspek dinamisme dalam tradisi perang ketupat terjadi karena budaya ini merupakan warisan masyarakat asli Pulau Bangka yang belum beragama, atau sering disebut sebagai orang Lom.

Tidak ada yang mengetahui secara pasti kapan dimulainya tradisi ini. Namun, berdasarkan cerita rakyat, ketika Gunung Krakatu meletus pada tahun 1883, tradisi ini sudah ada.

Seiring dengan masuknya pengaruh Islam ke Bangka, tradisi tersebut pun mengalami beberapa perubahan cara dan pergeseran substansi. Meskipun tetap turut menonton perang ketupat, sebagian besar warga yang beragama Islam telah mengubah beberapa ritual menjadi bernuansa islami.

Perayaan yang dulunya difokuskan bagi roh-roh halus, kini sebagian ditujukan untuk mengenang arwah leluhur. Demikian pula dengan sesaji, diubah menjadi kenduri untuk dimakan bersama.

Puteri Malam Cerita Rakyat Bangka

Penggemar cerita rakyat mungkin akan mendapat kesulitan untuk menemukan cerita rakyat Pulau Bangka.

Berbeda dengan cerita rakyat daerah lainnya seperti: Sunda, Jawa, Batak, Aceh, Sulawesi, yang sudah banyak diterbitkan. Baik dalam suatu kumpulan bersama antara cerita rakyat dari berbagai daerah maupun sendiri-sendiri.
Namun demikian penggemar cerita rakyat Pulau Bangka yang dikenal sebagai penghasil timah itu tidak perlu kecewa karena masih dapat ditolong oleh Proyek Penerbitan Buku Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Pada tahun 1983 Proyek ini pernah menerbitkan buku Puteri Ladang dan Puteri Malam yang ditulis oleh Amiruddin D (Dja’far) berisi cerita rakyat Bangka .

Dalam kata pengantar pengarang kita pun akhirnya mengetahui bahwa buku ini merupakan lanjutan penerbitan sebelumnya yakni Cerita-Cerita Purba dari P. Bangka yang ditulis oleh pengarang yang sama. Mungkin karena penerbitan dengan oplah terbatas kedua buku ini pun sukar ditemukan di tengah masyarakat.
Selanjutnya dalam tulisan ini kita mencoba melihat nilai budaya daerah dalam cerita rakyat Puteri Malam.
Puteri Malam mengisahkan Pak Raje seorang kepala desa yang memiliki sawah dan bertindak sewenang-wenang. Sawah yang ditanami padi yang sedang berbuah itu dimasuki beberapa ekor babi. Pak Raje meminta kepada Sang Penyumpit menjaganya dengan dalih orang tua Sang Penyumpit yang sudah almarhum pernah berutang kepadanya. Demi membayar utang orang tua Sang Penyumpit rela bekerja pada Pak Raje.

Ketika menjalankan tugasnya Sang Penyumpit mendapat rezeki yang tak diduga sehingga kaya raya. Melihat ini Pak Raje juga ingin mengikuti jejak Sang Penyumpit namun nasibnya sial, Pak Raje mati. Untunglah kemudian Sang Penyumpit mau membantu sehingga Pak Raje pulih kembali. Di akhir cerita Pak Raje insaf akan perbuatannya.

Lalu menikahkan anaknya yang bungsu dengan Sang Penyumpit. Jabatan kepala desa pun diserahkannya kepada menantunya yang baik hati itu.
Tema cerita ini memperlihatkan bahwa orang yang jahat akan mendapat hukuman yang setimpal dan orang yang baik akan mendapat keberuntungan.

Sedang pesan atau amanat cerita adalah sebaiknya jangan berbuat jahat dan sewenang-wenang kepada orang lain.
Perlakuan jahat yang dilakukan Pak Raje pada mulanya ketika sawahnya dimasuki babi.

Dia memaksa Sang Penyumpit untuk mau menjaga. Agar Sang Penyumpit tak dapat menolak Pak Raje mengatakan bahwa pekerjaan ini sebagai ganti membayar utang ayahnya yang sudah almarhum.

Sang Penyumpit tak dapat menolak demi untuk melunasi hutang ayahnya dan inilah tanda ia berbakti kepada orang tua. Sang Penyumpit bekerja keras siang malam demi membela nama baik orang tuanya.
Tutur Amiruddin Ja’far dalam cerita Puteri Malam:
Sampai diladang ia pun membakar kemenyan minta restu dewa-dewanya, tak lupa ia memuja mentemau (dewa babi) agar suka menolongnya supaya babi-babi jangan dilepaskan memakan ladang Pak Raje.

Jika malam telah menyungkupi alam ini, sunyi senyaplah perladangan itu, merondalah Sang Penyumpit kesegenap pojok ladang.

Tiga malam belum kejadian apa-apa, demikianlah hingga tujuh malam berlalu. Siang hari ia harus bekerja di ladang menuai padi dan malam hari harus pula jaga hingga tubuhnya merasa lemas dan pucat. Kadang-kadang ingin ia beristirahat tapi mengingat ancaman Pak Raje terpaksa ia terus berjaga-jaga.
Kerja keras Sang Penyumpit diberi imbalan yang baik. Dalam cerita dikisahkan ketika babi memasuki sawah ia sempat menombak dan mengenai seekor babi. Ingin tahu Sang Penyumpit menelusuri ke mana babi itu lari lewat darah yang bercucuran.

Tiba di sebuah desa dalam rimba itu ia akhirnya mengetahui yang terkena seorang puteri. Ibu puteri itu minta kepada Sang Penyumpit menyembuhkan sakit puteri.

Sang Penyumpit menolong puteri yang sakit. Nilai budaya menolong di sini digambarkan pengarang dalam cerita sebagai berikut:
Didekatinya gadis yang sedang sakit itu, dibukanya selimut yang menutupi kakinya.

Sang Penyumpit meneliti tampak olehnya suatu benda hitam mencuat, sedikit ditelitinya betul-betul nyatalah bahwa itu mata tombak. ”Bik, kuminta agar disediakan buluh seruas panjang sehasta, daun keremunting yang sudah ditumbuk banyaknya secupak”, kata Sang Penyumpit kepada ibu gadis itu……..
……………dicabutnya mata tombak yang terhunus , ….luka bekas cabutan ditutupinya dengan daun keremunting untuk penahan darah yang keluar.
Besok tentu ia sudah bisa berjalan-jalan kembali….
Di sini kita juga diberi informasi bagaimana mengobati orang luka dengan dedaunan obat yang tersedia di daerah itu.
Nilai budaya tolong-menolong dapat ditemukan juga dalam cerita rakyat ini, ketika Sang Penyumpit akan pergi meninggalkan desa puteri itu.

Sang Penyumpit yang telah menolong menyembuhkan puteri yang sakit diberi hadiah. Hal itu digambarkan pengarang sebagai berikut:
……tetapi sebelum anak pulang paman mau menyiapkan oleh-oleh guna kau bawa ke duniamu.
Inilah oleh-oleh dari dunia kami, ini bungkusan kunyit, ini bungkusan buah nyatoh, ini daun simpur, ini buah jering. Tapi kempat bungkusan ini jangan anakku buka sebelum sampai ke rumah. Supaya anak tidak mendapat kesulitan di jalan bakarlah dulu kemenyan ini.
Dalam cerita selanjutnya digambarkan ketika oleh-oleh itu dibuka dirumah Sang Penyumpit ternyata isinya bukan kunyit dan jering tetapi perhiasan emas, pemata intan berlian. Sejak itu tersiar kabar bahwa Sang Penyumpit telah menjadi kaya raya. Hutang ayahnya kepada Pak Raje pun segera dilunasi.
Mendengar pengalaman Sang Penyumpit yang akhirnya menjadi kaya raya, Pak Raje pun ingin meniru.

Tapi sial ketika Pak Raje mengikuti jejak Sang Penyumpit dalam cerita dikisahkan mati.

Setelah mengobati anak gadis yang kena tombak itu Pak Raje tertidur.

Ketika bangun ia diserang berpuluh-puluh ekor babi yang besar-besar. Tubuhnya disobek-sobek.

Berita ini tersiar di desa Pak Raje. Puteri tua Pak Raje menyampaikan nasib ayahnya kepada Sang Penyumpit. Mendengar kabar ini Sang Penyumpit ingin segera menolong lebih-lebih ia sudah mengenal desa itu.

Sifat menolong dan jujur yang dimiliki oleh Sang Penyumpit merupakan nilai budaya daerah yang khas dalam cerita rakyat Puteri Malam.

Hal ini tercermin dalam baris-baris yang disusun pengarang Amiruddin Ja’far sebagai berikut:
Dewa Matemau mengetahui bahwa anakku seorang yang jujur. Karena kejujuranmu itu, anakku dianiaya ataupun ditipu oleh sebangsamu di duniamu sendiri.

Sebat itulah Matemau pada mulanya melarang adik-adikmu ke tempat buah-buahan yang enak di ladang Pak Raje, kemudian Matemau memerintahkan supaya adik-adikmu datang lagi ke ladang.

Kami bertanya mengapa Matemau memerintahkan demikian? Katanya cucuku Sang Penyumpit harus ditolong karena dia sendiri ditipu oleh Pak Raje. Bagaimana caranya Sang Penyumpit menolong Pak Raje sehingga tubuhnya tak tersobek-sobek lagi dan hidup kembali?

Dikisahkan Sang Penyumpit menggunakan 7 helai daun. Lalu dia membakar kemenyan lalu menyebut, ada tangan, ada kaki. Semua anggota tubuh Pak Raje disebut. Terakhir diucapkan Pak Raje.
Digambarkan dalam asap mengepul Sang Penyumpit membacakan manteranya lalu tampak Pak Raje berusaha duduk.

Dia tampak menggosok-gosokkan matanya.
Pak Raje yang telah insaf dan mengaku bersalah digambarkan pengarang dengan kalimat sebagai berikut:
” Marilah kita pulang Sang Penyumpit segala kesalahankku kepadamu dan kepada rakyat segera kuminta maaf. Sesudah itu engkau kukawinkan dengan si Bungsu lalu aku akana mengundurkan diri, engkaulah akan menggantiku.

Marilah kita pulang agar kabar gembira ini segera kita laksanakan”.
Sesuai dengan janji Pak Raje pada saat yang telah ditentukan puteri Bungsunya dinikahkannya dengan Sang Penyumpit. Jabatan sebagai kepala desa pun diserahkan kepada menantunya yang baik hati itu.

Selanjutnya kedua insan yang baru menjadi suami isteri ini hidup berbahagia.***

Sekilas Sejarah Rebo Kasan

  2. Upacara Rabu Kasan setiap tahun diadakan di desa Air Anyer Kecamatan Merawang Kabupaten Bangka. Upacara ini merupakan tolak balak yang dilaksanakan tiap-tiap hari Rabu di bulan Syafar Tahun Hijriah.

Perkataan Rabu Kasan berasal dari kata Rabu yang terakhir (Bulan Syafar).

Menurut keterangan dari beberapa orang ulama, setiap tahun Allah menurunkan bermacam-macam bala lebih kurang 3.200 macam bala ke muka bumi ini pada hari Rabu terakhir di bulan Syafar, mulai terbitnya fajar sampai siang Rabu tersebut.

Maka setiap penduduk pada hari itu hendaklah hati-hati, karena pada hari itulah yang paling mudah dan paling banyak mendapatkan bala (bahaya).

Oleh sebab itu dianjurkan pada setiap penduduk yang ada berencana untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan yang berat-berat atau akan bepergian jauh sebaiknya diundurkan atau dibatalkan dulu sampai kira-kira pukul 02.00 siang, serta dianjurkan setiap penduduk pada hari itu sebaiknya berkumpul dan bersama-sama membaca do’a agar tersisih dari sekalian bala yang diturunkan Allah S.W.T pada hari itu.

Ada bermacam-macam cara dan pendapat mereka mengadakan upacara tolak bala tersebut.

Pada hari biasanya diadakan di ujung / batas kampung, masyarakat pergi beramai-ramai dan berkumpul di tempat upacara serta membawa makanan-makanan dan yang penting agi adlaah ketupat lepas yaitu ketupat tolak bala dan air wafak.

Yang dimaksud dengan ketupat tolak balak yaitu ketupat yang dianyam sedemikian rupa yang mudah terlepas apabila bagian ujung dan pangkal daun yang dianyam itu ditarik. Dan ketupat ini tanpa isi.

Demikian juga Air Wafak yaitu air yang telah dicampur dengan air do’a wafak yang diambil dari ayat Al-Qur’an dan do’a ini ditulis di piring porselin yang putih bersih dengan tinta dawer dari Mekkah, kemudian piring yang bertulisan itu diisi dengan air bersih sampai tulisan itu terhapus dan bercampur dengan air tadi.

Jika kita memerlukan lebih banyak, maka air ini boleh kita tambah sebanyak mungkin.


Pada waktu dahulu upacara ini diadakan di ujung atau perbatasan kampung, di sana mereka berkumpul tua, muda, laki-laki, permepuan setiap yang hadir telah membawa makanan-makanan, dan masing-masing membawa kerupat tolak balak yang telah disediakan masing-masing keluarga. Tetapi sekarang ini telah diadakan di masjid dan yang hadir cukup para lelaki saja, terutama bagi kepala keluarga.



  1. Sehari sebelum upacara Rabu Kasan diadakan, semua penduduk telah menyiapkan segala keperluan upacara tersebut seperti ketupat tolak balak, air wafak dan makanan untuk dimakan bersama pada hari itu.
  2. Tepat pada hari Rabu Kasan itu, kira-kira pukul 07.00 WIB semua penduduk yang akan mengikuti upacara telah hadir ke tempat upacara dengan membawa sedulang makanan, ketupat tolak bala sebanyak jumlah keluarga masing-masing. Setelah berkumpul semua sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan baru acara segera dimulai.
  4. Pertama berdirilah seorang di depan pintu masjid dan menghadap keluar lalu mengumandangkan adzan.
  5. Lalu disusul dengan pembacaan do’a bersama-sama. Selesai berdo’a semua yang hadir menarik/melepaskan anyaman ketupat tolak balak yang terlah tersedia tadi, satu persatu menurut jumlah yang dibawa sambil menyebut nama keluarganya masing-masing.
  6. Setelah selesai acara melepaskan anyaman ketupat tolak balak tersebut baru mereka makan.
  7. Setelah makan bersama, lalu masing-masing pergi mengambil air wafak yang telah disediakan termasuk untuk semua keluarganya yang ada di rumah masing-masing.
  8. Setelah selesai acara ini mereka pulang dan bersilahturahmi ke rumah tetangga/keluarganya.
  9. Pada akhir-akhir ini banyak yang menggunakan kesempatan ini pada sore-sore harinya terutama bagi muda mudi mencari hiburan di Pantai Air Anyer. Bahkan sekarang ini makin banyak pengunjung yang datang dari luar kampung Air Anyer menyaksikan dan berlibur ke Pantai Air Anyer pada setiap tahun diadakan acara Upacara Rabu Kasan ini.

Demikianlah sinopsi Rabu Kasan ini dibuat, semoga berguna bagi kita untuk mengetahui sejarah kebudayaan yang ada di Pulau Bangka dan kita patut untuk menjaga dan kelestariannya.

Pesona Wista Pekak Liang Bangka




Palau Bangka


We went by dinghy (dinghied does not compute to the spell checker) to the village this morning to deliver a case of clothes kindly donated by Anglicare to the lady and group that Dianne met yesterday.

We included some Rid, Bushman and Insect repellent as one of their children had been suffering from considerable sandfly/bug bites.

Of course they were delighted and returned the favour with freshly cut green coconuts which are great to drink and the soft immature flesh delightful to eat – you really need to go troppo for a while to appreciate the value of the green coconut.

We went shopping at a couple of the ‘shoplets’ for eggs and a few extras and the village group wanted to see Charmar so they followed us back across the bay and came on board. It was great fun and we took and printed photos for them, which they absolutely enjoy, dined on chocolate bars and communicated well without language! Great fun.

On the way back to Charmar we had passed a fishing boat anchored only a short distance behind us and they called us over and presented us with a coconut just turning yellow, so we took them back a bottle of softdrink.

After the first visitors left they signalled they would like to come across so they have been on board for about three hours.

We have been playing with lures and fishing gear and they have taken away some spoons and lures and stainless wire and gear.

The youngest was 15 and there were three of them. They wouldn’t eat lunch but we are not sure whether they were Muslim and Ramaden they do not eat for this season as most people here are Budhist or Christian.

They really enjoyed getting off their rolly boat onto a stable platform for a while. They have a compass on their boat but the elder one and I guess the skipper was fascinated by the GPS Plotter and depthsounder! Winches and things on board generally they all wanted to check out.

There are many Chinese people in this village and one man who was visiting his brother here for holiday said to us it called China Town where we were.

Of course relations between the Chinese and Indonesian have not always been cordial but here everyone seems to be living in harmony, and why not it is a delightful area with sandy beaches, coral reefs, surf beaches, comfortable accommodation, although the fishing village people were in stilt houses with basic huts and a common well. They were the nicest and most welcoming people.

But it is time for us to press on as Kirsty only has less than a week on her visa! So in an hour or so we will untie the boys on the prau behind us, they are still attached but are back on their boat, pull up a headsail and drift off north in the following breeze to see how far we can get overnight.

Talk to you then!

Behind the beaches
18/09/2008, Palau Bangka


This anchorage at Palau Bangka is great. There are permanent fish traps built in the sea outside this area where they put lights on at night, lower nets, take their catch. It seems people get left out on them to do the work. They are constructed of Bamboo in about 20 metres of water.

Back to the anchorage, palm tree lined beaches, shallow at about 5 metres, and interesting bays, rocky outcrops and long beaches of white sand. AND the beaches are relatively clean about as clean as most Aussie beaches, some thongs, bottles and the odd bit of flotsam but relatively clean.

Yesterday we went about 20 mins by dinghy to the local village. Not much English spoken here but a very large house on the beach and the owner took us through the house block, past the monkeys, chooks etc into the main street of the village.

People came out and spoke with us and one elderly man took us and very proudly showed us around a hotel they are building with accommodation, billiard room, cafe etc. Very interesting. From amongst this group we found out there were no markets in the village, we would have to go to the city! (Parang???) , no bemos or buses and a car was hard to get. One chap volunteered a motorcycle ride so I set off with instructions to buy fresh fruit and veges for both boats.

Off we went along first dirt roads , then bitumen track through villages and settlements across the island and sure enough 30 mins later we were in a significant town with a shopping street, market shops and a supermarket. Papaya, grapes, oranges, melon, lychees, apples, pears, etc were bought at the market shops and we visited the supermarket but didn’t buy, loaded up the scooter and headed back for the beach village.

Stopped at a roadside vendor and bought two pineapples and two cucumbers (much cheaper than the town prices) and headed off again with a very fully loaded scooter bottoming out on all the many bumps and potoholes!

We were back at the village in the hour and half. The boy who took me to town was a mechanic from Djakarta and he didn’t want anything for taking me in. Of course we did provide him a gift – it was great to top up the fruit and vege supplies and the Papaya (although expensive by local standards) are so rich and good to taste and BIG.

The village here is predominantly Budhist, but the boy who took me to town was proudly Christian. Many people appear to be of Chinese extraction. The houses are neat and tidy and well kept and furnished and it appears to be a very pretty and pleasant place to livel.

The village is a fishing village and Dianne and the others had been “talking” with the locals and making friends – we will take a suitcase of clothing back over this morning. We might also be able to buy some fish when the boats come back in this morning – goodness knows we seem to have no possibility of actually catching one here – and no wonder the way we fish is just plain lazy compared to the work they put into it.

There are maybe a hundred or so fishing boats tied up outside the village all fitted with strong lamps etc that go out fishing from here at night.

A very friendly and welcoming place.

Large fires on the island showered us with ash and soot last night which was a great shame as we were so pleased that the heavy rain squalls of a few nights ago had finally washed the last of the Darwin ash and dust off the boat! Now we are back where we started!

Time wise we could have gone up to see the Orang-u-Tans in Kalimantan but we are enjoying the easy days here and have really enjoyed this anchorage and a bit of swimming, snorkelling and exploring.

Late this afternoon we will probably head off for an overnighter to the next destination.





Fishermen and a whole community of people converted into illegal tin ore divers on the coast of Bangka Island, South of Sumatra, Indonesia.


Jalan-Jalan ke Pulau Bangka

Pagi terasa begitu menyenangkan, walaupun lelah telah menderu semalaman. Daypack pun menunggu di samping pintu kamar, tak sabar rasanya ingin lepas dari penatnya rutinitas.

Yeaay, pagi ini saya akan menuju ke Pulau Bangka. Acara tahunan kantor yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Outing atau Kick-off Meeting.

Tak ingin mengulang kejadian tahun lalu dimana saya harus terburu-buru ditambah dengan perut melilit sepanjang perjalanan, pagi ini saya terpaksa harus berangkat lebih awal.

Di kegelapan pagi, saya bergegas menuju halte kampus UI, deretan Burung Biru siap mengantarkan saya menuju bandara. Beruntung, pak supir cukup sigap menghadapi kemacetan jalan raya. Yaaa.. walaupun telat untuk sarapan pagi bersama, setidaknya roti dan susu yang saya makan di tengah perjalanan, cukup untuk mengganjal perut sesampainya di Bangka.

10.45 CGK – PGK.



Waktu menunjukkan pukul 11.45, cuaca cukup bersahabat ketika kami tiba di

Bandara Depati Amir, Pangkal Pinang.

Rombongan kami yang berjumlah 25 orang disambut dengan hangat oleh pemandu wisata yang siap mengantarkan kami ke beberapa objek wisata di Pangkal Pinang.

Dengan menggunakan minibus, perjalanan wisata kami pun dimulai. Dian, seorang pemandu wisata yang akan memandu kami selama 2 hari kedepan mulai bercerita sepanjang perjalanan mengenai pulau Bangka. Dengan gaya bahasa yang lucu dan sedikit agak narsis,

Dian mulai menjadi sasaran empuk untuk menjadi bahan kecengan selama perjalanan. Lulusan Akuntansi Universitas Padjajaran ini lebih memilih bekerja di pemerintahan daerah dan menjadi pemandu wisata karena kecintaannya akan pulau Bangka. Hmm.. sepertinya kami memliki pemandu wisata yang mumpuni untuk mengenal lebih jauh mengenai pulau ini.

Menempuh waktu selama 30 menit dari bandara Depati Amir, akhirnya kami sampai di tujuan pertama,



Pantai Pasir Padi.

Pantai yang berjarak 7 Km dari Pangkal Pinang, ibu kota Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung ini merupakan tempat pertama yang kami kunjungi karena lokasinya yang masih berada di kota dan sangat mudah untuk dijangkau.

Hampir semua wisatawan yang tiba dari bandara Depati Umar, pasti mengunjungi Pasir Padi terlebih dahulu sebagai persinggahan pertama.

Keunikan Pantai Pasir Padi  adalah ombak yang tenang dan kontur pasir yang padat, putih dan halus. Kata Dian, saat air laut mengalami pasang surut, pantai ini bisa digunakan sebagai arena lomba balap motor.




Selain Pasir Padi, banyak pantai indah yang dimiliki oleh Pulau Bangka, seperti

Pantai Parai, Tanjung Pesona, Pantai Matras, Pantai Rebo, Tanjung Ular, Tanjung Kalian, Air Anyir dan Romodong.

Waah.. bakalan nggak cukup 3 hari nih untuk menikmati semua wisata pantai. Istirahat di Pasir Padi kami manfaatkan untuk makan siang di

Rumah Makan Biru Laut.

Setelah puas makan siang dan berfoto-foto, perjalanan pun kami lanjutkan kembali. Kali ini kami akan mengunjungi

Museum Timah.

Dalam perjalanan menuju Museum, Dian bercerita mengenai kondisi alam di Pulau Bangka yang saat ini kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah daerah. Tampak oleh kami, beberapa tempat di pinggir jalan raya, banyak dijumpai bekas penambangan timah yang sepertinya ditinggal begitu saja.

Letaknya yang strategis di jalan raya Pangkal Pinang, membuat Museum Timah sangat mudah untuk ditemui, ditambah dengan kereta timah yang terpajang di depan gedung Museum, semakin menguatkan identitas dari sebuah Museum.

Sesampainya di Museum Timah, pemandu museum yang ramah dan penuh semangat menjelaskan kepada kami mengenai


sejarah penambangan timah di Pulau Bangka.

Semua peninggalan dan cerita sejarah tersimpan rapih di museum ini.







Museum yang dibuka sejak tahun 1997

ini menempati bangunan bekas rumah karasidenan zaman belanda. Sebelum menjadi museum, rumah ini merupakan rumah tempat tinggal karyawan perusahaan BTW ( Banka Tin Winning).

Dari museum ini kita bisa mengetahui kalau timah pertama kali digali di Pulau Bangka pada tahun 1709.

Pulau Bangka Belitung memang sangat terkenal dengan timahnya. Jadi, kalau anda ke pulau Bangka, anda wajib mengunjungi Museum Timah.


Tak ingin menyia-nyiakan waktu hari ini, kami meyempatkan diri mengunjungi pengrajin kain Ishadi Cual yang menjual pakaian dan kain khas Bangka. Letaknya berada di Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 46. Ishadi merupakan nama dari Isnawati dan Abdul Hadi (telah meninggal Januari 2006). Cual sendiri merupakan kain adat yang sudah berkembang sejak abad XVI di pulau Bangka, hanya saja masyarakat disini lebih mengenal songket palembang karena sebelumnya kepulauan Bangka Belitung masuk ke dalam propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Kain cual pada dasarnya adalah kain tenun seperti songket, dengan warna-warna yang cerah dan menyala, khas kain tradisional Melayu. Tak banyak yang bisa kami lakukan disini selain melihat-lihat beberapa hasil kerajinan kain cual.


Tempat berikutnya adalah

Otak Otak Amui.

Kata Dian, disini adalah otak-otak terenak di pulau Bangka, walaupun yang saya rasakan sama aja dengan otak-otak yang saya beli di Jakarta, hanya saja variasi otak-otaknya lebih banyak. Sambil ngobrol santai dengan teman, hampir semua mengatakan “yang bikin enak sambelnya”. Yup, rasa otak-otaknya sih sama aja dengan kebanyakan otak-otak, hanya saja sambelnya yang membuat saya tidak bisa berhenti menguyah. Makan otak-otak disini belum lengkap rasanya kalu belum ditemani dengan

es kacang merah.

Anyway buswaaay, sepertinya ini tempat terlama yang kami kunjungi sebelum kami menuju ke hotel untuk beristirahat. Rombongan kami pun memesan otak-otak yang diantarkan di hari terakhir sebagai oleh-oleh.



Hanya 2 jam waktu yang bisa kami manfaatkan untuk beristirahat di kamar hotel.

Pada saat keluar hotel, minibus sudah siap mengantarkan kami. Kata Dian, kami akan makan malam di salah satu tempat makan yang wajib dikunjungi di pulau Bangka, namanya

Rumah Makan Mr. Asui.

Mr. Asui terletak di tengah kota Pangkal Pinang, tepatnya di Yang Zubaidah. Dari plang nama yang kami lihat, kami kira rumah makan ini berada di pinggir jalan, ternyata kami harus memasuki sebuah gang untuk menuju tempat makan tersebut.

Ada tiga rumah makan dalam satu deret rumah yang menyatu.  Mr. Asui berada di rumah kedua.


Lagi-lagi, kami disuguhi makanan laut seperti di Pasir Padi.

Hadir dihadapan saya,

buntut ikan tenggiri bakar, kepiting saus tiram dan cah kangkung. Kombinasi yang pas ditambah dengan cocolan sambal terasi khas bangka.

Makan malam di Rumah Makan Ashuy menjadi tempat wisata terakhir di hari ini. Satu kata untuk hari ini, kenyang


Malam mulai mengusik rasa ingin tahu saya mengenai kehidupan malam di kota Pangkal Pinang.

Setelah mencoba mengendap-ngendap dan mencari tahu dari beberapa pegawai hotel, akhirnya supir hotel mulai mengantarkan kami ke

tempat karaoke di salah satu hotel

yang letaknya tidak jauh dari tempat kami menginap.

Dari luar, suasana begitu sepi. Tapi siapa sangka, begitu kami masuk, phiuuuhhh.. suara sayup-sayup musik mulai terdengar dan gadis-gadis berpakaian seksi berlalu lalang sambil menatap dengan senyuman nakal. Salah satu wanita mulai mengantarkan kami menyusuri lorong demi lorong. Wooow, belom pernah saya melihat tempat karaoke seperti ini.

Ruangannya lumayan besar dengan sofa kulit memanjang yang terlihat sobek disana sini. Beberapa lantai keramik terlihat pecah. Di pojok ruangan terdapat meja yang sepertinya mirip meja makan dengan beberapa bangku dan kamar mandinya yang jauh dari kesan terawat. Peralatan karaoke pun seadanya, televisi 50 inchi dengan monitor komputer CRT 14 inchi sebagai operator. Ya.. sudahlah.. nikmati saja.

Tidak puas kami mengunjungi Pasir Padi di hari pertama, kali ini kami akan mengunjungi


Salah satu pantai terindah di Pulau Bangka.

Tapi sebelum menuju kesana, kami harus lebih dulu mengunjungi dua tempat wisata, yaitu

Desa Gedong dan Phak Kak Liang.

Perjalanan menuju Desa Gedong kami tempuh selama 2 jam dari Pangkal Pinang. Kendaraan hanya diijinkan untuk masuk sampai dengan Gapura.


Selanjutnya kami harus berjalan kaki untuk menyusuri tempat ini. Desa Gedong merupakan kampung Cina tertua di Pulau Bangka yang saat ini ditetapkan sebagai Desa Wisata.

Letaknya berada di wilayah Lumut, kecamatan Belinyu.

Warga di Desa Gedong adalah generasi penambang terakhir di Pulau Bangka. Kehidupan mereka rata-rata berdagang dan pembuat makanan khas Bangka seperti kerupuk, kemplang dan getas.


Di kampung inilah kami mengunjungi salah satu pembuat

kerupuk getas,

makanan khas Bangka Belitung yang terbuat dari ikan tenggiri dan kerupuk kricu yang terbuat dari cumi-cumi. Sayang, kami tidak diijinkan untuk melihat langsung pembuatan kerupuk ini dengan alasan rahasia perusahaan.

Dari kampung inilah, kerupuk Getas dan Kricu didistribusikan ke seluruh Bangka. Sambil ngobrol-ngobrol dengan pemilik rumah, mulut ini sepertinya tidak mau berhenti menyicipi ‘kerupuk gratisan’. Alhasil, setiap orang  setidaknya membeli minimal 3 kerupuk untuk dijadikan oleh-oleh.



Tempat kedua yang kami kunjungi masih berhubungan dengan kebudayaan China, namanya Phak Kak Liang.




Phak Kak Liang, Belinyu



Phak Kak Liang merupakan tempat wisata yang dibangun di atas bekas penambangan timah. Lokasinya berada di kecamatan Belinyu.


Untuk menuju Phak Kak Liang, kami harus melewati penambangan timah. Di kanan kiri jalan, terlihat jelas sisa-sisa penambangan timah yang membentuk kubangan besar dan timbunan pasir yang tinggi.


Daya tarik lain bagi wisatawan disini yang tak kalah menariknya adalah ikan air tawar yang berada di danau ini. Pengunjung dapat memberi makan yang telah disediakan oleh penjaga setempat. Menurut cerita yang sampai saat ini masih diyakini, ikan-ikan yang ada di danau ini tidak boleh dipancing atau dimakan.


Perjalanan kami lanjutkan menuju pantai Parai. Perjalanan terasa begitu membosankan. Yang kami lihat sepanjang perjalanan hanya hutan, sesekali terlihat beberapa pemukiman penduduk dan penambangan timah.

Pemandangan yang monoton membuat kami tertidur sepanjang perjalanan. Suasana yang tadinya riang dan penuh riuh canda, sekejap berubah menjadi sunyi senyap.

Setelah satu jam kami lalui, tiba-tiba dari kejauhan terlihat pesisir pantai. Ahh.. Parai! Pantainya cukup terlihat indah dengan beberapa batuan yang menjadi tempat favorit kami untuk berfoto-foto. Parai menjadi penutup perjalanan wisata kami di pulau Bangka.





Tidak puas dengan pengalaman malam kemarin, kali ini saya mencoba menyambangi salah satu klub malam dan tempat billiard yang cukup terkenal di Pangkal Pinang. Hahaha… teteuuu. Saya dan teman-teman menghabiskan malam terakhir di tempat ini dan keesokan hari kami harus berkemas kembali dan bersiap menuju Jakarta.



Menariknya dari kegiatan ini begitu kental dengan kegiatan nilai budaya lokal dan pesona wisata yang menakjubkan di pulau Bangka. Tak kurang sekitar 500 peserta dari 31 propinsi dari seluruh Indonesia disuguhiatraksi dan keindahan bumi Sepintu Sedulang (red-sebutan untuk kabupaten Bangka).


Sejak pembukaan acara, peserta sudah disuguhi tari-tari khas daerah Bangka seperti tari Sambut Sepintu Sedulang, tabuhan Rampak Gendang Melayu, dan tari-tarian lain. Setiap hari lidah para peserta dimanjakan dengan makanan khas yang serta seafood. Bahkan ketika melakukan riset lapangan, interaksi dengan masyarakat lokal penambang, masyarakat etnis Tionghoa, dan Melayu menjadi kajian yang menarik untuk ditulis oleh para peserta.


Pengembangan pariwisata sebagai alternatif sumber penghasil selain penambangan pun ikut dicermati oleh para peserta. Lokasi penelitian untuk siswa ditempat di kawasan multi etnis dengan nilai budayalokal yang masih kental. Bahkan ibu bapak guru yang ikut mendampingi para peserta tak luput dari kegiatan workshop guru.


Workshop Guru memberikan pengalaman menarik untukpara tenaga pengajar dari seluruh Indonesia itu untuk melakukan riset sosial atau ilmu pengetahuan alam dengan lokasi di Pantai Matras, Pantai Parai Tenggiri, dan lingkungan multi etnis di perkampungan Pohin (Air Duren) Bangka.


Pantai Matras dan Pantai Parai Tenggiri menjadi representatif pantai-pantai di Bangka yang amat indah dan landai. Terletak disebelah timur laut Pulau Bangka dan berjarak sekitar 40 km dari Pangkalpinang atau 7 km dari kota Sungailiat. Pantai indah ini terkenal dengan nama Pantai Matras karena terletak di desa Matras, Kelurahan Sinar Jaya, Kecamatan Sungailiat, Kabupaten Bangka. Panjang pantai ini mencapai 3 km dan lebar 20-30 m yang dilatar belakangi pepohonan kelapa dan aliran sungai yang jernih dari daratan menuju laut. Sedangkan Pantai Parai Tenggiri karena keelokan pemandangan dan suasananya, sering menyebut pantai ini sebagai Pantai Surga.


Untuk wisata sejarah, field trip di Bangka Barat, tepatnya di Kota Muntok, tentu saja menjadi sangat menarik. Kota ini merupakan tanah tempat pengasingan para pemimpin bangsa di awal-awal kemerdekaan. Sejumlah nama seperti Ir. Soekarno, Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta, Sekretaris Negara Pringgodigdo, Menteri Luar Negeri Agus Salim, Menteri Pengajaran Ali Sastroamidjojo, Ketua Badan KNIP Mr Assaat,Wakil Perdana Menter iMr Moh Roem dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Komodor Udara S Suryadarma pernah di tempatkan di Wisma Ranggam.


Pesanggrahan Muntok adalah nama asli Wisma Ranggam. Kata pesanggrahan diambil dari bahasa Sansekerta yang berartitempat peristirahatan atau penginapan. Wisma Ranggam dibangun pada tahun 1927 oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda. Tempat ini dijadikan sebagai tempat peristirahatan pegawai perusahaan timah milik Belanda.


Didepan Wisma Ranggam berdiri kokoh sebuah tugu yang tak lekang dimakan zaman. Ditugu tersebut terdapat prasasti yang ditandatangani oleh Bung Hatta padatanggal 17 Agustus 1951. Isi tulisan tersebut adalah:

” Kenang-kenang Menoembingdi Bawah Sinar Gemerlap Terang Tjoeatja, Kenang-kenang membawa Kemenangan, Bangka, Djogdjakarta, Djakarta, Hidoep Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika”.

Lokasi berikutnya adalah sebuah pantai yang terletak di Kelurahan Tanjung,Kecamatan Mentok. Pantai ini terletak ±9 km dari Kota, di sini terdapat menaraatau Mercusuar yang dibangun pada tahun 1862. Dari puncaknya dapat disaksikan seluruh kawasan Pantai Mentok yang indah. Fungsi dari menara itu sendiri untuk melihat keluar masuknya kapal-kapal dari/ke Pelabuhan Mentok.



Bukan hanya itupara peserta pun berkesempatan untuk melihat proses peleburan timah di kawasan PELTIM muntok, bahkan beberapa kelompok berhasil mencapai puncak Menumbing. Menumbing bukan tempat asing dalam sejarah Bangsa ini. Sama seperti Wisma Ranggam, Kompleks Giri Sasana Menumbing menjadi tempat pengasingan tokoh-tokoh bangsa.

Berdasarkan informasi tertulis yang dipajang di ruang 102, Soekarno dan kawan-kawan dibawa ke tempat ini dibagi menjadi tiga kelompokatau rombongan. Rombongan pertama adalah Mohammad Hatta, Mr A.G. Pringgodigdo, Mr. Assaat, dan Komodor Udara S Suryadarma. Mereka datang ke tempat ini tanggal 22 Desember 1948 dari Yogyakarta. Rombongan kedua adalah Mr. Moh Roem dan Mr.Ali Sastroamidjojo, yang dibawa langsung oleh Belanda dari Yogyakarta ke Manumbing pada tanggal 31 Desember 1948 dan rombongan ketiga adalah Bung karnodan Agus Salim didatangkan ke Bangka pada tanggal 6 februari 1949 dari tempat pengasingannya Kota Prapat, Sumatera Utara yang berdekatan dengan Danau Toba. Mereka datang dengan pesawat Catalina yang mendarat di Muara Sungai Pangkalbalam.


Kegiatan perkemahan ilmiah yang berakhir di komplek dengan ketinggian 445 meter dari permukaan laut ini membawa berbagai macam perasaan, mulai dari rasa keperihatinan lingkungan, kekaguman, kebersamaan, dan wawasan baru tentang bumi Indonesia.


Pelabuhan Belinyu



Kapal-kapal dari luar Bangka berlabuh di Pelabuhan Belinyu sejak 2010. Sedangkan seblumnya di



palabuhan sungai Liat


Kota Sungai Liat sudah ada sejak masa hindia Belanda,saat kunjungan terakhir 2012,sempat berkunjung kesana,banyak orang oramg Tiomghoa dengan ekonomi lumayan,pekrjaan tersedia dan disini juga ada timah.Masa Pak harto dilarang tambang timah oleh rakyat, dan masa Gus Dur diizin tambang rakyat.

Tambang timah Rakyat di kota sungai Liat



Tanah disemprot dan dibuat sumur kira-kira empat meter dan ketemu pasir timah, sesudah itu disedot keatas ,dicuci baru ketemu timah dan timah diambil dan air limbah dibuang ketempat lain.

Pasir timah bias dijual pada pedagang antara, satu kg Rp.80.000.- .satu hari bias ditemukan berkisar dua puluh sampai tiga puluh kg.


Alat berat punya pemerintah dapat disewa swasta,satu jam Rp.300.000.-


Dua lelaki tanpa baju menggotong pipa paralon yang disembunyikan dari gubuk di samping kolong (lubang galian tambang). Badan kekar dan kulit coklat kehitaman yang terbakar matahari menandakan aktivitas sehari-hari mereka.

Aktivitas tambang inkonvensional (TI) dan tambang rakyat (TR) mulai terdengar di Desa Sirna Jaya, Kecamatan Sungai Liat, Kabupaten Bangka, Provinsi Bangka Belitung.

Gemuruhnya makin terdengar ketika ekskavator dan pompa penyemprot air mulai bekerja di tempat pendulangan untuk memisahkan tanah dan menyisakan batu dan pasir timah.

Di tempat lain

di Gedung PT Timah Tbk, Pangkal Pinang,

enam perajin sibuk menggarap berbagai bentuk suvenir yang dibuat dari pewter. Ini adalah bahan olahan dari timah murni (97 persen), dicampur sedikit tembaga (2 persen) dan antimon (1 persen). Dengan alat sederhana, mulai dari gunting, kikir, solder, las, hingga mesin bubut, mereka memoles timah menjadi suvenir yang menarik.


Ke Belinyu , Melihat Kota Tua Timah

Sementara saya menampik tawaran mengunjungi Pantai Tanjung Bunga, Hutan Wisata TuaTunu, Kuburan Cina Sentosa, Katedral ST. Yosef, Kuburan Akek Bandang, Museum Timah Indonesia, Rumah Eks Residen, Perigi Pasem, Tugu Kemerdekaan, Kerhof, yang ditawarkan oleh dinas Pariwisata Bangka-Belitung lewat buklet bagi peserta Temu Sastrawan Indonesia II yang hendak melancong.

Bukan karena tempat itu tidak menarik, tapi saya ingin sesuatu yang beda.

Saya ingin mengunjungi objek wisata yang tidak terpromosikan. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebelumnya, tempat seperti itu kadang memiliki pesona yang tersembunyi.

Gayung bersambut!

Kebetulan ada yang  bertandang ke rumah di Belinyu.

Bersama rombongan , saya menumpangi bus Damri yang disediakan oleh dinas Pariwisata negeri Timah itu.

Selama perjalanan dari Pangkalpinang ke Belinyu, saya pergunakan untuk melihat daerah yang dilintasi dari kaca bus yang melaju dalam angin petang.

Beberapa kali saya tertegun, setiap kali melihat bekas-bekas lubang tambang timah yang ditinggalkan dan terbengkalai. Dan pohon-pohon yang tidak seramai laiknya di tepi Lintas Sumatera, berjajar rapat menatap bus yang melintas.

Duh, kegersangan yang menciptakan kesedihan. Tapi saya musti melihatnya.

Melihatnya sebagai pelancong yang hanya bisa bertanya “kenapa?” tanpa menemukan jawaban yang memuaskan. Sebab tidak ada guide dalam rombongan kami selama perjalanan di bus itu.

Diam-diam, kami seperti bersepakat menjadi guide bagi diri kami sendiri. Seperti sengaja menciptakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan bagi diri kami sendiri dan dijawab oleh diri kami sendiri.

Tak terasa lebih kurang 3 jam, bus itu mengantarkan kami ke kota kecamatan Belinyu.

Sebuah kota tua yang didirikan karena pertambangan timah.

Kami disambut deretan bangunan-bangunan tua dan ruko-ruko yang sebagian besar tutup.

Padahal baru jam 5 sore. Lagi-lagi saya didera pertanyaan “kenapa?”
Karena tidak tahan, saya pun bertanya , “Kenapa ruko-ruko di sini tutup?”

“Ternyata di sini orang-orang berdagang cuma sampai jam 4 petang,”

Lalu ia mengajak saya masuk ke rumahnya, menyusul yang lain. Di depan pintu, saya disambut oleh Mama Sunlie yang berumur sekitar 60-an dan ramah.

Ia Menyapa saya dalam bahasa Cina Hakka.

Saya cuma bisa memberi senyum, lantaran tidak faham bahasa Hakka itu.

“Mama saya tidak bisa ngomong dengan bahasa Indonesia,” ucap Sunlie.

Di Belinyu sekitar 30 persen penduduknya adalah Cina Hakka.

Dalam sejarah Cina perantauan (Overseas Chinese) ke Asia Tenggara, setidaknya dikenal 5 kelompok besar yang datang dan menetap, yaitu Hokkian,Hakka, Tiochiu atau Hoklo, Kanton, dan Hailam.


Kelompok Hokkian dan Tiochiu dikenal sebagai kelompok pedagang,

Kanton sebagai kelompok pengrajin dan tukang kayu.

Hakka sebagai pekerja tambang dan perkebunan.

Dalam sejarah, Hakka adalah kelompok terakhir yang datang ke Indonesia . Mereka datang berombongan untuk dipekerjakan sebagai kuli tambang dan perkebunan.

Kedatangan Hakka pertama adalah ke Mandor dan Montrado, pertambangan emas yang dikonsesi oleh Sultan Mempawah dan Sambas, Sekitar awal tahun 1700, mereka didatangkan dalam jumlah besar melalui Serawak.

Ketika tambang timah di Bangka di buka sekitar pertengahan tahun 1700, yang disusul kemudian di Belitung, beratus-ratus orang Hakka dikapalkan ke Bangka. Dan terus berlanjut hingga pertengahan tahun 1800. Rata-rata didatangkan dari Meixien. Mereka datang tanpa membawa istri. Ketika kontrak habis hanya ada dua pilihan, kembali ke Cina atau menetap di sekitar lokasi tambang. Bagi mereka yang tidak pulang membuka permukiman di Bangka, seperti di Belinyu.

Putusan untuk menetap diikuti dengan mengambil wanita setempat sebagai istri. Arsitektur permukiman mereka telah berbaur dengan budaya setempat. Namun yang masih terlihat menonjol adalah banyaknya tapekong (tempat pemujaan besar kecil dalam permukiman itu).

Berbagai perayaan besar dalam tradisi Cina masih mereka lakukan. Sembahyang Imlek masih dirayakan dengan ketat, seperti pantangan menyapu pada hari Imlek, saling memberi Angpau, perayaan Cengbeng atau Cingming (perayaan bersih kubur leluhur). Begitu pula dengan Cioko atau sembahyang rebut, masih dilakukan.

Yang tak kalah menarik, di Belinyu memiliki tradisi mengadakan pembakaran Taiseja. Dalam perayaan itu juga disertakan berbagai replika alat transportasi seperi kapal laut, kapal terbang, dan sebagainya. Menurut Sunlie, itu disediakan bagi arwah-arwah orang Cina yang hendak pulang ke negeri leluhur. Sayangnya, saya tidak datang pada saat perayaan itu berlangsung.

Namun, jalan-jalan melewati rumah-rumah kuno beraksitektur campuran Melayu-Cina-Belanda, pedagang buah-buahan, martabak Bangka, Sate Madura, Warung Pecel Lele, Bakso Solo, Ampera Padang, Otak-otak Bakar, Mpek-mpek, di bawah cahaya bulan malam itu menciptakan nuansa eksotis. Apalagi kelengangan memberikan kedamaian tersendiri. Jauh dari suasana kota metropolis yang hiruk-pikuk.

Kapitan Bongkap, Benteng Kutopanji, Kelenteng Liang San Phak

Merasakan malam pertama di kota Belinyu dengan listrik yang mati hingga subuh.

Karena listrik bermasalah. Sebagian jaringan Listrik dilayani PT Timah karena PLN kekurangan jaringan. PLTU Mantung dekat pelabuhan Belinyu, yang pernah dibilang terbesar di Asia Tenggara, sudah lama tidak berfungsi.

Pun PLTD di Baturusa, setali tiga uang. Sama saja.

PT Timah akhirnya menjadi pemasok listrik tanpa meteran, dengan sistem borongan. Tapi layanannya masih mengecewakan, listriknya sering padam.

“Bangun! Lihat ke bawah,” ujar Raudal membangunkan saya dari tidur.

Dari beranda lantai atas rumah Sunlie, saya melihat ke bawah. Ada bus-bus umum ngetem di depan rumah Sunlie. Bus-bus itu sangat antik. Bodinya terbuat dari kayu yang dilapisi seng. Ada tangga menuju bagasi berpagar besi di atap bus itu. Saya jadi ingat waktu kecil dulu, bus keluaran tahun 1970-an macam itu pernah saya tumpangi bersama Papa dari Padang ke Bukittingi pertengahan tahun 1980-an.

“Sungguh kota tua yang masih menyimpan masa lalunya,”

bisik saya pada pagi yang mulai menggeliat bersama pedagang-pedagang yang membuka pintu tokonya.

Pukul 10 pagi, saya beserta rombongan melancong ke luar kota dengan mobil rental kijang Inova.

Berdesakan memang, karena mobil itu dinaiki ramai-ramai Tapi suasana riang bikin yang sempit jadi lapang.

Menempuh jarak 2 kilometer dari pusat kota Belinyu, sampailah kami di

Benteng Kutopanji atau Benteng Bongkap,

terletak di kampung Kusam. Kekokohan sisa-sisa bangunan Benteng berwaran hitam keabuan—terbuat dari tanah liat yang dibakar—yang dibangun sekitar 1700 oleh Kapitan Bong atau Bong Khiung Fu , membuat saya terpesona. Meski yang saya jumpai sekarang adalah sisa-sisa dan kisah tentang Kapitan Bongkap, saudagar Cina yang kaya raya dan seorang pelarian politik.

Kami masuk ke dalam benteng, menemukan dua makam dengan arsitektur Cina di bagian paling belakang Benteng itu. Yang terbesar adalah makam Kapitan Bong bertahun 1700 dan dipugar pada tahun 1973, di belakangnya di atas tebing adalah makam pengawalnya. Namun itu adalah replika makam Kapitan Bong, tapi tetap dihormati oleh masyarakat setempat. Karena sebenarnya, Kapitan itu meninggal di Malaysia dan Benteng Kutopanji jatuh ke tangan perompak Moro, Filipina. Kemudian kami singgah ke Kelenteng Liang San Phak yang berdampingan dengan Benteng Kutopanji di sisi barat.

Kelenteng Liang San Phak, sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari Benteng Kutopanji yang juga didirikan oleh Kapitan Bong. Aroma Hio menyambut kami. Nur Zen Hae, Risa Syukria, Kedung Darma Romansah, dan Dahlia, mencoba bergantian mengadu peruntungan dan ramalan nasib dengan membakar Hio di depan patung Thai Pak Kong (Paman Besar) bernama Liang San Phak dan patung istrinya, yang dibawa langsung oleh Kapitan Bong dari negeri leluhurnya. Patung ini pada tanggal 15 bulan ketujuh penanggalan Cina, diarak mengelilingi kota Belinyu sebagai prosesi sembahyang rebut.

“Ini Klenteng Dewa Bumi atau Tapekong.

Menurut agama Konghucu, Klenteng Tapekong ini untuk tempat bersembahyang dan meminta agar rezeki banyak dan keselamatan,” ujar Fujianto alias Afu (35), salah seorang pengurus Klenteng.

Saya ingin bertanya lebih banyak lagi pada Afu yang ramah itu. Tapi karena waktu yang tidak memungkinkan, perjalanan musti dilanjutkan.

Pha Kak Liang

Setelah melewati jalan tanah berdebu, dan sesekali bertemu pula dengan bekas tambang timah yang ditinggalkan, sampailah kami di gerbang utama Pha Kak Liang yang bernuansa Cina. Makin ke dalam, arsitektur Cina itu makin terasa. Seperti demarga, rumah peristirahatan, gazebo, semuanya berornamen Cina.
Pha Kak Liang adalah sebuah objek wisata tirta yang dibangun di atas bekas tambang timah (kolong). Terletak 10 Kilometer dari kota Belinyu.

Keheningan dan kedamaian begitu terasa di tepi telaga seluas 3,5 hektar yang ditumbuhi pohon cemara dan akasia. Pemiliknya tiga orang etnis Cina bersaudara, dan menjadikannya sebagai villa peristirahatan, yang tetap terbuka untuk umum.

Sayangnya, kurang terawatnya Pha Kak Liang membuat objek wisata degan telaga berisi ribuan ikan emas yang hidup bebas itu tampak sedikit suram.

Tapi bagi pecinta suasana sunyi, Pha Kak Liang memberikan itu. Dan semakin lama akan makin terasa. Namun, lagi-lagi perjalanan musti dilanjutkan.

Pantai Penyusuk

“Lihat pohon-pohon yang memeluk batu itu!” Kalimat Raudal yang puitis itu seperti memberi tahu bahwa kami telah memasuki gerbang pantai Penyusuk.

Ya, di kiri-kanan jalan memasuki area pantai tampak beberapa batu besar yang di sekilingnya di tumbuhi pohon-pohon.

Hamparan pantai yang landai dan ditumbuhi batu-batu besar menyambut kami. Beberapa perahu nelayan tertambat. Ombaknya tenang karena di depannya ada pulau cukup besar yang menjadi tameng. Sedang pulau kecil di sampingnya, berdiri menara suar yang tampak sebesar pohon nyiur melambai dari tempat saya berdiri.

Amboi! Negeri rayuan pulau kelapa, alangkah eloknya.Saya tidak sabaran ingin menceburkan diri. Mandi-mandi di laut jadi kanak-kanak ria kembali. Hilang sejenak segan pada usia.Namun Risa Syukria meminta saya untuk menemani dia mengambil air wudhu. Inilah perkaranya, ternyata kamar mandi umum dikunci. Penjaganya entah kemana.

Memang pantai Penyusuk sepi, jauh dari pedagang yang mata duitan. Akhirnya, kami menemukan berbungkus-bungkus air minum tergeletak ditinggalkan pemiliknya di atas sebuah batu besar.Jadilah Risa sholat dan saya pun mandi menceburkan diri ke laut menyusul yang lain, yang telah dulu bermain dengan air garam yang jinak itu. Tak lama berselang, Risa pun menyusul.

Cuma Kedung Darma Romansah dan Pak sopir yang tidak mau membasahi tubuhnya dengan air laut di pantai yang tenang itu. Entah kenapa. Setelah puas mandi-mandi. Main pasir pantai yang putih. Duduk-duduk dari satu batu ke lain batu. Rombongan sastrawan itu memutuskan untuk pulang.

Matahari sudah mulai mendekati ubun-ubun laut, beberapa jam lagi bakal angslup. Cuaca cerah. Tentu saja sunset akan terlihat terlihat sempurna di pantai barat ini. Namun apa hendak dikata, pertemuan matahari dan laut yang menciptakan cahaya emas itu, tak bisa saya saksikan.

Kami pun pulang dengan tubuh yang belum dibilas dari air laut karena penjaga kamar mandi umum itu tidak juga datang.

Sesampai di jalan Depati Amir, saya dan Risa Syukria yang juga reporter TV Siak, memutuskan turun dari mobil. Kami ingin berjalan kaki berdua menuju rumah Sunlie di jalan Sriwijaya yang jaraknya sekitar 500 meter dari tempat kami turun. Sedang yang lain terus pulang dengan mobil.

Kami turun dari mobil itu bukan karena ngambek, tapi ingin melihat lebih dekat rumah-rumah arsitektur Belanda yang dihuni pegawai timah di bawah gelimang cahaya senja. Ya, sepanjang

jalan Depati Amir itu berjajar bangunan-bangunan lama.

Sayang sebagian sudah tidak terawat lagi. Padahal bangunan-bangunan itu merupakan jejak langkah dari perjalanan kota timah itu.

Menurut Ibrahim (52), salah seorang karyawan pertambangan timah yang kami temui di salah satu rumah kuno itu, dulunya rumah-rumah di kawasan jalan Depati Amir itu adalah kawasan elit yang ditempati oleh pegawai teras atas pertambangan timah, dibangun pada tahun 1928.

Sejak menipisnya cadangan timah di Belinyu, rumah-rumah itu dihuni campur aduk antara karyawan biasa dan pegawai menengah. Bahkan sebagian rumah tidak dihuni lagi dalam kondisi yang mengenaskan, pintu dan jendela yang copot, serta dindingnya kumuh penuh coretan.

“Kota yang aneh. Tidak seperti kota-kota lain yang pernah saya datangi. Selama di sini, belum pernah saya lihat ada ABG nongkrong bersama menghabiskan petang. Bagaimana ya orang-orang hidup dalam kelengangan ini?” ucap Risa, dara rancak asal Minang ini, di jalan menuju ke rumah Sunlie—selepas jalan Depati Amir.

“Kota ini membuat Ngai Oi Ngi!” ujar saya memakai sekerat bahasa Hakka yang saya pelajari dari Sunlie.

“Apa itu Ngai Oi Ngi?” tanya Risa.

“Aku Mencintaimu!”


Coastal Tourism in Bangka

Matras Beach
The beach is located in Matras Village, Sinar Jaya Urban Village of Sungailiat District, or at the northern east area of Bangka Island. The beach has sloppy beach with white sand beautiful panorama. The beach spand 3 km long and 20-30 m wide. The beach has palm plant background and natural river flow generally called as Heaven’s Beach and is the most visited beach in Bangka Regency.

Tanjung Pesona Beach

Located in Rambak Village, Sungailiat District about 9 km from the city of Sungailiat. The beach is located in between Teluk Uber Beach and Tikus Beach. This beach has open sea panorama over the bay and has also been completed with tourism facilities including 3 stars rated hotel.

Parai Beach Resort

The beach is located in Matras Village , Sinar Jaya Urban Village of Sungailiat District. This beach has been completed with various tourism facilities, including four stars rated hotels and other leisure facilities.

Batu Bedaun Beach

Located in Kampung Bukit Kuala, Sinar Jaya Urban Village of Sungailiat district. This beach is quite unique, situated side by side with Parai Tenggiri Beach marked with a tree grows out of rocks..

Rebo Beach

Some beautiful hills make some tourist from other side come to this beach.

Tikus Beach

Tikus beach is located in Rebo Village, Kenanga Urban Village, Sungailiat District. Tikus beach still preserve its naturality and much visited by tourism. The coast is decorated with smooth white sandand is indeed very attractive for tourist enjoy.

Teluk Uber Beach

Located in Rambak Village, Srimenanti Urban Village of Sungailiat District. The area of this beach reaches 25 ha with beautiful panorama and white sand equipped with hotel facilities.

Romodong Beach

The location is in Belinyu area , north Bangka 77 km from Sungailiat. In this beach the tourists can see a sunset fenomenal. Because this location is face to west. All beach have 4 km distance. If we go to this beach we can see white and soft sand here. this beach have a pure water like crystal.

Penyusuk Beach

The natural and sloppy beach is marked by the clarity of its water surrounded by exotic isles where sea-turtle lays its eggs. The beach is located in Bukit Ketok Village, Belinyu district, about 77 km from Sungailiat

Air Anyir Beach

This sloppy beach decorated with unique rock formation is the center Rebo Kasan Ritual, located in Air Anyir Village, Merawang District about 15 km from Sungailiat.

the end @ copyright Dr Iwan 2016







Price Depand On Auctions, for the winner were the the highest bidding , this  only the cdonations for the Development of Our Anecstor Museum “WAN LI’

CD-Rom tersedia hanya sepuluh item saja, harga tergantung dari tawaran anda  dalm lelang ini ,yang paling tinggi akan diberikan hadiah sebuah CD-ROm, yang dipilih dari nomor satu sampai sembilan saja, karena di Museum akan ada satu CD-Rom untuk dapat dilihatdi Museum Leluhur Kita “WANLI” yang segera akan dibukauntuk Kleuarga besa dan teman-teman dekat termasuk yang memberikan donasi untuk pembangunan Museum tersbeut



DALAM  CONTOH  ATAU sampel , ONLY  SOME PART ONLY  HANYA  BEBERAPA CUPLIKAN SAJA., belum diedit,sengaja supay agar tidak direpro. Yng asli sudah diedit.








Koleksi Sejarah Indonesia

Awal Abad ke Dua Puluh

Bagian Pertama



Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Edisi Terbatas Buku Elektronik Dalam CD-Rom

Khusus Untuk Kolektor Senior Indonesia

Hak Cipta @ Dr Iwan 2016



Saya baru saja menemukan kembali sebuah buku yang sangat bagus dan informatif tentang perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia pada awal abad kedua puluh untuk membangun Republik Indonesia Yang Merdeka.

Buku ini karangan Robert van Niel berjudul Munculnya Elit Moderen Indonesia yang diterjemahkan Ny Zahara Deliar Noer disunting oleh Bur Rasuanto terbitan Yayasan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial 1961, ini kopi aslinya dealam bentuk ketikan, mungkin atas berbagai alasan Politik dan situasi yang terjadi di Indonesia

Baru setelah lima puluh tahun yaitu pada tahun 2008 buku ini diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia . yaitu pada era Reformasi dimana kebebasan pers dan komunikasi serta penerbitan buku telah ada.

Saja juga pada bulan September 20`15, menemukan beberapa buku lama sehingga info yang ada lebih lengkap dan buku itu adalah  Buku Riwayat Hidup

Prof Dr Bahder Djohan yang berasal dari Minangkabau ,dan sempat bersahabat dengan DRs Moh Hatta (Bahder,) , ,

Mr. mas sewaka 1947-1948, 1950-1952.jpg

Riwayat Hidup Sawaka, mantan Gubernur Militer Jawa Barat (Sawaka,1955),

R.OtoIskandar Dinata oleh Dra Sri Sutjitiningsih,Depdkbud,1980/1981(Sutjianingsih,1981),

Taman Siswa Dalam Arsip-Arsip Hindia Belandaartikel majalah Batu Djaja ,Gramedia, Jakarta ,1970,oleh abdurrachan Surjowihardjo(taman siswa,1970), dan Gadis Kampoeng Jang Bersemangat! Oleh Abdoella Habis,Penerbit M.Djoni marhaenist,Medan (Abdoella,1936) dan lain-lainnya lagi. Saya harap hak cipta buu inisudah liwat lima puluh tahun, walaupun negitu kepada para pengarang tersebut mohon izin untuk mengambil beberapa info dari buku anda,jika dalam satu bulan sejak buku ini saya upload di web saya tidak ada reaksi akan saya anggap sudah setuju begitu juga dengan pengareang lainnya. Untuk itu diucapkan ribuan terima kasih.

Untuk itu kita pantas mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada para pemimpin-pemimpin dan para pahlawan kita atas jasanya mereka telah mengantar kita kepada masyarakat Indonesia yang elit, modern dan lebih sejahtera.

Buku tersebut diatas terdiri dari Empat Bab:

Bab pertama membahas mengenai situasi orang Oropa ,

Orang Tionghoa

dan Arab serta Orang Indonesia pada kurun waktu 1900-1927.

Bab Kedua membahas perubahan yang terjadi pada tahun 1900-1914 yang membahas tentang Politik Etis Kolonial dalam teori dan praktek, Perubahan sosial di Indonesia dan perubahan serta akibat-akibatnya.

Bab Ketiga membahas akselerasi yang meraja lela dan pertumbuhan yang mantap pada tahun 1914-1920 meliputi situasi perang dunia pertama dan pertumbuhan Sarekat Islam , Organisasi-orgnissi Indonesia yang lain , dan kebijaksanaan politik dan pemerintah Hindia Belanda.

Bab keempat   membahas sinkretisme dan konservatisme tahun 1920-1927, me,liputi situasi sikap Pemerintah Hindia belanda yang berubah, perubahan dan perkiembangan di Indonesia , serta kebijakan politik baru Kolonial.

Untuk melengkapi informasi situasi Indonesia menjelang perang dunia kedua , saya telah menemukan dua buah buku yang sangat istimewa karangan proklamator kemerdekaan Indonesia Bung Karno yang berjudul Dibawah Lindungan Bendera Revolusi, yang membahas situasi para elit dan perkembangan politik di Indonesia mulai tahun 1928 sampai 1941.

Sebaiknya generasi Penerus juga membaca buku sejarah Indoensia secara kronologi mulai dari sebelum masehi sampai abad ke Sembilan belas , agar memahami apa yang terjadi dan siapa leluhur kita baik yang berjasa maupun yang tida agar diketahui mana yang benar dan mana yang salah agar dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam menyussun strategi untuk menghadapi masa yang akan datang.

Setelah membaca buku ini tentunya pembaca akan penasaran untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi selanjutnya, untuk itu saya telah menulis buku elektronik dalam CD-Rom mengenai Koleksi Sejarah pendudukan jepang Di inondeisa 1942-1945, Koleksi Sejarah Revolusi dan Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia 1945-1950, selanjutnya Koleksi sejarah Era Bung Karno 1951-1965 yang meliputi era sebelum PRRI 1951-1957, Masa PRRI 1958-1960, Setelah PRRI 1960-1967, kemudian dilanjuti dengan Koleksi sejarah era Pak Harto 1965-1998 , Koleksi sejarah Era Reformasi 1998-2010.

Koleksi sejarah ini sangat penting untuk dibaca oleh generasi penerus, tetapi illustrasinya sangat sedikit sehingga tidak akan dibaca oleh generasi penerus,oleh karena itu saya menambahkan ilustrasi dan koleksi yang terkait seperti koleksi sejarah pos,koin,uang kertas,foto,dokumen dan sebagainya sehingga menjadi suatu buku yang menarik.


Alam terkembang Jadi Guru , belajarlah dari sejarah, jangan diulang hal-hal yang jelek dan hal yang baik dijadikan pedoman dalam menyusun strategi masa depan.

Selanjutnya dan merupakan buku terakhir saya adalah Ramalan Situasi Indonesia Di masa mendatang dngan Judul Ramalan Dr Iwan Tentang

“Munculnya Banteng Indonesia Di Akhir Abad Kedua Puluh Satu.”




menolong saya dalm menjalani hidup didunia ini, untuk itu saya ucapak ribuan terima kasih, serta saya panjatkan doa kepada Yang Mahakuasa agar merka memperoleh imbalan setimpal dengan pahala yang telah mereka kepada kami sekeluarga dan kepada seluruh umat manusia khususnya masyarakat indoensia yang saya cintai sepenuh hati.


Buku ini saya tulis untuk keluarga saya,isteri Lily Widjaja,putra Albert dan Anton serta isteri dan cucu saya tercinta Cessa,Celine dan Antoni .

Saya harap para pembaca berkenan menghormati hak cipta saya dengan tidak merepro buku ini dengan berbagai cara dan teknologi tanpa meminta izin dari saya sebagai pemengang hak cipta.

Jakarta , September 2015

Dr Iwan Suwandy, MHA

Pada Bulan September 2015

Saya merasa sangat gembira karena tanpa terasa, artikel yang saya upload di Web Blog hhtp// tahun ditampilkan oleh Facebook Google di share oleh , terima kasih temanku anda telah membuat hati kami sekeluarga senang, atas berkah doa kepada Maria dan Jesus sampai hari ini walaupun sudah berusia 71 tahun masih mampu menulis artikel dan buku elektronik di Dunia Maya.

Yang mengupload artikel ini rupanya protes karena tak dapat ditampilkan dikomputer tanpa memayar fee, memang saya mulai tahun ini memprotek artikel di web blog saya karena selain banyak yang merepro tanpa izin ,juga mengunaknnya untuk kepentingan menipu orang lain serta saya membutuhkan dana untuk mengembangkan museum kecil yang sduah ada saat ini, untuk itu kembali bagi pembaca yang meembaca buku ini silahkan mengubunggi saya liwat email untuk memberikan donasi agar web blog saya tidak saya protek dan buat tol untuk bayar fee untuk dapat menampilkannya dilayar computer anda untuk selama-lamanya.

Untuk memreka ynag telah memberikan donasi baik liwat transfer melalui ATM Bank BCA , maupun menirikan dalam sampul tertutup secara tercatat kelamat saya dengan pernagko sheet souvenir ,jumlah donasi terserah nada ,uang lamapun boleh juga sebagai donasi untuk membantu mengembangkan koleksi Uang lama yang ada juga dalam museum ini,prangko lama juga boleh tetapi nominalnya mimal satu dolar atau satu poun mint atau used.

(Komentar Dr Iwan)



Raden Oto Iskandar di Nata, juga dieja Iskandardinata, tepat dijuluki Otista (31 Maret 1897 – 20 Desember 1945) adalah seorang pejuang untuk pembebasan Indonesia dari kekuasaan Belanda. Dia dianggap sebagai pahlawan nasional. Untuk waktu yang singkat,

ia Menteri Negara, sebelum ia diculik dan dibunuh di Tangerang, Banten.

 baca info terkait Otto dibawah ini

Lahir dari keturunan bangsawan yang di turunkan dari ayahnya,Raden Otto Iskandardinata atau biasa di sebut Oto merupakan anak ke 3 dari 9 bersaudara, gemar bermain Bola serta menari Sunda juga pandai menabuh gamelan.
Menempuh pendidikan di Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) Bandung dan melanjutkan pendidikan di Kweek-school Onder-bouw (Sekolah Guru Bagian Pertama) yang merupakan sekolah berasrama di Bandung. 

Image result for Kweek-school Onder-bouw (Sekolah Guru Bagian Pertama) BANDOENGA

Dari sinilah terlihat sifat dan kepintaran yg menonjol dari oto.suka berontak, tetapi selalu menunjukkan prestasinya.setelah lulus,

Image result for Hogere Kweekschool (Sekolah Guru Atas) di Purworejo,

Oto melanjutkan di Hogere Kweekschool (Sekolah Guru Atas) di Purworejo, Jawa Tengah.semakin matang pula pribadi Oto, dengan memiliki rasa keingin tahuan tentang bacaan koran De Expres yang isinya kebanyakan tentang kecaman kecaman terhadap Belanda,munculah sikap berontak Oto untuk memperjuangkan hak Bangsanya sendiri. Setelah lulus dari sekolah guru, Oto mendedikasikan diri sebagai Guru,yang mana memang menjadi cita cita Oto sejak kecil,dengan begitu,Oto bisa mewujudkan Bangsanya menjadi Bangsa yang berilmu dan bisa melestarikan tanah  airnya dengan baik.

Pernah masuk dalam daftar hitam dan membuat khawatir pemerintah Hindia Belanda, salah satunya dikarenakan nyali Oto dalam membongkar kasus bendungan kemuning yang bisa menyelamatkan Rakyat Indonesia dari penipuan yang di lakukan pengusaha Belanda. Tak bisa di pungkiri,Oto lah orang yang pertama mempopulerkan kata Indonesia Merdeka dan kemudian disingkat menjadi Merdeka karena kegigihan Oto dalam memperjuangkan Hak rakyatnya.

Menikah dengan gadis bernama Soekirah putri Asisten Wedana di Banjarnegara yang 10 tahun lebih muda darinya dan dikaruniai 12 Orang anak.

Pada tanggal 20 Desember 1945 adalah hari di tetapkannya sebagai hari wafatnya Oto akibat dari korban “Laskar Hitam” di Pantai Mauk, Tangerang, dan tidak pernah ditemukan jenazahnya. setelah kematiannya,

info yang  dari sumber lain senagai berikut:

Otto Iskandar di Nata merupakan sosok pejuang yang pantang menyerah, berjiwa nasionalis, dan antipenjajah. Tetapi akhir hidupnya justru terbunuh oleh pihak-pihak yang mengaku sebagai RI. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya diperkirakan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan pihak lain. Hingga akhirnya menjadi korban penculikan pada 10 Desember 1945 oleh para pemuda yang mengaku dari Laskar Hitam, dan dibunuh pada 20 Desember 1945 di daerah Mauk, Tangerang.

Sumber: majalah Cupumanik dan sumber-sumber lainnya

Komentar Dr Iwan

Info ini keliru, Otto tidak meninggal ia sempat melarikan diri ke Lua negeri dan berada di bremen Jerman sampai tahun 1967. sesuai dengan kartupos yang ia kirimkan kepada isteri Prof DR Husen Djajadinigrat yang tuinggal di Jlan Sumatera Jakrta.

Hapap para ahli sejarah meluruskan dokumen sejarah terkait Pahlawan Naisonal indonesia, yang ternyata bersahabat dnegan keluarga Prof DR Husein Djajdiningrat yang pro NICA Belanda,sesuai dengan informasi dalam konperensi Meja Bundar , O

Image result for prof DR Husein Djajadiningrat

Prof Husein Djajdiningrat duduk disamping pihat Belanda silahkn bacainfo dibawh ini

Tahun 1935 dan 1941 diangkat menjadi anggota Dewan Hindia.

tahun 1924 ia diangkat diangkat menjadi gurubesar di Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia (Sekolah Tinggi Hukum di Jakarta) dan memberikan kuliah tentang Hukum Islam, bahasa Jawa, Melayu, dan Sunda. Tahun 1935 dan 1941 diangkat menjadi anggota Dewan Hindia. Bertahun-tahun pernah menjadi konservator naskah (manuskrip) di Bataviaasch Genootschap can Kunsten en Wetenschappen(Perkmpulan Masyarakat Pencinta Seni dan Ilmu Pengetahuan). Pada mulanya sebagai anggota diréksi, kemuadian dari tahun 1936 menjadi ketuanya.

Tahun 1940 ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Pengajaran Agama. Pada zaman Jepang menjadi Kepala Departemen Urusan Agama. Tahun 1948 diangkat menjadi Mentri Pengajaran, Kesenian, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan pada masa pemerintahan presiden Sukarno. Tahun 1952 menjadi gurubesar Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia. Tahun 1957 menjadi pemimpin umum Lembaga Bahasa dan Budaya (LBB), merangkap sebagai anggota Komisi Istilah di lembaga tersebut


  • Presiden Joko Widodo atas nama negara memberikan Tanda Kehormatan Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma kepada dedikasi Hoesein Djajadiningrat. Acara penyematan berlangsung di Istana Negara. Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2015.[4]

sumber wiki

rofessor Dr. Pangeran Ario Hoesein Djajadiningrat, 8 December 1886-12 November 1960


Hanya segelintir orang bumiputra yang bisa menikmati pendidikan ala barat di awal politk etis. Hal inilah yang membuat Husein Djajadiningrat bisa menjadi Doktor Indologi Pribumi Pertama

Max Havelaar baru saja meneriakan kekejaman tanam paksa di Jawa. Orang-orang dinegeri Belanda-pun tersentak, termasuk kaum liberal Belanda, ramai-ramai mengutuki sistem buatan van den Bosch itu. Muncullah van Deventer, sebuah perubahan tingkat elit feodal tanah jajahan mulai bergulir, sekolah model barat mulai dibuka untuk bumiputra kelas atas. Sekolah yang akan membawa mereka ke barat.

Tersebutlah seorang bupati Banten, kemajuan barat ingin pula diraihnya lewat anak-anaknya. Bupati itu tidak lewatkan kesempatan dari pemerintah kolonial itu. Sepertihalnya bupati Jepara diakhir abad XIX, ayah Kartini dan Sosrokartono, menyekolahkannya anak-anaknya ke sekolah model Belanda. Kedudukan bupati adalah tiket bagi anak-anak untuk dapat sekolah dasar di Europe Lager School selama tujuh tahun, lalu melanjutkan selama tiga atau lima tahun di sekolah menengah, Hogare Burger School (HBS).


Hoesein Djajadiningrat salah satu anak bupati itu. Terlahir di Banten pada 8 Desember 1886.Nama lengkapnya adalah Pangeran Aria Husein Djajadiningrat. Lahir di Kramat Waru, sebuah distrik diantara Serang dengan Cilegon Banten. Beruntung ayahnya berpandangan maju hingga bisa merasalkan pendidikan modern. Husein salah satu anak bupati Banten yang mengecap pendidikan barat sampai tingkat Hogare Burger Schoool—sekolah menengah lima tahun dan bila lulus bisa meneruskan ke universitas. Model sekolah sekolah yang hanya bisa dinikamti segelintir anak pembesar pribumi sampai awal abad XX. Sekolah kalangan terbatas itu juga dinikmati saudara-saudara Husein, Ahmad dan Hasan.

Kakak Husein, Pangeran Ahmad Djajadiningrat kemudian menjadi seorang bupati di Serang dan Hasan menjadi tokoh Sarekat Islam berpengaruh di Jawa Barat diawal pergerakan nasional—sebelum kahirnya meninggal di tahun 1920. Ahmad dan Husein menjadi murid Snouck Hurgronje—sang etisi paling berpengaruh Hindia Belanda diawal abad XX. Setidaknya ada enam orang—termasuk Husein—anak bupati Serang yang lulus HBS. Diantara semua saudaranya itu, Husein-lah yang berhasil mencapai tingkat doktor di Leiden, Belanda.

Keluarga ini berusaha menyekolahkan anaknya di sekolah Belanda yang mayoritas siswanya adalah orang-orang Belanda. Kakak Husein, Ahmad bahkan pernah menggunakan nama Willem van Banten agar bisa memasuki HBS, ketika kesempatan orang pribumi untuk bersekolah disitu belum terbuka dengan baik.

Indolog Pribumi

Sekitar pergantian abad XIX ke XX, Indonesia, kala itu masih bernama Hindia Belanda masih berada dalam kekuasaan kolonial Belanda. Segala sesuatu di tanah ini nyaris hanya diketahui oleh orang-orang non pribumi. Akademisi Belanda berdatangan, dalam jumlah kecil, ke Hindia Belanda. Mereka menggali dan mempelajari banyak hal mengenai tanah Hindia. Mereka, akademisi barat itu, meramu apa yang mereka pelajari dari tanah Hindia menjadi apa yang disebut Indologi, sebuah disiplin ilmu wajib bagi calon pegawai kolonial kulit putih yang ingin jadi Meneer di tanah Hindia.

Tercatat nama besar Snouck Hurgronje diantara deretan akademisi Belanda itu. Orang yang berjasa besar bagi perkembangan kolonialisasi Belanda di Hindia. Jiwa akademisi Snouck ikut pula menghancurkan eksistensi sebagai sebuah negeri merdeka , Aceh yang terus bergolak. Snouck adalah penasehat pemerintah kolonial untuk urusan pribumi Hindia. Snouck cukup akrab dengan aristokrat lokal macam Bupati Djajadiningrat. Semua anak-anak bupati mengenalnya, apalagi Husein.

Atas anjuran Snouck, selulusnya dari HBS Husein berangkat ke Belanda untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya. Awalnya belajar bahasa latin dan Yunani Kuno antara tahun 1904-1905 di sebuah Gymnasium kota Leiden, lalu ikut ujian masuk Universitas Leiden. Husein lulus diterima dan menjadi mahasiswa calon sarjana pada jurusan bahasa dan sastra kepulauan Indonesia. Husein tidak berhenti pada tingkatan sarjana namun terus sampai tingkat Doktor. Husein merasa tertarik dengan ilmu sejarah, dia berniat melihat tanah Hindia, yang juga tanah kelahirannya dengan kacamata historis.

Minat Husein pada Sejarah Aceh berkembanag ketika ikut serta dalam lomba menulis tentang kesultanan Aceh. Kesultanan yang pernah ikut dihajar oleh Snouck Hurgronje lewat nasehatnya pada pemerintah kolonial. Sebelum merampungkan disertasinya, Hoesein pernah mengikuti sayembara menulis pada tahun 1908 di Universitas Leiden. Tulisannya berjudul Critisch Overzicht van de Maleische Werken Vervatte Gegevens van het Sultanaat van Aceh, dimuat di BKI deel 65 dan terbit tahun 1911.

Sebelum ikut menulis itu, Husein terlebih dahulu meneliti naskah-naskah Melayu. Usaha yang tidak sia-sia, setidaknya bagi bumiputra macam Husein budaya Melayu tidak jauh dari dirinya sebagai orang Banten penganut Islam. Husein akhirnya menang.

Atas kemenangan itu Husein mendapatkan hadiah Medali. Ternyata orang Asia tidaklah terbelakang dan Husein bukanlah Sickman Asia. Setelah kemenangan itu Husein terjun semakin dalam menggali sejarah dan kebudayaan Hindia, khususnya Aceh selama beberapa tahun sebelum beralih pada daerah lainnya.

Sejak Mei 1914 sampai April 1915, Husein mulai mempelajari lebih dalam bahasa Aceh untuk membuat kamus bahasa Aceh-Belanda. Hasil kerjanya berupa Atjeh-Nederlandsche Wordenboek.Kamus itu lalu diterbitkan tahun 1934. Kamus ini dinilai sebagai kamus bahasa daerah terlengkap selama beberapa dekade. Tida heran jika Snouck Hurgronje kagum pada Husein. Bahkan dianggap memiliki reputasinya sama hebatnya sebagai Indolog dengan sang guru.

Kehidupan mahasiswa Husein ditutup dengan disertasinya mengenai sejarah Banten, tanah tempat dia lahir, tanah dimana keluarganya dijunjung. Husein sendiri, dalam sejarah pendidikan modern Indonesia, adalah orang pertama yang mempertahankan disertasi-nya di Universitas Leiden, tahun 1913, dengan judul: Critische Beschouwing van de Sadjarah Banten (Pandangan Kritis Tentang Sejarah Banten). Karena disertasinya itu, Hoesein di anggap sebagai pengganti Brandes, orang Belanda yang ahli keperubukalaan Jawa.

Prof. H. Kern, salah seorang kolega Snouck Hurgronje, sangat memuji disertasi Husein itu. Terlihat dalam resensinya pada majalah De Gids di negeri Belanda. Kepada Husein, Kern sangat berharap agar ada lagi karya-karya Husein Djajadingrat yang lainnya setelah disertasinya itu.

Disertasi itu lalu diterbitkan oleh Jon Enschede tahun 1913 di Haarlem. Pada halaman 201-212, Hoesein mengatakan bahwa bagi orang Jawa ramalan atau mimpi menandakan sesuatu atau memberikan suatu kesan yang mendalam. Bertindak sebagai promoter Hoesein, adalah Snouck Horgronje.

Jadilah Husein seorang Indolog tingkat dokter pertama bagi orang pribumi. Tidak hanya doktor Indologi pertama, tapi juga Doktor pribumi pertama lulusan Universitas Leiden yang menyimpan banyak bahan mengenai Indonesia itu. Karya tulis Husein termasuk disertasinya adalah sumbangan orang pribumi mengenai kajian tentang Hindia yang lebih didominasi oleh orang-orang Belanda. Husein telah mensejajarkan dirinya dengan mereka, orang-orang Belanda orientalis itu.

Karya-karya Husein sebagai Indolog antara lain; De Magische Achtergrond van de Maleische Pantoen yang merupakan pidato ilmiah pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1933, saat acara ulang tahun Recht Hoge School ke 9. karangan Husein tentang Islam adalah De Mohammedaansche Wet en het Geetesleven der Indonesische Mohammedaansche Wet en het Geetesleven der Indonesische Mohammedaanen, juga pidato ilmiah Husein. Pada perguruan tinggi yang sama pada tahun 1925, ketika perguruan tinggi itu baru setahun. Semuanya dihasilkan oleh Husein ketika dia sudah berada di Indonesia.

Ada sisi baik dari suksesnya studi Husein mengenai Indologi di Leiden dengan predikat camme laude. Pemuda Indonesia ternyata bisa meraih prestasi akademik. Gagasan untuk mendidik kader pribumi, macam Husein Djajadiningrat, sekelompok kader yang akan membantu pemerintah kolonial menjalankan pemerintahan—dalam posisi terbatas—di Hindia Belanda. Gagasan itu kemudian diterima dan dijalankan oleh pemerintah kolonial, walau hanya sampai tahun 1931 saja.

Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken


Husein akhirnya kembali ke Indonesia, setelah lebih dari sepuluh tahun di negeri Belanda belajar tentang tanahnya, Hindia, tanah yang asing bagi anak-anaknya. Mungkin tidak bagi Husein Djajadiningrat. Selama di Indonesia , Husein tetap bergelut di dunia ilmu pengetahuan. Setamat dari Leiden, awalnya Husein bekerja sebagai peneliti bahasa-bahasa di Indonesia pada Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken (kantor Urusan Bumiputra) sampai tahun 1918. Sejak 19 Mei 1920 sampai dengan tahun 1925, Husein bekerja sebagai Adjunct Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken (Ajun/wakil penasehat urusan pribumi Hindia Belanda) pada kantor yang sama.


Kantor tempat Husein bekerja, Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken, berdiri sejak tahun 1899 oleh Snouck Hurgronje, pelindung Husein juga. Kantor ini diisi oleh banyak orang antara lain ahli agama Islam, bahasa sastra maupun bahasa. Beberapa orang Belanda terkemuka yang pernah duduk dikator ini adalah G.A.J. Hazeu, D.A. Rinkes, R.A. Kern, E. Gobee, G.F. Pijper juga Charles van Der Plas.

Setelah Snouck Hurgronje kembali ke Belanda tahun 1906, ditunjuklah Hazeu sebagai pengganti untuk mengurusi permasalahan yang dihadapi pemerintah kolonial terhadap orang-orang pribumi. Hazeu dan beberapa orang lainnya adalah orang yang peduli dan sedang mengawasi pendidikan beberapa anak bumiputra, termasuk pada Alimin—salah satu anak angkat Hazeu yang belakangan menjadi tokoh PKI terkemuka di Indonesia.

Kegiatan Husein selain bekerja di Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken setelah kepulangannya dari Belanda juga bergerak dibidang jurnalistik dan pendidikan mengenai kebudayaan Jawa. Tahun 1919 Husein mendirikan Java Institut dan menerbitkan majalah bulanan Djawa ditahun 1921. Husein menjadi redakturnya bersama J. Kats, Sam Koperberg, R. Ngabehi Poerbatjaraka dan J.W. Teiler. Tahun 1924, Husein diangkat sebagai guru besar di Recht Hoge School—Sekolah Tinggi Hukum—di Jakarta untuk mata kuliah bahasa Melayu dan hukum Islam. Setahun setelah menjadi pegawai di kantor itu (1925), Husein tidak lagi menjabat sebagai Adjunct Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

Karir Husein di Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken terbilang baik, ada saja orang-orang Belanda yang selalu menaunginya, walau Snouck sudah pulang ke Belanda, sebut saja beberapa orang disekitar Kern—yang menjelang jabatannya sebagai kepala kantor itu pada tahun 1926 mengajukan Husein sebagai Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken. Orang-orang itu merasa, Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken—yang mengurusi urusan orang pribumi yang mayoritas Muslim—tidak pernah dipimpin oleh orang-orang Muslim. Menurut mereka, kantor itu haruslah dipimpin oleh orang Muslim uyang tentunya mengerti banyak mengenai Islam.

Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken pada dua dasawarsa pertama memainkan peranan yang cukup baik di 

Hindia Belanda. Dua dasawarsa itulah masa keemasan kantor itu. Setelahnya, kantor itu tidak lebih daripada sebagai tempat pengaduan saja. Parahnya, pegawai yang ada tidak memiliki keahlian untuk menanggapi pengaduan tersebut. Disisi lain Bousquet—orang diluar Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken—mengkritik bahwa Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken terlalu menitikberatkan pada masalah Islam semata. Karenanya, dalam sidang Volksraad, para adviseur-nya bahkan jugaKantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken sempat menjadi pembicaraan dalam sidang dewan rakyat yang nyaris tidak merakyat itu.


Dimata orang-orang Pribumi, Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken sering dianggap sebagai kantor mata-mata. Tuduhan itu berlebihan, seolah memposisikan Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken tidak ubahnya dengan Politieke Intellingen Dienst (PID)—polisi politik Belanda yang rajin mengawasi ruang gerak kaum pergerakan. Alasan tuduhan itu dikarenakan orang-orang dari Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken kerap hadir dalam pertemuan yang dihadiri orang-orang pergerakan, seperti hanya PID. Ditengah kritik dari berbagai pihak kantor ini mampu bertahan sejak dipimpin oleh Snouck Hurgronje sampai menyerahnya Hindia Belanda pada Tentara Pendudukan Jepang.

Husein Djajadiningrat Dengan Kaum Pergerakan

Sayang, Husein tidak bertahan lama di kantor itu. Dirinya hanya bisa menjadi wakil saja tanpa bisa menjadi penasehat pemerintah kolonial di Hindia Belanda. Entah apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Husein jika dirinya menjadi penasehat. Apapun alasannya, pemerintah kolonial tidak menginginkan orang pribumi masuk terlalu dalam pada jajaran birokrasinya, kendati orang pribumi yang bersangkutan adalah orang kompeten mengenai masalah yang terjadi di tanah Hindia Belanda. Dimanapun kaum kolonialis sejati takut perubahan

Setelah menjadi tenaga pengajar yang cukup prestisius di RHS, Husein pernah menjabat ‘Ketua Panitia Perbaikan Peradilan Agama” sejak 1934. Hasil kerja Husein dan tim-nya adalah didirikannya ‘Mahkamah Tinggi Islam’ pada tahun 1937. Figur Husein kahirnya makin bersinar pada tahun 1935, Husein diangkat menjadi anggota Raad van Nederlandsche Indie (Dewan Hindia). Lima tahun kemudian, 1940, diangkat sebagai direktur Departemen Pengajaran dan Ibadah. Tahun 1941 sampai dengan 1946, Husein diangkat lagi menjadi Raad van Nederlandsche Indie..  Tentunya jabatan itu hanya dipangku sampai 8 Maret 1942 karena Hindia Belanda menyerah tanpa syarat Jepang.

Husein selalu berusaha memperhatikan perkembangan pendidikan di Hindia Belanda. Dia pernah melaporkan diantara putra raja hanya Pengeran Hadiwidjojo-lah yang menaruh minat pada pengetahuan mutakhir dunia yang sedang berkembang.Pemuda pelajar dari Jong java pernah datang pada Husein, yang sudah menjadi doktor dalam bidang sastra timur dan Indologi, untuk meminta saran sebuah vandel. Posisinya sebagai direktur 

Departemen Pengajaran dan Ibadah diakhir kolonialisasi Hindia Belanda, memberinya kesempatan lebih untuk itu, kendati dalam waktu singkat dan hasil yang tidak terlalu signifikan.

Husein digolongkan sebagai intelektual terkemuka diakhir kolonialisasi Belanda di Indonesia.bersama Thamrin dan Koesoemo Oetojo, Husein membuat rencana tentang penggunaan kredit dari Bank-bank Jepang untuk membangun perusahaan dagang di Jepang bagi Importir dari Indonesia.Peran Husein Djajadingrat dalam pergerakan nyaris tidak terlihat, termasuk dalam kaum koperatif sendiri. Posisinya sebagai birokrat sebenarnya pernah menyelamtkan kaum pergerakan, seperti perlindungannya pada Douwes Dekker yang selalu dicurigai berskongkol dengan Jepang oleh aparat hukum kolonial.

Douwes Dekker pernah diminta menyampaikan pada Husein sebagai direktur Pendidikan untuk mengadakan survey Ekonomi untuk kepentingan Jepang diakhir kekuasaan Belanda.Rupanya Dekker selamt karena Husein Djajadiningrat-lah yang memberikan izin survey itu. Husein hadir saat Thamrin dimakamkan—setelah kematian Thamrin sebagai tahanan rumah saat Thamrin masih menjadi anggota Volksraad. Ini bukti bahwa Husein memiliki keterkaitan dengan pergerakan nasional, terlepas dari besar kecilnya peran dia dalam pergerakan.

Diposkan oleh Princess Dewi Mutiara Intan Berlian Pakidulan di 21.46 

Image result for peserta konferensi Meja Bundar tahun 1949

Setelah bangsa Indonesia berhasil menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri dalam Konferensi Inter-Indonesia maka bangsa Indonesia secara keseluruhan menghadapiKonferensi Meja Bundar, Sementara itu pada hulan Agustus 1949, Presiden Soekamo sebagai Panglima Tertinggi di satu pihak dan Wakil Tinggi Mahkota Belanda di lain pihak memgumumkan perintah penghentian tembak-menembak. Perintah itu beriaku mulai tanggal 11 Agustus 1949 untuk Jawa dan 15 Agustus 1949 untuk Sumatra. Pada tanggal 11 Agustus 1949, dibentuk delegasi Republik Endonesia untuk menghadapi Konferensi Meja Bundar.

Image result for peserta konferensi meja bundar den haag 1949

Delegasi itu terdiri dari Drs. Hatta (ketua), Nir. Moh. Roem, Prof Dr. Mr. Supomo, Dr. J. Leitnena„ Mr. Ali Sastroamicijojo, Ir. Djuanda, Dr. Sukiman, Mr. Suyono Hadinoto, Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Mr. Abdul Karim Pringgodigdo, Kolonel T.B. Simatupang dan Mr. Muwardi.

Image result for peserta konferensi meja bundar den haag 1949

Delegasi BF0 dipimpin oleh Sultan Hamid II dari Pontianak.

Image result for peserta konferensi meja bundar den haag 1949anggal 23 Agustus 1949 Konferensi Meja Bundar dimulai di Den Haag, Belanda. Konferensi ini berlangsung hingga tanggal 2 November 1949 dengan hasil sebagai berikut.

  1. Belanda mengakui Republik Indonesia Serikat (RIS) sebagai negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat. 
  2. Status Karesidenan Irian Barat diselesaikan dalam waktu setahun, sesudah pengakuan kedaulatan. 
  3. Akan dibentuk Uni Indonesia-Belanda berdasarkan kerja sama sukarela dan sederajat. 
  4. Republik Indonesia Serikat mengembalikan hak milik Belanda dan memberikan hak-hak konsesi dan izin baru untuk perusahaan-perusahaan Belanda. 
  5. Republik indonesia Serikat harus membayar semua utang Belanda yang ada sejak tahun 1942.

Sementara itu, pada tanggal 29 Oktober 1949 dilakukan penandatanganan bersama piagam persetujuan Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Serikat antara Republik Indonesia dengan BFO. Di samping itu, hasil keputusan Konferensi Meja Bundar diajukan kepada Komite Nasional indonesia Pusat (KNIP). Selanjutnya, KNIP bersidang dari tanggal 6-14 Desember 1949 untuk membahas hasil KMB. Pembahasan hasil keputusan KMB oleh KNIP dilakukan dengan cara pemungutan suara, hasil yang dicapainya adalah 226 suara setuju, 62 suara menolak, dan 31 suara meninggaikan sidang.

Dengan demikian, KNIP menerima KMB. Pada tanagal 15 Desember 1949 diadakan pemilihan Presiden RIS dengan caIon tunggal Ir. Soekarno dan terpilih sebagai presiden. Kemudian dilantik dan diambil sumpahnya pada tanggal 17 Desember 1949. Kabinet RIS di bawah pimpinan Drs. Moh. Hatta. Drs. Moh. Hatta dilantik sebagai perdana menteri oleh Presiden Soekarno pada tanggal 20 Desember 1949. Selanjutnya pada tanggal 23 Desember 1949 delegasi RIS berangkat ke negeri Belanda untuk menandatangani akta penyerahan kedaulatan. Pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949, baik di Indonesia maupun di negeri Belanda dilaksanakan upacara penandatanganan akta penyerahan kedaulatan.

Dampak Konferensi Meja Bundar

Penyerahan kedaulatan yang dilakukan di negeri Belanda bertempat di ruang takhta Amsterdam, Ratu Juliana, Perdana Menteri Dr. Willem Drees, Menteri Seberang Lautan A.M.J.A. Sasseu, dan Drs. Moh. Hatta melakukan penandatanganan akta penyerahan kedaulatan. Pada saat yang sama di Jakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Wakil Tinggi Mahkota Belanda, A.H.S. Lovink dalam suatu upacara di Istana Merdeka menandatangani naskah penyerahan kedaulatan.


Dengan penyerahan kedaulatan itu, secara formal Belanda mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia dan mengakui kekuasaan negara Indonesia di seluruh bekas wilayah Hindia Belanda, kecuali Irian Barat yang akan diserahkan setahun kemudian. Sebulan kemudian, yaitu pada tanggal 29 Januari 1950, Jenderal Sudirman, Panglima Besar Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia meninggal dunia pada usia yang cukup muda, yaitu 34 tahun. Beliau adalah tokoh panutan bagi para anggota TNI. 

sumber info : Jagosejarah.

Ketika pindah ke Bandung Otto melanjutkan aktifitasnya di Budi Utomo karena saat itu sudah ada cabangnya di Bandung, meski tidak terlalu aktif. Otto menghidupkan kembali Budi Utomo cabang Bandung, bahkan beliau terpilih menjadi wakil ketua. Ketika Budi Utomo cabang Bandung mengadakan rapat propaganda di gedung Concordia (sekarang gedung Merdeka ) pada 12-13 September 1921, dalam pidatonya Otto mengkritik serta membuka polemik dengan Paguyuban Pasundan (PP), organisasi orang Sunda yang didirikan di Batawi, 20 Juli 1913.

Tetapi setahun berikutnya, pada 1922 Otto mendekati PP dengan cara menulis surat yang dimuat di surat kabar Siliwangi (7 Nopémber 1922) yang isinya menyatakan bahwa beliau bermaksud untuk masuk Paguyuban Pasundan. Meski demikian niatnya tersebut baru terlaksana 7 tahun kemudian (1929), setelah ia tinggal di Jakarta. Barangkali karena kepindahannya ke Pekalongan yang menyebabkan niatnya itu sempat tertunda.

Di Pekalongan Otto meneruskan  kegiatannya di Budi Utomo. Beliau menjadi wakil ketua pengurus Cabang Pekalongan. Setelah itu bahkan terpilih menjadi anggota  Gemeenteraad (Dewan Kota)  Pekalongan mewakili Budi Utomo. Otto yang dikenal berani dalam membela rakyat membongkar kelicikan perkebunan gula Wonopringgo yang ingin mengusai tanah rakyat hingga rakyat selamat dari penipuan. Kasus tersebut yang disebut Bendungan Kemuning mengakibatkan konflik dengan residen di Pekalongan, hingga akhirnya ia dipindahkan ke Batavia (Jakarta).

Di Jakarta Otto mengajar di HIS Muhammadiyah dan dekat lagi dengan lingkungan sosial budaya Sunda serta Paguyuban Pasundan. Otto yang pernah berniat masuk Paguyuban Pasundan akhrnya bergabung dengan organisasi tersebut. Otto kemudian menjabat sebagai sekretaris di Pengurus Pusat (Hoofdbestuur) Paguyuban Pasundan. Kemudian dalam Kongres PP pada Desember 1929 di Bandung Otto terpilih menjadi ketua pengurus besar Paguyugan Pasundan.

Paguyuban Pasundan pada masa Otto tidak hanya dianggap sebagai organisasi lokal Sunda, tetapi gerakannya terasa di lingkungan nasional. PP aktif dalam Permupakatan Perhimpunan Politik Kemerdekaan Indonésia (PPPKI) serta  Gabungan Politik Indonésia (GAPI). Otto pun terpilih menjadi anggota Volksraad (parlemen) sebagai wakil dari Paguyuban Pasundan.

Dalam sidang-sidang Volksraad dikenal dengan ucapan-ucapannya yang tajam dan berani dalam mengecam dan mengkritik pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Tak jarang Otto berdebat dengan pihak Belanda hingga mereka sering naik pitam. Karena keberaniannya itu Otto mendapat julukan “Si Jalak Harupat” yang bermakna seperti ayam jago yang tidak pernah kalah bila diadu. Nama julukannya “Si Jalak Harupat” sekarang digunakan sebagai nama stadion sepakbola di Kabupaten Bandung.

Menjelang Kemerdekaan RI Otto Iskandar di Nata ikut dalam Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdékaan Indonésia (BPUPKI) dan  Panitia Persiapan Kemerdékaan Indonésia (PPKI). Otto juga yang mengusulkan agar Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta menjadi Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, yang usulannya langsung disetujui oleh anggota sidang PPKI. Setelah kemerdekaan Otto diangkat menjadi Menteri Negara dalam bidang keamanan dalam kabinet pertama RI.


oto Iskandardinata  ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai Pahlawan Nasional berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 088/TK/Tahun 1973, tanggal 6 November 1973.

Riset dan analisa oleh Eko Setiawan

  • Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) Bandung
  • Kweekschool Onderbouw (Sekolah Guru Bagian Pertama) Bandung
  • Hogere Kweekschool (Sekolah Guru Atas) di Purworejo, Jawa Tengah
  • Ketua Organisasi Paguyuban Pasundan
  • Anggota Volksraad (DPR pada masa Hindia Belanda)
  • Ketua Umum Persib Bandung
  • Menteri Negara Kabinet Presidensial (19 Agustus 1945 – 14 November 1945)
  • Pahlawan Nasional berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 088/TK/Tahun 1973, tanggal 6 November 1973
  • sumber info:

Komentar Dr Iwan

Informasi diatas tidak benar, Otto iskandar dinata masih hidup, sebagi bukti saya menemukan sebuah postcard dengan tanda tangan Otto yang dikirm tgl tahun dari kepada isteri almarhum Prof husein Djajadiningrat yang bernama BRA. Jl Minngakabau Jakarta Menteng.

Koleksi ini tidak ditampilkan dalm E-book ini, koleksi ini saya simpan dalam museum saya , yang bernama Museum Leluhur Kita WANLI-SONS Pondok Gading Jkarta Urtara Indonesia.

Bagi yang mau lihat harus menyumbang uang minimal sepuluh juta, dan bagi merkea akan saya berikan secaras gratis sebuah koleksi keramik dari dinasti Ming Cheng Hua yang bernilai sepuluh Juta.



OTO Iskandardinata adalah salah satu Anggota Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI dari anggotanya sesui data terlampir dibawah ini yang saya peroleh dari Wiki


Oto IskandarDinata dari info wiki termasuk salah seorang Pahlawan Indonesia dari aspek Politik lihat daftarnya dibawah ini






Komentar Dr Iwan

Saya sungguh sangat heran saat menemukan buku R.OTO ISKANDAR DI NATA karangan Dra Sri Sutjianingsih, Depdikbud 1980/1981 dan kartus Pos kiriman Otto dari Bremen German dengan tu;lisan bahasa belanda Mevr BRAP Djajadiningrat Djl Sumatra 34 Djakarta II/21 Indonesia dengan tulisan tanggan pengirim Hart Groeten Otto kepada isteri almarhum Prof DR Husein Djayadiningrat ia masih hidup sampai tahun dan masih berkomunikasi dengan prof Husein yang simpatisan NICA.

Juga bersam kartu Pos itu juga ada satu kartu pos lagi kepada mevrouw B.R,A.P Djajadiningrat dengan alamt yang sama , dengan tulisan dan Kartu Pos bergmbar Rotrdam, 12 Oktober 1967

Hot groet het U? tc…etc.(isinya tidak di tulis saya tulis karena tulisannya sangat kecil dalm bahsa belanda yang harus diterjemahkan oleh ahli agar tidak terjadi kekeliruan dan dapat meluruhkan informasi sejarah Kemrdekaan Indonesia, dan apakah benar Oto namanya, sedangkan yang tertulis OTTO , karena itu 8uang Oto iskandar dinata harus ditarik dari peredaran karena namanya keliru dari Oto,yang seharusnya Otto seperti tertera dalam kartus Pos yang pertama.


Hal ini sangat kontrafersil, perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut pada kartus pos yang saya miliki,

kalau ada ahli dari Leiden maupun bagian arkeologi Nasunional Indonesia mau mengadakan penelitian, mereka harus menghubunggi saya liwat email, apakah saat it saya masih hidup atau tidak Tuhanlah yang tahu, semoga masih Hidup,m jika tidak bisa hidpu lebihlama lagi silahkan hu unggi putra saya leqwat email

Marilah para pemirsan web blog saya, berdoa kepada yang Mahakuasa agar saya tetap sehat dan berumur Panjang serta banya rejeki untuk dapat merampungkan pengembangfan Museum Saya WANLISON dengan tambahan sebuah ruangan pameran Koleksi yang Paling Yunik atau dikenal demngan istilah Masterpiece collection dalm biaya Tiga ratus juta rupiah, saya harap para Dermawan mau menyumbang biaya ini secara gotong Roryobng, harapan saya paling utama dari Gubvernur DKI AHOK dan juga kepada putri Oto Iskandar dinata yang produser film juga mau menyumbang biaya dan ,mau kerja sama dengan saya untuk memproduksi film PRRI yang E-Booknya sudah saya siakan dan sebagian sudah saya tampilkan di Web Blig Driwancybermuseum dan sudah ada TVRI yang mau tayangakan, hanya saya saya ajukan tawaran biaya Hak Cipta saya sepuluh juta, san produser hilang komunikasi.

Jika ada yang mau memproduksi film PRRI silahkan huunggi saya liwat email


The Chinese revolutionary figure Sun Yat-sen visited southeast Asia in 1900,[30] and later that year the socio-religious organization Tiong Hoa Hwe Koan (中華 會館), also known as the Chinese Association, was founded.


Their goal was to urge ethnic Chinese in the Indies to support the revolutionary movement in China. In its effort to build Chinese-speaking schools the association argued that the teaching of the English and Chinese languages should be prioritized over Dutch, to provide themselves with the means of taking, in the words of Phoa Keng Hek, “a two or three-day voyage (Java–Singapore) into a wider world where they can move freely” and overcome restrictions of their activities.[31] 

Several years later the Dutch authorities abandoned its segregation policies, abolished travel permits for the ethnic Chinese, and allowed them to freely move throughout the colony.

Pada Tahun 1900 tak ada Partai Politik yang menunjang putusnya hubunggan Jajahan antara Jawa dan Negeri Belanda.

Dari Tahun 1870 sampai 1900,

Foto Kelompok Pemimpin dan Staf baru dan lama Pabrik Gula Purwokerti tahun 1900




tHis E-Book sample nly , not complete illustration

the complete illustration exist only ten CD-Rom

Who want to get the E-Book in CD-Rom please contact


Image result for Hongkong 10 dollars 1913 P-187 “super rare” first date


Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Limited E-Book In Cd-Rom

Special for Numismatic Collectors and Historian Scholars

Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016



I found Hongkong papermoney in 2016,


and HONG KONG 500 Dollars 1966 P-179c VG HSBC - Bradbury Wilkinson & Co circulated

I still collect the 500 dollar Papermoney .

In 2016 I star to collect Hongkong Paper Money

And for add my museum collections in North Jakarta Pondok Gading “Our Ancestor Museum WANLI SONS”

This E-book I write for my Sons Anton Jimmi Suwandy ,and his wife Grace with their children Cessa as the remembrance of my effort to ptotect the world heritage from Hongkong

I put some information from Wikipedia dan E-Bay to give more knowledge to collectors and historian scholar.

Jakrta August 2015

Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Ret.Senior Superintentands Indonesian National Police

Consultan Information

 Image result for Hong Kong … P-311 … 1 Dollar … ND(1935)


The issue of banknotes of the Hong Kong dollar is governed in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the governmental currency board of Hong Kong. Under licence from the HKMA, three commercial banks issue their own banknotes for general circulation in the region. Notes are also issued by the HKMA itself.

Image result for Hongkong Note one dollar ND 1936 P 312 VF

In most countries of the world the issue of banknotes is handled exclusively by a single central bank or government. The arrangements in Hong Kong are unusual but not unique, as a comparable system is used in the United Kingdom where eight banks issue banknotes (one in England and Wales, three in Scotland, and four in Northern Ireland) and Macau where two banks issue banknotes.

Hong Kong banknotes in everyday circulation are $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 and $1,000.

The total value of banknotes in circulation in Hong Kong can be found in the HKMA Monthly Statistical Bulletin and the HKMA Annual Report.


Origins till 1900[edit]

In the 1860s the Oriental Bank Corporation, the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation began issuing notes. Denominations issued in the 1860s and 1870s included 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. These notes were not accepted by the Treasury for payment of government dues and taxes, although they were accepted for use by merchants. 25-dollar notes did not survive beyond the end of the 19th century, whilst the 1-dollar notes (issued only by the HSBC) were issued until 1935.






Under the Currency Ordinance of 1935, banknotes in denominations of 5 dollars and above issued by the three authorised local banks (the Mercantile Bank of India, London and China, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) were all declared legal tender. The government took over production of 1-dollar notes. In 1941, the government introduced notes for 1, 5 and 10 cents due to the difficulty of transporting coins to Hong Kong caused by the Second World War (a shipment of 1941 1-cent coins was sunk, making this unissued coin very rare). Just before the Japanese occupation, an emergency issue of 1-dollar notes was made consisting of overprinted Bank of China 5-yuan notes.



Image result for Hongkong 5 Dollars ND 1900-01, Printer essay Pick-150 pe Ch UNC PMG 63 NET


Hongkong 5 Dollars ND 1900-01, Printer essay Pick-150 pe Ch UNC PMG 63 NET

IDR 39.460.526,52

Source ebay




























 Image result for Hongkong 10 dollars 1913 P-187 “super rare” first date

Hongkong 10 dollars 1913 P-187 “super rare” first date

IDR 78.947.368,42

Source ebay









Image result for hong kong 1913 one dollar note G condition

hongklong 1913 one dollars note G condition

IDR 2.105.203,16















































Giant 1923 HSBC Shanghai $ 100 Hongkong Note F-VF

IDR 15.788.947, 37

Source ebay


































































 Image result for 1935 - HONG KONG & SHANGHAI BANKING CORP. 1 DOLLAR (EF/AU)


o    IDR3,223,684.21

Comment Dr Iwan

The est val not better than the reality above , we must made more research about this banknote









Image result for Hong Kong … P-311 … 1 Dollar … ND(1935)

Hong Kong … P-311 … 1 Dollar … ND(1935)

o    IDR657,763.16

o    or Best Offer


o    From Saudi Arabia




Image result for Hongkong Note one dollar ND 1936 P 312 VF

Hongkong Note one dollar ND 1936 P 312 VF

IDR 263.026.32

















Image result for Hongkong Chartered Bank of India,Australia China 5 dollars 1940 VG Rare P 54a

Hongkong Chartered Bank of India,Australia&China 5 dollars 1940 VG Rare P 54a

IDR 6.513.157,89

Source ebay

Compare with the same design in 1934 below











Image result for New listing Hong Kong, 1941-55 100 Dollars P176e PMG 45

New listing Hong Kong, 1941-55 100 Dollars P176e PMG 45










In 1945, paper money production resumed essentially unaltered from before the war, with the government issuing notes of 1, 5 and 10 cents and 1 dollar, and the three banks issuing notes of 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. 1-dollar notes were replaced by coins in 1960, with only the 1-cent note issued by the government after 1965.



Image result for Hong Kong … P-173c … 5 Dollars … 1941 … *F-VF*

Hong Kong … P-173c … 5 Dollars … 1941 … *F-VF*

o    IDR852,631.58

Was: IDR947,368.42

o    Buy It Now

o    10% off

o    From United States

o   Image result for Hong Kong 1 Cent (1941) P313b Prefix A - AUNC

Hong Kong 1 Cent (1941) P313b Prefix A – AUNC

o    IDR130,921.05

o    Buy It Now

o    Only 1 left!

1 watching

o    From Malaysia1946








Image result for HONG KONG HSBC NOTE 100 DOLLARS 01.04.1948 SERIE E P 176e UNC


o    IDR32,894,605.26

o    Buy It Now


o    From Argentina

Hong Kong 1948, 10 Dollars, P178d, PMG 64 UNC

o    IDR5,118,421.05

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South





New listing Hong Kong, 1949-53 10 Dollars, P179Aa PMG 66 EPQ

o    IDR11,842,105.26

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States




Image result for Hong Kong: P 55c Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China 1953 10 Dollars


Hong Kong: P 55c Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China 1953 10 Dollars

o    IDR4,605,263.16

o    or Best Offer


o    From Denmark

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States









Image result for Hong Kong ... P-55c ... 10 Dollars ... 1956 ... *VF/XF* ... SCARCE

Hong Kong … P-55c … 10 Dollars … 1956 … *VF/XF* … SCARCE NOTE

o    IDR16,447,368.42


Comment Dr Iwan

This banknote must research more about the scarcity, because in other info above the price different much than the reality in ebay below.


Image result for Hong Kong 1956-1959 , 1 Dollar, P324Ab, PMG 66 EPQ GEM UNC

Hong Kong 1956-1959 , 1 Dollar, P324Ab, PMG 66 EPQ GEM UNC

o    IDR1,697,368.42

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South













































Source ebay
















Hong Kong – The Chartered Bank 10 Dollars 1961 P#70a Banknote VF+

o    IDR657,763.16


Hong Kong Banknote 5 Cents 1961 VF+

o    IDR13,026.32

o    0 bids


o    1d 6h left (Sunday, 4AM)

o    From Korea, South
































o    From Hong Kong


o    IDR2,223,684.21

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South

Hongklokng Charterd Bank 5 dollars Pick 68c XF

IDR 1.644.736,84



o    IDR197,236.84

o    0 bids


o    1d 2h left (Sunday, 1AM)

o    From Ukraine



Hongkong chartered Bank five dollars ND 1967 PMG 65 EPG gem UNC

IDR 3.289.473,68












o    IDR105,263.16

o    0 bids


o    10h left (Saturday, 9AM)

o    From Hong Kong


New listing Hong Kong 10 DOLLARS CHARTERED BANK ( 1970 ) PICK # 74b VG-F BANKNOTE.

o    IDR125,000.00

o    Buy It Now


o    From Spain



o    IDR13,026.32

o    1 bid


o    2h left (Saturday, 1AM)

o    From Hungary






New listing 1971 Hong Kong HSBC $5 Note HKG181d Choice UNC PMG 64

o    IDR328,947.37

o    Buy It Now


o    From Hong Kong

o    or Best Offer

o    Free international shipping

o    4 watching

o    From Hong Kong


1973 Hong Kong, HSBC HK & Shanghai BC, 5 Dollars, PMG 66 EPQ GEM UNC, P: 181f

o    IDR1,828,947.37

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States

o    Customs services and international tracking provided



1974 Hongkong Marcantile bank 100 dollars

IDR 3.013.157,89

In 1975, the 5-dollar notes were replaced by a coin, whilst 1000-dollar notes were introduced in 1977. The Mercantile Bank was absorbed by HSBC in 1978 and ceased issuing notes.





Hongkong Chartered Bank 500 Dollars ND-1976

IDR 6.432.631,58

Source Ebay





9 Hong Kong $5 Five dollars banknotes, 1970 – 1975, The Chartered Bank Hongkong

o    IDR261,842.11

o    Buy It Now


o    From Singapore


1975 Hong Kong, The Chartered Bank, 5 Dollars, PMG 66 EPQ, GEM UNC, P: 73b

o    IDR1,302,631.58

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States

o    Customs services and international tracking provided

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States













Hongkong P-311 1 Dollar ND 1936 “F-VF”

IDR 4.826.947,37









New listing Hong Kong Chartered Banknote 100 Dollars 1977 VF+



hongkong 100 dollars 1977 P 78b”PMG AU 58”Rare”

IDR 4.934.210,523



In 1985, 20-dollar notes were introduced, whilst, in 1993, a 10-dollar coin was introduced and the banks stopped issuing 10-dollar notes. In 1994, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), gave authority to the Bank of China to issue notes.

The 1-cent note issued by the Government was demonetised and ceased to be legal tender on 1 October 1995.


China Hongkong 1981 Banknotes Standard Chartered Bank 10 HK Dollars UNC

o    IDR171,052.63

o    Buy It Now


o    From China



o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South





Rare The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation HSBC 1981, Ten 10 Dollars Note

o    IDR118,289.47

o    Buy It Now


HONG KONG 100 Dollars, 1982, P-187d, UNC

o    IDR789,342.11

o    Buy It Now


o    From Singapore




o    IDR52,500.00

o    0 bids


o    10h left (Saturday, 9AM)

o    From Hong Kong


o    Buy It Now


o    From Malaysia





Hong Kong – HSBC 100 Dollars 1986 P#194a Banknote EF+

o    IDR197,236.84

o    Buy It Now


o    From United States











o    IDR421,052.63

o    0 bids


o    10h left (Saturday, 9AM)

o    From Hong Kong










o    IDR78,947.37

o    or Best Offer


o    From Hong Kong



o    IDR131,447.37

o    1 bid


o    10h left (Saturday, 9AM)

o    From Hong Kong


o    or Best Offer

o    14 watching

o    From United States






o    IDR263,157.89

o    0 bids


o    10h left (Saturday, 9AM)

o    From Hong Kong



New listing 2 x 1998 Hong Kong HSBC $50 Notes HKG202d Both Choice UNC PMG 64 EPQ

o    IDR921,052.63

o    Buy It Now


o    From Hong Kong


HONG KONG 20 Dollars 1/1/1998 P-201d F HSBC circulated

o    IDR33,552.63

o    Buy It Now


o    From Greece





o    IDR736,842.11

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South






o    IDR776,315.79

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South



o    IDR2,894,605.26

o    Buy It Now


o    From Thailand






HONG KONG 500 Dollars 2003 P-294 UNC STANDARD CHARTERED BANK uncirculated note

o    IDR2,605,263.16

o    Buy It Now

o    Free international shipping


o    From Greece










Hongkong Bank of China $ 1000.- ND 2001 choice one

IDR 1.690,789,47




o    IDR197,236.84

o    Buy It Now


o    From Thailand


o    Buy It Now


o    From United States







China Hongkong Macau 10 yuan 2008 Beijing Olympic Commemorative Money

IDR 17.105.131,58

Source ebay











o    IDR319,078.95

o    Buy It Now


o    From Thailand











Hongkong 2010 GEM UNC 20 dollars Banknote Paper Money Bill (HSBC) Very Rare

IDR 4.842.105,20









o    IDR907,894.74

o    Buy It Now


o    From Korea, South










HONG KONG 1000 1,000 DOLLARS 2012 P 345 BOC UNC

o    IDR2,631,447.37

o    Buy It Now


o    From Thailand

Hong Kong 2013 500 Dollars P-344b superb GEM UNC PMG 67EPQ

o    IDR1,578,815.79

o    or Best Offer


o    From Hong Kong










o    IDR776,315.79

o    Buy It Now




o    IDR230,263.16

o    Buy It Now


o    From Hong Kong



o    IDR315,657.89

o    Buy It Now


o    From Thailand












2015 Hong Kong $150 Bank Note “HSBC 150th Anniversary” Note, PMG-65 Gem UNC.

o    IDR1,447,368.42

o    or Best Offer


o    From United States

o    Customs services and international tracking provided

o    or Best Offer


o    From Denmark








2015 Hong Kong HSBC 150th Anniversary $150 Banknote – Single Note RARE










Hongkong Perkins Bacon co 50 dollars essay Proof extreme rare\IDR 13.144.736,84

Hongkong Perkins Bacon co One dollar Essay Proof about new

IDR 6.565.789,47

The end

Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016




Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016

If you want buy the complete E-Book, please contact, please upload your iD-Card copy with complete adress and shorth working history, and to more communication you must be my web blog Premium member with tarnsfer US 25,- or send enenvelope via airmail with stamps or old money with the same value. The price of this CD-Rom Only US 100.-

Dutch Indies 23-30 hinged

Dutch Indies NVPH 23-30 hinged

1892 – 97   Prinses Wilhelmina hangend haar

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) serie

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 435,00

 Image result for Dutch Indies NVPH 23-30 hinged  1892 -



Dutch Indies NVPH 28 MNH

1892 – 97   Prinses Wilhelmina hangend haar – 30 ct lichtgroen

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met fotocertificaat C Muis van blok (dit is de zegel rechtsonder)

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 250,00+++

Dutch Indies NVPH 30 MNH

1892 – 97   Prinses Wilhelmina hangend haar – 250 ct oranjebruin en lichtblauw

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met fotocertificaat NKD

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 650,00+++



Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 14-22 hinged

1892-09 Cijfer en waarde in zwart –

Image result for Dutch Indies  Postage due

Prachtige ongebruikte complete (hinged) serie –

Cat. waarde (value) € 180,00+

Top of Form

€ 85,00

Bottom of Form


Dutch Indies NVPH postage due 19 MNH

1892-09 – Cijfer en waarde in zwart –

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel –

Cat. waarde (value) € 200,00+

Top of Form

€ 135,00

Bottom of Form


unusual1892. Soerabaja – France. Registr env 5c + 10c x3. Fine scarce comb


AUSTRIA. 1892 [Sept 13]. 5kr rose postal stationery envelope sent registered from Budweis to JAVA; up-rated with 1890 1kr black and 2x12kr claret tied by Budweis cds´s, yellow registered label at left and arrival of Soerakarta cds on reverse of opened for display cover. An unusual destination and an appealing item. Scott 51,56.

Image result for Magelang 1892

  1. Magelang 29.8.1892 –dot pmk no 23 to Czech Rep. Registr stat env + 2 adtls, willem 20 cent and 2xnum 5 cent(rate 30 cent)fwded. VF


1892, 5 C. Ganzsache mit 2 1/2 C. Ziffer von “Tebing Tinggi 2 8 92” nach Braunschweig mit Ra3 “Ned- Indie via Brindisi …”



1892 (20 Oct.). Batavia to Leipzig/Germany. Registered letter franked King William III 15cts. bister, 3 cts. violet numerals (x5) and 2 1/2 orge (x2) tied dots “4”, cds alongside. Transit and arrival on reverse.[

Unusual 1893 (12 Dec). Soerabaja – Argentina. 25c violet stat env via Ligne N / pqbt fr nº2 – Singapore – second French pqbt Ligne D / 20 Sanv 94 + arrival cds (15 Feb 94). Rare dest + usage




Image result for Indonesian Map 1853

DEI(Indonesia) Map 1853

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection – Historical Maps of Asia

1893 (14 Oct.) Pemalang to Brussels/Belgium. Registered envelope (a bit roughly opened). Franked 10c. brown and 50c. carmin King William tied “Tecal” cds’s., with straightline “Pemalang” (***) alongside, “R”, transits and arrival on reverse. Fine

1893, 20 C. stationery envelope upfranked with 5 C., sent from „HASOEROEAN 8 11 1893” to Leipzig, Germany with b/s transit-cds „SOERABAJA 8 11 1893″


29/09/1893 – 21/12/1898  D. Groeneveld
Groeneveld, serving as Director zince 1877, was promoted to President of the Bank per decree of September 29, 1893. After more than five years as President, Groeneveld died on December 21, 1898. Groeneveld was the first President that came from the Bank’s own personnel.








Image result for 1853 leasing certificate 600 gld (surat hutang)

Leasing certificate (Surat Hutang ) 600 gld, uncolour embosed revenue sheet  one and half gld,1893 added revenue ovpt 10 cent on 5 cent nedl.oost revenue for countersign(tanda tangan pengesahan)





All the uncolour embosed Revenue  in complete Document :

a.Land Certificate (Eigendom) Bought,consist three uncolour embosed revenue sheet 12 gld, 2 gld and 1 gld , courter sign by the land of justice Soerabaja 1894


  1. (5 June) Klaten to Hankow/Shanghai/China. Registered Numeral 7½ rose on pink stationery with adtl. 10c orange brown King William III (Sc.9), tied c.d.s., “R”, Hong Kong c.d.s. alongside. Exceptional destination and unusual registered rate. V.fine


HOLANDA. 1894. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES. Registered usage of 12 1/2 c. grey stationery envelope to BATAVIA, with pink registration label; up-rated with 1891 22 1/2 c. myrtle green tied by GRAVENHAGE cds´s, faint via Brindisi marking i in black and Weltvreden squared circle receipt on reverse of fine cover. SG 168.

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1894. 7½c. postal stationery card to Berne, Switzerland, cancelled Probolinggo. Obverse also bears, in chronological order, Soerabaja; Batavia; Weltevreden and ´Mont Cenis A Macon A´ transits.

  1. Padang – Weltevreden. 10c stat env
  2. Medan – France. Registered env fkd 5c blue, 10c brown strip of three + 25c. Minor edge wear. Spectacular fkg.[ 529009]

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1894. G.B. 1/2 d. Postal stationery wrapper used from LONDON addressed to PREANGER, JAVA & showing the arrival squared circle d/stamps of SEMERANG & CHERIBON supported by the s/line RANTJAEKEK blue h/s with the framed PARONG KOEDA blue h/s.

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1894. GB 1/2 d. Postal stationery wrapper used from LONDON addressed to PREANGER, JAVA & showing the arrival squared circle d/stamps of SEMERANG & CHERIBON supported by the s/line RANTJAEKEK blue h/s with the framed PARONG KOEDA blue h/s.

  1. 7½c. postal stationery card to Berne, Switzerland, cancelled Probolinggo. Obverse also bears, in chronological order, Soerabaja; Batavia; Weltevreden and ´Mont Cenis A Macon A´ transits.








1895 (3 July). Rembang – New Caledonia / Gomero. Via Australia – Brisbane Weltevreden. 7 1/2c stat card. V rare Pacific dest.[


Tombolouh Tribe at Minahasa

in Patola Tucher dressed and KELANA behangt, like those of WALIAN (

religious leaders)Plate X Fig 1

 Image result for 1853 Tombolouh tribe in minahasa

 Dayak 1853

Unusual 1895 (26 Oct). Djeddah to Indonesia. Via Suez, Batavia, Cheribon (25 Nov). Stat.card letter with blue diplomatic seal of the Dutch Embassy on reverse which displays well

Rare 1895 (26 Oct). Djeddah to Indonesia. Via Suez, Batavia, Cheribon (25 Nov). Stat.card letter with blue diplomatic seal of the Dutch Embassy on reverse which displays well

HOLANDA. (1895 CA.). Printed Telegram envelope carried free as confirmation of sending with ´Gouvernements/Posten Telegraf Dienst/Indrapoera´ oval cachet of receipt struck in black on reverse.


VOC 50 Rijksdaller 1895

VOC 50 Ryksdaalders 1805

 Image result for VOC first paper money

The first papermoney of the Netherlands Indies


Info source: Rob Huisman

Last month a very rare VOC note  was on auction at the prestigious auction house for historical stock certificates HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG (HWPH) in Germany.  the lot was finally sold for 10.500 Euro, a fair price – knowing that most similar notes available on the market were offered at between 20.000 and 30.000 Euro the past couple of years.

According to  Mr. Matthias Schmitt, CEO of HWPH,  the notes has been put up for auction by a private person in Europe who got the item from his uncle who lived in the United States. The uncle’s father was a Colonel in Dutch East Indies before World War II.


The HWPH website has an extensive description of the VOC note.  They grade the note as VF and appraise it as follows: “Amboina, Castle Victoria, 30 April 1805, Banknote for 50 Ryksdaalders, Lettra E, #426, 27.8 x 17.2 cm, black, beige, handmade paper, folds (one partially broken), OU, stamp VOC A(mboina)?, onverso two more stamps, bilingual: Dutch, Hindi. This is a very rare banknote from the Netherland Indies, issued by the VOC.”


This 50 Ryksdaalder note was issued from Fort Victoria at Ambon island, Indonesia. The fortress was orignally built by the Portuguese in 1775, but soon taken over by the Dutch to establish a local stronghold for their colonial rule of the Netherlands Indies.




Postally used cover from soerakarto to Kendal with port stamps CDS Kendal 25/8/1896


1896, paquebot: framed ”Paquebot„ in italics (Hosking type 1496) on pictorial US stationery envelope ”Stockton Milling Co. SF.„ 5 C. cancelled ”HONG KONG A SP 5 96„ to Batavia/DEI, on reverse”N.L.I. POSTAGENT SINGAPORE 10 9 1896„ and Batavia arrival.

  1. Medan to Punjab/India. Envelope bearing Queen Wilhelmina 25c violet (Sc. 27) tied c.d.s., also alongside “Moga” c.d.s. transit on front, several on reverse, including portuguese India Tuticorin, with YELLOW PRINTED label of postal readressing/return, tied c.d.s. V.fine and most unusual.[ 7849]


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1889. 5 c. Yellow green stationery card, H & G 8, but with additional sender´s address surrounding the card in red print, used to SOLOK cancelled by BATAVIA despatch cds and WELTVREDEN, PADANG and PADANG PANDJANG cds´s. Unusual and fine early stationery advertising item

  1. 12 1/2 c. Postal stationery envelope bearing 1 c. & 3 c. x3 used from a GRAVENHAGE to MAKASSAR (neth-ind) & backstamped on arrival









Batavia map 1897

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection – Historical Maps of Asia

Sourabaia Map 1897

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection – Historical Maps of Asia


schitterende plattegrond van Batavia te vinden op Aad’s Nederlands-Indië site :

Batavia plattegrond 1897

Meer foto’s en plattegronden van Batavia kun je vinden via deze LINK
Als je onbekend bent in het Batavia van toen, dan is het even zoeken, maar we gaan het hebben over nummer 10….:

Hotel Des Indes

Het noordelijke gedeelte van Batavia werd de Benedenstad genoemd, het zuidelijke gedeelte de Bovenstad. Het zuidelijke gedeelte van Batavia lag wat hoger, vandaar de naam Bovenstad

In de 18e eeuw werd het leven van de in de Benedenstad wonende Europeanen steeds ondragelijker, de grote rivier de Tjiliwoeng die door de stad stroomde, begon steeds meer te stinken, je mag zelf raden waardoor. Ook zakte het waterpeil steeds verder door dichtslibben van de rivier monding.

Een citaat uit dit verhaal:


The Earliest Netherland Oost Indie revenue

The Ned Oost Indie Revenue  sheet , embosed noncolour , nominal:

Quater G

half G

,one G

,one and  half

two Gld

,four Gld

Six Gld

and 12 guilders.


Unusual 1897, 15 C. Königin auf 25 C. König-Ganzsachenumschlag als gesiegelter R-Wertbrief von “Klaten 12 6 1897” nach Arnheim

1897 (15June). Envelope addressed to Paris by the French Consul at Batavia (Blue mark on upper left corner), bearing France pair 25c. Black on pink sage, cancelled french paquebot, octogonal “Lique N/Paq. Fr nº 10” (***), also alongside. Arrival on reverse. Consular franked mail is unusual





DEI One cent 1898 coin





Postal used DEI postal stationer num 5 cent sent From Solo sultanatePakoe Alam  CDS Solo 1.11.1898 to Djokdjakarta 17.11.1898.

Rare 5c + 20c. Obl. CàD MAKASSAR 12.6.1898. Sur lettre à en-tête de l’Agence Consulaire de FRANCE frappée du CàD Ligne N 24 juin 08 à destination de PARIS. SUP.; lettre; Poste

1898, 15 C. olivbraun (Wilhelmina) als Zusfr. auf 20 C. blau GSU, (König Wilhelm III) dekorative und seltene Mischfr. als Einschreiben von SOERABAJA via LONDON und NEW YORK nach PITTSBURG


  1. Dordrecht to Soerabaja (Dutch Indies). 12½ grey stationary envelope registered (label double print), with 22½c green stamp addtl. (Sc.47). Very fine.[

Unusual 1898 (28 Sept). Registered Tegal – USA. Reg 10c King stat env + adtl. 25c Queen. Via London + registered N Orleans cds on front. VF.

Rare 1898. Tegal – Mexico. 15c stat env + adtls. Registered VF scarce dest usage + aux marking

Rare 1898. Tegal to Remiremont/France. Registered 10c brown King stationery with adtl. 5c and 20c blue Queen W., tied d.s. Several transits and arrival c.d.s.’s on reverse

Rare P0stally used cover from china CDS Swatow to shanghai ,move to batavia Batavia in 1898

China, 1898 (24 June) envelope to the Imperial General Consulate in Shanghai (28.6) redirected to Batavia, Netherlands East Indies (13.9) via Hong Kong (2.9) bearing I.C.P. 2c. and 4c., cancelled by “Swatow” dollar dater, showing the appropriate transit c.d.s. on reverse including “N.-I. Agent Singapore” squared circle d.s. (8.9), envelope a little roughly opened at top, very fine strike of the dollar dater and full of character.

The Postally used postcard from Germany vonaugusberg Cds to Padang destination CDS 29.7.1898

1898, Privatganzsache von Augsburg mit ZuF 5 Pfg. als Auslandsverwendung mit der sehr seltenen Destination Padang auf Sumatra, dort mit zwei Ankunftstempeln versehen!


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1899 (Jan 25). 5c blue on blue postal stationery card used to Breslau and up-rated for registered usage with 1883 2½c yellow and 1892 10c orange brown tied by MADIOEN squared circle datestamp, various transits. Scott 19,23.


Unusual 1899, 5 C. ultra canc. „REMBANG 17 5 1899″ on complete printed matter (some toning) to Buenos Aires/Argentina, on revese transits SEMARANG, WELTEVREDEN and arrival ”BUENOS AIRES JL 13 1899


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1899 (Dec 12). 5 c. pìnk stationery envelope, apparently unaccepted as postage and cancelled by crayon ´stripe´ in blue, up-rated with 1898 2 c. brown, 2 1/2 c. green and 3 c. orange all tied by ROTTERDAM cds´s used to ST PIERRE MIQUELON with arrival cds at left, and returned back from there on Jan 8th 1900. Small faults but scarce destination. Scott 59-61.

NETHERLAND INDIES : 1899 P./Stat 15c canc. PADANG to VALPARAISO, taxed on arrival with





(1)  6.5.1899(earliest date)





President of Javasche bank

25/03/1899 – 18/02/1906 J. Reijsenbach
Reijsenbach was President of the Javasche Bank from March 25, 1899. After the Eight Exclusive Right was established, Reijsenbach resigned and was honorably discharged per February 28, 1906. Reijsenbach died on December 1, 1918.




Dutch Indies NVPH 31-37 MNH

1900 – Hulpuitgifte Zegels van Nederland v/d uitgifte 1899 overdrukt in zwart

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) serie met fotocertificaat C. Muis aug. 2005 – enkele zegels met velrand!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 625,00++


Dutch Indies 79 a hinged

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina met foutdruk “JAVA” hoogstaande overdruk in zwart

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel + certificaat C Muis 1999

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 275,00


Unusual 1900 (31 Jan). Tegal – Belgium. 10c stat King env + 2 adtls. Queen W, tied cds + French octagonal pqbt Ligne N + reg label. VF

  1. (23 Oct) Medan to Ond Beierland/Holland. 10c on 20c blue King stationery with adtl. 15c yellow brown Queen strip (Sc. 33), tied c.d.s., registration label alongside. Transit and arrival c.d.s on reverse. Fine.[ 8665]


  1. Medan to Ond Beiejeland. 10c on 10c violet King stationery with adtl. 15c brown yellow (Sc. 33) Queen stamp, tied c.d.s., also alongside. Registration red and black label on front. Transit on reverse “N-I Post agent Penang” and arrival c.d.s. Fine.[ 8666]


1900  NED.INDIE REVENUE STAMP 10 CENT  DEI 2nd issued revenue , (please report the HIGNHEST NOMINAL )






 Image result for Bencoolen 1900

Bencoolen 1900

 Image result for A trio of European women dressed in sarong, with the background of Fort Marlborough Bencoolen

 Image result for A trio of European women dressed in sarong, with the background of Fort Marlborough Bencoolen

Source: KITLV
A trio of European women dressed in sarong,
with the background of Fort Marlborough Bencoolen – 1920
Source: Tropenmuseum


The dutch continued to occupy Fort Marlborough until the scond word war and after the fall of sumatra it was then occupied by the japanese army.

March 1942 – August 1945
Fort Marlborough was captured by Imperial Japanese Army. The Prison chamber was purposed for Japanese internment camp.

Compass and Message that scratched on the wall by Japanese Prisoner of War 1942-45


Following the surrender of the japanese in 1945 the fort was again briefly occupied by the dutch.

After independence For Marlboroug was used by the indonesian army and police force until it was abandonednin the late 1970’s. The fort remains in its present state following a sympathetic restorasion programme which was carrid out in the late out 1980’s.



Military leaders and Dutch politicians said they had a moral duty to free the Indonesian peoples from indigenous rulers who were oppressive, backward, or did not respect international law.[10] Although Indonesian rebellions broke out, direct colonial rule was extended throughout the rest of the archipelago from 1901 to 1910 and control taken from the remaining independent local rulers.[11] Southwestern Sulawesi was occupied in 1905–06, the island of Bali was subjugated with military conquests in 1906 and 1908, as were the remaining independent kingdoms in Maluku, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Nusa Tenggara.[12][7] Other rulers including the Sultans of Tidore in Maluku, Pontianak (Kalimantan), and Palembang in Sumatra, requested Dutch protection from independent neighbours thereby avoiding Dutch military conquest and were able to negotiate better conditions under colonial rule.[13] The Bird’s Head Peninsula (Western New Guinea), was brought under Dutch administration in 1920. This final territorial range would form the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


PS fr. with 10c. French stamp cancelled with “LA CANEA CRETE 8 MAR. 01″, via “ALEXANDRIE”, “SUEZ/AMBULANT”, “WELTEVREDEN” and “BATAVIA”, arr. “MEDAN” (Sumatra Indes Netherlands). EXTREMELY RARE destination.








Dutch Indies NVPH 40-47 MNH

1902 – 09 Cijferserie Vürtheim

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) serie

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH 200,00++

Dutch Indies NVPH 40a-49a MNH

1902 – 09  – Cijferserie Vürtheim met loslatende kleuren!! – be carefull , us no water to save the colour of the stamp!!!

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) serie

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH 300,00++



Dutch Indies NVPH 40-59 MNH

1902 – 09 Cijferserie Vürtheim + Koningin Wilhelmina

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) serie met de hoge waarden + fotocertificaat C Muis – zeer schaars!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH 1567,50++


  1. 12 1/2 c. Grey stationery envelope used to SOERABAJA franked by strip of three and single 2 1/2 c. on 3 c. violet all tied SOERABAJA squared circle datestamps. SG 119.


  1. Padang – Switzerland. Fwded with New franking. 5c stat card + 3x 2 1/2 adtls. Cancelled blue SOLOK box cds. VF scarce doble fkd forwarded mail.[









Dutch Indies NVPH 48-57 MNH

1903 – 09 Koningin Wilhelmina

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) complete serie

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 767,50





Dutch Indies NVPH 48-57 MNH

1903 – 09 Koningin Wilhelmina

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) complete serie + cert Muis

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 767,50+++ zeer schaars!!!!!!!

Dutch Indies NVPH 56 MNH

1903 -1909    Koningin Wilhelmina – Veth

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH €  225,00


Dutch Indies NVPH 58 A MNH

1903 -1909   Koningin Wilhelmina – Veth – zegel – Type A

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00++++

Dutch Indies NVPH 59 D

1903 -1909 Koningin Wilhelmina – Veth – D – lijntanding 11

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH 300,00++


Dutch Indies NVPH 58 B – 59 C MNH

1903 -1909   Koningin Wilhelmina – Veth – 58 B – 59 C Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels + fotocertificaat C. Muis

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 600,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 59 D MNH

1903 -1909 Koningin Wilhelmina – Veth – D – lijntanding 11

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH 300,00++


  1. 12 1/2 c. Optd stationery envelope used to ST GALLEN with additional 1900 15 c., 20 c. with 1902 2 1/2 c. on 3 c., all tied MENADO squared circle datestamps with WELTVREDEN transit on reverse of colourful cover. SG 113, 114, 119.

Unusual 1903. Soerabaja – DWI, fwded USA. Fkd PPC via St Thomas + Frederiksted. On front “Postal Agent Penang” cds (xx) + aux pmk. Dest+.[


Under the Decentralization Act (Decentralisatiewet) issued in 1903 and the Decree on decentralization (Decentralisasi Besluit) and the Local Council Ordinance (Ordinance Raden Locale) from the date of 1 April 1906 set as the gemeente (municipality) the governing otonomom. The decision further strengthens the function of the city of Bandung as a center of government, especially Dutch Colonial government in Bandung. Originally Gemeente Bandung
Led by the Assistant Resident Priangan as Chairman of the Board of the City (Gemeenteraad), but since 1913, led by burgemeester gemeente (mayor).



Uncommon 1903. (26 May) Batavia to Berlin/Canada. 10c grey Queen stationery envelope with adtl. franking 20c green Queen stamp, 2c and 3c (Sc. 34, 40, 42) all tied c.d.s.’s, registration label alongside. Via Weltevrenden, London/UK, Toronto and arrival pmks on reverse




Uncommon 1903. Batavia to Berlin/Canada. Registered 20c green Queen issue stationery envelope with adtl. franking 5c ultramarine (Sc. 22) 2½ on 3c violet x2 (Sc. 47), and 2½c green x2 (Sc. 41), tied c.d.s.’s registration label alongside, with several transits and arrival pmks on reverse, including Montreal. Most appealing multiple franking on an unusual stationery




  1. Weltevreden to Quiphon/Indochine.

PRINTED MATTER RATE small envelope sent by the french Consulate in Batavia. (cachet on reverse), bearing sing 2½ on 3c violet (Sc. 47) tied c.d.s. Very rare rate and destination.



Image result for padang panjang Picture post card to Holland   tied by PADANG PANDJANG

Picture post card to Holland bearing 5 cents blue (SG 93) and 2 1/2 on 3 cents purple (SG 119) tied by PADANG PANDJANG squared circle routed via Padang with GRAVENHAGE arrival

1903/05, three different surcharged stat. envelopes incl. Wilhelmina 20c on 20c green uprated with 1/2c violet on reverse registered from PADANG (11.7.1903) to Batavia, Wilhelmina 15c on 15c brown uprated with 20c olive black registered from PROBOLINGGO (17.1.1905, some toning) to Germany and King Willem 10 on 10c blue uprated with 10c + 15c stamps registered from BATAVIA (7.3.1905) to Germany, all with arrival postmarks on reverse



The Dutch East Indies never had a coat of arms of its own.

The coat of arms of Batavia was often considered as such and it is said that Governor General Van Heutz (1904-‘09) was a strong advocate of the idea.

A proposal for a coat of arms was made in 1933 by Dirk Rühl on the frontispeice of his “Nederlandsch Indische Gemeentewapens”. His design shows a parted per pale of the Netherlands and Batavia.However, no specific coat of arms for the Dutch East Indies was ever adopted


Image result for Pemalang lang stempel

Pemalang Lang stempel(Halte stempel)

  1. Postal stationary envelope 10 on 20 cents olive upgraded with 5 cents rose (Sg 126) and 10 cents slate (SG 128) cancelled by handstruck PEMALANG with TEGAL squared circle and PEMALANG registered label routed via Weltevreden. To Brabant Nederland Very fine and scarce.
  2. Djokjakarta 8.7.05 to – Germany.Cerlin 10.8.06 Postal stationer 7 1/2 cent

Netherlands Indies: PPC (Caroet; Aloon-Aloon) franked by 1/2 +2+5c, posted at TANDJONGERIOK on 8.5.1905, transit WELTVREDEN, arrival pmk Salzburg, Austria





Price: € 250.00




dek. Jugdenstil-AK ab Medan nach Barmen mit gutem Nebenstempel N.I. AGENT SINGAPORE[ Brief]






1905, dek. Jugdenstil-AK ab Medan nach Barmen mit gutem Nebenstempel N.I. AGENT SINGAPORE[ Brief]


  1. Weltevreden Batavia vai Tandjongpriok –to Middleberg Netherlands. 7 1/2c stat card. VF
  2. Tegal – via weltevreden batavia to Germany. 7 1/2c stat card. Fine

1905, stationery card QV 3 C. scarlet canc. „PENANG B JY 8 1905” to Netherlands w. 29 JUL arrival, senders date „Sabang, 3 Juli 05 Hotel Ceram

  1. Medan to London. P.P.C. franked 2½ orange (Sc. 19) and 5c red (Sc 44) MIXED usage, tied c.d.s. “Post Agent Penang” c.d.s. alongside.[ 7843]

1905, INCOMING MAIL: Nederlandisch Indien 2 1/2 C und 5 C auf Ansichtskarte (Sanatoriom TOSARI, Karte leicht stockig) vom „SOERABAJA 20.1.1905” via San Francisco nach Papeete, Tahiti.

Rare 1905, 10 Pfg Schiffszeichnung entwertet mit Dienstsiegel von Ponape auf „Gruss von…” Ansichtskarte nach Makassar via Batavia, Soerabaja und Victoria/Hong-Kong,














Dutch Indies 60-61 MNH + Cert M. +

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina op blauw papier (loslatende kleuren)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels met fotocertificaat C. Muis sept. 2010 – schaars in deze kwaliteit!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 775,00++ (omgerekend via NVPH cat. naar PF)





Dutch Indies NVPH 60 B MNH

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina op blauw papier (loslatende kleuren – be carefull no water!!!)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel  –  Cat. waarde (value) NVPH €  250,00++ (omgerekend via NVPH cat. naar PF)

Dutch Indies NVPH 61 A MNH

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina op blauw papier (loslatende kleuren)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel  – schaars in deze kwaliteit!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH €  480,00++ (omgerekend via NVPH cat. naar PF)



Dutch Indies NVPH 60 B MNH

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina op blauw papier (loslatende kleuren – be carefull no water!!!)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel  –  Cat. waarde (value) NVPH €  250,00++ (omgerekend via NVPH cat. naar PF)



DEI port 1906 on the postcard from destination CDS soerabia 17.9.1906

1906 (Aug. 22). Postcard to SOERABAJA franked by Reichpost 10pf. carmine tied by RIXDORF cds, underpaid and charged on arrival with Netherlands East Indies Postage Due 2½c. and 10c. black & red tied by SOERABAJA</B< div>

2 cent op drukwerk van Haarlem naar Soekaboemi 17-12-1906, strook D?c?d?. op achterzijde en via ‘bureau rebuten Batavia’ en ‘bureel der rebuten Hoofdbestuur der post:&Tel. 25-10-1907’ retour naar Haarlem,


01/07/1906 – 31/10/1912 G. Vissering (LL.M.)
By decree of February 2, 1906, Vissering,  Director of the Amsterdamsche Bank was appointed as Director of the Javasche Bank.Vissering resigned on October 31, 1912.31/10/1912 – 01/07/1924 E.A. Zeilinga Azn.
In April 1907 Zeilinga started as Director of the Bank and was promoted to President per October 31, 1912. Zeilinga resigned after almost 12 years of serving as President and was honorably discharged on July 1, 1924. (Azn.stands for the Dutch “Abrahamzoon” which means “Son of Abraham”)





1907, Ansichtskarte von Eski-Chehir nach Java, von dort umgeleitet nach Soerabaja, neben dem nicht lesbaren Aufgabestempel (vermutlich Smyrna) noch 6 andere Stempel, interessant


unidentified building in batavia postcard 1907


Postally used Soerabaia picture postcard send to Boheme

Dutch East Indies: PPC (Chinese Locksmith) franked by 2 1/2c, posted at SOERABAJA on 7 DEC 1907, sent to Bohemia, arrival pmk Praha

Netherlands Indies: PPC (Bataksche Kampong) franked by 1/2 + 2c, posted at INDRAMAJOE on 26.7.1907, transit CHERIBOB & WELTVREDEN, sent to Prague, Austria. Nice card

Dutch East Indies: PPC (Nude native) on picture side franked by 2 1/2c, posted at INDRAMAJOE on 2.11.1907 (= Java), transit Cheribon, sent to Prague, Bohemia

Dutch East Indies: PPC (Chinese soup kitchen, Litho) franked by 2 1/2c, posted at INDRAMAJOE on 9.9.1907 (= Java), transit Cheribon & Weltevreden, sent to Prague, Bohemia

1907, LADY MINTO’S FETE: Group with the three stamps mint and the special red cross circled postmark on uprated QV 9p Soldiers’ and Seamen’s Env., KE PS card and env, on cover, and on PPC ‘The Inland Steamer ”SERANG” ‘, fine/very fine and attractive

KPM ship ss serang


Dutch Indies NVPH 63-80 MNH

1908 – Koningin Wilhelmina overdrukt in zwart met “JAVA”

Prachtige complete postfrisse (MNH) serie + fotocertificaat C Muis

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 1100,00+++

Uit deze serie kunt u zolang de extra voorraad strekt ook losse nummers bestellen tegen 45% van de cat. prijs per e-mail of via het contactformulier.



Duitch Indies NVPH 75 MNH

1908 – Koningin Wilhelmina overdrukt in zwart met “JAVA”

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 20,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 79 MNH

1908 – Koningin Wilhelmina overdrukt in zwart met “JAVA” – nr. 79

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel + fotocertificaat C. Muis

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 275,00




Dutch Indies NVPH 80 a hinged

1906 – 08 Koningin Wilhelmina met foutdruk “JAVA” hoogstaande overdruk in zwart

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met fotocertificaat NVPH en keurstempeltje – zeer zeldzaam!!!!!!!!!!!! 80a –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 3500,00++


Dutch Indies NVPH 79 a hinged

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina met foutdruk “JAVA” hoogstaande overdruk in zwart

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 275,00




Dutch Indies NVPH 79 a MNH

1906 – 08 Koningin Wilhelmina met foutdruk “JAVA” hoogstaande overdruk in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met fotocertificaat C. Muis

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 750,00++ Mocht het certificaat onduidelijk zijn, klik dan nogmaals op het certificaat en Windows zorgt voor een scherpe afdruk!!!!!

Dutch Indies NVPH 79 a used

1906 – 08    Koningin Wilhelmina met foutdruk “JAVA” hoogstaande overdruk in zwart

Prachtige gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 400,00


Dutch Indies NVPH 77 a MNH

1908 – Zegels der uitgiften 1902/03-1909 overdrukt in zwart met hoogstaande “JAVA”

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 200,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 74 f MNH

1908 – Zegel der uitgiften 1902/03-1909 overdrukt in zwart met kopstaande “JAVA”

Prachtige schaarse postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 45,00+




Dutch Indies NVPH 81-98 hinged

1908 – Koningin Wilhelmina met overdruk in zwart “BUITEN BEZIT”

Prachtige complete ongebruikte (hinged) serie

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00






Dutch Indies NVPH 98 MNH

1908 – Koningin Wilhelmina met overdruk in zwart “BUITEN BEZIT”

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 425,00++

Dutch Indies NVPH 97 f used

1908 – Foutdruk “Bezit Buiten” met kopstaande opdruk – 1 gld doflila

Prachtige gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH ca. € 300,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 97 f inverted MNH

1908 – Foutdruk “Bezit Buiten” met kopstaande (inverted) opdruk – 1 gld doflila

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met keur Hekker en fotocertificaat Bakker –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 600,00++++ z e e r  s c h a a r s!!!

Dutch Indies NVPH 98 f inverted hinged

1908 – Foutdruk “Bezit Buiten” met kopstaande (inverted) opdruk – 2,5 gld zwartblauw

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met fotocertificaat      H. Vleeming

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 3500,00+++ – zeldzame zegel!!!

Top of Form

€ 2595,00


















Bottom of Form


  1. Cheribon to Lille/France. P.P.C. bearing 2½° green and ½violet (Sc.38,41), cancelled Indramade, with “Naposttiji” straightline alongside, also Cheribon d.s. Printed matter rate. Fine[ 7876]

Dutch East Indies: PPC (Blauwwater) franked by 2 1/2c, posted at INDRAMAJOE on 21 JUN 1908 (= Java), box pmk NAPOSTTIJD, sent to Prague, Bohemia






Java: PPC (Garoel/ Hotel Rupert) franked by 5c (ovpt JAVA on Neth. Indies), posted at Indramajoe on 15/5 1909, sent to Finland (!! Unique destination), arrival pmk Helsingfors 17.6.08; box pmk NAPOSTEIJD. Nice item


Peanger Hotel bandung wsst java 1910


Braga street Bandung West Java 1910


1910, 3 C. Java bs. auf AK “Soerabaia Hofdaltaar” mit “Soerabaja 17.2.10”, nicht gelaufen

Unusual 1910. Soerabaja to Bangkok-2/Siam. 5c red stationery, cancelled c.d.s. Singapore c.d.s. transit and arrival c.d.s. on front. Fine and scarce

IRC international reply coupon 14 cent of Pay Bas Nederland CDS Sgravenhage and Soerakarta 18.9.1910

1910, Postkarte mit Vielfarben-Frankatur von Niederländisch Indien (Indonesien) aus Sabang 7.2.1910 an einen Bootsmannsmaat des Panzerkreuzers SMS “Scharnhorst”, der sich zu dieser Zeit in Sabang aufhielt. Seit 1909 war “Scharnhorst” das Flaggschiff des Ostasiatischen Kreuzergeschwaders unter dem Admiral Graf Spee. Nach Beginn des 1. Weltkriegs 1914 erfolgreiche Seeschlacht von Coronel (Chile) gegen britische Seestreitkräfte; Untergang des Schiffes mit der gesamten Besatzung am 8.12.1915 in der Schlacht bei den Falkland-Inseln. Karte mit Randbug. Dazu Foto-Ansichtskarte des Schiffes


  1. Medan to Punjab/India. Envelope bearing Queen Wilhelmina 25c violet (Sc. 27) tied c.d.s., also alongside “Moga” c.d.s. transit on front, several on reverse, including portuguese India Tuticorin, with YELLOW PRINTED label of postal readressing/return, tied c.d.s. V.fine and most unusual.[ 7849]

Antonio Torres Worldwide net price sale nr. 51

Closing: Oct 21 – Mar 31, 2012

Bid Info: Price: $ 325.00

  1. (16 July) Medan to Ond-Beierland/Holland. 10c on 12½c grey King stationery with adtl 15c yellow brown Queen stamp (Sc. 33), tied c.d.s., with registration label alongside. Transit and arrival pmk on reverse and five wax seals. A few minimal spots, otherwise still fine.[ 8664]

Antonio Torres Worldwide net price sale nr. 51

Closing: Oct 21 – Mar 31, 2012

Bid Info: Price: $ 100.00

  1. (23 Oct) Medan to Ond Beierland/Holland. 10c on 20c blue King stationery with adtl. 15c yellow brown Queen strip (Sc. 33), tied c.d.s., registration label alongside. Transit and arrival c.d.s on reverse. Fine.[ 8665]

Antonio Torres Worldwide net price sale nr. 51

Closing: Oct 21 – Mar 31, 2012

Bid Info: Price: $ 120.00

  1. Medan to Ond Beiejeland. 10c on 10c violet King stationery with adtl. 15c brown yellow (Sc. 33) Queen stamp, tied c.d.s., also alongside. Registration red and black label on front. Transit on reverse “N-I Post agent Penang” and arrival c.d.s. Fine.[ 8666]

Antonio Torres Worldwide net price sale nr. 51

Closing: Oct 21 – Mar 31, 2012

Bid Info: Price: $ 120.00







Dutch Indies NVPH Dienst 1-7 hinged

1911 – Dienstzegels met overdruk in zwart

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) complete serie – schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00

Top of Form

€ 63,00






























Dutch Indies NVPH Service 1-7 MNH


1911 – Dienstzegels met overdruk in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) complete serie + fotocertificaat NKD!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 600,00++

Top of Form

€ 465,00

Bottom of Form





Dutch Indies NVPH Service 2f hinged


1911 – Dienstzegels met overdruk in zwart –

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) kopstaande (inverted) zegel met keurstempeltje – uitstekende centrering

Cat. waarde (value) € 350,00++


Top of Form

€ 225,00

Bottom of Form




















Dutch Indies NVPH Service 3 f hinged


1911 – Dienstzegels met overdruk in zwart –

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) kopstaande (inverted) zegel met keur Hekker – uitstekende centrering

Cat. waarde (value) € 325,00++





















Dutch Indies NVPH Service 7f hinged


1911 – Dienstzegels met kopstaande (inverted) overdruk in zwart – 2,50 gld

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel + keurstempeltje Ned. Bond

Cat. waarde (value) € 750,00+++


Dutch Indies NVPH Service 9f MNH

1911 – Frankeerzegels der uitgiften1883 en 1902 -1909 overdrukt in zwart 1/2 ct lila kopstaand (inverted)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) € 75,00++++ (In de NVPH cat. ontbreekt de PF kolom)

Top of Form

€ 162,00

Bottom of Form










Bottom of Form





Dutch Indies NVPH Service12f MNH (scan B)


1911 – Dienstzegels met kopstaande (inverted) overdruk in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 15,00++++ – in de NVPH cat. ontbreekt de PF kolom!

Dutch Indies NVPH Service 21f hinged

1911 – Dienstzegels met kopstaande (inverted) overdruk in zwart

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met keurstempeltje Ned. Bond

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 225,00+++

Top of Form

€ 195,00

Bottom of Form




Dutch Indies NVPH Service 21f MNH

1911 – Dienstzegels met kopstaande (inverted) overdruk in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met een originele gomvouw!!!! – original gum-fold!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 937,00+++ – omgerekend naar PF vanuit de NVPH cat.

Top of Form

€ 395,00

Bottom of Form






Dutch Indies NVPH Service 24f hinged

1911 – Dienstzegels met kopstaande (inverted) overdruk in zwart – 24f

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met keurstempeltje (mark!!)

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 250,00

Top of Form

€ 145,00




Dutch Indies NVPH Service18f MNH


1911 – Frankeerzegels der uitgiften 1883 en 1902 -1909 overdrukt in zwart 121/2 ct blauw kopstaand (inverted)

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 50,00++++ – (In NVPH cat. ontbreekt de PF kolom)

Top of Form

€ 112,00

Bottom of Form

























Dutch Indies NVPH Service 27 B MNH

1911 – Dienstzegel met overdruk in zwart – B lijntanding 11,5 : 11

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!

Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 325,00 (in de NVPH cat. ontbreekt de PF kolom)

Bottom of Form









INDIA HOLANDESA. 1903 (Oct 21). Cover with printed GERMAN CONSULATE in DELI, SUMATRA (Timor), used to VIENNA with July 1900 25c. on 25c. carmine & blue tied by MEDAN squared circle datestamps. Reverse with German Consular wafer seal in blue and N.I. Postagent Penang squared circle transit (rare) and Vienna arrival cds (Nov 14). Scott 35.








The End

Copyright @Dr Iwan 2016

Please look another E-Boook in CD-ROM




Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Consultan Information






Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016

If you want buy the complete E-Book, please contact, please upload your iD-Card copy with complete adress and shorth working history, and to more communication you must be my web blog Premium member with tarnsfer US 25,- or send enenvelope via airmail with stamps or old money with the same value. The price of this CD-Rom Only US 100.-


 Image result for DEI one cent coin in 1855

The rare limited edition first nederland Indie one cent castcoin in 1855,the half cent more rare unique I don’t have it(Dr iwan note)

Lettre frappée du cachet bleu ovale SAMARANG FRANCO, datée de 1855 à destination de BATAVIA. Sup.; lettre; Précurseur

 Image result for Batavia - NY - Belgium. Stampless env. red paid 5 +

  1. Batavia – NY – Belgium. Stampless env. red paid 5 + via Boston with BRITISH + AMERICAN PACKET marks (9 Jan – 17 Jan). Belgium entry charges. Boats charged at Boston. Very interesting p history item


Image result for Regent Bandung RA Wiranatakusumah

Based on data from various sources, the development of fully Bandung carried out by a number of people under the leadership of Regent Bandung RA Wiranatakusumah II. Therefore, it can be said that the regents RA Wiranatakusumah II is the founder of (the founding father) of Bandung.
The development of the city of Bandung and its strategic location in the middle Priangan, has encouraged the emergence of the idea of
the Dutch East Indies government in 1856 to move Capital Keresiden Priangan from Cianjur to Bandung

Hotel der Nederlanden kunnen kiezen en toen op een dag in 1856 kwam Douwes Dekker voorbij, mogelijk op weg naar de Franse kleermaker Oger Frèves tegenover Societeit De Harmonie.

En natuurlijk moet dit er dan even bij, de voetnoot onder bijna ieder Nederlands-Indië verhaal van Aad :

……een roofstaat aan de Noordzee……
            …..dat spoorwegen bouwt van gestolen geld en tot
            betaling de bestolene bedwelmt met
            opium, Evangelie en jenever…

Aan U durf ik met vertrouwen te vragen of het
            Uw wil is dat daarginds Uw meer dan dertig
            millioenen onderdanen worden mishandeld en
            uitgezogen in UWEN naam?







Image result for Hong Kong, 1858 (14 Mar.) entire letter

Hong Kong, 1858 (14 Mar.) entire letter from Hong Kong to Netherlands (28.4) “per land mail via Triest” showing very fine “Paid/at/Hong Kong” small Crowned Circle in red (Webb type 11) with “Hong Kong” double-arc d.s. on reverse, handstruck (at Trieste) blue framed “6¼” and manuscript ratings, fine, another scarce destination for a Crowned Circle.


Dirk Anthonius Varkevisser, an official of the Dutch East Indies government, was born in Samarang (present-day Semarang in Central Java) on 11th July 1800 and passed away on 4th January 1857 in Batavia. He was the former Dutch resident of Pasuruan (in east Java, near to the city of Surabaya), and he was also knighted and conferred the Order of the Netherlands Lion, a Dutch order awarded to eminent individuals from all walks of life, including generals, ministers, mayors, leading scientists, industrialists and high ranking civil servants, among others


1 C. als EF auf Kab-Drucksache 1857 mit blauem K2 BALT. PAID. nach Halifax in Canada, hs. Land Mail




The Indian Rebellion of 1857, known to the British as the “Great Mutiny” (also known as First War of Indian Independence), brought the consequence that the British government nationalized the EIC indirectly.


After this rebellion, the EIC lost all its administrative powers and dissolved on 1st of January



een van de eerste foto’s van Woodbury & Page

1857 Java

de tijger werd later “bijgeplakt” ???
We hebben dus nu zoo’n mooi foto album gekocht van Woodbury & Page en spoedden ons weer voorzichtig terug naar ons Hotel Des Indes, want wat we zojuist hebben gekocht is over zoo’n 150 jaar heel zeldzaam….

Woodbury & Page
werkzaam zijn, bij wie je prachtige foto’s van Batavia en omgeving kon verkrijgen.

het atelier van Woodbury & Page in Batavia

met het Britse wapenschild boven hun namen

Woodbury & Page in Batavia nemen het er even van en terecht….
Nu moet Aad eerlijk bekennen dat het nooit precies duidelijk is geworden wie is nu Woodbury en wie is nu Page. Maar in alle oude fotoboeken over o.m. Batavia kom je (bijna) altijd tegen dat de foto is genomen door Woodbury & Page…..dankzij hen kun je je helemaal verdiepen in het oude Batavia, wat Aad dus heel graag doet met al zijn boeken met foto’s van Woodbury & Page

Reeds in 1857 begonnen Walter Bentley Woodbury (1834 – 1885) en James Page (1833 – 1865) hun atelier in Batavia. Zij maakten grote reportages niet alleen van Batavia, maar ook van Java en dan natuurlijk altijd in de vroege nog koele ochtend, helaas dus zelden met een Europeaan op de foto. Later kwam nog een broer Henry James Woodbury erbij.
Uit advertenties is af te leiden dat je bij hen komplete albums kon kopen, nu natuurlijk onbetaalbaar en zeldzaam, maar gelukkig is er een paar jaar geleden een prachtig overzichtsboek verschenen door Aad binnen een dag gefinancierd….

Want als een van je hobbies Nederlands-Indië is, dan kun je ademloos naar een foto van Woodbury & Page kijken en dan weten dat hier ooit o.m. Loudon, van Swieten, Snouck Hurgronje, Köhler, van Daalen, Christoffel en natuurlijk de bekendere Van Heutsz en Colijn hebben rondgelopen. Wie dit allemaal waren :

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De onderstaande foto is een van de eerste van Woodbury & Page geweest, waarschijnlijk uit 1857, de beroemde tijger foto gemaakt ergens op Java. De tijger sprong te vlug en daarom, aldus het verhaal, is de tijger er later “bijgeplakt”


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The Banjarmasin War (1859–1863) in southeast Kalimantan resulted in the defeat of the Sultan


Legendary story of Banjar War
Many legendary stories in Banjar War period that lasted from 1859 until 1865. one of which there are death squads called the Army War Beratib Ba-mall. Until now, the name of the force is still very legendary ….

Beginning of the conflict in the palace of Sultan Tahmudiah Banjar is when I died. He has a son who still small. Therefore, for while the power is held by Prince Tamjidillah I, brother, Sultan Tahmidillah I. But in fact, Prince Tamjidillah I not only became the guardian of his nephew was a kid, but took control with a smooth and would not return

the son of Sultan Tahmidillah I. Even to strengthen its position as the Sultan of his descendants in the future, Banjar land handed over to the Netherlands. Then by the Dutch were given to the Sultan hakPemerintahan Tamjid I and his descendants.

Therefore there was an armed uprising of Prince Amir (Prince Antasari a hero’s grandfather), a descendant of Sultan Tahmidillah I. However, resistance can be broken by the Dutch. He was later exiled to Ceylon or Sri Lanka.

To reconcile these two offspring, then, Adam Sultan Al Wasique Billah who is a descendant of Sultan Tamjidillah I married his daughter to Prince Antasari. But alas, the Queen died before giving Antasari trigger descent.

In addition, Prince Sultan Muda Abdurrahrnan also had a concubine of the Chinese nation. In 1817 the mistress gave birth to a son. Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman wanting sons became crown prince. Therefore then freed and married her legally and was named the Big Nyai Aminah. While his son was named Prince Tamjidilllah,

Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman desire is opposed by the grandfather and father of Sultan Sulaiman and Adam Sultan Al Wasiqu `Billah. They forced the young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman himself married to a cousin of Queen Siti, Miss Mangkubumi Nata.

Nata Mangkubumi besedia Young married his daughter to Prince Sultan Abdurrahman condition, later-born son will be king when the Sultan Muda died. This provision was approved, and the Sultan Muda had made a will on anyone who is entitled to the throne of the Sultanate of Banjar.

In Prince 1822Iahirlah Hidayatutlah. A few years later died so jabatan’tersebut Mangkubumi Nata. is empty. This opportunity was used by Prince Tamjid best, namely the Netherlands requested that appointed him in the Sultanate Mangkubumi Banjar. `With pleasure, of course, the Dutch agreed to because it will benefit the ‘they.’

In 1852 the Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman died suddenly. A day later with Pengeran Tamjid secretly sent a letter to the Resident of the Dutch in Yogyakarta to appoint him as the heir apparent to the promised delivery of the Sultanate of Banjar areas that prompted the Dutch origin of the request is approved. Once again the Dutch Prince’s request Tamjid, because this is an opportunity for the Dutch reap the fish in troubled waters, as well as running the political divide et empera: glassware and colonize.

On June 10, 1852 the Dutch crown prince Tamjid become crown prince. Of course this appointment caused angry reactions to the nobility, clergy and community on Prince Tamjid and its allies, especially the Dutch.

In April 1853, Sultan Adam, Son of the Young Prince Sultan Abdurrahman sent envoys to Batavia to meet with Governor General of Dutch East Indies in order to request the cancellation of the appointment of justice PangeranTamjid become crown prince and Prince Setting Hidayatullah become crown prince in accordance with the testament of Sultan Adam. But this request was rejected by the Dutch East Indies governor. This adds to the heat of the political climate in the Kingdom of Banjar Prince Tamjid so do not dare to live in the palace which is located diIbukota Banjar Jewels Temple (City of Gems) that the person called Banjar City Martapura now Martapura Banjar regency’s capital.

Tamjid Prince Sultan fled to Banjarmasin. To cool the political atmosphere is getting warmer, finally. HidayatuIlah into Dutch raised Pengeran Mangkubumi previously held by PangeranTamjid and set PangeranTamjid as crown prince. Besides capturing the Dutch Prince and banished him to the King Anom Banjarmasin because it is considered as a provocateur who oppose the decisions of the Netherlands.

To avoid unwanted things to his son, then, the Sultan had come to accompany Prince Adam King moved to Banjarmasin Anom. When gering, or severe illness, he was taken to the palace in Martapura Banjar. On November 01, 1857 he died and was buried in Martapura

On 3 November 1857 the Dutch crown prince as the king’s successor Sultan Tamjid Adam, and the Prince immediately ordered the arrest of Prince Tamjid Anom King then threw to Bogor, West Java.

In 1858, there is a continual movement of people who want to restore the kingdom of culture and the concessions that have been damaged due to the inclusion of power penjajajah Netherlands.

EMERGENCE bead cherished daughter of froth

Mentioned, magical princess who emerged from the foaming whirlpools, then by Gastric Mangkurat crowned as queen in the Kingdom of Dipa Nagara, and then married to the Majapahit royal palace, Raden Putra

After marriage with Princess Bubble cherished, Raden Putra became king in the Kingdom under the name Prince Dipa Nagara Ananta Surya (son of the sun). According to legend Banjar society, they both, in the end mokswa or disappear into the invisible realm and became a ruler in the palace of Magical Mountain Pamaton

According to public confidence, they could both dripping or possessed bodies of people they want.

Thus, when the political temperature in the Kingdom of Banjar is getting hot because the Dutch intervened at the coronation of Prince Tamjid as king in the Kingdom of Banjar to replace Adam Sultan because Sultan Muda Prince Abdurrahman had died first. In fact, the nobility, clergy and the people willed Banjar Hidayatullah became Prince Sultan, according to the testament or the testament of Sultan previous

One of the pious scholars in Kumbayau Tambarangan, Overseas (Regency But right now), named Datu Aling are concerned about the crisis in the palace Banjar. Accordingly, it is because he salampah or penance with his own solitude, fasting, prayer, and remembrance wird, and other practice-practice to draw closer to God, accompanied by a request that the instructions given and the solution to the crisis that is happening in the palace Banjar . Datu Aling_dilaksanakan penance for nine months nine days, beginning in April 1858 until. by February 1859.

On February 2, 1859 to coincide with the 10th Rajab 1275 H; Datu Aling visited by kings and magical kingdom of Banjar Datu Aling asked to bring Prince Muning Antasari to the area. He will start the New Kingdom until the rightful king was elected.

On 13 Rajab 1275 AH, Princess Datu named Aling Saranti, cherished daughter was possessed by Bubble. He is married with a young man asked village named Dulasa because in her magical spirit benemayam Prince Surya Ananta.

Hearing all that, then, was Aling Datu daughter Implementing all these desires. Once married to Dulasa, then, Saranti be named espouse Bubble Princess and her husband Prince Surya Dulasa named Ananta. Datu Aling then announced to the public about Saranti coronation, the king cherished Princess Bubble Bead. Kumbayau area was renamed the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. As a king in the Kingdom Tambay Mecca, Saranti Bead Princess Bubble lift ayahya cherished, Datu Aling, as Panembahan, brother Sambang given the title of the Yellow Emperor, his sister was given the title Queen of the Sacred Nuramin, while the husband was given the title as Mangkubumi Nuramin Kusuma Nagara, Bayan Sampit, Garuntung waluh, Garumung manau, Kindaui Aji, Kindui Mu `l, splitting Batung, Panimba Sagara, there is also the Commander Juntai In Sky and others.

Tambay Mecca kingdom separate from the Sultanate of Banjar and not subject to the Dutch colonizers. Bubble bead Saranti cherished became queen in Mecca KerajaanTambay only as a symbol of the head of state, while the affairs of government are held, by Penembahan Muda Datu Aling. As a Panembahan, the pious, just and wise he is working with Immediate Banua Ampat, namely: Banua Halat, Banua Gadung, Banua Padang and Banua Parigi. They are subject to the Datu Aling. Then follow the same Banua Top, Trunk Hulu, Guava, Amandit and Pangabau

To his followers, Datu Aling always instill the spirit of jihad for the sake of fighting injustice and occupation. The call for jihad Aling Datu who received tremendous response from the community, was made Prince of the Netherlands felt teracam Tamjid its position. For the Dutch Resident in Banjarmasin send a team consisting of the Chief Prosecutor. Suryadinata prince and the prince of the Head of Prince Muhammad Seman accompanied by 120 followers

Knowing the Will of their arrival, then, was Aling Datu Yellow Emperor ordered his troops to prepare his jihad as many as 700 people complete with weapons drawn

to keep all possibilities that bakal_terjadi.Tentu Dutch Resident is just the messenger gasped to see so many forces in Datu Aling the STAP jihad fighters if they do sort-rnacam. Because they just want to see the actual situation in the Kingdom of Mecca, they were welcome to meet at the Palace of Datu Aling Tambay Mecca.

After hearing reports messenger, once again ordered the Dutch Resident Mangkubumi Prince Hidayatullah to deal with the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. Then sent Prince Prince Hidayatullah Antasari. Kesuma Jantera Prince and Prince Omar Sharif to meet Datu Aling, Datu Aling During the meeting explaining the intent and purpose of establishment of the Kingdom of Tambay Mecca. It turned out that what is conveyed by Datu Aling dengart hand in hand what is desired by Prince Antasari. Until finally terjadilahn matchmaking agreement between the child named Antasari Prince Prince Mohammed Said with Saranti Bead Princess Bubble who have been widowed cherished.

Thus grew stronger the position of Datu Aling due 30 days after the wedding with Prince Muhammad Said Saranti, the incarnation of Princess Bubble cherish, then, Prince Antasari began to actively lead the popular movement in Banua Ampat and Banua five are directed to the Dutch.

28 April 1859 Puncaknyapada jihadists from Datu Aling Banua Banua Ampat and five under the leadership of Prince Antasari, attacked the Dutch fortress in Pengaron Orange Nassau. The attack was very successful. That was the beginning of the outbreak of the War Banjar. Finally, the battle also extends to various areas in South Kalimantan

As retaliation for the collapse of bastion of Orange Nassau in Pengaron, then, on 16 November 1859, suddenly attacked the Dutch defense forces Yellow Emperor. This attack was greeted with cries of Allahu Akbar by jihadi forces under the command of Sultan Datu Aling Yellow. In battle, the leader of the Dutch army captain killed by a spear Benschop. That day came again a platoon of the larger Dutch troops, but all were driven back.

In the evening, come back bigger Dutch troops to storm the bastion of Datu Aling Muning ie in the mosque. The battle occurred overnight. Datu Aling, Saranti Along with a few people remained loyal followers in the mosque. Aling Datu did not want to surrender to the Dutch even though the fire had licked all the mosques are made of wood. Finally, Datu Aling and Saranti was killed as a martyr.

Listen to the death of Datu Aling and Saranti, then, Prince Antasari issued a slogan which reads “Heram manyareh, waja until ka nipple: (haram surrendered to the Dutch until the last drop of blood)”


Attacks on the forts, coal mines, warships and other Dutch possessions to make the colonists could not do anything about it. Until June 25, 1859 forced the Dutch Prince Tamjid turunt ahta and throw it to Bogor. Prince is being run from the palace Martapura Hidayatullah joined Prince Antasari.

The battle occurred not only in South Kalimantan region, but extends to Central Kalimantan. Central Kalimantan is the field of battle Barito, Kapuas and Katingan led by Prince Antasari, accompanied by the original Surapati Tumenggung Dayak tribe. Martapura and Tang Sea region led by Lehman Demat, Region Five Banua led by Jalil degree Kiyai Wall Duke Anom king.

After the Netherlands asked for help to Batavia, then, berdatanganlah warships and complete with soldiers and cannon-cannon. Onrust Warships sailing to Barito to capture Prince Antasari metalui Tumenggung Surapati. However Tumenggung Surapati not want to sell out despite promises prizes of several thousand Dutch Guilders if Tumenggung Surapati could give Prince Antasari.

On December 26, 1859, suddenly Tumenggung Surapati with his men attacked the ship Onrust In this incident commander Onrust warships and 93 of his men were killed. The guns and cannon cannon transported ashore while his ship was sunk. Meanwhile, the warship sailed Tjipanas Martapura River came under fire from Demat Lehman and his men so hastily returned to Banjarmasin.

On June 11, 1860, proclaimed the abolition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands makes the Banjar and the region as a Dutch colony. Thus the war against the Dutch because the Dutch are no longer intervene in the area of Banjar palace, but the war against Dutch colonialism who want to destroy the Muslims. Therefore, in 1861 came the death squads to defend the religion of Islam. The force is called Ba-Baratib War Forces charity. The cornerstone of their struggle is the sentence of God, Hadith Prophet Muhammad, ask syafa’at 40 prophets, sacred science of the Datu and Heroes. Before progressing to the battlefield, first, they purify the body of hadast with shower and ablution, then dressed in white like clothing Rasullullah war era. They also fasted then beratib ba charity (practice / mewiridkan one practice: Pen) until I forget myself. Then advanced into battle to face the enemy. They believe, if they fall in battle against the infidels Dutch and their allies, they die a martyr.

Leaders of the movement of Ba `War Beratib this mall is the religious teachers and the prince. Among the leaders of the Army War Baratib Perhaps this is the charity of Banua Lawas Badr Haji, the prince of Rashid, and Abdul Gani Buyasin headman of the village Amuntai Basil.

Sementera it Pula, Prince Hidayatullah who has been crowned as the Sultan of the Kingdom of Banjar in Amuntai repeatedly received offers of peace from the Netherlands, but the offer was always declined. With the ruse. Dutch Prince Hidayatullah tricked to come to-Martapura on orders Siti’s mother Queen Dowager. Queen Mother Queen Siti who can not read Latin letters to the Dutch believe it enough to sign a letter written by the Kingdom of the Netherlands as well as stamped Banjar. As a pious man, of Prince Hidatullah afraid of his mother. Hidayatullah Prince came to Martapura on March 3, 1862. Rock aat the same way, he was arrested and exiled to Cianjur.

Prince Antasari continue the struggle against the Dutch. But unfortunately he was a sickly start to Rahmatullah finally passed away on October 11, 1862.

Nevertheless, the war continues. Commander of the Army War Beratib Ba-Hajj Amal Buyasin fall in battle, following the then Chairman of the prince Rashid, Commander of Bukhari, Tumenggung State Tigers, Tumenggung Naro, and others,

Demat Lehman, leader of the guerrilla war untukwilayah Martapura Land Sea and was caught by fraud Dutch in Slippery Rock area and then transported to Martapura and hanged to death in the plaza III (now the Great Mosque of Al-page KaromahPen) Martapura. After that head cut off and sent to Holland. And there is a necklace around her neck ajimat. When ajimat is opened in it there is a white paper that read Arabic letters that people which means free or die


The Banjarmasin War (1859–1863) in southeast Kalimantan resulted in the defeat of the Sultan









Multatuli [1860] …aan Nederland…Koning Willem III

….dat dorp stond in brand, omdat het veroverd was door Nederlandsche soldaten…….

Ja, ‘t dorp was veroverd door Nederlandsche soldaten, en stond dus in brand.

Op Nederlandsche heldendaad volgt brand.
Nederlandsche overwinning leidt tot verwoesting.
Nederlandsche krygsbedryven baren wanhoop.

Maar terug naar ons verhaal:


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1861. Entire letter to Bordeaux from Batavia with blue prepaid datestamp of despatch (Feb 2) and thence via Suez and Marseille (March 15). Charged 16 decimes handstruck on arrival in black






1862 (14 May). Batavia – USA. Stampless env via London (27 June) + British Packet / Boston + 7sh / 7d + 20c US Charge. On reverse Singapore GPO May 1862 red cds


In 1862 werden in Paleis Rijswijk de eerste gasverlichtings armaturen van Batavia aangebracht.


Ook in 1862 verscheen een wat negatief commentaar over Paleis Rijswijk: waarom werd dit armetierige gebouw Paleis genoemd, aan de voorzijde hangt weliswaar het Wapen van het Koninkrijk van Nederland, maar de rest van het gebouw lijkt meer op een paardenstal dan een Paleis een Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië waardig.



01/07/1863 – 30/06/1868 C.F.W. Wiggers van Kerchem
Wiggers van Kerchem was appointed President per July 1, 1863. Wiggers van Kerchem was a member of the firm Tiedeman & van Kerchem in Batavia prior to his appointment. Per decree of June 30, 1868, it was decided to discharge Wiggers van Kerchem in the most honorable way. After finishing the concept of the fifth Exclusive Right that should be implemented per April 1, 1870, Wiggers van Kerchem decided to return to Europe for retirement


Very rare 1863 (5 Sept). Scotland – Batavia. Fkd GB E / 10d rate. Via Singapore fwding agent on front Martin Dice & Cº + boxed. Postage / 6 British Share offi 6d (xxx / RR) of transit charge + 1 shilling at dest. Reverse London. Exceptional exhibition rarity with pmks usage



Woodbury & Page

vanuit de Benedenstad langs het Molenvliet (links) meteen rechts de ingang van ons hote lin de verte links De Harmonie met rechts in dat ronde gebouw de Frank leermaker Oger Frèves

Hotel des Indes in 1863



Rare 1864, Post Offices Not Controlled By India – BATAVIA (Dutch East India): entire letter from Batavia, Java to London with small boxed ”INDIA PAID/BY BATAVIA” in black. This mark was applied by the Dutch P.O. in Batavia to all letters sent by the P.& O. Steamers to show that the steam postage had been paid. Endorsed ‘Per English Mail via Marseilles’ and ‘India Paid’, backstamped ”SINGAPORE P.O./6 APR(inverted)/1864” in red double circle, and despatch and arrival cds’s.

“Tarif à 30c pour le CHILI” : 1864 10c(n°21)+ 20c(n°22) sur lettre du HAVRE pour VALPAR
AISO. Tarif à 30c des batiments de Commerces(Par navire PADANG). TTB


The idea for a variety of new things realized in 1864. Based Besluit Governor-General dated August 7, 1864 No.18, Bandung defined as the central government Priangan Residency.

Thus, since then the city of Bandung has a double function, namely as the Capital District as well as the capital of Bandung Residency Priangan. At that time, who became Regent of Bandung is Wiranatakusumah RA IV (1846-1874).






De Javasche Bank note issues 1864


De Javasche Bank note issues, January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.

info source:Rob Huisman

In 1863, De Javasche Bank, was the circulation bank of the Netherlands Indies. One would expect it to be a well-established colonial institution, however the opposite is true. Research at the archives of the printer Joh. Enschede en Zonen at the Museum Enschedé in Haarlem, the Netherlands, shows a completely different picture. The board and especially the President of De Javasche Bank were directly involved in detail in all operational matters related to the design and ordering of their banknotes


01/07/1868 – 31/03/1870 J.W.C. Diepenheim
Wiggers van Kerchem was succeeded by Diepenheim by decree of June 30, 1868. Diepenheim who proviously was Secretary for two years, was President for a short period. He resigned shortly after the fifth Exclusive Right was made public. On March 18, 1870, his resignation was accepted. Diepenheim died in The Hague on May 21, 1875 in the age of 75.

01/04/1870 – 31/03/1873 F. Alting Mees (LL.M.)
By decree of March 19, 1870, Alting Mees was appointed to the position of President of the Javasche Bank. Alting Mees, previously lawyer and attorney, already served the bank as director for several years. Due to his appointment to President of the two high courts of the Netherlands Indies, he left the Javasche Bank per March 31, 1873.


01/04/1873 – 01/09/1889 N.P. van den Berg (LL.M.)                               
Norbertus Petrus van den Berg was chosen as the next President of the Javasche bank from two nominees and was appointed per decree of March 20, 1873. After more than 16 years of service, Van den Berg left the Netherlands Indies in 1889 to become Director of the Nederlandsche Bank and two years later President for a period of 21 years until the age of 81. He passed away in Amsterdam on January 8, 1917.

De Javasche Bank 1864-1895

January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.
Info Sources: Rob Huisman

In 1863, De Javasche Bank, founded in 1828, is a circulation bank in the Netherlands Indies. One would expect to become an established colonial institutions, but the opposite is true. Research in archives John printer. Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem Museum in Enschede, the Netherlands, showed a completely different picture. Council President De Javasche and in particular the Bank is directly involved in operational detail in everything related to design and order their paper money

Section 4, January 1864 – April 1895, printed by Joh. Enschede en Zn.

In 1863,

De Javasche Bank, founded in 1828, is a circulation bank in the Netherlands Indies.
One would expect to become an established colonial institutions, but the opposite is true.
Research in archives John printer. Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem Museum in Enschede,
The Netherlands, showed a completely different picture. Council and in particular President De
Javasche Bank directly involved in operational detail in all matters related to the design and
to order their paper money.

Reading through all the correspondence carefully stored and arranged between Javasche Bank
and printing companies in the homeland, one can feel the atmosphere of modern
entrepreneurial start-up companies. President (CEO) of E. Francis De Javasche Bank (DJB) and
Wiggers van Kerchem successor, wrote a letter to John. Enschede en Zn. (Later called the “Heeren
Enschedee te Haarlem “) on a regular basis to order the new banknotes, commenting on the quality and implementation
command, complained about delays in delivery, and often underscores the urgent need for new supplies to
those remote regions.

Most striking is that they often mention that the cost is to limit the maximum
important. The letters are written with beautiful calligraphy and using ways of polite and politically correct
complaining, urging, comment and criticize. Words such as “worry”, “disappointed”, “propose” and
“Like” is used regularly and frequently suggestions and proposals submitted by completing the statement
such as:

“But we rely on your expertise in this regard and believe you will make the right decision”.
E. Francis (he signed his letters with M. Francis), third President of Javasche Bank, started as a
employees in 1815 and worked his way in the service of civil government to finally be over
available to the Commissioner General of the servant. From 1848 to 1850 Francis is the Superintendent of Financial
and in 1851 he was honorably discharged from government service. Furthermore, Francis was appointed
Javasche to the President of the Bank under the decision dated March 4, 1851. In the early sixties of the 19th century,
De Javasche Bank started to prepare a complete new emission of paper money the Dutch East Indies. In
cooperation with the Nederlandsche Bank, De Javasche Bank is pointing towards the Netherlands
printer “De Heeren Enschedee” (now known as John. Enschede en Zn. (Enschede Security)) to have
The new banknotes are designed and manufactured. Francis was personally involved in the process and
communicate with the printer on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Francis did not stay in the office to see
the results of his efforts. At the request of Francis himself honorably discharged per July 1, 1863
The decision by 20 April 1863. In 1864 Francis published the book “De-beginselen regerings van
Nederlandsch Indie: getoetst aan de behoefte van moederland en kolonie “, expressed his
dissatisfaction with the implementation of a new economic system in the Netherlands Indies and
proposed inquiry by an independent committee. In 1869 Francis issued a request to
Dutch Parliament about his famous right to payment of pensions to retired civil servants
Government of the Netherlands Indies. This response proposal and the request is not found, leading to
believe that Francis ignored by the establishment and must fight for that trust and pension
pay the old days.
In a letter from Francis dated January 31, 1863, with the management of the Nederlandsche Bank, which
evidence has confirmed receipt of the record and the evidence has been approved. In the same letter Francis
raised some comments that he wanted to address:
– Size note: DJB prefer to be the difference in size between the records of 100 and 50
guilders. This means that the records of 1000, 500, 300, 200 and 100 will be great, and notes
of 50, 25 and 10 will be small size. DJB stated that if the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) think
the divide should be between 25 and 10 guilders, DJB will also agree.
– Character value in the corner records should be larger.
– Lions at 10 guilders note has an expression, surprised almost frightened. DJB would like
lion to have a more relaxed expression symbolizes strength.

– DJB would prefer that the signature is placed under the words “Secretary” and “President” and demand
words to be printed under the date as high as possible.
– DJB prefer that the date is printed on a printer that was not applied in (Joh. Enschede en Zn.)
DJB after arrival. In the case of a printer to print the date, Francis suggests choosing a date is not be
Christian holiday or Sunday and about 6 months after the date of expected departure from the
paper money.
– DJB stated that they calculated six months for the duration of the trip and apply numbers and
signatures for the amount of paper money needed for the exchange of banknotes in circulation today.
In early 1870 the delivery of DJB’s request to be sent through the Suez Canal opened, reducing the
travel time by more than 50%.

De Javasche fourth President of the Bank,

C.F.W. Wiggers van Kerchem, took office on July 1
1863 and continue the process of ordering new issues of paper money.
During the period January 1864 – April 1895, serial number and signature on the front and
cons in the opposite sign printed locally by the Bank in the Netherlands Indies Javasche on
complete records are sent from the printers in the Netherlands. The Bank also Javasche
ordering equipment numbering stamps and signatures of the printer and some blank signature stamps
in the case of signatories will change, allowing them to carve out a new signature stamps
own local. Together with the first order of 1864 new banknotes, the Bank Javasche
ordered the mechanic to accompany numbering machine and take care of the machine becomes
production. Willem Hooij contracted by Joh. Enschede en Zonen for traveling to Batavia in
Dutch East Indies and install the machine. In a letter from Hooij to John. Enschede en Zonen date
August 12, 1864, he wrote about President patient from Javasche Bank makes
difficulties because Hooij not get the machine installed in one day. Wiggers van Kerchem
invite a local printer to meet and together they underestimate Hooij.
161a – from private collections, with the Contra Mark printed in the lower right corner opposite.
All banknotes issued by the De Javasche Bank in the Dutch East Indies during the period 1864 to 1931
and printed by Johan Enschede en Zonen, bringing counter-sign, printed in the lower right corner or
lower center of the opposite. A code that is printed in black on the cap ellipse with a triangular shape
pointing outwards and have up to 5 numbers. Countries lower denomination notes issued during this
period does not have this mark.

Collectors who are familiar with the Dutch East Indies paper money from
This period may be aware that there is a relationship between the date of issuance and cons
the sign. Although it looks like a date then the higher the score, in reality this is not always
the case.
In order to determine the proper application of the mark cons, I gather more information about
than 150 records starting from 1864 to 1931. When setting up and organizing all relevant information
such as date, serial number and the cons, I observed the following:
– One of the unique sign of a counter is always connected to only one specific date of issue
– One of the specified date there are problems with different security code, but the security code that is close
– When a record is more of the same problem occurs with the same date and security code, the record has
combinations of the same character in the serial number
– When the date occurs with more than one mark each sign cons cons unique place with different
combinations of characters in the serial number of a specific problem or a sign of a counter connected to the
other denominations issued
– Many have missed the date, there are many days or weeks gap between one and the subsequent counter-sign
– Note the different denominations issued on the same date with different sign cons
– It seems that a range of sequence numbers is used to sign a counter that includes all the notes issued
from the entire period
– There are some exceptions in which the later date has a number of counter low marks
– No combination of different character serial number of a particular denomination with
same counter-sign.
– Changes from 4 to 5 digits occur in the course of 1918
– Note EXAMPLE frequently have signs that are not suitable to deviate counter the usual sequential increase
counter-sign and date.
Clearly, the Bank managed the Netherlands will keep detailed records of the security code and
dates and serial numbers of all paper money issued. It is unknown whether this note De Javasche
Banks still exist in archives somewhere today, although there are rumors that this record is still
present in the archives of Bank Indonesia in Jakarta.
Based on the “Note by PJ Soetens, former conservator DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank), the archive
Geldmuseum, Utrecht, The Netherlands “, I conclude that the Bank used the sign of De Javasche cons
number to identify a separate batch of unfinished bills are transported between
various departments, where they were printed with the serial number and signature, and finally
stored in a vault teller before circulation
Archives of Enschede Museum contains many original orders, production records,
delivery of information and also letters from Batavia where Javasche Bank confirms receipt
shipments. The author makes an overview of all this data and be able to specify the exact amount of
issued notes for each date of issuance. The number of issued notes mentioned in the summary below
should be regarded as a minimum. There is strong evidence that these figures actually incurred.
Although it is possible that more records were published, the opportunity – while there is no distinct
detailed records mention them – very small.
Here is an overview of the different banknotes and their varieties are printed in Johan
Enschede en Zonen in Haarlem, the Netherlands which will be issued by the De Javasche Bank in Batavia,
Dutch East Indies. Although there are rumors about another date of issue and signature combinations,
Overview below lists only those banknotes and varieties that writers have sufficient evidence that
they actually exist.
Java Auction Catalog (7), Cookies (15) and Mevius (16) mentions Van Duyn as a signatory, but
no one by that name is part of the board of DJB during the period. It seems that the signature
of H.P.J. van den Berg (Secretary of 19/10/1893 – 17/01/1899) has been mistaken as it looks like
Van Duyn. H.P.J. van den Berg, brother of the past president of the Bank Javasche NP van den Berg,
appointed as successor to President Groeneveld is on January 17, 1899, but died on February 9, 1899
in Nice, before actually starting his new position.



5 Gulden

1 Oktober 1866
issued : 100,000

10 Gulden

1 Februari 1864
issued : 350.000

25 Gulden

1 Agustus 1864
issued : 120.000


50 Gulden

174 – 1 September 1864
withdrawed l 1872 becaus e too many counterfiet circulated
issued : 40.000

100 Gulden

1 Maret 1864
issued : 60.000

200 Gulden


1 Januari 1864
issued : 16,010
Watermark: “JAV BANK.” and two  “200”  __________________________________________________________________________

300 Gulden

193 – 2 Mei 1864
issued : 6.000

500 Gulden

197 – 1 Juni 1864
197c – koleksi Museum Enschede (BB2140 28/13)

198 – 1 Juni 1872

issued : 2.000

1000 Gulden

1 Juli 1864
issued : 14,998



Dutch Indies NVPH 1 hinged

1864 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. wijnrood

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 400,00



Dutch Indies NVPH 1 used

1864 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. wijnrood

Mooie gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00

Halfround CDS on DEI first and second stamps

(courtecy Pipiet Sulistyowati)






1865, stampless native envelope w. framed „FRANCO” and violet „CHERIBON 15 9 1865” alongisde to Singapore, on reverse framed ”SINGAPORE/SHIPLETTER 10 OC. ..„ and ”SINGAPORE / PAID„

1865 (14 Sept). Batavia – India. Staylers envelope with contains. Arrival accts charge mark + red Bombay Oct 4,65 on reverse. VF appealing item.[


Photograph of night watchmen in Batavia by Isidore van Kinsbergen, 1865

Painting of Mount Merapi erupting in 1865, by Raden Saleh



Unusual 1866, “BATAVIA FRANCO” auf Brief nach Bremen über Triest mit blauem Tax-Vermerk “6” in guter Bedarfserhaltung


The emblems of the Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij

were deposed in 1866. They consisted of a larger emblem, a medial emblem and a cypher. [18]

GRECIA. 1866 (Jan.). Entire letter from CALIMNO to TRIESTE, with fine strike of oval Forwarding Agent´s cachet GEORGES CALVOCORESSI/SYRA in blue at upper left and SYROS despatch cds´s. Charged in manuscript with ´28´ (kreuzer) due marking on arrival. A fine entire.

Unusual Càd rouge BATAVIA sur lettre pour Bordeaux, taxe tampon 12 et très rare Càd d’entrée rouge (faible) INDES NEERL. / PAQ. BR. AMB. MARS. 1866. – B / TB.

In 1860 verkocht Wijss het hotel weer door aan de Fransman Cresonnier en deze Cresonnier was degene die Woodbury & Page foto’s liet maken van zijn Hotel Des Indes, waarom ? Inderdaad, om met deze
fotographieën reclame te maken…..

En dus hier slechts twee foto’s genomen van Hotel Des Indes door Woodbury & Page :


In 1866 ,



Bickmore stories …

Prof. Albert S. Bickmore was traveling in Sumatra, he saw not a little of these people, and he believed then that the place where their aboriginal civilization sprang up was very likely on the shores of that famous Sumatran lake, Lake Toba, and upon the neighboring plateau of Silindung. From this locality they gradually occupied an extensive domain in the in- terior, which was extended upon either side to the seacoast. Eventually, however, the Malays spread along the coast line, and thus confined the Battaks once more to the interior.


The origin of the Battas is doubtful

Battas or Dutch Battaks, the inhabitants of the formerly independent Batta country, in the central highlands of Sumatra, now for the most part subjugated to the Dutch government. The still independent area extends from 9 8 °-99° 35′ E., and 2°-3° 25′ S. North-east of Toba Lake dwell the Timor Batta [ Batak Timur = Simalungun now, red], and west of it the Pakpak [Dairi, red ], but on its north (in the mountains which border on the east coast residency) the Karo Batta [ Batak Karo , red ] form a special group, which, by its dialects and ethnological character, appears to be allied to the Gajus [ suku Gayo , red ] and Alias [suku Alas : red] occupying the interior of Achin [Aceh : red ].

The origin of the Battas is doubtful. It is not known whether they were settled in Sumatra before the Hindu period. Their language contains words of Sanskrit origin and others referable to Javanese, Malay and Tagal influence. Their domain has been doubtless much curtailed, and their absorption into the Achin and Malay population seems to have been long going on.

Battas are physically quite different from the Malay type

The Battas are undoubtedly of Malayan stock, and by most authorities are affiliated to that Indonesian pre-Malayan race which peopled the Indian Archipelago, expelling the aboriginal negritos, and in turn themselves submitting to the civilized Malays. In many points the Battas are physically quite different from the Malay type. The average height of the men is 5 ft. 4 in.[± 160-170 cm , red ]; of the women 4 ft. 8 in [± 130 – 140 cm , red ].


The Battas are dirty in their dress and dwellings and eat any kind of food

In general build they are rather thickset, with broad shoulders and fairly muscular limbs. The colour of the skin ranges from dark brown to a yellowish tint, the darkness apparently quite independent of climatic influences or distinction of race. The skulll is rather ovall than round. In marked contrast to the Malay type are the large, black, longshaped eyes, beneath heavy, black or dark brown eyebrows. The cheek-bones are somewhat prominent, but less so than among the Malays. The Battas are dirty in their dress and dwellings and eat any kind of food, though they live chiefly on rice. They are remarkable as a people who in many ways are cultured and possess a written language of their own, and yet are cannibals.
Battaks have long been notorious for the most revolting forms of cannibalism
The more civilized of them around Lake Toba are good agriculturists and stock-breeders, and understand iron-smelting. They weave and dye cotton, make jewellery and krisses which are often of exquisite workmanship, bake pottery, and build picturesque chalet-like houses of two storeys. They have an organized government, hereditary chiefs, popular assemblies, and a written civil and penal code. There is even an antiquated postal; system, the letter-boxes being the hollow tree trunks at crossroads. Yet in spite of this comparative culture the Battas have long been notorious for the most revolting forms of cannibalism. ( see: Memoirs of the Life, &c., of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, 1830.)

Battaks is mainly confined to a belief in three gods concept

The Battas are the only lettered people of the Indian Archipelago who are not Mahommedans. Their religion is mainly confined to a belief in evil spirits, but they recognize three gods, a Creator, a Preserver and a Destroyer, like a trinity suggestive of Hindu influence.
Up to the publication of Dr H. N. van der Tuuk’s essay, Over schrift en uitspraak der Tobasche taal (1855), our knowledge of the Batta language was confined to lists of words more or less complete, chiefly to be found in W. Marsden’s Miscellaneous Works, in F. W. Junghuhn’s Battalander, and in the Tijdschrift van het Bataviaasch Genootschap, vol. iii. (1855). By his exhaustive works (Bataksch Leesboek, in 4 vols., 1861-1862; Batakschnederduitsch Woordenboek, 1861; Tobasche Spraakkunst, 1864-1867) van der Tuuk made the Batta language the most accessible of the various tongues spoken in Sumatra.


Batta is poor in general terms, but abounds in terms for special objects

According to him, it is nearest akin to the old Javanese and Tagal, but A. Schreiber (Die Battas in ihrem Verheiltnis zu den Malaien von Sumatra, 1874) endeavoured to prove its closer affinity with the Malay proper. Like most languages spoken by less civilized tribes, Batta is poor in general terms, but abounds in terms for special objects. The number of dialects is three, viz. the Toba, the Mandailing and the Dairi dialects; the first and second have again two subdivisions each.
The Battas further possess six peculiar or recondite modes of speech, such as the Hata Andung, or language of the wakes, and the Hata Poda or the soothsayer’s language.
A fair acquaintance with reading and writing is very general among them. Battaks’s alphabet is said, with the Rejang and Lampong alphabets, to be of Indian origin.
The language is written on bark or bamboo staves from bottom to top, the lines being arranged from left to right. The literature consists chiefly in books on witchcraft, in stories, riddles, incantations, &c., and is mostly in prose, occasionally varied by verse.’
See also “Reisen nach dem Toba See,” Petermanns Mitteil. (1883); Modigliani, Fra i Batacchi indipendenti (Rome, 1892); Neumann, “Het Paneen Bilastroomgebiad,” Tydschr. Aardr. Gen., 1885-1887; Van Dijk in the same periodical (1890-1895); Wing Easton in the Jaarboek voor het Mynwezen, 1894; Niemann in the Encyclopaedia van Nederlandsch-Indie, under the heading Bataks, with very detailed bibliography; Baron J. v. Brenner, Besuch bei den Kannibalen Sumatras (Wurzburg, 1893); H. Breitenstein, 21 Jahre in Indien, Java, Sumatra (Leipzig, 1899-1900); G. P. Rouffaer, Die BatikKunst in niederlcindisch-Indien and ihre Geschichte (Haarlem, 1899).



1867, vorphilatelistischer Brief aus Benkoelen (Küstenprovinz in Sumatra)nach den Niederlanden, schwarzer „FRANCO” cds. und roter Ankunftsstempel „S’GRAVENHAGE JUN 67”.



In line with the development function, in the city of Bandung was built buildings in the area Cicendo prefecture (now the Home Office of the Governor of West Java) and a government hotel. The building was completed residency in 1867.







Dutch Indies NVPH 2 hinged

1868 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. karmijnrood

Mooie ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met originele bruinige gom + cert. NVPH

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 1500,00+++


Dutch Indies NVPH 2 used

1868 – Koning Willem III – 10 ct. karmijnrood

Mooie gebruikte (used) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 225,00


1868 – Envelope from Cheribon (Java Island) May 1, 1868 to Samarang (Java Island), bearing 10 cent. lake (Yv. 1 – King William III), tied by “Cheribon/1/5/1868/Franco” semi-circle postmark. Alongside same postmark in black over c.d.s. in red of Cheribon. On the reverse c.d.s. of Samarang “3/5/1868” on arrival. Several handstamps on the front and back in Javanese language. Very fine and rare. Est E 10000,-

1868, incoming mail: stampless cover from Netherlands w. red „TERBORGH 8 APR 68” endorsed „Via Marseilles” to Benkoelen/Sumatra w. red arrival „BENKOELEN 28/5 1868


DEI Half cent castcoin 1858

The Town Hall in the old city center built in 1710 (3rd building)

Military parade in front of the statue of Jan Pietersz. Coen at Waterloo-square during the coronation celebrations of Queen Wilhelmina, 1898.

The Artesian well at Salemba, 1885.

The Artesian well at the Koningsplein square, 1885.

The City Theatre, 1865

The ‘Landsarchief’ – the colonial archives, housed in a former country house built around 1760

A typical Chinese house.

The shop of ‘Eigen Hulp’ at the Molenvliet-West canal, 1890.

Building in the botanical gardens and zoo.

Bathing kids in the Molenvliet canal next to ‘De Harmonie’ society builing. (Architect: J.C. Schultze, 1815)‘De Harmonie’ society building, 1875.

The Aceh monument at the Koningsplein square

The protestant Willemskerk, 1875.

Museum of the Society for Arts and History. (Built in 1862)

Military Society on the east side of the Waterlooplein square, corner Sipajersweg-road.

www.geheugenvannederland.nlMilitary Society Concordia.

Weltevreden Palace at the Koningsplein square, 1880.

Soldiers in front of a ‘watch-house’ of Weltevreden Palace, 1880.

Audience-hall in the Palace

The Palace (back), 1875.

palace interior

Volksraad or Council of the Indies Building or Raad van Indië (founded in 1918).


Private estate in Rijswijk in Batavia, 1875.

www.geheugenvannederland.nlPrivate estate, 1856-1878.









Off cover Semicircle cheribon PMK 28.11.1869

Batavia half round PMK to cognae

DUTCH INDIES 1868-73, Six folded entires to France from the Dutch Indies, all with semi-circle BATAVIA desptach cds, plus one item from Sydney/Australia, fine (Est. € 100/200)


In 1869 kreeg Gouverneur-Generaal Pieter Mijer toestemming voor de bouw van Paleis Koningsplein.

1866 – 1872

Gouverneur-Generaal Pieter Mijer


Rare Off cover wille II perf second DEI stamp

CDS semicircle Buitenzorg 18.6.1870

Dutch Indies Proof 12-a hinged (scan A)


Emissie 1870 – Koning Willem III – Proef 12-a 10 cent zwart
Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel
Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 25,00






Dutch Indies Proof 17-a hinged (scan A)


Emissie 1870 – Koning Willem III – 17-a 10 cent geelgroen
Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel
Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 85,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00+



Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F MNH

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – schaarse zegel!!! + fotocertificaat C. Muis –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 600,00+++

Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F used

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige gebruikte (used) zegel – lastige zegel!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00+


Dutch Indies NVPH 5 F MNH block

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 2 ct. lilabruin

Prachtige postfris (MNH) blok  – als blok zeer schaars!!!!  !    + fotocertificaat NKD – zegels zijn ook los te bestellen met kopie fotocertificaat ad € 495 per stuk – also 1 piece € 495 with copy certificate!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 2400,00+++








Dutch Indies NVPH 3 hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type I

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 15,00



Dutch Indies NVPH 4 hinged

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type II

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel met volle originele gom

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 10,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 4 MNH

1870 -1888 Koning Willem III – 1 ct. grijsgroen Type II

Mooie postfrisse (MNH) zegel met volle originele gom.

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 45,00


Dutch Indies NVPH 7 F MNH

1870-1888 Kon. Willem III – 2,5 ct. geel -7 F

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00++




Dutch Indies NVPH 9 MNH

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 10 ct. oranjebruin –

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 150,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 12 G hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 20 ct. ultramarijn –

G – Kamtanding 11,5 : 12 grote gaten

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 350,00







Dutch Indies NVPH 10 H MNH block of 4

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 12,5 ct. grijs

– H – tanding 12,5 – kleine gaten

Prachtig postfris (MNH) blok van 4 zegels – zeer zeldzaam!!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH ca. € 680,00 – omgerekend via cat NVPH!!!





Dutch Indies NVPH 12 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 20 ct. ultramarijn

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 160,00

Dutch Indies NVPH 13 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III – 25 ct. donkerpaars

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel – prachtig van kleur!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 40,00+





Dutch Indies NVPH 14 K MNH

1870 – 1888     Koning Willem III – 30 ct. groen

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 350,00++


Dutch Indies NVPH 15 H MNH

1870 – 1888     Koning Willem III – 50 ct. karmijn

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel met iets ingedroogde gom  – SCHAARSE ZEGEL!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 300,00++





Dutch Indies NVPH 16 A MNH

1876 – 1889 Koning Willem III – 16 A Lijntanding 14 kl. gaten

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 675,00+++

Dutch Indies NVPH 16 hinged

1870 – 1888 Koning Willem III

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 125,00




Dutch Indies NVPH 16 MNH

1876 – 1889 Koning Willem III Kamtanding

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer schaars!!!!! + cert. Vleeming

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 650,00+++



original info:

Maar natuurlijk hebben we ook een schets van iemand anders met een van de beroemde Javaanse Waringinbomen, een mistieke boom die nooit gekapt mocht worden, want in de boom wonen boomgeesten.

Plotseling zwenkt de koetsier rechts af, voert ons een met hoge, schaduwrijke waringinbomen beplant plein op en doet het rijtuig voor

de marmeren vestibule van het kolossale Hotel des Indes



Cresonnier overleed in 1870, zijn familie verkocht het hotel aan Theodoor Gallas die het op zijn beurt weer verkocht in 1886 aan Jacob Lugt voor dfl 177.000,=. Lugt breidde het hotel fors uit met allerlei grondaankopen van de buren. In 1897 werd zelfs de N.V. Hotel Des Indes door Lugt opgericht, want in de jaren negentig ontstond er in de kolonie een economische depressie. Door die N.V. was Lugt niet meer persoonlijk aansprakelijk.




Rare Càd BATAVIA PP (R) semi circircle PMK sur imprimé complet pour Nantes + taxe tampon 20 (R) et Càd d’entrée octo rouge INDES NEER V. S. / P. F. AMB. MAR. 1872. – TB. – R

  1. (7 Feb) Padang to Enschede/Netherlands. Printed matter franked 10c. King William III orange brown perf, tied “Padang/Franco”, also alongside. V. fine and early usage.[ 11388]




Since the establishment of the VOC in the seventeenth century, the expansion of Dutch territory had been founded on business. However from the mid-nineteenth century it was Dutch national expansionism, in line with the prevailing empire-building outlook of Europe during the era of New Imperialism, that saw them wage a series of wars to enlarge and consolidate their possessions.[8] The most prolonged of these was the Aceh War in which a Dutch invasion in 1873 was met with indigenous guerrilla resistance and ended with an Acehnese surrender in 1912.[7] Disturbances continued to break out on both Java and Sumatra during the remainder of the 19th century,[3] however, the island of Lombok came under Dutch control in 1894,[9] and Batak resistance in northern Sumatra was quashed in 1895.[7].



Dutch Indies NVPH postage due 1 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer

Prachtige ongebruikte (MNH) zegel met voor deze zegel een bijzonder mooie centrering

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 375,00+

Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 2 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 10 ct. groen op geel

Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 150,00




Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 3 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 15 ct. oranje op geel

Prachtige schaarse ongebruikte (hinged) zegel –

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 30,00

Top of Form

€ 14,50





Dutch Indies NVPH Postage due 4 hinged

1874 -1875 Groot waardecijfer – 20 ct.groen op blauw –  Prachtige ongebruikte (hinged) zegel

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 60,00

Top of Form

€ 29,50

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form


Dutch Indies NVPH postage due 09 B TIII MNH + cert M

1874 -1875 Cijfer in zwart – 20 ct.

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel – zeer zeldzaam – very rare !!!!!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 840,00++ omgerekend naar postfris




EIC was indirectly subject to the British government and it ruled India through the three presidencies of Bombay, Madras, and Bengal, each of which maintained forces for internal and external defense.T


he backbone of the EIC military system was the Indian regular soldier or sepoy (from the Persian sipahi) and for infantry private (a cavalry trooper was a Sowar).

They served under mainly British officers and mainly Indian NCOs

The painting above depicts a soldier of the European Company of the West Coast of Sumatra garrison, on duty at Fort Anne, Moco Moco, circa 1764.
Courtesy: Alan Harfie, “A History on the Honourable East India Company’s,
Garrison on the West Coast of Sumatra 1685-1825”

Native Troops, East India Companys Service, A Sergeant and a Private Grenadier Sepoy of the Bengal Army, from Costumes of the Army of the British Empire, according to the last regulations 1812, published by Colnaghi and Co. 1812-15, Charles Hamilton Smith.

British officers, trained at the EIC’s ‘military seminary’ at Addiscombe, held their commissions from the EIC’s court of directors and enjoyed the right of command over British troops.


Akhir abad ke-19. Belanda menata ulang pemerintahan Priangan dan membaginya menjadi 9 afdeeling (Jerman: Abteilung).



Salah satunya adalah Sukapura di bawah Raden Tumenggung Wiratanubaya IV. Wirahadiningrat (1874-1906)

memperoleh penghargaan bintang Oranye Nassau dari Belanda



1876 (6 Oct). Batavia – Netherlands. eL full text fkd 10c + 50c red, tied “4” dots + cds alongside. Via Marseille / Deutchland Packen. VF + Scarce 50c on cover.[

DOT Postmark

Dot postmark no 98 from ?

F.D. Cochius was born 3rd of December 1787 in Valburg.

His parents are Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius and Anna Dibbets.

He died in Huize Vredenoord near Rijswijk, Netherlands on 1st of May 1876.



1877 5c + 10c(x2) + Boxed NED. INDIE/VIA NAPELS on cover to GERMANY. Rare so early. Vf.

1877 (10 July). Batavia – Deft. 5c stat card + 10c adtl / cds + boxed “Ned Indies / Via Marseille”. VF



1879 William 12,5 CT 5 Mint collectible , 150K




House in Batavia, from Le Tour du Monde, 1879


Dutch intervention in Lombok and Karangasem against the Balinese in

Source Ebay



During one of the many Sasak peasant rebellions against the Balinese, Sasak chiefs sent envoys to the Dutch in Bali and invited them to rule Lombok. In June 1894, the governor general of the Dutch East Indies, Van der Wijck, signed a treaty with Sasak rebels in eastern Lombok. He sent a large army to Lombok and the Balinese raja capitulated to Dutch demands.(see Dutch intervention in Lombok) The younger princes however overruled the raja and attacked and routed the Dutch.

Source Ebay




The Dutch counterattacked overrunning Mataram and the raja surrendered. The entire island was annexed to theNetherlands East Indies in 1895. The Dutch ruled over Lombok’s 500,000 people with a force of no more than 250 by cultivating the support of the Balinese and Sasak aristocracy. The Dutch are remembered in Lombok as liberators from Balinese hegemony.

Source Ebay





  1. Soerabaja – Batavia. Reg 10c brown stat env + 2 adtls / box x5 red wax seals reg on reverse. Fine. Not common.













In 1879

the Koningsplein Palace beginning to built,and klater became Rijswijk Palace Of DEI Govenour General


En dus (?) werd in 1879 begonnen met de bouw van Paleis Koningsplein, in de achtertuin van Paleis Rijswijk…

19th Century19e eeuw

Old DEI Gouvenor General Palace Rijswijk at Batavia Het (Oude) Rijswijk Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Rijswijk, Batavia



In 1879

werd het Paleis Koningsplein officieel geopend, het zou dienst doen tot 1949.

Op Paleis Koningsplein zou de Indonesische vlag voor het eerst gaan wapperen.

Luchtfoto Koningsplein Batavia

Met het (werk) Paleis / Residentie van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië

…….indien aanwezig in Batavia……..

Het (woon) Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië was in Buitenzorg

zie hieronder

Waar lagen nu al die Paleizen, daarvoor pakken we de kaart van Batavia uit 1897 weer erbij:

Batavia plattegrond 1897

Ten noorden van het woord Rijswijk op het Koningsplein lag het (nieuwe) Koningsplein Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië, dit is dus het laatste Paleis / Residentie geweest van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië. In dit Paleis vond dus de Soevereiniteitsoverdracht in Batavia in 1949 plaats, een foto van deze Soevereiniteitsoverdracht staat verderop in het verhaal.

Het Koningsplein Paleis werd gebouwd in de achtertuin van het (oude) Rijswijk Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië, op de kaart het rode blokje ten noorden van het Koningsplein paleis.


Het Rijswijk Paleis lag aan het Molenvliet water, de weg erlangs heette ook Rijswijk. Aan de overkant van het Molenvliet heette de weg langs het Molenvliet Noordwijk. Kortom, de weg langs de noordoever van het Molenvliet heette dus Noordwijk, de weg langs de zuidoever Rijswijk !

Het Paleis van Daendels ligt aan het Waterlooplein, (nummer 19 op de kaart), ten oosten van het Koningsplein.

Het Waterlooplein is natuurlijk vernoemd naar de Slag bij Waterloo. Ter ere van de overwinning op















Unusuak 1880, 80 R / 80 R double card brownish-yellow, sent from „MACEIO 24 ABR 94” via London with red cds „LIVERPOOL MY 16 94 SHIP”

to Rembang, there forwarded to Toeban,)Java)

Java with arrival 19 … 1894, reply card unused, extremly rare destination!

Unusual 1880 (20 July). Soerabaja to Woolwich/Maine/U.S.A. Roughly opened envelope franked King William III. 50c. red, tied dots cancels, cds. alongside. Via London and N.Y. on reverse. Scarce


In 1880, the first major railroad between Jakarta to Bandung was opened, boosting light industry and bringing in Chinese workers










Dutch Indies NVPH 5-13 MNH

1882 – 88     Cijfer in zwart

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels – schaars!! met cert. Muis voor Nr 9

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 5,00+++


2 Cover William (1) Cirebon to Indramayu (2) Madiun to Cirebon , 1888 & 1889 , 150K



Dr iwan comment

I have the same cover send from Padang pandjang to Padang.

Di bawah ini beberapa nama bupati di daerah(the regent Of)  Priangan,yakni:

  1. Bupati Sumedang XV (1882-1918), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Sadeli, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja, dan setelah wafat dijuluki Pangeran Mekah karena ia wafat di Mekah sewaktu menunaikan obadah haji.
  2. Bupati Sumedang XV (1882-1918), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Sadeli, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja, dan setelah wafat dijuluki Pangeran Mekah karena ia wafat di Mekah sewaktu menunaikan obadah haji.
  3. Bupati Bandung X (1893-1918), sewaktu muda diberi nama Kusumaningrat, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Raden Adipati Aria Martanegara, dan setelah pensiun hingga wafat digelari Kangjeng Burujul karena setelah pensiun ia tinggal di desa Burujul, Sumedang.
  4. Bupati Cianjur IX (1834-1862), sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Hasan, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Dalem Pancaniti karena selama menjadi bupati ia lebih senang tinggal di paviliyun kabupaten yang biasa disebut pancaniti dari pada tinggal dibangunan utama kabupaten.
  5. Bupati Limbangan yang memerintah antara tahun 1836-1871, sewaktu kecil dipanggil Aom Jenon, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal dengan nama Tumenggung Jayaningrat, dan setelah naik pangkat menjadi Raden Adipati Wiratanuningrat VII. Setelah pensiun dan wafat dikenal sebagai Dalem Sepuh (Bupati Tua).
  6. Bupati Sukapura yang memerintah antara tahun 1855-1975, sewaktu kecil dipanggil Raden Tanuwangsa, setelah menjadi bupati dikenal sebagai Tumenggung Wiratanubaya, setelah naik pangkat menjadi Raden Adipati Wiradadaha. Setelah wafat dikenal sebagai Dalem Bogor karena ia dibuang ke Bogor oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda akibat dianggap kurang loyal.

Ada beberapa yang mendapat julukan Dalem Bintang karena mereka mendapat tanda jasa berupa gouden ster Nederlandsche-Leeuw (bintang mas singa Belanda), misalnya RAA. Wiranatakusumah IV  Bupati Bandung (1846-1874), R. Adipati Wirahadiningrat Bupati Sukapura (1874-1904).



Dutch Indies NVPH 17-22 MNH

1883 -1890 Cijferserie zonder watermerk

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) serie, schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 475,00+


Dutch Indies NVPH 21 c MNH

1883 -1890 Cijferserie zonder watermerk – kamtanding 12,5 kleine gaten in olie-achtige druk!!!!

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegel, zeer schaars!!

Cat. waarde (value) NVPH € 325,00+



  1. Poerworedjo – Batavia. 5c black stat card. VF.[
  2. Cheribon – Batavia. 10c ovptd stat env. F-VF


Java. Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after T. Taylor. 1884. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted

Native Battak and Atjeh ethnic Original wood engraving engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Light foxing. Hand-coloured. 20x13cm. Matted.

Native ethnic Moi Indonesia. Original wood engraving drawn by G. Vuillier, engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x12cm. Mounted

Gravure, engraving, Plates, Stiche, Indonésie, Indonesia, Moi People, Peuple Moï, Klawelem, Makbon, Mosana, Mooi, Mekwei

Timor island Original wood engraving drawn by T. Taylor, engraved by A. Sargent. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request

Batavia forest in 1884

Photo traveller Palm Batavia in 1850

  • Francis Frith, born 1822 – died 1898 (maker)
  • Francis Frith, born 1822 – died 1898 (maker)
  • Francis Frith was one of the most successful commercial photographers from the 1850s and 1860s. He also established what was to become the largest photographic printing business in England. This image is part of the V&A’s Francis Frith ‘Universal Series’ archive which consists of over 4000 whole-plate albumen prints predominantly of historical and topographical sites. Images such as these were highly desirable throughout the 1850s and 1860s.
  • It is now known that nearly all of the works bearing the F. Frith and Co. stamp were not taken by Frith himself, but by one of his travelling employees. Photographers associated with Frith’s ‘Universal Series’ include Robert Napper (Andalusia), Frank Mason Good (Egypt) and Frederick William Sutton and Hugo Lewis Pearson (Japan). In addition to hiring his own photographers, Frith also bought the negative stocks of established photographers such as Roger Fenton and Francis Bedford.
  • The images that make up the V&A Frith ‘Universal Series’ are file prints acquired from F. Frith & Co. Ltd of Reigate, Surrey. Mounted on brown card, with the place name and stock number usually handwritten on the print itself, they were most probably used as place-markers within the company’s filing system, allowing for easy retrieval of stocks of unmounted prints.
  • Frith’s growing business coincided with many technological developments taking place within the field of photography. These developments changed and expanded the audience for photography and Frith’s operation was well-prepared to provide for it and, it can be argued, worked to develop it employing a diverse range of publishing channels. Targeted towards a market that would later adopt the postcard as the ideal format for its needs, the ‘Universal Series’ forms a bridge between the initial low volume craft/art production associated with photography of the 1850s and the more commercial mass production work of the latter half of the century.





The development occurred after the Bandung railway transport operations to and from the city since 1884.

Because the city of Bandung serves as a center of railroad transportation “West Lin”, it has encouraged the development of life in the city of Bandung with the increase in population from year to year.

At the end of the 19th century, the population of the European group number has reached thousands of people and demands an autonomous institution that can take care of their interests. Meanwhile the central government realized the failure of centralized government system following the implementation of its impact. Therefore, the government arrive at a policy to replace the system of government with a system of decentralization, decentralization not only in finance, but also decentralization in the field of government granting autonomy (zelfbestuur)

In this case, the government of Bandung regency under the leadership of Regent RAA Martanagara (1893-1918) welcomed the idea of the colonial government. Ongoing autonomous government in Bandung, means the district gets a special budget fund from the previous colonial government did not exist.



INDIA HOLANDESA. 1885 (Aug 28). 5c. green postal stationery card used to Batavia cancelled by ´Tegal´ cds in black with framed ´Poerwokerto´ handstamp at left and Weltvreden cds below. Scarce.

  1. Weltevreden – Batavia. 5c lilac stat card. Namidd stline. VF


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1885 (Aug 28). 5c. green postal stationery card used to Batavia cancelled by ´Tegal´ cds in black with framed ´Poerwokerto´ handstamp at left and Weltvreden cds below. Scarce.


1886 (30 Aug). Batavia – Switzerland. Registered 10c stat env + 5x10c adtls / “10” dots cancel, box + proper transits 5 red wax seal on reverse. VF multiple usage

1886 (7 March). Sokaboemi – Batavia. 5c green stat card. VF

Borneo. Original wood engraving drawn by Langlois, engraved by Barbant. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 18,5×12,5cm. Mounted.

Java. Original wood engraving drawn by A. Slom, engraved by C. Barbant. 1884. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request.

Koepang Timor Original wood engraving drawn by G. Vuillier, engraved by F. Meaulle. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request




  1. Soerabaja – Klaten 16.7.1887 – Kelandan – Semarang. 5c dark green stat card. VF
  2. Padang – Austria. Registered multifkd env 10c + 25c (x3) bluish paper. Stline via Marseille. VF




Sumatra. Original wood engraving by A. Slom. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted

Brass island Atjeh Feli Jungle Sumatra. Original wood engraving by P. Langlois. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted

Sourabia Java. Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after T. Taylor. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted.

Bali. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Kohl. 1889. Foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm.

Banda Niera Islands. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Kohl. 1889. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Ternate Mollucas Islands. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Méaulle. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Batavia(Jakarta)Indonesia. Original wood engraving drawn by Taylor. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm.

Raegent Preager Original wood engraving, engraved by C. Barbant after A. Slom 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Matted

Manado Original wood engraving drawn by Taylor, engraved by Méaulle. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Scan can be provided on request




5 c. Yellow green stationery card, H & G 8, but with additional sender´s address surrounding the card in red print, used to SOLOK cancelled by BATAVIA despatch cds and WELTVREDEN, PADANG and PADANG PANDJANG cds´s. Unusual and fine early stationery advertising item for this area.

. Borneo. Original wood engraving drawn by Weber, engraved by Barbant. 1889. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19x13cm. Mounted.

Borneo. Original wood engraving, engraved by Hildibrand after Ronjat. 1889. Light foxing in the margins. Hand-coloured. 18x12cm. Matted.



Borneo. Original wood engraving, engraved by H. Thiriat. In texte, printed on the reverse side. 1889. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 15,5×11,5cm.



04/12/1889 – 19/09/1893 S.B. Zeverijn
Altough the board recommended Buijskes to become the next President, the Governor General appointed S. B .Zeverijn to that position by decree of August 21, 1889. Zeverijn was forced because of illness to leave for Europe on March 1, 1893 where he died on December 13, 1893





Dutch Indies NVPH post 13C + 13B MNH

1882-88 Cijfer in zwart – 13C + 13B  gecombineerde tanding 11,5:12,00) + 12,5:12

Prachtige postfrisse (MNH) zegels met de niet gave boventanding, zoals beschreven in de NVPH catalogus – schaars!!!

Cat. waarde (value) ca. € 160,00+ (omgerekend via de NVPH cat.)


Above tjilatjap 9.12. 1882 dot pmk no 21 to stuttgart germany

Below semarang dot pmk no 4

1882 P./Stat 7 1/2c canc. LAHAT + NI.EXP.KANT SINGAPORE + french LIGNE N PAQ FR to GERM


  1. KR(small Circle) Koedoes – 4.11.1883 Semarang. 10c stat env ovptd

The Dieanst free Post form the commandant of 4th Battalion depot Padang CDS Padang 22/2/1893 to commandat RH 16th Infantry Battalion CDS Fort de Kock(Boekittinggi) 23.2.1883






February ,19th.1883


The Official dienst free port post card from Assisten resident Of 50 kota(Pajacombo) via CDS Fort de Kock CDS destination 19.2.1883 to CDS Padang 21.2.1883

  1. Tegal – Samarang. 10c stat env ovptd used bilingual. VF




Rare 1884. Djokjakarta – France. Registered 25c stat env + 10c adtl. Boxed “Ned Indies / Via Naples”. Fine

  1. Cheribon – Batavia. 10c ovptd stat env. F-VF.[ 528196]



The road is now called Jalan Asia-Afrika in memory of the conference.

Mileposts on the road were numbered starting at Bandung. Rapid growth of the city, however, began only after the railroad from Batavia (now Jakarta) arrived in 1884





Soerakarta to Weltevreden batavia

Lang (straight log) stempel(PMK) halte Poerwokerto CDS Tegal 27/8/1885 to Batavia cds weltevreden


Ordonasi Reveneu

REVENUE ORDONASI 1885 the new order of Revenue stamped in 1885 had changed to the newe order”ordonatie op de heffing van Zege recht van nederlandch Indie” in this ordonatie there were practise revenue with the same (seragam) Reveneu from one and half G and from 10 cent.This ordonatie still used until the new ordonatie in 1921. please look at the regulation in Indonesia language below,





  1. Cheribon – Semarang. 10c intense red – brown stat env bilingual. F-VF.[
  2. Bandoeng to Gravenhage. 5c green King William stationery with additional 2½ yellow orange (Sc. 19), tied c.d.s.´s Ned Indie/Via Brindisi”(**) box alongside, as well as arrival c.d.s. and “c.12”. Light vertical crease not affecting stamps.[



  1. Kediri – Netherlands. Registr 10c stat env + 25c x2 adtls. VF

1887 (10 Dic). Straits Settlements 3c card written from Pº (Penang/Pulan Pinang) and crossed over to Weltevreden (12 Dic) where franked also with Dutch Indies 5c green, tied cds via Soerabaja (15 Dic), and arriving to Borneo/Banjermasin on the 23 (?) Dic 1887. An extraordinary scarce usage from a Malayan outpost with combination of a Dutch stamp est Price: $ 2,500.00





2.11.1888 Dutch East indie(DEI) first issued revenue stamp 5 cent , please report the earliest used and another high nominal revenue issued like 10 gld





  1. Tegal – Samarang. 10c stat env. VF. Bilingual chinese

The official dienst free port card of Padang cds 10..10.1889 to Welteverden CDs 12/10.1889

1889, portofreie Dienstbriefkarte vs. grünlich, rs. weiß, (DIENSTBRIEFFKAART), aus „WELTEVREUEN 12.10.89” nach Batavia mit Durchgangsstempel „PADANG”, die Nutzung dieser Dienstsbriefkarten war gesetztlich geregelt (Staatsblad 1880 No. 165)., oben kleiner Einriß

  1. (21 Jan.) Tegal to Den Haag/Holland. 7½ Bister brown King stationery, cancelled c.d.s. (***) with several transits and marks on front and reverse, including “Napostijd” in box and “Ned India/via Marseille”. Min. hole in upper center, otherwise fine item


The latset used of five cent nedl Oost Indie  Revennue stamp in 1889








1890 (8 Dec). Medan – Suriname / Paramaribo. Fkd env 10c + 15c via Italian with arrival / transit. Extremely rare inter Dutch Colonies dest mail.[ 536304]

Bid Info: Price: $ 1,250.00

  1. Semerang dot PMK no 2 small round(KL)- Magelang. 10c stat env local usage


The church of Our Lady of Assumption at waterlooplein stood until 9 April 1890 when it collapsed due to old age and poor maintenance.

A new church was rebuilt in its place between 1891 and 1901 and today it stands as the Jakarta Cathedral. The church is acknowledged as an integral instrument for the spread of Roman Catholicism in Java during the 19th century


1891 (April 23). Provisional 15c. on 25c. violet postal stationery envelope sent registered to Rotterdam cancelled by Magelang cds´s. Framed ´Ned Indie/Par Marseille´ in black on front, reverse with Semarang, Weltvreden and Rotterdam arrival datestamp.

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1891 (April 16). Cover to Germany endorsed ´Via Singapore´ bearing 1870-88 25c. violet, slight faults, tied by framed ´Sambas´ handstamp and ´36´dotted lozenge, Pontianak (Borneo) cds at upper right. Framed ´Ned: Indie / Via Brindisi´ route mark in black, reverse with fine ´N. I. Agent Singapore´ cds (April 21). Scott 13

INDIA HOLANDESA. 1891 (April 23). Provisional 15c. on 25c. violet postal stationery envelope sent registered to Rotterdam cancelled by Magelang cds´s. Framed ´Ned Indie/Par Marseille´ in black on front, reverse with Semarang, Weltvreden and Rotterdam arrival datestamp.

Rare Puntstempel (dot pmk)112 – Goenoeng Toea – mooi en volledig op envelop 25 cent 18-12-1891 via Padang naar Geisweid (D),

Posta lly used leltter sheet willem III cover rare dot stamped 112-Goenoeng toea and smalll round CDs Goennoeng Toea (south tapanoeli) 1812-1891 to Gestwaal netherland via choped NE.Indie. via genua,







Cover William 12,5C dengan tambahan bea 2,5C using “SHIPCANCEL” Longbar + Dotmart 1 , 225K





Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016

If you want buy the complete E-Book, please contact, please upload your iD-Card copy with complete adress and shorth working history, and to more communication you must be my web blog Premium member with tarnsfer US 25,- or send enenvelope via airmail with stamps or old money with the same value. The price of this CD-Rom Only US 100.-

In the War of 1819 the first Palembang,

the fort was tested by cannon shells Dutch corvette, but not one bullet that can penetrate both walls and doors. Due to run out of bullets and gunpowder, then the Dutch fleet escaped to Batavia. From this was born the phrase, which states that work for nothing, because it does not bring results: ration runs out, no ne of Palembang, means the act or attempt that did not give results, only brought loss and fatigue sernata. This event is written with great charm in Menteng War poem or a poem also called the War of Palembang.

In addition to beautiful and sturdy, Kuto Besak is located in strategic places, namely in the fields like floating on the water. She lies on the “island”, ie the area surrounded by the Musi River (in the front or south), in the western part limited by Sekanak River, bounded on the east Tengkuruk River and behind, or the northern part limited by Kapuran River. This area is called Land of the Palace.


Figure sketch Palembang Palace by J. Jeakes

Forms and soil conditions in the city of Palembang as if to the islands, and by the Dutch people gave him the title as the de Twintig Eilanden der Stad (City of Twenty-Island). Further according to G. Bruining, the island’s most valuable (dier Eilanden) is the place Kuto Besak, Kuta Lama and the Great Mosque stands.

Formation of the islands in the city of Palembang is because the number of children who crossed the river and cut the city. Naturally also called the City if Palembang River Hundred. Whereas in the early colonial era, Palembang dubbed by them as het Indische Venetie. Another epithet is de Stad des Vredes, namely a peaceful place (meaning Dar’s Greetings). And indeed this is the name of the official name of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam.

Castle Map Kuto Besak (plus sign) visits with wikimapia
[Click to enlarge]

Structure and Technical

According I. J. Sevenhoven, the first Dutch commisaris Regeering in Palembang, Kuto Besak roede width and 77 length 49 roede (Amsterdamsch roede = approximately 3.75 m, or the length is 288.75 meters and 183.75 meters wide), with a strong wall around and the height and width of 30 feet 6 or 7 feet. This wall is strengthened with bastions 4 (bastion). Inside there was a similar wall and nearly as tall, with the gates strong, so this can also be used for defense if the first wall can be broken (see LJ. Sevenhoven, Painting, page 14).

Recent measurements of the consultants themselves have a slightly different size, which is 290 meters long and 180 meters wide.

Opinions de Sturler on the condition of the fort Kuto Besak:
“… 77 roede width and length 44 roede, equipped with a 3 and a half bastion bastion management, which complements a wall around all four sides. Walls are thick and 5 feet high from the ground 22 and 24 feet.
On the inside in the middle of the palace called Dalem, especially for the king’s residence, several feet higher than ordinary buildings. Entirely surrounded by high walls, so bring a protection for the king. No one may approach the royal residence unless the family or the person who ordered. Other stone buildings in the palace is a place to store ammunition and bullets “. (see W. L de Sturler – Proeve – 186 pages)

Site Plan Palace of Palembang in 1811 [click image to enlarge]

At the time of the war against the Dutch colonialists in 1819, there were as many as 129 shoots a cannon was on the wall Kuto Besak. Whereas during the war in 1821, only 75 shoots a cannon on the wall Kuto Besak and 30 shoots along the river wall, the attackers threatened standby.

Images Main Front Gate Castle Kuto Besak


Lawang Buratan (west side of the gate) Citadel Kuto Besak remaining


Fortress Kuto Besak year of 1935

Fortress Kuto Besak


 look and seek info I will help anybody to get info please contact, please look the VOC following info like below


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Governor-General Valckenier ordered the killings of ethnic Chinese. This Day in History: Mar 20, 1602: Dutch East India Company founded <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>

Governor-General Valckenier ordered the killings of ethnic…

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Jan van Riebeeck. This Day in History: Mar 20, 1602: Dutch…

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”The Antique Cannon Superstore – Dutch VOC Cannons”

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Seabattle-between-VOC-and-Portuguese-ships,-Makassar. This…

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Batavia This Day in History: Mar 20, 1602: Dutch East India…

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Built between 1666 and 1679 by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) as a maritime replenishment station, the Castle of Good Hope is the oldest surviving colonial building in South Africa. From 1678 it was the centre of civilian, administrative and military life at the Cape, until the settlement grew and some functions and activities moved away from the Castle. Today the Castle is the seat of the military in the Cape, and houses the Castle Military Museum and Iziko Museums of Cape Town

Built between 1666 and 1679 by the Dutch East India Company…

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Dirk Ham

Main gateway into the castle of good Hope built between 1666…

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A famous VOC voyage was that of the Batavia. After mutineers…

Doug’s Darkworld
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Unsuccessful English attack on the VOC fleet at Bergen, 12…

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The arrest of three VOC Councilmen in Batavia in 1741. Van Imhoff and two fellow councilmen were arrested for insubordination after going against Valckenier.

The arrest of three VOC Councilmen in Batavia in 1741. Van…

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Maquette van de VOC-werf Oostenburg te Amsterdam, Ab J. Hoving, 1989

Maquette van de VOC-werf Oostenburg te Amsterdam, Ab J…

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The Maritime museum before the VOC ship Amsterdam (Netherlands) aboard the Amsterdam! This ship is an exact replica of the famous VOC ship that in 1749 all sank on its maiden voyage. The Amsterdam is one of the showpieces of the Naval Museum. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The Maritime museum before the VOC ship Amsterdam…

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Plat VOC Japon, 18th, Scotish National Museum

Plat VOC Japon, 18th, Scotish National Museum

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VOC in Sri Lanka

VOC in Sri Lanka

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Replica of the pinas &quot;Duyfken&quot; of the Dutch East India company. In 1596, it made the first trip to the East Indies. In 1606, under command of Captain Willem Jansz, it sailed to Papua New Guinea and Northern Australia, making it the ship that discovered Australia for the Europeans

Replica of the pinas “Duyfken” of the Dutch East India…

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Dirk Ham


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A DUTCH ENGRAVED VOC WINEGLASS, CIRCA 1740 the flared bowl engraved with a crowned coat of arms bearing the initials VOC flanked by tendrils, the opposite side bearing the inscription HET.WELVAREN.VAN.DE.OSTDIENISCHE.KOMPANCE


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”The Antique Cannon Superstore – Dutch VOC Cannons”

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”The Antique Cannon Superstore – Dutch VOC Cannons”

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Vereinigte Ostindische Compagnie bond - Compañía Neerlandesa de las Indias Orientales - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Vereinigte Ostindische Compagnie bond – Compañía Neerlandesa…

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Peper - Piper nigrum (door W. Marsden, History of Sumatra, London 1811) een van de belangrijkste handelsspecerijen tijdens de VOC hoogtijdagen. Het was zo kostbaar dat er gesproken werd van 'zo duur als peper'.

Peper – Piper nigrum (door W. Marsden, History of Sumatra…

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VOC munten, via

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In 2010 Ruben Schalk, a history student from Utrecht University, found the world’s oldest known ‘share’ during his thesis research in the Westfries Archief in Hoorn. It dates from 1606 and was issued by the VOC chamber of Enkhuizen.

In 2010 Ruben Schalk, a history student from Utrecht…

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Dirk Ham

Saved by
Dirk Ham

De inscheping van het VOC- personeel bij de Montelbaanstoren 1663

De inscheping van het VOC- personeel bij de Montelbaanstoren…

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Dirk Ham


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De Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie | <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>

De Verenigde 

1819: Sharif Osman Sultan of Pontianak III Alkadrie be until the year 1855. He was appointed to lead the Dutch East Indies government Afdeeling Pontianak.

in 1819,

that laffles, despite disapproval of the company in london and madras, sailed off to establish a british settlemen in the singapure. the historical and strategic importance and 20 th centries would hard to assess

Following the example of the dutch it was considered necessary to provide military protection for the settlement, and small fortification was built on a narrow spit of land between the sea and the Bengkulu river (now sungai serut). The original fortification named York for was manned by two companies of i

nfantry soldiers and artisans who had been redruited in london. The site proved to be very unhealthy owing to the close proximity of the  river and mangrove swamps. There were many deaths in the early day among the soldiers sen to garrison the fort as well as the civil servants living there..

It was Vastly different to the fort that can be seen today, being just a  rectangle of building wit a roof capable of supporting the artillery pieces required to defend the fort. house of the Deputy Govendor was contructed and the diagram on the original plan.



1820: Zainul Abidin bin Badruddin II (1820-1834) became Sultan Mountain Sow I, the fraction of the Sultanate of Berau. Prince Sultan Sulaiman-law of Moses Banjar Kusan II became King until the year 1830.

In 1820,

na de dood van Van Braam, kocht het Gouvernement het huis en werd het ingericht als officiële residentie van de Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië (1820 – 1879), waarbij dus werd afgeweken van het plan van Daendels, waarschijnlijk omdat het Paleis van Daendels nog lang niet klaar was.



Sir T. Stamford Raffles, who was among them in 1820, found some of their law





The Dutch subjugated the Minangkabau of Sumatra in the Padri War (1821–38)


Indie Batav republic cast coin 1821 (during Padri war )


Very rare 1822 entire headed “Petersham Novr 23d/1822”

and signed “JR Rankin” (?), to Scotland with boxed ‘INDIA LETTER/PORTSMOUTH’ h/s in red, London transit b/s in red, Scottish boxed ‘½’ h/s & unframed ‘DUMFRIES/ 13JUN1823/A 340-D’ arrival b/s, some soiling/staining. From the period 1819-1828 when Sydney had no postal markings. [The lengthy letter speaks of “…the golden days of Lauchlin Macquarie…he has done more good to this Colony in the last twelve years than will be done in the next twenty-four his prediliction for they prisoners was certainly his hobbie horse…I am most happy that we had the courage to come out to what they call the land of Cangerros and Convicts…There are more settlers arriving here every week…”]


DEI cast coin 1822

May 1822:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Awarded “Ridder IIIe klasse of Officier in de Militaire Willems-Orde” [MWO], the 3rd Class Knight in Military Order of William in his service as engineer attached to Headquarters during the Waterloo Campaign.




1822        Oct 8,

The Galunggung volcano on Java sent boiling sludge into valley. The eruption left 4,011 dead. The long-inactive volcano erupted Apr 4 and blew its top on Apr 12. The Oct 8 and Oct 12 eruptions left 4,011 dead.


The parasitic plant Rafflesia was discovered in the lowland forests of Southeast Asia.

It steals nutrition from other plants and periodically creates a monstrous, red-brown flower with the perfume of rotten flesh.
    (SFC, 1/19/04, p.A4)


1823: Mr. Muller Dutch East Indies government employees surveyed northwest Borneo. [42])
 1823: 13 September 1823: Coral Diamond Contract Agreement between the Sultan Suleiman II of the Dutch East Indies represented Banjar with Mr. Resident. Tobias.


The commercial successor of the V.O.C. was the Nederlandse Handelmaatschappij (NHM), founded in 1824  (after the Anglo-Dutch treaty).

The larger emblem consists of disc charged with a winged anchor between the date 1824, surrounded by the title nederlandsche handel maatschappy.

As a crest a three-masted sailing ship and as supporters two lions couchant. Below the central emblem is the cypher NHM.

The achievement is surrounded by waves of the sea and decorated with several floral motives.

In 1964 this company merged with the Twentsche Bank and changed its name in Nederlandsche Middenstands Bank. In 1990 the NMB merged with the Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank into the ABN AMRO Bank. This bank was split up in 2007.

(Fortis, Bank of Scotland en Banco Santander).


The begal sepoys continued to serve at Bencoolen and the other west coast settlemen, until all of the british trading posts along the west coast of sumatra were handed over to the Dutch Argeement of 1824.

the actual handover took place earlt in 1825.


In 1824

werd het geheel opgekocht door het Gouvernement die er een kostschool voor meisjes vestigde.


Under the 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty,

the Dutch secured British settlements in Indonesia, such as Bengkulu in Sumatra, in exchange for ceding control of their possessions in the Malay Peninsula and Dutch India. The resulting borders between British and Dutch possessions remain between Malaysia and Indonesia. As exploitation of Indonesian resources expanded off Java, most of the outer islands came under direct Dutch government control or influence. Significant Indonesian piracy remained a problem for the Dutch until the mid-19th century.[7]



1825: Adam Alwasikh Billah became Sultan of Banjar XVI until 1857. In Brunei, Mohammad Alam became the Sultan of Brunei until 1828.

1825: In July 1825, Prince Aji Jawi, King of the Land Seasonings establish a contract with the Dutch East Indies.

September 1825:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Lieutenant-Colonel F.D. assaulted the Jogjakarta. He was the Commander of Garrison of Soerakarta with 2 companies of infantry [Hulptropen from Soemenap and Legion of Mangkoenegaran], 1 platoon of cavalery [Huzar], and 12 Light Infantry [Dragonder)

The Dutch subjugated the Java War (1825–30) ended significant Javanese resistance.[7]

October 1825:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

designed the prototype of temporary battlefield fortification in Kalidjengking. His designed would be adopted in to Fortification Strategy in following Java War 1826 – 30.


March 1825


Fort Marlborough was occupied by the Dutch
The Dokar in front of Fort Marlborough –



Raffles was also able to place Fort Marlborough on a lower states of readiness, perceiving that there was little or no thereat from any other Euoropean nation. Following the handover of the settlemen to the Dutch in 1825, records show that the for continued to be manned by Dutch colonial troops,

although it was never enlarged or upgraded with the exception of the intruduction, during the mid-19 th century, of four breech loading guns mounted on each of the four bastions.


1826: After the conquest attack Banjar palace

in Yogyakarta in 1826, the Dutch East Indies had been made a rule which areas are still controlled by the Sultanate of Banjar and determine the division of the territories

June 1826:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Capturing Pleret, a fort of Diponegoro in Southern of Jogjakarta with more than 7.000 Dutch soldiers.

July 1826:

He lead the movement to Dekso, a new headquarter of Diponegoro after Pleret conquered by Dutch Army.

Lieutenant-General Frans David Cochius in 1850

[3rd of December 1787  – 1st of May 1876]

Lithograph in format of 32×24.5cm

Source: KITLV



Lieutenant-General Frans David Cochius

Engineer of Battlefield Fortification Strategy in 1827-30

in sequence capturing Diponegoro

If Frans David Cochius was still alive today, he must be 222 years old in December 2009. Who is he? I’ll bring his short biography and compartment in sequence of capturing Diponegoro in Java War.

Java War 1825-30 was the badly war in the history of colonization in Netherlands Indies. For the first time the colonial government faced a massive social rebellion covering large part of Java: 2 million Javanese people were exposed to the ravages of war, 200 thousands Javanese were died. On the other hand, Dutch suffered 8 thousands European troops and 7 thousands of Indonesian troops who fought for Dutch were perished. The war consequence was rising cost about 20 million guilders! The war that perished everything both Javanese and Dutch side.

The Java War was started in a rebellion led by Pangeran Diponegoro for the reason of Dutch political intervention in the Court of Mataram (general reason), and Dutch decision to build a road across a piece of his ancestral property (personal reason).

F.D. Cochius was an expertise in fortification. He designed the prototype of battlefield fortification strategy [Benteng Stelsel]. The fort was built in high terrain, a square building made by coconut tree height about 7-8 feet.The cannons were applied in the one of diagonal corner of the fort. Each corner has two cannons.

In the throne of Governor General Du Bus de Gissignies,

the government of Dutch Indies failed to extinguish the rebellion of Diponegoro. In several party the Diponegoro army defeated the Dutch Indies army, such as campaign for capturing Kejiwan [August 1826],

campaign of Delanggu [August 1826], and campaign of Gawok [October 1826].

Military operation did not reach the objective. General H.M. de Kock ordered to Colonel F.D. Cochius for planning the prototype of battlefield fortification strategy.

This prototype was implied in battlefield fortification strategy in area Bagelen, Banjoemas, Gowong, Ledok, Kedhu, and Jogjakarta. It could be the simple fort for defense in Java War for the reason for limitation the movement of Diponegoro. It was the temporary battlefield fortification: a simple building for military defense, efficient in raw material for the building, and the materials are available in Java.




Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Commander in Military Operation District of Jogjakarta

The strategy of Battlefield Fortification was implied since May 1827. The Battlefield Fortification means that fort was not only have a passive role in the military defense, but it’s emphasized that the fort has active and important role as quarter for offensive operation, military command and control and logistic purposes. Broadly speaking, fort was attempted as warfare and military strategic. In period of May – December 1827 General H.M. de Kock established about 30 forts surrounding Central Java.

Pas in 1827

zou het Paleis van Daendels gereed komen, in opdracht van de enige, “Belgische” Gouverneur-Generaal Leonard P. J. Burggraaf Du Bus de Gisignies, want het jaar 1830 was immers nog niet aangebroken:

1826 – 1830

Gouverneur-Generaal Leonard P. J. Burggraaf Du Bus de Gisignies

Volgens de overlevering woog bij aankomst Du Bus de Gisignies 145 kg, toen hij weer in 1830 naar Europa terugkeerde was hij 60 kg lichter geworden.



April 1828:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Battle of Bedoyo, he waved Diponegoro army out from this village.

July – August 1828:

Colonel Cochius occupied the valley of Progo and assault the Diponegoro army between Progo and Opak rivers.

In 1828

Hotel des indes Batavia(now Jakarta )

werd het gebouw weer verlaten, in 1832 werd de kostschool voor meisjes weer opgeheven omdat de leraressen maar steeds weggingen om te trouwen


Javasche Bank 1828


De Javasche Bank 1828 – 1953


Presidents, Secretaries and Directors

info source: Rob Huisman

The Javasche Bank was founded in 1828 and continued its operations until after the Dutch transfer of souvereignty to Indonesia in 1949. The Javasche Bank became the circulation bank for the Republic of Indonesia and was nationalized in 1953.

A date in italics (24/01/1828) means the date of the decree deciding about the appointment or discharge of  the board member. The date of a decree is only mentioned in case the actual start or end date is unknown.

The following board members (Presidents, Secretaries and Directors) were authorized to sign banknotes issued by the Javasche Bank:


24/01/1828 – 22/03/1838 Chr. de Haan (LL.M.)
Leonard Pierre Joseph viscount du Bus de Gisignies, Commissioner General of the Netherlands Indies, appointed Chr. de Haan by decree 25 on January 24, 1828, to the position of President of the Javasche Bank. Although several other people applied for the position of President, the Commissioner General used his right to move past the nominees. On December 13, 1837, after almost 10 year of service, de Haan was granted a two year European leave. He seceded in the board meeting of March 22, 1838.


January 1829:

Military operation to North Mataram.

This operation was moving Diponegoro in to the western Progo River successfully.

The operation continued to Southern Mountains of Jogjakarta.

July 1829:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Capturing Fort Geger. This fort was built by coral materials.

In 1829

werd het geheel opgekocht door de Fransman Surleon Antoine Chaulan die er als eerste een hotel begon onder de naam Hotel de Provence.



Father van der Grinten was the head pastor of the Catholic Church of Batavia – the first Catholic church in Batavia – located at the corner of Lapangan Banteng (a large open square situated in an European enclave and formerly known as Waterloopein).

It was built over the former residence of the Dutch East Indies military commander General Hendrik Merkus de Kock (who later was made Baron for his triumph over Prince Diponegoro in the Java war).

The church was inaugurated on 6 November 1829 and blessed by the head pastor at that time, Father L. Prinsen,  as “The Church of Our Lady of Assumption”. It measured 35 long by 17 metres wide, consisted of a large hall with rows of pillars on either side in the neo-gothic style, a common architectural style for churches at the time. Father van der Grinten lived in the priest’s residence on the east wing of the church, while the sacristan lived in the west wing.



1830/40s, stampless cover (slight faults) w. large oval hs. „ZEEBRIEF BANKA” to Rembang

March 1830:

Colonel Cleerens with Diponegoro arrived in Magelang.

The Kedhu Resident and military chief, including Colonel F.D. Cochius met them in Magelang before the capitulation 28 of March 1830. Based on capturing Diponegoro in Magelang, it designate that the Java War was terminated.

Post of Java War, Colonel F.D. Cochius was the commander in Salatiga, a town in Java.

The submission of Prince Diponegoro to General De Kock at the end of the Java War in 1830

1831 – 37:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Extinguishing of the uprising of the Padri’s Islamic fundamentalist insurgents in the mountains of western Sumatra raged.



Batavia, a city of Java,

capital of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, in hit. 6° 10′ 8., lon. 106° 50′ E., on a swampy plain at the head of a deep bay of the Java sea, on the N. W. coast of the island, upon both banks of the river Jacatra. The bay is protected by a number of islands, and forms a secure harbor.

The population in 1832 was 118,300, of whom 2,800 were Europeans, 25,000 Chinese, 80,000 natives, 1,000 Moors and Arabs, and 0,500 slaves; the present number is variously stated at from 70,000 to 150,000, the discrepancy apparently arising from the different areas embraced, the wealthy inhabitants now residing beyond the limit of the fortifications, upon several broad roads running for some distance inland.

The local trade and handicrafts are mostly in the hands of the Chinese; the foreign commerce in those of the Dutch, although there are also English, French, German, and American merchants. About 1,500 vessels annually enter the port, two thirds of which are Dutch.

The principal articles of export are spices, rice, coffee, sugar, indigo, tobacco, dyewoods, and gold dust. In 1867 the total value of the exports was $27,-227,025; imports, $22,439,435. Batavia was originally laid out on the model of a Dutch city, with broad streets having each a canal in the centre.


1835 (27 Nov). Old Westhall / Scotland – USA. Stampless EL full text boxed “OLD RAIN” (xxx/R). Via London – NY. Fwded Batavia. 7 charges. Fine transatlantic usage from small town.[ 537362]

, Borobudur Java. Original steel engraving drawn by W. Purser, engraved by S. Bradshaw. 1835. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 18,5×11,5cm. Mounted.


Sulawesi. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Joliot. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13,5×8,5cm. Mounted.

Sulawesi. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13,5x9cm. Mounted.

Fabce Buru island Mollucas Islands. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Joliot. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13×8,5cm. Mounted

Chinese overseas Timor. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Langlois. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13,5x9cm. Mounted.

Timor. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Peronan. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.

Timor. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Desaul. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.

Mollucas Islands. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Chaillot. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.

Mollucas Islands. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Chavannes. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted

Bali. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Casenave. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13,5×8,5cm. Mounted.

Timor. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Peronan. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.


Native ethnic of Mollucas Islands. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Delaistre. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x8cm. Mounted

Natife ethnic of Timor. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Langlois. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 13,5×8,5cm. Mounted.

Bali. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Desaul. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.


Mollucas Islands. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin. 1837. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted






August 1837:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Conquered the Fort Bondjol in West Sumatra.

September 1837:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

1st Colonial Infantry Battalion in Bondjol for Major General F.D. Cochius, RVH

[Van Heutz Regiment].




Borneo. Original steel engraving drawn by Danvin, engraved by Chavannes. 1836. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14x9cm. Mounted.

May 1838:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

Commander Militaire Willemsorde


31/03/1838 – 10/03/1851 C.J. Smulders
C.J. Smulders, the Secretary of the Javasche Bank, succeeded de Haan as President by decision of the Commissioner General on March 31, 1838. 
In November 1846, Smulders bought 1/2 share in the sugar factory Langsee. On January 7, 1851, Smulders requested to be honorably discharged because of his weakening health. By decree of March 4, 1851, Smulders was honorably discharged. He decided to dedicate his time to his interest in the Langsee sugar factory. His successor E. Francis, took over presidency during the board meeting of March 10, 1851.



In 1838, the Mataram kingdom brought its rivals under control.

Relations between the Sasak and Balinese in western Lombok were largely harmonious and intermarriage was common. In the island’s east, however, relations were less cordial and the Balinese maintained control from garrisoned forts. While Sasak village government remained in place, the village head became little more than a tax collector for the Balinese. Villagers became a kind of serf and Sasak aristocracy lost much of its power and land holdings.

Source Ebay




In 1840 Batavia had 537, and, in 1880, 1015 inhabitants



November 1841:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius

12th Infantry Battalion in Batavia for Lieutenant-General F.D. Cochius, RVH

[Van Heutz Regiment].


Earliest Nederland and South Holland revenue handstamped (1841) on law magazine from nederland sent to Indonesia.

Look the close up of complete document next page






Batavia Jakarta

Java. Original steel engraving drawn by C. Reiss, engraved by W. Wallis. Bibliograph. Institut in Hidlburghausen. 1842. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 15×9,5cm. Mounted.



Chinese Overseas Postcard at Batavia in 1843

Sulawesi. Original wood engraving. 1843. Light foxing. Original hand-colouring. 18x8cm. Mounted.

Papua New Guinea. Original steel engraving engraved by Mercier. 1843. Light foxing. Original hand-colouring. 16x9cm. Mounted



VELDE, Charles William Meredith van de. Serang, hoofdplaats van de residentie Bantam. – Serang, chef-lieu de la résidence Bantam. Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en Zonen, (c. 1843).Lithograph by P. Lauters after C.W.M. van de Velde. Ca. 21 x 30 cm. From: C.W.M. van de Velde. Gezigten uit Nêerlands Indië. – Rustic view of the capital of Bantam, Serang. With horsemen and coach.Bastin-Brommer N360.

résidence Bantam. Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en Zonen, (c. 1843).

Lithograph by P. Lauters after C.

Serang, hoofdplaats van de residentie Bantam. – Serang, chef-lieu de la





1844 (31 Dec). Batavia – France. EL full contains comercial mark despatch on front + Via Alexandria – Malta (dissinfected) + charges. Shows great

Java. Original wood engraving by H. Thiriat. 1884. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 19×12,5cm. Mounted.



In 1845 kocht zoon Etienne Chaulan op een veiling het hotel van zijn vader voor dfl 25.000,=, vraag me niet waarom….

Etienne maakte het hotel al een beetje beroemd, want hij was de eerste die ….. verschillende soorten ijs ging verkopen

1845, Zustellungsmarke „Aangebragt per Land-Mail. Te betalen port (hds: 216) koper. BATAVIA (hds: 12/4 1846)” auf Faltbrief von Bordeaux (datiert 24.1.46) via Suez, Ceylon und Singapore nach Batavia, Java, aufgrund von säurehaltiger Tinte kleine Fehlstellen innerhalb der Anschrift, sonst einwandfreie und frische Kabinett-Erhaltung!, Fotoattest Brun&Fils, Paris. Catalog Price 4000,00[Zust. I ]

Bid Info: Price: € 4,000.00     Sold For: €3600.00




entire folded letter dated „Batavia 25. August 1845” with blue oval „BATAVIA (posthorn) / ONGEFRANKEERD” to Buitenzorg, red ms. „20”. Clean condition


April 1846:

13th Infantry Battalion in Batavia for Lieutenant-General F.D. Cochius, RVH

[Van Heutz Regiment].








After failed expeditions to conquer Bali in 1846 and 1848, an 1849 intervention brought northern Bali under Dutch control

The Dutch 7th Battalion advancing in Bali in 1846


. After failed expeditions to conquer Bali in 1846 and 1848, an 1849 interventionbrought northern Bali under Dutch control.


1846 (Aug 17) outer to Singapore “p Elora” but crossed-out & “p Kyle” added, oval ‘PAID SHIP LETTER/SYDNEY’ d/s & very fine ‘Registered/SYDNEY.’ h/s (Type R2) both in red, superb strike of the chamfered ‘FORWARDED BY/MACLAINE WATSON & Co/BATAVIA’ cachet in red, rated “6” in red on arrival, docketed on the flap “recd Jan7 47 per Nurappin [?] via Batavia”, light vertical filing fold. A very rare destination in this period, taking 5 months to arrive! [Brian Peace – our auction of 27/7/2009 – had six registered covers to overseas destinations: all were to Great Britain. He had no cover to Singapore]


1846, Zustellungsmarke „Aangebragt per Land-Mail. Te betalen port (hds. 150) duiten BATAVIA (hds: 10 Jan 1847)” auf Faltbrief mit blauem K1 „AMSTERDAM 21/11 (1846)” und „P” via Marseille nach Samarang, Java, aufgrund von säurehaltiger Tinte kleine Fehlstellen innerhalb der Anschrift, sonst einwandfreie und frische Kabinett-Erhaltung! Catalog Price 4000,00[Zust. II ] Sold For: €3600.00



1847 (21 June). Batavia – Netherlands. E. stampless via British mail over Alexandria + Malta / Lazaretto. Displays great! + VF + charges




werd de bovenste verdieping van het Paleis Rijswijk afgebroken in de hoop het gebouw wat meer status te geven. In de praktijk verbleven de Gouverneurs-Generaal ook liever in Buitenzorg dan in Paleis Rijswijk….. het Paleis Rijswijk kreeg al snel de bijnaam Hotel van de Gouverneur-Generaal….


In Paleis Rijswijk kwam wel geregeld de Raad van Indië bij elkaar, de onofficiële regering van Nederlands-Indië voorgezeten door de Gouverneur-Generaal. De Gouverneur-Generaal had echter in de praktijk, we zouden nu zeggen, dictatoriale bevoegdheden en dus altijd het laatste woord.


In 1809 begon Daendels dus aan zijn plan voor wat de geschiedenis zou ingaan als het Paleis van Daendels, en ook wel Het Groote Huis genoemd. Pas in 1827 zou het voltooid worden.

Alhoewel groots van opzet

Netherlands. ½ Gulden, 1848. KM-73.1. Willem II. Toned. NGC graded AU-50.
Estimated Value $100 – 125


1849 (9 Feb.). Khibosania to Batavia. EL. Green-grey neat oval KRAWANG (xxx). + manuscript 25-VF

1849 (27 July). Batavia – France (26 Sept). EL full contains via Alexandria BPO + Malta dissinfected. Shows great. VF


1849 illustrated ‘OCEAN PENNY POSTAGE’ envelope with ‘London: CHARLES GILPIN, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without.’ imprint at the base, Imperf 1d red (3½ margins), ’34’-in-diamond cancel & ‘Bishopsgate St Within’ h/s alongside, ‘SOUTHAMPTON’ arrival b/s in blue, a couple of ink-stains on the face & overall soiling. [The cover is addressed in the distinctive hand of the American social activist, Elihu Burritt. Burritt was the United States Consular Agent in Birmingham, and a promoter of internationalism and world peace. He advocated a universal Ocean Penny Post as a means to increasing international correspondence, trade & brotherhood]



Cafe Batavia

a building in the old Jakarta city area just across the square of Fatahillah, the main attraction is the interior. It was constructed between 1805-1850, and underwent a renovation in 1993. The Cafe Batavia  was established in 1930.


1850 (25 May). Batavia – UK. Stampless E blue Franca cds Via Singapore box on reverse (would display well if opened) charge 2sh / 3d + modified + London transit. Comercial departure cachet on front. Fine

1850 (6 Aug.). Fjilanghap to Batavia. EL. With red oval KRAWANG (xxx) x 25 manuscript charge. VF


In 1851 ging het management over in handen van Cornelis Denninghoff die de naam veranderde in Hotel Rotterdam,
Ook wel het Rotterdamsch Hotel genoemd. Het had niet zoo’n goede naam, iemand schreef dat hem Hotel Rotterdam was aanbevolen, maar hij had veel beter

President of Javasche bank

10/03/1851 – 01/07/1863 E. Francis
Emanuel Francis started his career in the Netherlands Indies as a clerk in 1815 and worked his way up in the government service to eventually become the top civil servant available to the Commissioner General. From 1848 to 1850 Francis was Inspector of Finance and in 1851 he was honorably discharged from the governement service. Next, Francis was appointed to President of the Javasche Bank by decree of March 4, 1851. On his own request Francis was honorably discharged  per Juli 1, 1863 per decree of  April 20, 1863. In 1864 Francis published a book “De regerings-beginselen van Nederlandsch Indië: getoetst aan de behoefte van moederland en kolonie”, expressing his dissatisfaction with the implementation of a new economic system in the Netherlands Indies and proposing an investigation by an independent committee. In 1969 Francis published a request to the Dutch parliament about his reputed right for payment of pension being a retired civil servant of the Netherlands Indies government.


INDIA HOLANDESA. 1852. Entire letter from BATAVIA with red Company cachet and blue BATAVIA cds, British PO at ALEXANDRIA cds of transit in black and red MARSEILLE entry marking on front. Handstamped 10 declines due on delivery.


Het Hotel Rotterdam had in 1852 al weer een andere eigenaar gekregen, de Zwitser Wijss die in 1851 getrouwd was met een 16-jarige nicht van Etienne Chaulan.

En deze Wijss was degene die op advies van Douwes Dekker op 1 Mei 1856 de naam veranderde in het veel chiquer klinkende




The Postal history used cover from Honolulu hawai via manila to Batavia.

Postmarks front and back of this cover are Honolulu, March 11, 1852, Manila, May 19 and June 17, Hong Kong, June 21, Canton, July 2 along with a Canton PAID mark, and again Hong Kong on July 22. This cover, addressed to Batavia via a forwarder in Canton, was carried to Manila by the Bremen bark Ceres, departing April 3, 1852. The letter next went from Manila to Hong Kong and paid a single letter rate of 4 pence (represented by the black “4” over the Honolulu postmark). At Hong Kong, the letter was sent to the forwarder in Canton at another 4 pence rate (represented by the red “4” in the upper left corner). The forwarder crossed out his name, paid postage to Singapore (1 shilling represented by a red squiggle over the Honolulu postmark) and sent it back down to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, the letter was carried to Singapore by the P&O steamship Malta (July 23 departure; July 31 arrival) under British mail contract, and then to Batavia by local shipping. The “48” is said to represent a Batavia local rate, typically written with the same type of ink


the famous “Batavia Cover” shown below.










Guard of the Sultan of Jogjakarta, Indonesia (ca 1880),

Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016

If you want buy the complete E-Book, please contact, please upload your iD-Card copy with complete adress and shorth working history, and to more communication you must be my web blog Premium member with tarnsfer US 25,- or send enenvelope via airmail with stamps or old money with the same value. The price of this CD-Rom Only US 100.-


VOC JAVA Bonk Coin 1800


Gouden Dukaat 1800 (Sch. 16 / Delm. 1171A /R3) – ZF /klemspoortjes / hoogst zeldzaam est price Euro 200.-

1800 (ca.), WÜRZBURG INCOMING MAIL an „…L’ ARMEE GALLO-BATAVE…”, wohl eine der ungewöhnlichsten Postanschriften Bayerns mit folgendem Hintergrund: In der Spätphase des Zweiten Koalitionskrieges war Franken mit Würzburg seit Sommer 1800 unmittelbares Kriegsgebiet. Das mindermächtige fränkische Hochstift hatte sich mit dem militärisch äußerst geschwächten habsburgischen Kaiserreich zusammengetan, – auf der Gegenseite stand Napoleon. Dieser raffte seine verbliebenen Kräfte zusammen, u.a. Hilfstruppen der sog. “Batavischen Republik„, einem auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Niederlande gegründeten “Satellitenstaat”, welcher eine Division von 6000 Mann bereitstellte, die sich im Raum Aschaffenburg/Würzburg mit den dort bereits stationierten französischen Truppen zur ”Armée Gallo-Batave” formierte. Die Briefhülle trägt den Taxis-Einzeiler „Von Frankfurt”, rückseitig Teil eines Lacksiegels ”Legation de Suisse„

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Guard of the Sultan of Jogjakarta, Indonesia (ca 1880),

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Kassian Céphas Indonesia 1845-1912 Young Javanese woman c. 1885 Albumen silver photograph 13.7 x 9.8 cm Collection National Gallery of Austr...

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Balinese kingdoms, ca 1800

To the east of Bali lies the long chain of islands known as the Lesser Sundas or Nusatenggara (Southeastern Islands). For the most part, these islands were involved only peripherally in the trade and civilization of the western archipelago until the colonial area.

Although the Nagarakertagama (Desawarnyana) lists Timor and Sumba as tributaries of 14th -century Majapahit, Javanese culture has left at the most only scattered traces in the region.

No significant local inscriptions have been found to attest to the existence of early kingdoms and Chinese records are vague. The region’s economic relations with the outside world seem to have been based on the export of sandalwood, especially from Timor, a trade which may have begun in the 7th century.


Lombok and Sumbawa, ca 1800

Balinese rule on Lombok was turbulent. By the middle of the 18th century, they had subdued the Sasak aristocracy in the east of the island. A few decades later, however, disunity led them to split into four separate kingdoms, while the Sasak domains in the east regained much of their independence. Even in times of Balinese control, the east of the island was often restive.

Evidence from the earliest European visitors to the Nusatenggara region suggests that the normal state of affairs was one of division into a large number of small polities, which were linked into larger confederacies or empires whose significance was sometimes political and economic but more often symbolic. Timor produced sandalwood, which was valued for trade to China, and management of this trade necessarily meant a relationship between port towns such as Sorbian, Insana and Dili, and the polities of the interior. In the centre and east of the island, the ruler of Wehale (Belu), sometimes based in the port of Dili, sometimes based in the interior, claimed a hegemony over some forty-six liurai or ‘kings’ along the coast and the interior. In the west the confederacy of Sonba’i (Sonnebait), sometimes based in Sorbian, claimed a similar hegemony over sixteen liurai. The port of Kupang seems to have been independent of both of these power centres.






 1801: II became Sultan Sulaiman Saidullah Banjar XV until 1825.

Zilveren Dukaat 1801 Utrecht (Sch. 70 / Delm. 982) – UNC- / schitterend exemplaar met 2 gietgalletjes aan de rand

Bid Info: Price: € 200.00


Gouden Dukaat 1801 Enkhuizen mmt. Ster (Sch. 25A/RRR / Delm. 1171B/RRR / CNM 2.28.54) – ZF/PR / uiterst zeldzaam / de in Enkhuizen geslagen Gouden Dukaten met Ster zijn enorm zeldzaam – alleen het jaar 1802 komt met enige regelmaat voor

Bid Info: Price: € 750.00


The 1802

Treaty of Amiens restored these territories to the Dutch.

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: AR 1/8 gulden, 1802, KM-80, Sch-494c, Batavian Republic issue, sailing ship series, some obverse flan roughness, Very Fine. Estimated Value: $ 150 – 200


Batavia(Jakarta) In 1802

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1802: Jonathan D. Lewis to Dr. John Vaughan

The Island of Trinidad off the coast of Venezuela

This letter was written by Jonathan D. Lewis, to his brother-in-law, Dr. John Vaughan (1775-1807), who is credited with performing

the first vaccination in Delaware in 1802.

John Vaughan was educated in Chester, Pennsylvania, and in 1793 and 1794, while studying to be a doctor, attended lectures on medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Vaughan practiced medicine in Delaware, first in Christiana Bridge and later in Wilmington. He was a member of several professional organizations, including the Philadelphia Academy of Medicine, the Medical Society of Philadelphia, the American Medical Association, and the Delaware Medical and Philosophical societies. Vaughan was a prolific author, lending his pen to topics of medical and scientific importance. He kept his “Medical Diary No. 3″ before and during the serious yellow fever epidemic of 1802. Vaughan died in 1807 of typhoid fever.

Vaughan was an assiduous observer of Wilmington’s climate conditions, often listing the daily temperature, wind direction, and weather. He believed that these conditions influenced the occurrence of diseases at certain times of the year. Thus, on one group of pages Vaughan recorded weather information for a given month, and on another group he noted what his patients suffered from during the same period.

Occasionally, Vaughan broke this pattern to copy an article that he had read, something he had heard, or a letter that he had either written or received about a medical matter. One of his correspondents was Dr. Benjamin Rush. A man of science and medicine, Vaughan wrote perhaps in amusement to substantiate his theory on the influence of weather on disease: “Mr. Alrichs, an ingenious watch maker, informed me that sickly seasons were always characterized by the breaking of watch springs — that the fact was so well established as to be proverbial & that it was peculiarly so this season.” On August 26, 1800, Vaughan said: “Bad accounts from Baltimore & Norfolk — yellow fever spreading with great mortality.”

In 1802 a severe yellow fever epidemic broke out in Wilmington. Vaughan is reputed to have been the only doctor to have remained in town to administer to those who had contracted the dreaded disease. One year later, the American Philosophical Society requested that he write a pamphlet about the incident. A Concise History of the Autumnal Fever which Prevailed in the Borough of Wilmington in the Year 1802 resulted. Vaughan’s manuscript diary features the author’s immediate and private observances of the spread of the disease. In the pamphlet Vaughan detailed why he thought the yellow fever epidemic started, how he thought it spread, and what he thought had to be done to eradicate it. In his diary Vaughan recorded his early visit with Ann Davidson, whom he later identified as the initial carrier of the disease, and noted the conditions in the house neighboring the Davidson’s:

“Hadley’s cellar, adjoining Davi[d]sons has been for a long time full of water — & the common receptacle of every filth … oft condemned as a nuisance by the corporation, but neglected. Wm. Cloud complained of its being very offensive to them.”

Vaughan wrote of the activities of Wilmington residents on September 13: “3/4 of the people left the lower parts of the town — below second street — great alarm. Board of Health disorganized in effect — some resigned — President fled — are not mankind reverting to Barbarism.”

Vaughan probably used his diary, serving as it did as a chronological record and source of valuable details, to construct the narrative of his pamphlet. On September 23, for example, Vaughan wrote a letter on the status of the disease to the president of the Board of Health, Isaac Dixon; he copied this letter into his diary, and it appeared subsequently in the circular. At the end of his pamphlet, Vaughan listed the people who died from the epidemic; in his diary he recorded the names and addresses of those stricken and noted whether they recovered or died.

Vaughan never totally abandoned the original intent of his diary — to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between weather conditions and the incidence of disease — to write about the outbreak of yellow fever in Wilmington. There are, in fact, numerous references to weather conditions during the epidemic, and the concept plays an important role in his Concise History.

Stampless Letter

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Addressed to John Vaughan, M.D., Wilmington, State of Delaware

Port of Spain [Trinidad]
July 13, 1802

By the late arrivals from Europe &c., I learn that this island is much spoken of and is in most places considered a great acquisition to England. I know that such an opinion prevailed in Philadelphia previous to my departure. I shall therefore make Trinidad the subject of the present communication from a conviction that you will be pleased to receive advice that may be relied on. Before I enter on the subject, permit me to state that I have been in all the richest valleys from the Port de Mona beyond the River Anna and was 7 days in a boat visiting the Trinidad Margin on the Gulph (Paria or Ballena). The latter was performed at the evident risque of my life as in many instances, night came on before I could land, which was done above my knees in mud in an unfriendly climate. In a word, I have been on most of the estates in cultivation and have seen nearly all the best lands which are wild and susceptible of improvement.

The geographical function, and extent of the island may be always seen by having reference to a map. The population agreeably to the last Census taken in October 1801 was about 39,000 souls. _______ of every Colour. More than half the totality of whites are French and the English are more numerous than the Spaniards. There are here a number of M______, Corsicans, Italians, & people from nearly all the Nations in Europe with Creoles from all the Islands in the West Indies.

Batavia (now Jakarta), Java — a wretched reputation for crime and pestilence.

The climate is the most pestilential of any that I was ever in. If Batavia in Java has been heretofore called the Grave of European, the appellation will apply here with much greater force. I can speak respecting the two places in the comparative way from a trifling portion of experience. Certainly Batavia was never so sickly from what I have been able to learn, as Port of Spain has been during the last 2 months. Almost every European is dead that arrived with an intention of permanent residence since the 1st April last (the day I landed). If I should ever have the happiness of seeing you, I will give a detail on this subject that will almost stagger credibility.

The soil is fertile in the valleys and a greater portion of the island is in flat land than perhaps any other in the West Indies. No attention has been paid to manure, which is a strong evidence of fertility, notwithstanding which I have seen cane from the 9th Ratoons as fine as ever grew. Much of the Island may be termed virgin land — not being ever cleared.

The Gulph of Paria certainly offers a base of fine retreat during the hurricane month and is not subject to hurricanes. Violent gales or _____ of wind. I cannot, however, agree with the ____ ____ English journals in attaching such wonderful importance to it. It will be never resorted to as a place of safety except during the Hurricane month and then only by vessels in a windward station.

War ships to leeward, say on the Jamaica Station, where the great force is generally, will never think of coming here & the distance being so great, and be it remembered that the West Indies are not afflicted with a severe Hurricane oftener than once in 7 years on an average. Vessels of commerce may come here but to no great extent. Merchants will pursue commerce during the Hurricane months. They will not allow their vessels to lay up this ____.

We shall now consider the interior commerce of Trinidad and I think I can clearly prove that the great bulk of commercial men in Europe & America have allowed themselves to be deceived. The ministry of Great Britain have continually represented the value of the Island in a great degree to derive from its proximity to the main. From that simple circumstance, they have promised the Nation a most flourishing contraband commerce with the Spaniards. Let us examine the position that part of the Main which his from _____ to ____ of the River & to the Boca Passages is without ______ more convenient to Trinidad than to any other Island. This Port does and will enjoy almost exclusive trade with that port. But in what does the trade consist? In poultry and vegetables, & cocao from the O. I see the vessels as they arrive and depart and consequently given the fact from a primitive knowledge. All that coast described within the limits above is miserably poor — the Spaniards from ______ have introduced less money & have taken _____. We have their purchase been at all considerable. In a word, they have been much greater disservice than benefit to the island.

The main ports on the Main from which an influence of wealth could rationally be expected, are Cumana & Laguina — the former is nearest. From that port the Spaniards can go to various islands with greater facility than they can come here. They can go to Antigua and Curacao particularly with much greater ease. Other Islands could be named. I will now ask whether the system of advantages so frequently held out from ____ is nor totally destroyed. If the Spaniards can go to those places with only the same convenience that they can come here, can they there find the kind of goods wanted? They can. In M & C already mentioned, they are at all times certain of finding the very articles they wish. Dutch, French & German ____ have always pleased the Spaniards but make it the intent of a Spaniard or any other person to presume a particular knowledge of trade and he will pursue it.

What is the object of trade? In addition to what has been said, it may be further observed that French & Spanish habits are congenial to each other. Most of the Spaniards speak spanish and no contemptible number of the latter speak ____.

Lately it has been said that France is to have a direct trade from her ports in Europe to those on the Main. If this be true, no island can enjoy a smuggling trade to any extent. In which case Trinidad can promise herself very little.

I am happy in declaring to you that I have been treated very politely here by many very respectable characters.

I am not finally determined respecting the place of my residence. Would to God I could fix it in America. Wealth there is the only criterion of mint. If I could get forward here, I would agree to undergo any and every kind of hardship & sickness for the purpose of doing something for my brothers. I have not yet heard of old _____. It is the single circumstance that keeps me in the dark.

I am with esteem, your obedient servant, — Jonathan D. Luiz

Remember me Mrs. Vaughan. I am sorry to tell you that Jim is a confirmed thief & liar. All the ______ mint I have been able to inflict has provided no change of conduct respecting the f____ he was sold for. I know not what to do with him. If I sell him here, I am fearful that you or I — perhaps both — may be introduced to trouble. I mean if I sell in time. If an opportunity exists of writing to me, do say whether I can with property dispose of his time provided. Make a Bond opportunity for his delivery at 21 years.


Spare and Shared

Old Letter spared from obscurity

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This Day in History: Mar 20, 1602: Dutch 


India Batavia republic cast coin 1803


Zilveren Dukaat 1805 (Sch. 74 / Delm. 982) – ZF-

Bid Info: Price: € 60.00

Fine condition E 150

After 1795

no regular shipping was possible between the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies due to an English naval blockade,



Battle of Bergen (1799)

The Battle of Bergen, also called the Battle of Bergen-Binnen, was fought on 19 September 1799, and resulted in a French-Dutch victory under General Brune and General Daendels against the Russians and British under the Duke of York who had landed in North Holland

VOC papermoney 1799


Noncolour embosed VOC revenue sheet

VOC embossed



Kingdom of Holland 1806
After the founding of the Kingdom of Holland, King Louis Napoleon him the country’s service. The appointments and promotions now followed each other in quick succession.


Muhammad Jamalul Alam I to the Sultan of Brunei until 1807.
 1806: August 11, 1806 changed its name from the royal palace Banjar Kencana into Earth Good Earth.

In 1806, with the Netherlands under French domination, Napoleon appointed his brother, Louis to the Dutch throne which led to the 1808 appointment of Marshall Herman Willem Daendels to Governor General of the Dutch East Indies.[9]

Monete e Medaglie Estere. Olanda-Indie Orientali. Repubblica Batava (1795-1806). Duit 1806. KM 76. CU. g. 2.82 BB+.

Bid Info: Price: € 30.00


A painting by
Thomas Whitcombe depicting Batavia harbour in 1806. 27 November 1806,British victory



The Raid on Batavia of 27 November 1806

was an attempt by a large British naval force to destroy the Dutch squadron based on Java in the Dutch East Indies that posed a threat to British shipping in the Straits of Malacca.

The British admiral in command of the eastern Indian Ocean, Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, led a force of four ships of the line, two frigates and brig to the capital of Java at Batavia (later renamed Djakarta),

in search of the squadron, which was reported to consist of a number of Dutch ships of the line and several smaller vessels. However the largest Dutch ships had already sailed eastwards towards Griessie over a month earlier, and Pellew only discovered the frigate Phoenix and a number of smaller warships in the bay, all of which were driven ashore by their crews rather than engage Pellew’s force.

The wrecks were subsequently burnt and Pellew, unaware of the whereabouts of the main Dutch squadron, returned to his base at Madras for the winter.

The raid was the third of series of actions intended to eliminate the threat posed to British trade routes by the Dutch squadron: at the Action of 26 July 1806 and the Action of 18 October 1806,

British frigates sent on reconnaissance missions to the region succeeded in attacking and capturing two Dutch frigates and a number of other vessels. The raid reduced the effectiveness of Batavia as a Dutch base, but the continued presence of the main Dutch squadron at Griessie concerned Pellew and he led a second operation the following year to complete his defeat of the Dutch.

In early 1806,

Pellew was relieved by the news that a large French squadron under Rear-Admiral Charles Linois had sailed out of the Indian Ocean and into the Atlantic.

The departure of Linois after three years of operations in eastern waters freed Pellew’s small squadron based at Madras for operations against the Dutch East Indies. Pellew’s particular target was the island of Java, where the principal Dutch squadron and their base at Batavia were located.[1]

The Dutch Kingdom of Holland was a French client state under Emperor Napoleon‘s brother Louis Bonaparte and Batavia had been used by Linois in his preparations for the Battle of Pulo Aura, in which a valuable British convoy came under attack, and its position close to the Straits of Malacca threatened British trade with China.[2]

Pellew’s departure for the East Indies was delayed by the Vellore Mutiny in the spring, and instead he sent frigates to reconnoitre the situation of the Dutch forces in the region.

In July,

HMS Greyhound under Captain Edward Elphinstone cruised in the Molucca Islands and captured a Dutch convoy at the Action of 26 July 1806 off Celebes.[3] T

September 1806

hree months later another frigate, HMS Caroline under Captain Peter Rainier, cruised successfully


in the Java Sea and managed to capture a Dutch frigate at the Action of 18 October 1806 from the entrance to Batavia harbour.[4] Shortly before Rainier’s engagement, the principal ships of the Dutch squadron, the two ships of the line Pluto and Revolutie, had sailed westwards towards the port of Griessie, Rear-Admiral Hartsink seeking to divide his forces in preparation for the coming British attack to prevent their complete destruction.[5]

Pellew sailed from Madras in the early autumn of 1806,

expecting the full Dutch squadron to be present and preparing accordingly with the ship of the line HMS Culloden under Captain Christopher Cole as his flagship, accompanied by HMS Powerful under Captain Robert Plampin, HMS Russell under Captain Thomas Gordon Caulfield and HMS Belliqueux under Captain George Byng. The ships of the line were accompanied by the frigate HMS Terpsichore under Captain Fleetwood Pellew, Admiral Pellew’s son, as well as the brig HMS Seaflower under Lieutenant William Fitzwilliam Owen.[6]


Pellew’s attack

By 23 November,1806

Pellew’s squadron was approaching the Sunda Strait from the southwest when he encountered the British frigate HMS Sir Francis Drake, which he attached to his force.


Three days later, the squadron passed the port of Bantam and seized the Dutch East India Company brig Maria Wilhelmina, continuing on to Batavia during the night.[7]

At the approaches to the port, the squadron separated, with the frigates and brig passing between Onrust Island and the shore while the ships of the line took a longer route through deeper water.

Although Terpsichore was able to surprise and capture the corvette William near Onrust Island, the main body of the squadron was spotted by Dutch lookouts from a distance, who initially mistook the approaching vessels for a French squadron.[8]

The Dutch officers, led by Captain Vander Sande on the frigate Phoenix, decided that resistance against such a large British squadron was useless: the only warships remaining in the harbour were the Phoenix and six small armed ships, none of which could contend with the approaching British force.

In an effort to dissuade the British from pressing their attack, the Dutch captains all drove their vessels ashore, joined by the 22 merchant vessels that were anchored in the harbour.[6]

Determined to prevent the Dutch from refloating the grounded ships, Admiral Pellew ordered landing parties to assemble in the boats of his squadron alongside Terpsichore.

From there, under distant covering fire from the British frigates, Fleetwood Pellew led the boats against Phoenix, coming under fire from the grounded vessels and gun batteries ashore.[7] Passing through the bombardment from the shoreline,

Pellew’s men boarded Phoenix to find that the Dutch crew had just abandoned the vessel, scuttling the frigate as they departed.

Although now useless as a ship, Phoenix‘s guns were turned on the other beached vessels to cover the British boats as they spread out to board and burn them.

This operation was followed by the destruction of 20 grounded merchant ships in the harbour, although two others were successfully refloated and captured.[9] In a final act before withdrawing to the squadron offshore,

Captain Pellew set fire to the wreck of Phoenix, burning the ship to the waterline. The entire operation was conducted under heavy fire from the shore, but British casualties were only one Royal Marine killed and three men wounded.[10]

Without sufficient troops to attempt a landing at Batavia itself, Admiral Pellew withdrew from the harbour.

Preparing his prizes for the return to Madras, he ordered all prisoners taken from the captured and burnt ships returned to shore under condition of parole.[11]

The captured William was found to be in such a poor state of repair that it was not worth keeping the corvette and Admiral Pellew ordered the ship burnt, noting in his official report that Lieutenant Owen, who as senior lieutenant would otherwise have been placed in command, should be recompensed with another command as reward for his services in the engagement. With his preparations complete, Pellew then ordered his squadron to disperse, Culloden sailing to Malacca.[5]


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&quot;VOC&quot; coin (1735) of the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie)

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The British raid on Batavia had destroyed 28 vessels. In addition to Phoenix, William and the merchant ships, Pellew’s squadron had burnt the 18-gun brigs Aventurier and Patriot, the 14-gun Zee-Ploeg, the 10-gun Arnistein, the 8-gun Johanna Suzanna and the 6-gun Snelheid. Just three ships were captured: two merchant vessels and Maria Wilhelmina.[11]


The elimination of the smaller vessels of the Dutch squadron was an important victory for Pellew, leaving only the larger ships of the line at large.

These ships were old and in poor condition, limiting the threat they posed to British trade routes.

Imprinted French period / Droogstempel Franse overheersing

(From 1808 till 1811 or 1812?)

French occupation of Netherlands India

Marshal Daendels in the service of King Louis Napoleon


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St = Stuivers (nickels) = 5 cent (0.05 G)

LN = Louis Napoleon

A red asterisk *  means that this revenue is not in my collection.


6 stuivers 18??             In a part of a document  *


12 stuivers in document April 11th 1812, Surabaya *


Source Hans van Scheik









Nevertheless, Pellew returned to the Java Sea in 1807

in search of the warships, destroying them at the Raid on Griessie in November, a year after the success at Batavia.[5] A lack of resources in the region and the threat posed by the French Indian Ocean island bases delayed larger scale British operations against the East Indies until 1810, when a series of invasions rapidly eliminated the remaining Dutch presence in the Pacific



The energetic Herman Willem Daendels, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies from 1808 to 1811, had ordered the construction of Die Groete Postweg, the “great post way,” a highway traversing Java and recalled by this roadside monument. van Holland

Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies

Java Great Post Road, commissioned by Daendels.

Louis Bonaparte made Daendels colonel-general in 1806 and Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in 1807.

After a long voyage, he arrived in the city of Batavia (now Jakarta) on 5 January 1808 and relieved the former Governor General, Albertus Wiese. His primary task was to rid the island of Java of the British Army, which he promptly achieved.[citation needed] He built new hospitals and military barracks, a new arms factories in Surabaya and Semarang, and a new military college in Batavia.

He demolished the Castle in Batavia and replaced it with a new fort at Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara), and built Fort Lodewijk in Surabaya. However, his best-known achievement was the construction of the Great Post Road (Indonesian: Jalan Raya Pos) across northern Java. The road now serves as the main road in the island of Java, called Jalur Pantura. The thousand-kilometre road was completed in only one year, during which thousands of Javanese forced labourers died.[2]

He displayed a firm attitude towards the Javanese rulers, with the result that the rulers were willing to work with the British against the Dutch. He also subjected the population of Java to forced labour (Rodi). There were some rebellious actions against this, such as those in Cadas Pangeran, West Java.

There is considerable debate as to whether he increased the efficiency of the local bureaucracy and reduced corruption, although he certainly enriched himself during this period.[citation needed]




Daendels’ postroad on Java

The Great Post Road is the road stretched from west to east at northern part of Java from Anyer to Panarukan along 1,000km. Initaded by Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels, this road is passing through Serang, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bogor, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang, Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal Pemalang, Pekalongan, Kendal, Semarang, Demak, Kudus, Rembang, Tuban, Gresik, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Probolinggo dan Situbondo.

Daendels was a marshal appointed as governor general of East Indies by Lodewijk Napoleon who ruling Holland at that time. The ultimate aim was handling military preparation in anticipating British Navy attack that had blockaded Java Island. Daendels landed in Anyer in 1808 after routing a long trip from Cadiz in southern Spain, Canary Islands and then departing from New York using American vessel.

Daendels’s most important military project in defending Java from British attack was constructing a highway connecting west and east corner of this island. The road was built by means of obliging indigenous rulers to mobilize people along the route to work it by force.

This road had sacrificed thousands life in nearly a year of its building process. Later, the road was renowned as the Great Post Road (De Groote Postweg) since Daendels also set off post and telegraph services at the moment of the making..



Under French domination during the Napoleonic years in Europe, the Dutch authorities appointed Marshal H. W. Daendels as Governor-General in 1808. He sought both to reform the corrupt administrative practices that had brought down the VOC and to prepare for the defence of Java against an expected British attack. Amongst his measures was to construct a post-road the full length of the island of Java, from Anyer to Panarukan, to improve communications and the movement of troops. Constructed mainly with forced labour working to a tight timetable, the road earned Daendels a reputation for dictatorial cruelty


Power in the archipelago then taken over by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies with the first Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811).


Herman Willem Daendels’s career was very eventful. Political developments in the Netherlands around 1800 were certainly the reason for this.

Within a short space of time there were a large number of changes of rulers. Daendels’s career appeared to survive these changes. He was first and foremost a soldier.

In 1808 he was appointed Governor General of the Asian colonies.


In line with change of power in the Dutch East Indies, Bandung regency circumstances change.


Changes in the first place is to transfer the capital district of the southern region Krapyak in Bandung to Bandung, which was; etak in the middle area of the district.


1808: Sharif Kasim became the Sultan of Pontianak Alkadrie II until 1819.

Governor-General of Dutch East Indies (1807 – 1811)
Louis Napoleon in 1807 to Daendels appointed governor-general of Dutch East Indies.

It was a hard task, which Daendels’s shoulders was laid. The remains of the old Company area, Java, Timor, part of the Moluccas and Bandjermasin was the Dutch authorities declined to an alarming manner. Shipment of troops, money and material from the mother country was impossible, since the British ruled the seaways. It was not easy even for Daendels are employed to reach Batavia.

Reorganizations and reforms
His main task was the Dutch colonies against the British. He therefore began a reorganization of the army and filled it with native volunteers.

In Weltevreden, a suburb of Batavia, he built a then modern hospital in Surabaya, the capital of Austria, Java, a construction shop, a cadet school in Semarang and Batavia a cannon foundry. The old unhealthy castle at this place he demolished and replaced by a fortified camp at Meester Cornelis. Surabaya became the Fort Louis.

The most popular work of Daendels, the great highway of Carnation to Panaroekan, was primarily a military objective, rapid troop movements. The construction of a military port in the Bay Gulls (Sunda Strait), he had, because of the disastrous climate, obstruction of Bantam, give up.

Administrative and legal Daendels organized in a modern way, and thereby cleared numerous abuses and abuses of time on the Company. However, all these innovations earned him the hatred and opposition of the old party-guests, who many complaints and accusations against him sent to Napoleon.


Hispan 8 real silver coin carolus IIII found at bukittinggi(provenance Dr Iwan)




an extremely rare 1809 handwritten Ambon bank note


Since its operation in 1809, the road formerly intended for military purpose had become a main transportaion infrastructure in Java Island. This highway had witnessed traffice of commodities coveyed over it since colonial era till now. The road has play important role as one of crucial veins of Indonesian economy today


1807: Mohammad Alam became the Sultan of Brunei Kanzul until the year 1829.



Between January 1800 to end December 1807

in the archipelago in general and in Java in particular, occur foreign power vacuum (invaders), because although the Governor-General of the Company is still there, but he had no power.


For the regents, during the vacuum power means the loss of the burden of obligations to be fulfilled for the benefit of a foreign ruler (invaders). Thus, they can devote attention to the interests of local governments respectively. This would occur also in Bandung Regency.



According to the script of The Bandung History , Bandung in 1809 Regent Wiranatakusumah II along with a number of people moved from Karapyak to the area north of the land going to the capital.


At that time the land would Bandung still forested, but in the north existing settlements, namely Kampung Cikapundung conservative, Kampung Cikalintu, and Villages Bogor. According to the script, the Regent RA Wiranatakusumah II moved to the city of Bandung after he settled in temporary shelters for two and a half years.


Originally regents living in Cikalintu (Cipaganti area) and then he moved Balubur Downstream.


When Deandels Cikapundung inaugurate the construction of the bridge (bridge at Jl. Asia Africa Building near PLN now), Regent of Bandung was there.


Deandels with Regent over the bridge and then they walk eastward to one place (in front of the Office of Public Works Jl. Asia Africa now).


In that place deandels plugging rod and said: “Zorg, dat als ik terug kom hier een stad is gebouwd!” (Try, if I come back here, a city has built! “. Apparently Deandels wants city center was built in the place.










 an extremely rare 1809 handwritten Ambon bank note

info source: Rob Huisman

an extremely rare handwritten VOC bank note of 100 rijksdaalders dating from 1809 and issued in Ambon. “This piece of paper is literally of great value. After 1795 no regular shipping was possible between the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies due to an English naval blockade, resulting in a severe deficiency in coins and coin materials. The Dutch authorities therefore resorted to issuing paper money. In 1808 Governor General H.W. Daendels decided that an additional three hundred thousand guilders needed to be printed in Ambon. These notes varied in value from 1 to 1,000 silver rijksdaalders. They were widely used in the Moluccas, but could also be exchanged for real money in Batavia. It is conspicuous that this piece of paper mentions the Dutch East India Company, even though the VOC had been nationalized in 1799. The most notable detail however is that only the one hundred rijksdaaldersnote exists as a written currency; the remainder of the issue was printed. An extremely rare piece of paper, which is mentioned in the paper currency catalogue of Mevius, but of which no image has been printed as yet.”





a high resolution scan, which  a great privilege to be able to see this note in great detail and share it through this website. This note has never been published in the past



Daendels Palace (1809)

Weltevreden/Jakarta, Indonesia(now the Office Of republic Indonesia Finance Menistry)

Construction of this architectural gem was commissioned by Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels. As a governor general, Daendels stimulated the move southwards of Batavia;

the densely populated walled city was unhealthy and many inhabitants suffered from malaria and cholera.

The area of Weltevreden, several kilometres south of Batavia, originally a country estate, was developed and would turn into a highly fashionable area. Halfway Batavia and Weltevreden, the new accommodation for the club Harmonie was constructed.





In Weltevreden,

on the Paradeplaats, a new Government House was erected; since Daendels did not wish to inhabit the old country estate (known as the Van der Parra estate), officially assigned to the governors general. The Government House is a building constructed in the period 1809-1

827 in Batavia, ‘capital’ of the Dutch colony in the East-Indies. Construction was ordered by governor general H.W. Daendels (1808-1811) and completed by governor general L.P.J. du Bus de Ghisignies (1826-1830).

The building has been preserved and is located on present Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta Pusat, which was known in the nineteenth century as Paradeplaats and since 1828 as Waterlooplein.

Modelled in the Empire style, the proportionate Witte Huis (White House) measures 160 meters lengthwise.

The pillars on the first story are Doric, whereas those on the second level are Ionic in style. In the past, the building hosted many state functions and even served as a post office, a printing office and a high court. Today, it houses the Indonesian Ministry of Finance.

[IMG][/IMG]The Supreme Court (left) and the Daendels Palace at the Waterloo Square. (Architect: J.C. Schultze, compl. by J. Tromp, 1809)

Daendels Palace.

Picture by De Rooij Fotografie




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In 1809 begon Daendels dus aan zijn plan voor wat de geschiedenis zou ingaan als het Paleis van Daendels, en ook wel Het Groote Huis genoemd. Pas in 1827 zou het voltooid worden.

Alhoewel groots van opzet

(Daendels dacht altijd in het groot)

is het dus nooit als Paleis gebruikt. In het Groote Huis zijn altijd overheidsinstellingen ondergebracht, zoals de Raad van Indië, het Departement van Onderwijs en


en het Departement van Financiën. Ook werd het gebruikt als centraal magazijn bijvoorbeeld voor schoolmaterialen. Ook het Departement van Oorlog was hier ooit gevestigd.

Bijzonder aan het Paleis is wel dat hier na verloop van tijd alle portretten naar toe verhuisd zijn van alle Gouverneurs-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië. In 1949 werden de portretten van de Gouverneurs-Generaal vanuit het Paleis van Daendels rechtstreeks overgebracht naar het Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, waar je ze nog steeds kunt bewonderen.

Het Paleis van en gebouwd door Gouverneur-Generaal Daendels in Batavia

ook wel Het Groote Huis genoemd

Voor het Paleis van Daendels:

het standbeeld van Jan Pietersz Coen in Bataviatot 1942…..



As a follow-up of his word, Deandels asked Regent Bandung and Parakanmuncang to move the capital of each district to the nearby Jalan Raya Pos.(Postal Highway Road)Deandels request was submitted by letter dated May 25, 1810.


Beauty of the city of Bandung Regency Bandung in conjunction with the appointment of Raden Suria became Patih Parakanmuncang. Both momentum is confirmed by besluit (decree) dated September 25, 1810.


This date is also the date of Decree (besluit), the formal judicial (dejure) designated as the City Anniversary Bandung


Perhaps the regents began domiciled in Bandung after there in the first district where the building marquee. Certainly the marquee district is the first building constructed for the central government activities Bandung regency.


1810: British occupy Banjarmasin. [39]
 1810: Sultan Alimuddin became the first sultan Sambaliung Sultanate, the Sultanate of Berau fractions are divided by two.


General in Napoleon’s Grande Armée

When the Kingdom of Holland was incorporated into France in 1810, Daendels returned to Holland. He was appointed a Divisional General (Major General) and commanded the 26th Division of the Grande Armée in Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.

1809: Dutch Banjarmasin release of its colonies. [38]





British possessions in Indonesia, 1810-1817

Javanese territories ceded to the colonial governments of Daendels and Raffles, 1808-1812

Both Daendels and Raffles radically restructured the administration of the island, reducing the power of the bupati, changing the taxat

ion system and turning the village into the basic administrative unit. Raffles in particular emphasized that ‘native welfare’ should be an aim of the colonial government, and he introduced a form of land tax, called land rent, in an effort to develop a money economy on the island.



The Dutch-held islands of Amboyna, Harouka, Saparua, Nasso-Laut, Buru, Manipa, Manado, Copang, Amenang, Kemar, Twangwoo and Ternate had surrendered to a force led by Captain Edward Tucker in 1810, while Captain Christopher Cole captured the Banda Islands, completing the conquest of Dutch possessions in the Maluku Islands.[22]

Java became the last major colonial possession in the East not under British control, and its fall marked the effective end of the war in these waters.[22][18] Stamford Raffles was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Java.[23][24]

He ended Dutch administrative methods, liberalized the system of land tenure, and extended trade.

British order of battle

Stopford’s fleet on his arrival on 9 August to assume command of the expedition, consisted of the following ships, dispersed around the Javanese coast:[10]





Rear-Admiral Stopford’s fleet







HMS Scipion

Third rate



Rear-Admiral Hon. Robert Stopford
James Johnson


HMS Illustrious

Third rate



Commodore William Robert Broughton
Robert Festing


HMS Minden

Third rate



Captain Edward Wallis Hoare


HMS Lion

Third rate



Captain Henry Heathcote


HMS Akbar

Fifth rate



Captain Henry Drury


HMS Nisus

Fifth rate



Captain Philip Beaver


HMS President

Fifth rate



Captain Samuel Warren


HMS Hussar

Fifth rate



Captain James Coutts Crawford


HMS Phaeton

Fifth rate



Captain Fleetwood Pellew


HMS Leda

Fifth rate



Captain George Sayer


HMS Caroline

Fifth rate



Captain Christopher Cole


HMS Modeste

Fifth rate



Captain Hon. George Elliot


HMS Phoebe

Fifth rate



Captain James Hillyar


HMS Bucephalus

Fifth rate



Captain Charles Pelly


HMS Doris

Fifth rate



Captain William Jones Lye


HMS Cornelia

Fifth rate



Captain Henry Folkes Edgell


HMS Psyche

Fifth rate



Captain John Edgcumbe


HMS Sir Francis Drake

Fifth rate



Captain George Harris


HMS Procris




Captain Robert Maunsell


HMS Barracouta




Captain William Fitzwilliam Owen


HMS Hesper




Captain Barrington Reynolds


HMS Harpy




Captain Henderson Bain


HMS Hecate




Captain Henry John Peachey


HMS Dasher




Captain Benedictus Marwood Kelly


HMS Samarang




Captain Joseph Drury


The British Army troops attached to the force included 12,000 soldiers from the 22nd Light Dragoons; 14th Foot; 59th Foot; 69th Foot; 78th Foot; 89th Foot; 102nd Foot.

There were also contingents of the Royal Marines, and several regiments of Madras Native Infantry and Bengal Native Infantry, with half of the overall troop strength consisting of Indian troops of the East India Company. General Samuel Auchmuty was the overall commander, but he delegated the field command to Major General Rollo Gillespie.[9]

In addition to the official navy forces, the East India Company provided the services of several of their ships, led by the Malabar under Commodore John Hayes. These were the Ariel; Aurora; Mornington; Nautilus; Psyche; Thetis; Vestal. With the transport vessels, and several gunboats captured as the campaign progressed, Stopford commanded nearly a hundred ships.[10]

In the time of British rule in the Dutch possessions in the East Indies the Royal British achievement should have been used. No examples of this achievement from Dutch East Indian soil are known however

The coat of arms of the quite famous lieutenant governorof the Dutch East Indies from 1811-’16, Thomas Stamford Raffles

Or a double headed Eagle displayed Gules charged on the breast with an Eastern Crown on the first, on a Chief Vert pendent from a chain two oval Medallions in Pale the one bearing Arabic characters and the other a dagger in fess the blade wavy the point towards the dexter in relief Or, the said medallions and chain being a representation of a personal decoration called the Order of the Golden Sword conferred upon by him by the Chief or King of Atcheen in Sumatra as a mark of the high regard of the said King and in testimony of the good understanding which had been happily established between that Prince and the British Government; and for a crest out of an Eastern Crown Or a Gryphon’s Head Purpure gorged with a collar gemel Gold.”


malay bencoolen sumatra


Vinict Amor Patriae Half – Penny Token 1811 (1110B)




France Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs ☤ 1811 W Gold









In 1811, British forces occupied several Dutch East Indies ports including Java and Thomas Stamford Raffles became Lieutenant Governor.

After heavy criticism of his leadership, Daendels was replaced in 1811. He then became an officer in the French army. King William I appointed Daendels Governor General of the Dutch Colonies on the west coast of Africa.

Three years later, with the French driven out of the western Indian Ocean, British forces in the region were strong enough to prepare an expeditionary force against the Dutch East Indies, which effectively ended the war in the east.

The coat of arms of the quite famous lieutenant governorof the Dutch East Indies from 1811-’16, Thomas Stamford Raffles, was:

Or a double headed Eagle displayed Gules charged on the breast with an Eastern Crown on the first, on a Chief Vert pendent from a chain two oval Medallions in Pale the one bearing Arabic characters and the other a dagger in fess the blade wavy the point towards the dexter in relief

Or, the said medallions and chain being a representation of a personal decoration called the Order of the Golden Sword conferred upon by him by the Chief or King of Atcheen in Sumatra as a mark of the high regard of the said King and in testimony of the good understanding which had been happily established between that Prince and the British Government; and for a crest out of an Eastern Crown Or a Gryphon’s Head Purpure gorged with a collar gemel Gold.”

1811: Sultan Ibrahim became Sultan of Sand Alamsyah until 1815.

in 1811

Herman William Deandels was dismissed. Three months later, British forces occupied Java.

British troops landed near Batavia in August 1811

and the Dutch forces surrendered to them at Salatiga six weeks later. Thomas Stamford Raffles took over as Lieutenant Governor and began a vigorous programme of reform in the hopes of convincing the British government to retain Java permanently as a colony (as it was to do with the Cape of Good Hope and Ceylon).

Raffles’ authority was quickly challenged by the sultan of Yogyakarta, but in 1812 British forces attacked, plundered the court of Yogyakarta and sent the sultan into exile, replacing him with his pliable son.

To keep the court weak, Raffles also created a new principality within it, the Pakualaman, with a lesser status similar to that of the Mangkunegaran within Surakarta.

The Navy was active off the Javanese coastline before and during the expedition.

On 23 May 1811

a party from HMS Sir Francis Drake attacked a flotilla of 14 Dutch gunvessels off Surabaya, capturing nine of them.[2] Marrack, in north-western Java, was attacked and the fort defending the town largely demolished by a party from HMS Minden and HMS Leda

on 30 July, 1811

while that same day a fleet of six Dutch gunboats flying French colours was attacked by HMS Procris, capturing five and destroying the sixth.[3][4]

Java Expedition

The British force was assembled at bases in India in early 1811,

initially overseen by Vice-Admiral William O’Bryen Drury, and then after his death in March, by Commodore William Robert Broughton.[5]

The first division of troops, under the command of Colonel Rollo Gillespie, left Madras on 18 April,

escorted by a squadron under Captain Christopher Cole aboard the 36-gun HMS Caroline.

They arrived at Penang on 18 May,


were joined on 21 May

by the second division, led by Major-General Frederick Augustus Wetherall,

which had left Calcutta on 21 April,

escorted by a squadron under Captain Fleetwood Pellew, aboard the 38-gun HMS Phaeton.[5]

The two squadrons sailed together, arriving at Malacca on 1 June,

where they made contact with a division of troops from Bengal under Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty, and Commodore Broughton aboard the 74-gun HMS Illustrious.

Auchmuty and Broughton became the military and naval commanders in chief respectively of the expedition.[5] With the force now assembled Auchmuty had roughly 11,960 men under his command, the previous strength having been reduced by approximately 1,200 by sickness.

Those too ill to travel on were landed at Malacca, and on 11 June the fleet sailed onwards. After calling at various points enroute, the force arrived off Indramayu on 30 June.[2]

There the fleet waited for a time for intelligence concerning the strength of the Dutch. Colonel Mackenzie, an officer who had been dispatched to reconnoitre the coast, suggested a landing site at Cilincing, an undefended fishing village 12 miles east of Batavia.[6]

The fleet anchored off the Marandi River on 4 August,

and began landing troops at 14:00.[4] The defenders were taken by surprise, and nearly six hours passed before Franco-Dutch troops arrived to oppose the landing, by which time 8,000 British troops had been landed.[4][7] A brief skirmish took place between the advance guards, and the Franco-Dutch forces were repulsed.[7]


Fall of Batavia

On learning of the successful British landing, Janssens withdrew from Batavia with his army, which amounted to between 8,000 and 10,090 men, and garrisoned themselves in Fort Cornelis.[7]

The British advanced on Batavia, reaching it on 8 August

and finding it undefended. The city surrendered to the forces under Colonel Gillespie, after Broughton and Auchmuty had offered promises to respect private property.[7][8]

The British were disappointed to find that part of the town had been set on fire, and many warehouses full of goods such as coffee and sugar had been looted or flooded, depriving them of prize money.[9]

On 9 August 1811

Rear-Admiral Robert Stopford arrived and superseded Commodore Broughton, who was judged to be too cautious.[9][10]

Stopford had orders to supersede Rear-Admiral Albemarle Bertie as commander in chief at the Cape, but on his arrival he learnt of Vice-Admiral Drury’s death, and the planned expedition to Java, and so travelled on.[8]

British advances

General Janssens had always intended to rely on the tropical climate and disease to weaken the British army rather than oppose a landing.[9]

The British now advanced on Janssens’s stronghold, reducing enemy positions as they went.

The Dutch military and naval station at Weltevreeden fell to the British after an attack on 10 August. British losses did not exceed 100 while the defenders lost over 300.[11]

In one skirmish, one of Janssens’s French subordinates, General Alberti, was killed when he mistook some British troops in green uniforms for Dutch troops. Weltevreeden was six miles from Fort Cornelis and on 20 August the British began preparing fortifications of their own, some 600 yards from the Franco-Dutch positions.[10]

Siege of Fort Cornelis(now Jatinegara)

Diagram of Fort Cornelis, Batavia.

Fort Cornelis measured 1 mile (1,600 m) in length by between 600 yards (550 m) and 800 yards (730 m) in breadth.

Two hundred and eighty cannon were mounted on its walls and bastions. Its defenders were a mixed bag of Dutch, French and East Indies troops. Most of the locally raised East Indian troops were of doubtful loyalty and effectiveness, although there were some determined artillerymen from Celebes.

The captured station at Weltevreeden proved an ideal base from which the British could lay siege to Fort Cornelis.

On 14 August1811

the British completed a trail through the forests and pepper plantations to allow them to bring up heavy guns and munitions, and opened siege works on the north side of the Fort.

For several days, there were exchanges of fire between the fort and the British batteries, manned mainly by Royal Marines and sailors from HMS Nisus.[12]


A sortie from the fort early on the morning of 22 August1881

briefly seized three of the British batteries, until they were driven back some of the Bengal Sepoys and the 69th Foot.[11]

The two sides then exchanged heavy fire, faltering on 23 August,1881


resuming on 24 August.[8][13]

The Franco-Dutch position worsened when a deserter helped General Rollo Gillespie to capture two of the redoubts by surprise.

Gillespie, who was suffering from fever, collapsed, but recovered to storm a third redoubt.

The French General Jauffret was taken prisoner. Two Dutch officers, Major Holsman and Major Muller, sacrificed themselves to blow up the redoubt’s magazine.[14]

The three redoubts were nevertheless the key to the defence, and their loss demoralised most of Janssens’s East Indian troops.

Many Dutch troops also defected, repudiating their allegiance to the French. The British stormed the fort at midnight on 25 August, capturing it after a bitter fight.[8][13]

The siege cost the British 630 casualties. The defenders’ casualties were heavier, but only those among officers were fully recorded. Forty of them were killed, sixty-three wounded and 230 captured, including two French generals.[14]

Nearly 5,000 men were captured, including three general officers, 34 field officers, 70 captains and 150 subaltern officers.[13] 1,000 men were found dead in the fort, with more being killed in the subsequent pursuit.[13]

Janssens escaped to Buitenzorg with a few survivors from his army, but was forced to abandon the town when the British approached.[13]

Total British losses in the campaign after the fall of Fort Cornelis amounted to 141 killed, 733 wounded and 13 missing from the Army, and 15 killed, 45 wounded and three missing from the Navy; a total of 156 killed, 788 wounded and 16 missing by 27 August 1881 .[13]

September 1811

Later actions

Royal Navy ships continued to patrol off the coast, occasionally making raids on targets of opportunity.On 4 September. two French 40-gun frigates, the Méduse and the Nymphe attempted to escape from Surabaya.

They were pursued by the 36-gun HMS Bucephalus and the 18-gun HMS Barracouta, until Barracouta lost contact.[15][16]

Bucephalus pursued them alone until 12 September, when the French frigates came about and attempted to overhaul her. Bucephalus‘s commander, Captain Charles Pelly, turned about and tried to lead the pursuing French over shoals, but seeing the danger, they hauled off and abandoned the chase, returning to Europe.[17][18]

On 31 August a force from the frigates HMS Hussar, HMS Phaeton and HMS Sir Francis Drake, and the sloop HMS Dasher captured the fort and town of Sumenep, on Madura Island in the face of a large Dutch defending force.[18]

The rest of Madura and several surrounding islands placed themselves under the British soon afterwards.[19]

Suspecting Janssen to be in Cirebon, a force was landed there from HMS Lion, HMS Nisus, HMS President, HMS Phoebe and HMS Hesper on 4 September, causing the defenders to promptly surrender. General Jamelle, a member of Janssens’s staff, was captured in the fall of the town.[18][19] The town and fort of Taggal surrendered on 12 September after HMS Nisus and HMS Phoebe arrived offshore.[20]

While the navy took control of coastal towns, the army pushed on into the interior of the island. Janssens had been reinforced on 3 September by 1,200 mounted irregulars under Prince Prang Wedono and other Javanese militia.



On 16 September 1811

Salatiga fell to the British.[20] Janssen attacked a British force under Colonel Samuel Gibbs that day, but was repulsed. Many of the native militia killed their Dutch officers in the ensuing rou

t.[21] With his effective force reduced to a handful of men, Janssens surrendered two days later, on 18 September.[18][20]

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius Captain in the French Army

Imprinted British rule / Droogstempel Engelse overheersing

(From September 11th 1811 till 18 th Augustus 1816)

Occupation of Netherlands India

(Lieutenant-Governor Raffles: September 11th 1811 – March 11th 1816)

(Raffles continue to stay in Benkulu – Sumatera and in some RIAU islands like Bintan and Lingga till 1824)

(Lieutenant-Governor Fendall: March 11th 1816 – Augustus 18th 1816)

From 1816 the British Occupation ended.




Back to home


English East India Company JAVA


Srs = Stuivers (nickels) = 5 cent (0.05 G)


A red asterisk *  means that this revenue is not in my collection.



6 Stuivers  in document 1813 JAVA

6 Stuivers  in document 1815 JAVA *

6 Stuivers in document 1816 JAVA *

1817 This document is signed on 6-3-1817 in Surabaya but not used by Stamford *


12 Stuivers in document 1814 JAVA *


1 Rix-daalders = 40 Stuivers =

2,50 G in document 1814

4 Rix-daalders = 160 Stuivers =

10 G in document,

date unknown.



Hans van Scheik


 1812: Alexander Hare became resident-commissioner for the British government in Yogyakarta. [40]


1811/ 1813 Raden Demang Anggadipa (1807-1811/1813) dicopot dari kedudukannya oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda karena menolak penanaman paksa nila sebagai pengganti beras.

Beliau keberatan dengan kebijakan Belanda itu karena akan mengakibatkan rakyat kelaparan

. Akibat pembangkangan itu, Kadipaten Sukapura sementara waktu dihapuskan dan diserahkan pemerintahannya pada Limbangan di bawah Raden Tumenggung Wangsareja (1805-1811).


EIC Indies lead coin 1814

Raffles’ rule, however, was only brief. At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, Britain’s policy was to strengthen the Netherlands as a European counterweight to France



Queen Imanuddin move the administrative center of Kotawaringin Old Kingdom Kotawaringin to Pangkalan Bun.


Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin I to the Sultan of Sambas until the year 1828.


Britain returned Java and other East Indian possessions to the newly independent United Kingdom of the Netherlands under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1814.

However, the Anglo-Dutch Convention of 1814 was not completely clear, especially on the issue of certain possessions such as Padang.


The Convention of 1814

only returned Dutch territory that was held before 1803, which did not include Padang.

Raffles asserted the British claim personally, leading a small expedition to the Sultanate of Minangkabau.

Yet, as Raffles confirmed with the sultan regarding the absolute British influence of the area, he realized that the local rulers had only limited power over the well-cultivated and civilized country, and the treaty was largely symbolic and had little actual force.

December 1814:

Gerrit Jan Casparus Cochius Captain in Netherlands Army


There were legitimate complaints. The most serious was the manner in which Daendels enriched themselves. Moreover witnessed his performance against the local rulers of little tact and knowledge of their manners and customs. Shortly after the incorporation of the mother Daendels Napoleon called back and instructed the government on May 16, 1811 the emperor appointed by the General Janssens.

Governor-General of Guinea
After the fall of Napoleon asked Daendels King William I, son of his old adversary William V, a new appointment. Understandably trusted the Orange Frost the former revolutionary not too much, but asked him to lock it in October 1815 as Governor General of Guinea (Ghana), on the Gold Coast in West Africa, a very unhealthy and very little meaning area.

1815: Sultan Mahmud became the Sultan Han Alamsyah Sand until 1843.

After the defeat of Napoleon the Sovereign Principalityof the Netherlands prepared the restoration of Dutch rule in the Indies. This meant also the restoration of the old symbols of sovereignty.



By royal resolution of 8 November 1815 nr. 39 the introduction of new currency was provided for. The design for a 1 guilder-piece shows the Dutch Virgin on the obverse and the crowned ancient arms of the States General and the Executive on the reverse. From this guilder only one minted coin is known.

Nederlandsch Oost-Indië, 1 gulden, 1815 Æ 31 mm.

At the date of the Royal Resolution the coat of arms of the Sovereign Principality of 14 January 1814 was already substituted by Royal Resolution of 24 August 1815. The new coat of arms, amended in 1816, was used in the Colonies throughout the nineteenth century and was changed again in 1907. [17])

A picture of this coat of arms was in the Audience Hall above the seat of the Governor General in Batavia.

The seal for the Dutch Indies showed this coat of arms with the legend DEPARTEMENT VAN KOLONIËN (until 1848) and MINISTERIE VAN KOLONIËN until 1945



to the Memory of


Wife of


Lieutenant Governor


And its Dependancies

Who departed this life


The 26th day of November 1814

Raffles went on from Java to found Singapore. Any tiredness I had felt before had instantaneously disappeared. Here it was, right before my eyes, a fragment of our colonial past.

the tomb with renewed vigour, snapping away as we circled the majestic final resting place of Olivia Mariamne Raffles. Thoughts filled up our mind. What if Olivia Raffles did not fall victim to her illness during her stay in Java? What if she had followed Raffles to Singapore? What changes would she have implemented as the First Lady of the founder of Singapore?



Unusual 1816, entire from the Master of the East India Company ship ”Batavia” at Madeira to Limerick, with black framed ”DEAL / SHIPLETTER”

1816: Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin be Kutai XVI until the year 1845.
Age of Dutch East Indies

in 1816

restored Java to Dutch rule; the outer territories were restored

1816 Dutch control was restored in 1816


1817: On January 1, British Borneo Banjarmasin and handed back to the Dutch, then on the day it was made Coral Diamond Contract Agreement between the Sultan Suleiman I of Banjar with the Dutch East Indies represented Boekholzt Resident Aernout van.

1817: King Tidung Amiril Tadjoeddin served until 1844. In Kotawaringin, Prince Queen Imanuddin ruled until 1855 [41]



After the 80 th year war, the revenue tax still exist which never in the same type. from Nederland the regulation bring to Indonesia.the oldest regulation in 19th century was “de heffing van recht van the kleine zegel van 1817′(Thre order of samll revenue stamped of 1817).the revenue depend on the type of the agreement on the acta, the reality this was the cost of subscribed.This regulation difficult to action and in 1885 had changed with the new order.



Governor-General of the Dutch Gold Coast

After the fall of Napoleon, king Willem I and the new Dutch government feared that Daendels could become an influential and powerful opposition leader and effectively banned him from the Netherlands by appointing him Governor-General of the Dutch Gold Coast (now part of Ghana).

In the aftermath of the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, Daendels tried to redevelop the rather dilapidated Dutch possessions as an African plantation colony driven by legitimate trade.

Drawing on his experience from the East Indies, he came up with some very ambitious infrastructural projects, including a comprehensive road system, with a main road connecting Elmina and Kumasi in Ashanti.

The Dutch government gave him a free hand and a substantial budget to implement his plans. At the same time, however, Daendels regarded his governorship as an opportunity to establish a private business monopoly in the Dutch Gold Coast.

At The dutch colonies on Westcoast of Africa, There Herman William daendels died of yellow fever in 1818.

William Herman passed away on May 2, 1818 due to yellow fever and was buried in the fort Elmina

Eventually none of the plans came to fruition, as Daendels died of malaria in the castle of St. George d’Elmina, the Dutch seat of government, on 8 May 1818.

His body was interred in the central tomb at the Dutch cemetery in Elmina town. He had been in the country less than two years

In 1818
Bencoolen has become well -known fort the fact that sin Thomas stamford Raffles was the last lieutenant governor from 1818-1824 when the settlements reverted to the dutch. it was from bengkulu,


Raffles arrived in Bencoolen in 1818 and immediately applied his enligh ened style of government which he had demontrated to great effec during his time as lieutenent Govenor of java from 1811-1816.

Towards the end of the Napoleoonic wars, java had been captured from the french in a short, sharp campaign bastion at cornelis, now covered by Manggrai, within present day jakarta.

With greatly improved relation with the local rules, Raffles was able to begin the run down og the Bencoolen settlement and to reduce the high cost of maitaining a large garrison force.

the fomaus the bengkulu Flower, Rafflesia anorldi wich Rafflesia nemed wideh his great friend, botanish Dr, Joseph Arnold.


Bencoolen (Bengkulu)

Raffles in 1817

als Raffles arrived in Bencoolen (Bengkulu) on 19 March 1818.

Despite the prestige connected with the title, Bencoolen was a colonial backwater whose only real export was pepper and only the murder of a previous Resident, Thomas Parr, gained it any attention back home in Britain.

Raffles found the place wrecked, and set about reforms immediately, mostly similar to what he had done in Java – abolishing slavery and limiting cockfighting and such games.


To replace the slaves, he used a contingent of convicts, already sent to him from India. It is at this point when he realized the importance of a British presence that both challenged the Dutch hegemony in the area and could remain consistently profitable, unlike Bencoolen or Batavia.

However, the strategic importance of poorly-maintained but well-positioned British possessions such as Penang or Bencoolen made it impossible for the British to abandon such unprofitable colonies in such close proximity to the Dutch in Java.

The competition in the area, between Raffles and the aggressive Dutch de jure Governor, Elout, certainly led at least in part to the later Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824. Raffles looked into alternatives in the area – namely Bangka, which had been ceded to the Dutch after its conquest by the British during its occupation of Java.

Bintan was also under consideration. Despite the fact that Warren Hastings overlooked the island before settling upon Penang in 1786, the Riau Archipelago was an attractive choice just to the south of the Malay Peninsula, for its proximity to Malacca.

In his correspondences with Calcutta, Raffles also emphasized the need to establish a certain amount of influence with the native chiefs, which had greatly waned since the return of the Dutch.

Raffles sent Thomas Travers as an ambassador to the Dutch, to possibly negotiate an expansion of British economic interests. When this failed, and when Raffles’ own expeditions into his new dominion found only treacherous terrain and few exportable goods, his desire to establish a better British presence was cemented.

Gouverneur van Elmina

, waar hij in 1818 overleed en werd begraven.

Daendels ging naar Elmina met het idee van Elmina e.o. iets te maken als Nederlands-Indië, maar al zijn brieven met plannen werden door het moederland niet beantwoord, men was blij van Daendels verlost te zijn.

Op 3 Meij 1818 werd den Gouverneur-Generaal Daendels ten 4 uur des namiddags in de Tombe gezet, doende het Hoofdkasteel van Elmina bij die gelegenheid 15 schoten



werd op het Waterlooplein een zuil gebouwd met daar bovenop een Leeuw. Helaas was de Leeuw wat klein uitgevallen t.o.v. de zuil en werd al spoedig

Het Hondje van Jan Pietersz Coen genoemd

Voor het Paleis van Daendels:

het standbeeld van Jan Pietersz Coen in Batavia

tot 1942…..

Waarom? Het leek net of Jan Pietersz Coen voor het paleis van Daendels zijn hondje riep dat bovenop een paal was gesprongen….

De naam Koningsplein kan worden herleid naar Koning-Stadhouder Willem III.

Koning-Stadhouder Willem III

In het oosten van de oude benedenstad van Batavia lag het Buffelveld, rond 1690


werd het Buffelveld omgedoopt tot Koningsplein. In de nieuwe bovenstad van Batavia werd rond 1818 het nieuwe centrale plein ten westen van het Waterlooplein ook weer Koningsplein genoemd. Niet alleen ter ere van Koning-Stadhouder Willem III, maar natuurlijk ook voor Koning Willem I.

Koning Willem I

Tot slot nog een paar schitterende prenten van het Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Buitenzorg, ook daarover zullen we het in de toekomst nog eens verder hebben wellicht.

19e eeuw

Het Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Buitenzorg

Toen en nu

Het (ex) Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Buitenzorg

Het interieur van het Paleis van de Gouverneur-Generaal in Nederlands-Indië in Buitenzorg

“Daar staat, breed en wit en behagelijk laag gebouwd, het paleis van Zijne Excellentie den Hollandschen Gouverneur-Generaal. Ziedaar een van de machtigste mannen der wereld, die te beschikken heeft over leven en dood van 55 millioen bruine menschen in Insulinde. De “Raad van Indië” beredeneert en beraadslaagt, maar zijn wil is macht !
Vijf jaren resideert een Gouverneur-Generaal in dit witte paleis. …..met nu en dan oproer en schietpartijen, weliswaar nog maar lage bergvormingen boven de kalme zee der Hollandsche koloniale politiek, doch hier en daar aan de randen reeds rood geverfd door het bloed der blanken……edoch de inheemschen hier zijn vreedzaam en onderworpen. Zij dienen de blanken met glimlachend geduld…….in afzienbaren tijd kunnen de inlanders de Hollandschen overheersching niet missen………kleurlingen “Westersch” opvoeden beteekent : den val van de Westersche wereldheerschappij verhaasten…..Azië ontwaakt ? Neen, Europa slaapt in!
Een rijke toekomst kan men de Nederlandsche Oost-Indische kolonie voorspellen, in geval er over honderd jaar nog koloniën bestaat. Waaraan getwijfeld mag worden.” Citaat uit 1933



1819-62 stampless letters, group of 25, mostly to London, markings include “Zee Bried Franco,” some with framed “Singapore,” Sourabaya” large oval strikes, local usages Samarang to Batavia, Passaroeang, Soebang, Tanguagong, Fjilankid, Cheribon plus others, some markings in red, mostly fine




Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016

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Dutch East Indie


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Netherlands Indies Hulpuitgifte 32½ op 50 cent type I tanding 11 x 11½, pracht ex. (gomzijde miniem getint en gomloos plekje) met certificaat NVPH 1992, cat.w....

Netherlands Indies Hulpuitgifte 32½ op 50 cent type I…

Saved from


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Netherlands Indies 30 cent oranjebruin met variëteit kopstaande opdruk, pracht ex. met certificaat Moeijes 1989, cat.w. 250  Dealer Corinphila Veilingen  Aucti...

Netherlands Indies 30 cent oranjebruin met variëteit…

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Netherlands Indies 1928. Airmail.40 cents on 80 Cents…

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5th World Scout Jamboree Netherlands East Indies stamp 1937

5th World Scout Jamboree Netherlands East Indies stamp 1937

Saved by
Lyda Nijhuis van Berkel

Netherlands Indies – Shadow figure from the Wayang Kulit

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Nertherlands Indies – Tjakalele war dance, Nias Island.

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Nertherlands Indies – Dayak dancer, Borneo

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Netherlands Indies – Menari dancer, Amboin

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selectedcollecting: Netherlands Indies Hulpuitgifte 50 cent…

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Netherlands Indies – Legon dancer, Bali

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Netherlands Indies - Hulpuitgifte 32½ op 50 cent type I tanding 11 x 11½, pracht ex. (miniem getint en gomloos plekje) met certificaat NVPH 1992, cat.w. 1250    Dealer  Corinphila Veilingen    Auction  Minimum Bid:  250.00 EUR

Netherlands Indies – Hulpuitgifte 32½ op 50 cent type I…

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Rare Indonesian Stamps -1964 15c orange Guiliane overprinted, error if missing I in Indonesia.

Rare Indonesian Stamps -1964 15c orange Guiliane…

Saved from


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Postal history collections

Look more info in another E-Book about Postal history like below


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GREECE - 1927-1965 EXTENSIVE COLLECTION An attractive mint/nhm &amp; used…

GREECE – 1927-1965 EXTENSIVE COLLECTION An attractive…

Greek Stamps
Steve Spann
Greek Stamps


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1892 Benin, 1fr olive green.

1892 Benin, 1fr olive green.

France Benin
tenzin tibet
France Benin


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1892 Benin, 75c on 15c blue/pale blue.

1892 Benin, 75c on 15c blue/pale blue.

France Benin
tenzin tibet
France Benin


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1892 Benin, 75 on 15c, variety black surcharge.

1892 Benin, 75 on 15c, variety black surcharge.

France Benin
tenzin tibet
France Benin


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1892 Benin, 75c rose-carmine.

1892 Benin, 75c rose-carmine.

France Benin
tenzin tibet
France Benin


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1899 Port Said, 25c on 10c black/lilac, both overprints in red.

1899 Port Said, 25c on 10c black/lilac, both overprints in…

France Port Said
tenzin tibet
France Port Said


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1893 Morocco, Timbre Poste overprint on 10c black postage due.

1893 Morocco, Timbre Poste overprint on 10c black postage…

France Morocco
tenzin tibet
France Morocco


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1903 Morocco, 5c on 5c postage due overprinted boxed P.P..

1903 Morocco, 5c on 5c postage due overprinted boxed P.P..

France Morocco
tenzin tibet
France Morocco


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1903 Morocco, 10c on 10c postage due overprinted boxed P.P..

1903 Morocco, 10c on 10c postage due overprinted boxed P.P..

France Morocco
tenzin tibet
France Morocco


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1893 Morocco, Timbre Poste overprint on 5c black postage due.

1893 Morocco, Timbre Poste overprint on 5c black postage…

France Morocco
tenzin tibet
France Morocco


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1904-5 Indo-China, 4c purple-brown/grey.

1904-5 Indo-China, 4c purple-brown/grey.

France Indo China
tenzin tibet
France Indo China


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1904-5 Indo-China, 1fr olive green.

1904-5 Indo-China, 1fr olive green.

France Indo China
tenzin tibet
France Indo China


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1920 Castelrosso, 50c cinnamon and lavender Merson overprinted O F.

1920 Castelrosso, 50c cinnamon and lavender Merson…

Italy Castelrosso
tenzin tibet
Italy Castelrosso


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1906-8 Indo-China, 10f red/green, variety Chinese overprint inverted.

1906-8 Indo-China, 10f red/green, variety Chinese overprint…

France Indochine Mong Tseu
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Mong Tseu


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1921-3 Alexandria, 30 Mill. on 15 Mill on 1fr, lake and yellow green.

1921-3 Alexandria, 30 Mill. on 15 Mill on 1fr, lake and…

France Alexandria
tenzin tibet
France Alexandria


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1921 Alexandria, 60 milliemes on 2fr deep lilac and buff.

1921 Alexandria, 60 milliemes on 2fr deep lilac and buff.

France Alexandria
tenzin tibet
France Alexandria


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1892 Obock, 75c on 1fr, commerce pair, variety one with double overprint.

1892 Obock, 75c on 1fr, commerce pair, variety one with…

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock 5fr on 1fr overprint, variety double 5.

1892 Obock 5fr on 1fr overprint, variety double 5.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 5F on 1fr, variety double F - 1 in blue.

1892 Obock, 5F on 1fr, variety double F – 1 in blue.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 1fr 'commerce', variety double overprint.

1892 Obock, 1fr ‘commerce’, variety double overprint.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 2 on 10c black, variety double overprint and red 2 inverted.

1892 Obock, 2 on 10c black, variety double overprint and red…

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 5fr on 1fr olive green.

1892 Obock, 5fr on 1fr olive green.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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Rare French Colonies Stamps | Gallery

Rare French Colonies Stamps | Gallery

France Indo Chine Tch'ong K'ing
tenzin tibet
France Indo Chine Tch’ong K’ing


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1892 Obock, 2 on 15c, surcharge inverted in pair with normal.

1892 Obock, 2 on 15c, surcharge inverted in pair with…

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1895 Majunga, 1fr olive green, surcharged 0.15 in manuscript.

1895 Majunga, 1fr olive green, surcharged 0.15 in…

France Majunga
tenzin tibet
France Majunga


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1901 Hoi Hao, 1fr tablet, olive green.

1901 Hoi Hao, 1fr tablet, olive green.

France Indochine Hoi Hao
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Hoi Hao


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1901 Hoi Hao, 5fr tablet, mauve/pale lilac.

1901 Hoi Hao, 5fr tablet, mauve/pale lilac.

France Indochine Hoi Hao
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Hoi Hao


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1901 Hoi Hao, 1fr tablet, olive green.

1901 Hoi Hao, 1fr tablet, olive green.

France Indochine Hoi Hao
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Hoi Hao


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1919 Hoi Hao, 2pi on 5fr blue, variety 2 piastres treble.

1919 Hoi Hao, 2pi on 5fr blue, variety 2 piastres treble.

France Indochine Hoi Hao
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Hoi Hao


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1892 Obock, 75c carmine/rose.

1892 Obock, 75c carmine/rose.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 40c red/buff.

1892 Obock, 40c red/buff.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 75c carmine/rose.

1892 Obock, 75c carmine/rose.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1892 Obock, 1fr olive green.

1892 Obock, 1fr olive green.

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1921 Port Said, 30 milliemes on 50c postage due, dull claret.

1921 Port Said, 30 milliemes on 50c postage due, dull…

France Port Said
tenzin tibet
France Port Said


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1908 Yunnanfou, 5fr blue 'YUNANNFOU' overprint error.

1908 Yunnanfou, 5fr blue ‘YUNANNFOU’ overprint error.

France Indochine Yunnanfou
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Yunnanfou


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1908 Yunnanfou, 10fr violet 'YUNANNFOU' overprint error.

1908 Yunnanfou, 10fr violet ‘YUNANNFOU’ overprint error.

France Indochine Yunnanfou
tenzin tibet
France Indochine Yunnanfou


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1921 Alexandria, 30 mill on 15 mill on 1fr, merlon.

1921 Alexandria, 30 mill on 15 mill on 1fr, merlon.

France Alexandria
tenzin tibet
France Alexandria


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1921 Alexandria, 60 milliemes on 2fr, lilac and yellow.

1921 Alexandria, 60 milliemes on 2fr, lilac and yellow.

France Alexandria
tenzin tibet
France Alexandria


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Rare French Colonies Stamps | Gallery

Rare French Colonies Stamps | Gallery

France Obock/Djibouti
tenzin tibet
France Obock/Djibouti


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1889 French Indo-China, 75c variety 'Indo China inverted'.

1889 French Indo-China, 75c variety ‘Indo China inverted’.

France Indo China
tenzin tibet
France Indo China


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Germany Railway Local Stamps
tenzin tibet
Germany Railway Local Stamps


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Mecklenberg - Schwerin Stamps

Mecklenberg – Schwerin Stamps

Germany Mecklenburg-Schwerin
tenzin tibet
Germany Mecklenburg-Schwerin


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British Commonwealth And British Empire Stamps For Sale - Sandafayre

British Commonwealth And British Empire Stamps For Sale…

tenzin tibet


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BRITISH LEVANT -   TURKISH 1911-13 4p on 10d, SG 31b, NHM horiz pair

BRITISH LEVANT – TURKISH 1911-13 4p on 10d, SG 31b, NHM…

British Levant Turkey
tenzin tibet
British Levant Turkey


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FRENCH COLONIES -  BENIN 1892 &quot;01&quot; in red on 5c green, Yv 14, very fine used.

FRENCH COLONIES – BENIN 1892 “01” in red on 5c green, Yv…

France Benin
tenzin tibet
France Benin


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1858-9 Lombardo-Veneto, 1kr Newspaper black.

1858-9 Lombardo-Veneto, 1kr Newspaper black.

Austria Lombardo Veneto

 Image result for Willem One Silver Coins

Created By

Dr Iwan suwandy,MHA

Ret.Police senior Superintanadant

Cobnsultan information

Copyright @ 2015

 This Day in History: Mar 20, 1602: Dutch East India Company founded

VOC Rijksdaalder 1799


The first papermoney of the Netherlands Indies.

At the end of the 18th century, the first kind of papermoney appeared in the Netherlands Indies. The notes were issued by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) that represented the Dutch interests in the East.

Many money transports from the Netherlands got lost and the wars with England twarted these transports regularly. Also the political uncertainty in Europe due to the French revolution and the war between France and England, resulting in the occupation by the English of the Dutch possessions in the East and West, bothered the VOC substantially.

As a consequence, the decay of the VOC started in the second half of the 18th century. The subsequent scarcity of money and the shortage of precious metals for coinage, led to the issuing of papermoney in 1782. The notes were issued in a period during which France also re-introduced papermoney and a number of other European countries also started using papermoney, like Sweden, Denmark and England.

Initially interest bearing bonds were issued (6%) in denomiations of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 en 1000 rijksdaalders. In 1873 the interest was not applied anymore. The notes were issued in multiples of rijksdaalders, starting from 1 up to 1000 rijksdaalders.

The exchange rate of these credit notes and the exchange against cash was problematic due to the impoverished situation of the VOC and resulted in substantial depreciation and the notes being sold at exchange rates lower than 15%.

Just before the VOC got bankrupt in 1799, the Netherlands Indies government issued new emissions, even during the French occupation (in the name of King Lodewijk Napoleon) and the English occupation (in the name of the English East India Company EEIC)) until approximately 1810.

Example of this first papermoney, a rijksdaalder from 1799, good for 48 zwaare stuyvers Indish money, issued in t’ Casteel (the Castle) in Batavia. The notes carry authenticity marks with VOC stamps on obverse and reverse, on handmade paper and has signatures by Brongers, Brinkman and Kleijnst(?).

This extremely rare note was for sale in the  auction of Collectplaza International Auctions on May 30, 2010. Bidding started at 28.000 Euro. source RobH

I have seen a very rare Dutch east Indie (Hindia Belanda)

Coin(Numismatic History Collections)

Willem One Silver Coins

Image result for Willem One Silver Coins

Price ?



postal history Collection

(This Land-Mail label has a variety: two l’s in ‘Maill’)

These labels were used on letters coming from Europe that were picked up by the Netherlands Indies authorities in Singapore (they were transported by the English through the Suez canal by so-called land mail and not the longer way around South Africa). The labels indicate a fee for the transportation from Singapore to Netherlands Indies. They were used from 1845 to 1847 and are rare. The shown envelope and label are from the dutch PTT museum in the Hague. The text on the labels reads: ‘brought in by land mail. To be paid f…. Batavia’, the date and the amount to pay were written in the labels. Another example:

imilar labels seem to exist with inscription: ‘Aangebragt per Land-Mail Te betalen duiten Batavia,’, they are slighly smaller. If somebody posesses a picture, please contact me!

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
All labels RRR RRR  

source  Klaseboer.

1845, Zustellungsmarke „Aangebragt per Land-Mail. Te betalen port (hds: 216) koper. BATAVIA (hds: 12/4 1846)” auf Faltbrief von Bordeaux (datiert 24.1.46) via Suez, Ceylon und Singapore nach Batavia, Java, aufgrund von säurehaltiger Tinte kleine Fehlstellen innerhalb der Anschrift, sonst einwandfreie und frische Kabinett-Erhaltung!, Fotoattest Brun&Fils, Paris. Catalog Price 4000,00[Zust. I ]

Bid Info: Price: € 4,000.00     Sold For: €3600.00




entire folded letter dated „Batavia 25. August 1845” with blue oval „BATAVIA (posthorn) / ONGEFRANKEERD” to Buitenzorg, red ms. „20”. Clean condition



18(?) date not clear,

entire folded letter dated with

red oval „PROBOLINGO (posthorn) / ONGEFRANKEERD” to Buitenzorg, red ms. „20”. Clean condition

Dr Iwan comment, I have also from Bekasi.




1846, Zustellungsmarke „Aangebragt per Land-Mail. Te betalen port (hds. 150) duiten BATAVIA (hds: 10 Jan 1847)” auf Faltbrief mit blauem K1 „AMSTERDAM 21/11 (1846)” und „P” via Marseille nach Samarang, Java, aufgrund von säurehaltiger Tinte kleine Fehlstellen innerhalb der Anschrift, sonst einwandfreie und frische Kabinett-Erhaltung! Catalog Price 4000,00[Zust. II ] Sold For: €3600.00






Comment in google eksploration as upload below

And After that I starting to safe another related info , and when almost completing added with my own postal history collections the E.Book get finished

Thanks for the owner of the collections below for permission to upload because I cannot remember all the name , and I only write form google eksplorations

Bag your pardon if anyone have the same postalbhistory, and I diidnot mantioned their name, please contact me via email and I will put your name as references

This E-Book special for my wife and sons.

Jakrta, Indonesia, 14 Oktober 2015

Dr Iwan suwandy,MHA

          Consultant Information





Postal ,Archives and numismatic history

Pre 1911


Created By

Dr Iwan suwandy,MHA

Private limited E-Book In CD-ROM Edition

Special For Specialist collectors


PRE 1880


Queen Puran of Sasanid Kindom silver coin in 629 found at Bukittinggi(provenance Dr Iwan)





Portigeus colonial Map in 1498



Austria: Ferdinand I (1521-64) AR ½ Taler. c.1550. Bust right; rev: Double headed eagle. Edge chip, flan crack G. Extremely rare, this date unrecorded & only 1 other Austrian ½ Taler (in WA Museum) recovered from the wreck. West Australian Museum certificate no 11977. (P) Estimate A$1800


Then, came the French around 1527, under the command of a politician and the businessman

Jean Ango.
He sent two merchant ships, led by the two brothers Jean and Raoul Parmentier
. Both of these vessels had entered the offshore Pariaman and stopped at Tiku and Indrapura. But his men languishing disease, so the record’s two brothers are not commonly found. (Shvoong, 2002)

Jean Ango. bring Lyons d’or (Gold Lion)


écus d’or (Gold Crown)

The  first minting of the Gold crown began in 1336. It was called so becasue it depicted the kings shield.

Its value relative to the money of account has fluctuated throughout the century, and was struck by Louis XI (1461-1483) to Francis I (1515-1547).

The Golden Lion is a coin with the image of a gold lion at the feet of the king of France seated. The first gold lions were first issued in 1338 under the reign of Philip VI. Other coins, minted in Flanders and Brabant in the fifteenth century are also called “Golden Lion”.

This coin bring by when he came to Pariaman west Sumatra






Germany, Saxony-Ernestine line, Johann Fredrich & Georg (1532-1539), silver ½ Taler, c1536, (11.830g). Three Shields. rev Helmet. Water worn, poor VG. Fractional Thalers from this wreck are very rare. Western Australian Museum Certificate #11980. (P) Estimate A$1200


MONETA.NOVA.GRAISCH.HAG Christian Roman Empire silver coin 1541 found at Bukittinggi(Provenannce Dr Iwan)



Spanish Netherlands, Brabant, Philip II silver Burgundian Daalder, 1568, Maastricht. (26.858g). Crown above cross dividing date. rev. Crowned arms in Order chain. D-8640. Western Australian Museum Certificate no 10894. Rare only 3 of this date recorded (P) Estimate A$2500











The East India Company (EIC) or iin dutch VOC(Indonesian called Kompeni) was the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies, the Company was granted an English Royal Charter, under the name Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, by Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600.


The original object of the group of merchants involved was to break the Dutch monopoly of the spice trade with the East Indies.


Therefore, EIC formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India


Batavia in 1618

colony Dutch East Indies (Nederlands Oost-Indië)/Indonesia. From 1602 – December 27, 1949* 1968*[/B]

* Capital: Batavia/Jakarta (1619-1963)
* Surabaya
* Bandung
* Yogjakarta
* Malang
* Semarang
* Tegal
* Cheribon
* Makassar (Celebes)
* Medan (Sumatra)
* Padang (Sumatra)
* Palembang (Sumatra)
* Pontianak (Borneo)
* Banjarmasin (Borneo)


The Dutch East Indies, or Netherlands East Indies,

was the Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia. During the 19th century, Dutch possessions in the archipelago and its hegemony were expanded, reaching their greatest extent in the early 20th century. Traditional rulers who survived the colonial military conquests were installed as regents and indigenous aristocracy became an indigenous civil service. They were placed under a Dutch hierarchy of Dutch officials; the Residents, the Assistant Residents, and District Officers. This indirect rule did not disturb the peasantry and was cost-effective for the Dutch; in 1900, only 250 European and 1,500 indigenous civil servants, and 16,000 Dutch officers and men and 26,000 hired native troops, were required to rule 35 million colonial subjects. From 1910, the Dutch created the most centralised state power in Southeast Asian history with the capital in Batavia (modern-day Jakarta).


Netherlands, Overyssel: Rijksdaalder 1620. Laureate ½ figure holding sword & provincial arms rev. Crowned shield dividing date. D-4832, KM-13. Minor surface deposits water worn. West Australian Museum certificate no 11996. (P) Estimate A$900


Netherlands, West Friesland, silver rijksdaalder, 1622 (27.543g). Half figure right with sword holding provincial arms. rev. Crowned arms dividing date. KM-15.1, D-4842. Western Australian Museum Certificate no 10851. Attractive VF (P) Estimate A$3000

Netherlands, Gelderland: Rijksdaalder (48 Stuivers) (16)19. Laureate ½ figure holding sword & provincial arms rev. Crowned shield dividing date. D-4828, KM-16.1. Porous VG. West Australian Museum certificate no 11987. (P) Estimate A$900



Sultanate Makassar gold coin

Sultanate of Makassar – ‘Ala al-din (1587-1629) – Coupang (¼ Mas) nd. (1587-1629) (NWC -) – Obv: Ruler’s title in Persian script / Rev: Persian script: ‘God keep his kingdom’ – Struck from eroding dies as is typical – 0,63 gram – Gold – VF



.The first trading post, known as a station or factory, was set up at Surat on the Indian’s West Coast (Bombay Presidency) around 1612 and the second at Fort St. George (Madras Presidency) 1640.

British East Indiamen


~First Fleet of East Indiamen on Bencoolen~

The East Indiamen were ships operating under charter or license to any of the East India Companies of the major European trading powers of the 17th through the 19th centuries.

They were designed to carry both passengers and goods and to defend themselves against piracy, and so constituted a special class of ship.





The Dutch had first visited Lombok in 1674 and the Dutch East India Company concluded its first treaty with the Sasak Princess of Lombok.

Source Ebay





The first British East Indiamen anchored in Bencoolen in 1685, lead by Ralph Ord and William Cowley.


Under the command of Captain J. Andrew, there were The Caesar, The Resolution, and The Defense. The EIC’s influence spread with Fort York (1685–1719)




Imprinted VOC period

(From 1602 till 18??)

(for explanation see text)


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Srs, St = Stuivers (nickels) = 5 cent (0.05 G)

Rd = Rijksdaalder (Rix-dollar) = 2,50 Dutch Guilder


A red asterisk *  means that this revenue is not in my collection.


A famous revenue Publicist : John Barefoot wrote me:

The VOC mainly operated in Java, Sumatra and some other bases in India, Neth Indies/Celebes, and one in Japan.

For the period 1602-1800 a letter in some seals indicates the location:


C = Cap of Good Hope = NOT  Netherlands Indies, but South Africa

S = Souratte = NOT Netherlands Indies, but  a city at the west coast of India


Netherlands India:

A = Amboina

M = Makassar

T = Ternate

MD = Menado

and those without a code letter must be assumed to be Java (where most revenues were used) unless the document mentions any other place.


In 1800 the VOC financially failed, but was taken over by the Dutch State (Kingdom of Batavia) and the existing revenue marks continued in use still with the old VOC emblem.

From 1811 the English began to control some of the Dutch trading stations in the East Indies and used a “G” mark for Java, or other English-language marks.



6 stuivers 1788 in document



I am not sure if this are postal or fiscal seals:

Rd 2 (=2 x 2,50 = 5 Guilder) in document 1808. see below:


Rd 4 (=4 x 2,50 = 10 Guilder) in document, see below:


Rd 5 (=5 x 2,50 = 12,50 Guilder) in fragment 1808, see below:


Rd 8 (= 8 x 2,50 = 20 guilder) in document 1808, see below:

Document October 1st 1808


Hans vann scheik






Me and John Verbeek observed the remnants of Fort York
The thick bushes in right side is ruin of the ramparts

Remnants of Fort York

Left End: Location of Fort York
Edge of Serut River Estuary

Fort York was established in small hill close the estuary of Serut River based on the agreement of 12th of July 1685 that The British EIC was permitted to build a settlement in the area close to the estuary, and built a fort to cover their village regarding the spice trading.






The agreement was prepared by EIC representative in Fort St. George in Madras, signed by Deputy Governor Ralph Ord and Young Prince from Sungai Lemau.


Gravestone of Richard Watts Esquire (moved from British Cemetery in Fort York)“Richard Watts Esq.
Sometime of Council for the
Right Honourable Company Affairs
In the Fort St. George
And in the year 1699 came
over Deputy Governor of this place
And in … years after
Made by … from
The Company the First President of this Coast
In this Station he departed
This life December 17th 1705 and
In the 44th years of his age

Gravestone of George Shaw (moved from British Cemetery in Fort York)“George Shaw
Son of
Mr. Thomas Shaw
Of London Merchant;
After he had served the Right Honourable Company
as Factor in Fort St.
George for some time;
Came over in the year 1699
served of this place
In this Station he continued
Until has removed by the death, April 25th 1704
Atatis 28”Explanation:
“Atatis 36”, it stands for “anno aetatis suae 28”,
that means “”in the year of his age 28 years”



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Dutch former Colonies, Asia, Dutch East Indies – This Day in…

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Edwin Janssens


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Mata Hari's Jewelry Margaretha Geertruida Zelle (1876-1917) was a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan best known as Mata Hari. She once half jokingly said to friends, &quot;I will be celebrated or notorious.&quot; She also thought she would eventually die on the scaffold. It all came to pass except that she was shot not hung, accused as a spy during the First World War.

Mata Hari’s Jewelry Margaretha Geertruida Zelle (1876-1917)…

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Postpaarbank 1939, now changed into Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)

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Continued in Fort Marlborough (1719–1824), both established in Bencoolen, West Coast of Sumatra.Other factories were established in the Prince of Wales Island (Penang), Singapore, Malacca, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Siam (Thailand), Persia (Iran) and the Persian Gulf, Macao and Whampoa (China), and St. Helena.


In 1719,

shortly after completion, the fort was abandoned by the Deputy Govendor and the whole garrison in the face of the major di sagreement with the local rules. It was feared that anttack migh be made on the settlemen.


South Sea Company ;

Top of Form

05/04/1722, Warrant to pay the dividend on Christmas 1721 £ 8239:2:1 South Sea Stock, # 87, 10.3 x 17.8 cm, black, beige, OU Lord Uxbridge. Grade: VF.





In August 1711,

the South Sea Company was founded.


The initial capital, the Company made before the British government as a loan, and in return received numerous privileges for trade with South America.


There, far Spain was the dominant power. In the first two years, the South Sea Company, however, took only six percent interest from the state. 1713 the company then acquired by France in the Treaty of Utrecht granted Asiento the British government.


Even barring the South Sea Company annually deliver 4,800 slaves in the Spanish colonies of South America. The business and the share price came in and running.


The price moved above a long time at 75 to 80 percent. The right bull, stock prices, however, continued on until early 1720, when it became known that the South Sea Company assumes more debt.


At the same time they could be given the right to increase the capital as often as they wanted. She was also free to choose the issue price. The price rose in the following months to more than 300 percent. There were other, very successful equity issuance. In early July 1720 the rate climbed to 800 percent.


That same month, a mega-issue of five million was made to the fabled course of 1,000 percent.


The London Journal wrote: “The turmoil of our whisk in the stock market this week has been so great that it exceeded all of unprecedented proportions. It was just a race from one cafe to another, from one tavern to another, to subscribe for shares to sign without checking the prospectus.


The general cry was: Let us ask God to draw and write with, it’s no matter what, “In the wake of the South Sea Company was founded more companies!.


Max Wirth has identified in his 1874 book “The history of the commercial crises” a total of 202 start-ups. But back to the South Sea Company: For courses by 1,100 percent in July 1720, the air was thin. The first salesman arrived on the scene. Just one month after the top, the paper had lost a third of its value.


Two months later, it was even with only one tenth of its prior record. Working with loans speculators were buried under their debts, several banks discontinued their payments, and even the Bank of England got into trouble. It was the first time – and, like the New Market has once again demonstrated, nor the last time in history – that much of the population belongings lost in the speculative frenzy.


The South Sea Company survived thanks to the reorganization measures bubble yet to 1853.

5 April 1722,

Warrant to pay the dividend on Christmas 1721 £ 8239:2:1 South Sea Stock, # 87, 10.3 x 17.8 cm, black, beige, OU Lord Uxbridge. Condition: VF.


The South Sea Company was founded in August 1711th The company used its foundation capital to buy state debt, and in return, it received Numerous privileges for trade with South America.


Until then Spain had been the supreme power there. However, in its first two years, the South Sea Company’s income was only six percent interest from the state. In 1713, the company acquired the right to the ‘Asiento’, Which had been granted by France to Britain in the Peace of Utrecht.


Under this agreement the South Sea Company was allowed to deliver 4.800 yearly slaves to the Spanish colonies. Thereafter, the company and the price of its shares slowly gathered momentum. Before, the share price had languished for a long time at 75 to 80 percent of the issue price.


The price did not start to boom until the start of 1720, when it became known that the South Sea Company would accept in payment for debts furtherstatetransitions its shares.

At the sametime, it reserved the right to increase its capital as often as it pleased.

Furthermore, it was free to choose the issue price. In the following months, the stock price boomed to more then 300 percent. Other very successful share issues followed.


Percent at the beginning of July 1720, the stock climbed to 800th In the same month, a mega-emission of five million at the phenomenal price of 1.000 percent what Carried out.


At the time, the London Journal wrote: “The turmoil of our wave makers at the stock market was so big, that it exceeded all of the until now known dimensions.


There was just a coffee house running from one to another, from one tavern to the next, to draw shares and to sign them without verifying the brochures.


The general call out what ‘For God’s sake, let’s draw and sign, it does not matter what!’ “In the shade of the South Sea Company, many more companies were promoted and a few were established. In his book “The history of economic crises,” published in 1874, Wirth, identified 202 such “bubble companies”. Back to the South Sea Company: In July 1720, with the price at 1.100 percent, the party was over. The first sellers trampled on the plan. Already one month after it had reached its peak, the share price lost a third of its value. Two months later, it stood at one tenth of its record high. Speculators who had borrowed to buy the shares were buried under their debts, various banks held back their payments and the Bank of England itself got into trouble. It was the first time – and as the Nasdaq has verified again, not the last time in history – that a large part of the public lost everything in a speculative rush. But the South Sea Company was too big to be allowed to fail. Thanks to major recapitalization measures by the government the company survived the speculation bubble and continued until 1853, although debt in its last years it did not trade and its main function was to service government




Imndonesian machinal translate


Surat Obligasi Tahun 1722


Top of Form



Warrant to pay the dividend on Christmas 1721 £ 8239:2:1 South Sea Stock, # 87, 10.3 x 17.8 cm, black, beige, OU Lord Uxbridge


5 April 1722,
Menjamin untuk membayar dividen pada Natal 1.721 £ 8239:2:1 Laut Selatan Stock, # 87, 10,3 x 17,8 cm, hitam, krem, OU Lord Uxbridge. Kondisi: VF.

 Pada bulan Agustus 1711,
 South Sea Company didirikan.
Modal awal, Perusahaan dilakukan sebelum pemerintah Inggris sebagai pinjaman, dan sebagai imbalannya menerima hak istimewa untuk banyak perdagangan dengan Amerika Selatan.
 Di sana, jauh di Spanyol adalah kekuatan yang dominan. Dalam dua tahun pertama, South Sea Company, bagaimanapun, mengambil hanya enam persen bunga dari negara. 1.713 perusahaan kemudian diakuisisi oleh Perancis dalam Perjanjian Utrecht granted Asiento pemerintah Inggris.

Bahkan pembatasan South Sea Company setiap tahunnya memberikan 4.800 budak di koloni-koloni Spanyol dari Amerika Selatan. Bisnis dan harga saham datang dan berjalan.
 Harga bergerak di atas lama di 75 sampai 80 persen. Banteng yang tepat, harga saham, bagaimanapun, terus sampai 1720 awal, ketika menjadi diketahui bahwa South Sea Company mengasumsikan lebih banyak utang.
Pada saat yang sama mereka dapat diberikan hak untuk menambah modal sesering yang mereka inginkan. Dia juga bebas memilih masalah harga. Harga naik pada bulan-bulan berikut untuk lebih dari 300 persen. Ada lainnya, penerbitan ekuitas sangat sukses. Pada awal Juli 1.720 tingkat naik menjadi 800 persen.
Di bulan yang sama, masalah mega-dari lima juta dibuat untuk program dongeng dari 1.000 persen.
The Journal London menulis: “Gejolak dari kami cepat dalam pasar saham pekan ini telah begitu besar bahwa itu melebihi semua proporsi belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya Itu hanya perlombaan dari satu kafe ke yang lain, dari satu kedai ke yang lain, untuk membeli saham. untuk menandatangani tanpa memeriksa prospektus.
Teriakan umum adalah: Mari kita minta Tuhan untuk menggambar dan menulis dengan, tak peduli apa, “Dalam bangun dari South Sea Company didirikan perusahaan lagi!.
 Max Wirth telah diidentifikasi pada tahun 1874 bukunya “Sejarah krisis komersial” total 202 start-up. Tapi kembali ke South Sea Company: Untuk kursus oleh 1.100 persen pada Juli 1720, udara tipis. Salesman pertama tiba di tempat kejadian. Hanya satu bulan setelah bagian atas, kertas telah kehilangan sepertiga dari nilainya.
Dua bulan kemudian, itu bahkan dengan hanya sepersepuluh dari rekor sebelumnya yang. Bekerja dengan pinjaman spekulan yang terkubur di bawah utang mereka, beberapa bank menghentikan pembayaran mereka, dan bahkan Bank of England mendapat masalah. Ini adalah pertama kalinya – dan, seperti Pasar Baru sekali lagi menunjukkan, maupun terakhir kalinya dalam sejarah – bahwa banyak barang-barang penduduk hilang dalam kegilaan spekulatif.
The South Sea Company selamat berkat gelembung reorganisasi tindakan belum



5 April 1722,
Menjamin untuk membayar dividen pada Natal 1.721 £ 8239:2:1 Laut Selatan Stock, # 87, 10,3 x 17,8 cm, hitam, krem, OU Lord Uxbridge. Kondisi: VF.
The South Sea Company didirikan pada bulan Agustus 1711th Perusahaan menggunakan modal dasar untuk membeli utang negara, dan sebagai imbalannya, ia menerima hak untuk Sejumlah perdagangan dengan Amerika Selatan.
 Sampai saat itu Spanyol telah kekuasaan tertinggi ada. Namun, dalam dua tahun pertama, pendapatan Laut Selatan Perusahaan hanya enam persen bunga dari negara. Pada 1713, perusahaan yang diakuisisi hak untuk ‘Asiento’, Yang telah diberikan oleh Prancis ke Inggris dalam Perdamaian Utrecht.
 Berdasarkan perjanjian ini, South Sea Company diizinkan untuk memberikan 4.800 budak tahunan ke koloni Spanyol. Setelah itu, perusahaan dan harga sahamnya perlahan-lahan mengumpulkan momentum. Sebelumnya, harga saham telah mendekam selama waktu yang lama di 75 sampai 80 persen dari harga masalah.
Harga tidak mulai booming sampai awal 1720, ketika menjadi diketahui bahwa South Sea Company akan menerima pembayaran untuk furtherstatetransitions utang sahamnya.
Secara bersamaan, pihaknya berhak untuk menambah modal sesering senang.
Selanjutnya, itu bebas memilih masalah harga. Dalam bulan-bulan berikutnya, harga saham menggelegar ke lebih dari 300 persen. Lain penerbitan saham sangat sukses diikuti.
Persen pada awal Juli 1720, saham naik menjadi 800 Pada bulan yang sama, sebuah mega-emisi lima juta dengan harga fenomenal dari 1.000 persen apa yang Melakukan.
Pada saat itu, Journal London menulis: “Gejolak pembuat gelombang kami di pasar saham adalah begitu besar, bahwa itu melebihi semua sampai dimensi sekarang dikenal.
Ada hanya sebuah rumah kopi yang berjalan dari satu ke yang lain, dari satu kedai ke depan, untuk menarik saham dan menandatangani mereka tanpa verifikasi brosur.
Jenderal memanggil apa ‘Demi Tuhan, mari kita menggambar dan menandatangani, tidak peduli apa!’ “Dalam naungan South Sea Company, perusahaan banyak yang dipromosikan dan beberapa didirikan Dalam bukunya.” Sejarah krisis ekonomi, “diterbitkan pada tahun 1874, Wirth, diidentifikasi 202 seperti” perusahaan gelembung “.


Kembali ke Selatan Sea Company:..

. Pada bulan Juli 1720, dengan harga di 1.100 persen, pesta usai Para penjual pertama menginjak-injak rencana Sudah satu bulan setelah itu mencapai puncaknya, harga saham kehilangan sepertiga dari nilainya


Dua bulan kemudian ., yang tercatat sebesar sepersepuluh dari rekor tinggi Spekulan yang telah dipinjam untuk membeli saham tersebut terkubur di bawah utang mereka, berbagai bank menahan pembayaran mereka dan Bank of England sendiri mendapat kesulitan Ini adalah pertama kalinya -. dan sebagai Nasdaq telah diverifikasi lagi, tidak terakhir kali dalam sejarah -.. bahwa sebagian besar dari segala sesuatu yang hilang publik terburu-buru spekulatif


Tetapi South Sea Company adalah terlalu besar untuk dibiarkan gagal Berkat langkah-langkah utama rekapitalisasi oleh pemerintah perusahaan selamat gelembung spekulasi dan terus sampai 1853, meskipun utang pada tahun-tahun terakhirnya tidak perdagangan dan fungsi utamanya adalah untuk pelayanan pemerintah


Original info

05.04.1722, Warrant to pay the Christmas 1721 dividend on £ 8239:2:1 South Sea Stock, #87, 10,3 x 17,8 cm, schwarz, beige, OU Lord Uxbridge. Erhaltung: VF. Im August 1711 wurde die South Sea Company gegründet. Das Gründungskapital schoss die Gesellschaft dem englischen Staat als Kredit vor und erhielt im Gegenzug zahlreiche Privilegien für den Handel mit Südamerika. Dort war bisher Spanien die vorherrschende Macht. In den ersten beiden Jahren nahm die South Sea Company allerdings nur sechs Prozent Zins vom Staat ein. 1713 erwarb die Firma dann die von Frankreich im Frieden von Utrecht gewährte Asiento vom englischen Staat. So durfte die South Sea Company jährlich 4.800 Sklaven in die spanischen Kolonien Südamerikas liefern. Das Geschäft und der Aktienkurs kamen dadurch langsam in Fahrt. Der Kurs bewegte sich zuvor lange Zeit bei 75 bis 80 Prozent. Zur richtigen Hausse setzten die Aktienkurse allerdings erst Anfang 1720 an, als bekannt wurde, dass die South Sea Company weitere Staatsschulden übernimmt. Gleichzeitig ließ sie sich das Recht einräumen, das Kapital so oft zu erhöhen, wie sie wollte. Zudem war sie bei der Wahl des Ausgabepreises frei. Der Kurs zog in den folgenden Monaten auf mehr als 300 Prozent an. Es folgten weitere, sehr erfolgreiche Aktienemissionen. Anfang Juli 1720 kletterte der Kurs auf 800 Prozent. Noch im gleichen Monat wurde eine Mega-Emission von fünf Millionen zum sagenhaften Kurs von 1.000 Prozent durchgeführt. Das London Journal schrieb damals: „Das Getümmel unserer Schaumschläger an der Börse ist diese Woche so groß gewesen, dass es alle bisher gekannten Ausmaße übertraf. Es war nur noch ein Rennen von einem Kaffeehaus zum anderen, von einer Taverne zur nächsten, um Aktien zu zeichnen, zu unterschreiben, ohne die Prospekte zu prüfen. Der allgemeine Ruf lautete: Lasst uns um Gottes Willen zeichnen und unterschreiben, es ist ja gleichgültig, was!“ Im Windschatten der Südsee-Gesellschaft wurden weitere Unternehmen gegründet. Max Wirth hat in seinem 1874 erschienenen Buch „Die Geschichte der Handelskrisen“ insgesamt 202 Gründungen ausgemacht. Doch zurück zur South Sea Company: Bei Kursen um 1.100 Prozent wurde im Juli 1720 die Luft dünn. Die ersten Verkäufer traten auf den Plan. Bereits einen Monat nach dem Top hatte das Papier ein Drittel an Wert verloren. Zwei Monate später stand es gar bei nur noch einem Zehntel seines Rekordstandes. Mit Krediten arbeitende Spekulanten wurden unter ihren Schulden begraben, diverse Banken stellten ihre Zahlungen ein, und selbst die Bank von England geriet in Schwierigkeiten. Es war das erste Mal – und wie der Neue Markt erneut unter Beweis gestellt hat, auch nicht das letzte Mal in der Geschichte -, dass große Teile der Bevölkerung Hab und Gut im Spekulationsrausch verloren. Die Südsee-Gesellschaft überlebte dank Sanierungsmaßnahmen die Spekulationsblase noch bis 1853.
5 April 1722, Warrant to pay the Christmas 1721 dividend on £ 8239:2:1 South Sea Stock, #87, 10.3 x 17.8 cm, black, beige, OU Lord Uxbridge. Condition: VF. The South Sea Company was founded in August 1711. The company used its foundation capital to buy state debt, and in return, it received numerous privileges for trade with South America. Until then Spain had been the supreme power there. However, in its first two years, the South Sea Company’s only income was six percent interest from the state. In 1713, the company acquired the right to the ‘Asiento’, which had been granted by France to Britain in the peace of Utrecht. Under this agreement the South Sea Company was allowed to deliver 4,800 slaves yearly to the Spanish colonies. Thereafter, the company and the price of its shares slowly gathered momentum. Before, the share price had languished for a long time at 75 to 80 percent of the issue price. The price did not start to boom until the start of 1720, when it became known that the South Sea Company would accept further state debts in payment for its shares. At the same time, it reserved the right to increase its capital as often as it pleased. Furthermore, it was free to choose the issue price. In the following months, the stock price boomed to more then 300 percent. Other very successful share issues followed. At the beginning of July 1720, the stock climbed to 800 percent. In the same month, a mega emission of five million at the phenomenal price of 1,000 percent was carried out. At the time, the London Journal wrote: “The turmoil of our wave makers at the stock market was so big, that it exceeded all of the until now known dimensions. There was just a running from one coffee house to another, from one tavern to the next, to draw shares and to sign them without verifying the brochures. The general call out was ’For God’s sake, let’s draw and sign, it doesn’t matter what!’” In the shade of the South Sea Company, many more companies were promoted and a few were established. In his book „The history of economic crises“ published in 1874, Max Wirth identified 202 such “Bubble companies”. Back to the South Sea Company: In July 1720, with the price at 1,100 percent, the party was over. The first sellers trampled on the plan. Already one month after it had reached its peak, the share price lost a third of its value. Two months later, it stood at one tenth of its record high. Speculators who had borrowed to buy the shares were buried under their debts, diverse banks held back their payments and the Bank of England itself got into trouble. It was the first time – and as the Nasdaq has verified again, not the last time in history – that a large part of the public lost everything in a speculative rush. But the South Sea Company was too big to be allowed to fail. Thanks to major recapitalization measures by the government the company survived the speculation bubble and continued until 1853, although in its last years it did not trade and its main function was to service government debt







It was not until 1723 that the Ease India company despatched a new Deputy Govendor and staff to reestablish the settlement.


Following the return of the traders the military garrison, consisting of two companies of infantry and an artillery detachmen, was established. Repairs  were made to the fort and the depences strengthened.


The local people who had been seriously affeced by the sudden departure of the settlers were once again contracted to suply pepper to the company. One of the major problems facing the military garrison was the distance between them and their ‘master’.


Requests for stores, gunpowder and such like had to be submitted to the court of Directort in London.


These would be despatched by the firt available sailing vessel returning to london, a journey which coul take as long as eigh months : 12-16 months for the ron journey. it is not the garris stores were at acrical level, and it is recorded that some times it became necessary for vital.Stores, such as gunpowder,  to be requesisioned from traiding vessels calling at Bencoolen.


The garrison at this time was supplied wit sepoy troops from the madras presidency in India, although frequent use was made of the buginese troops from the celebes Island.


VOC one doeit coin 1734



Shipwreck ‘Viegent Hart’ Silver Coin


Shipwreck coin ‘Viegent Hart’ shipwrecked 1735, Dutch East Indies on voyage to Batavia, Java










Silver and coins to be used in the East India Trade:

Spanish Eight Reals coins ‘Pieces of Eight’.

To the left a ‘Pillar Dollar’ type and to the right a ‘Cob’ type, and a bar of silver from the VOC, indented to be made into coins






Hispan Pillar Philips III OM in 1739,found bukittinggi(provenance Dr Iwan)


In 1747 begon men al met bouwen op de grond waar later ons hotel Des Indes zou ontstaan.




The Balinese had managed to take over the whole island by 1750, but Balinese infighting resulted in the island being split into four feuding Balinese kingdoms.

Source Ebay





werd het terrein opgekocht door de latere Gouverneur-Generaal Reynier de Klerk :


Gouverneur-Generaal Reynier de Klerk

De residentie van Gouverneur-Generaal Reynier de Klerk is onlangs gerestaureerd






Hispan Carolus III silver coin 1776 found bukittnggi(provenance Dr Iwan)


Herman Willem Daendels (1762-1818)

Herman William Daendels lived in a very complex period of national history. As unknown as he is now so well known and controversial, he was in the late 18th and early 19th century.

He was son of the town clerk of Hattem. He studied law at Harderwijk and established himself as a lawyer in his hometown.
William Herman, a regent from family, was one of the leaders of the Hattemerbroek bourgeoisie, who sought a greater influence on the appointment of citizens of the city.


In 1785

he was recommended for appointment ships placed. Stadtholder William V wished him not to appoint. Daendels now openly joined the Patriots Party.

The Patriots (patriotic) opposed Prince William V, without public participation in the provincial and municipal officials appointed boards.


Uprising in Hattem

In 1786

led the then 23-year-old William Herman Daendels the uprising against William V. Hattem The patriotic citizen companies were supported by patriots from Overijssel. The Prussian troops of the prince, however, drove them to flee occupied and Hattem.

Daendels and many other patriots fled to France.
In 1788 the Court sentenced him in absentia of Ontario, with a sword over the head to be punished and to perpetual exile from Ontario;

The Daendelshuis and Daendelspoortje in Hattem recall the famous resident of this city.He followed with great interest the progress of the French Revolution and took a seat on the Batavian committee, that a revolution in the Northern Netherlands prepared


VOC zeaolndia one doeit Coin 1791


East India Company, Bombay presidency, Proof Pice, 1791, bale mark, circulated in Sumatra at West Sumatra and Bencoolen as the part of British East India area.


When the favorable moment, Daendels seemed to have come in 1792

as a battalion commander of the Batavian Legion in French military service. As such he participated in the conquest of Belgium under Dumouriez. A year after his defeat at Neerwinden, in 1793, followed Daendels’s appointment as brigadier general in the Northern Army under Pichegru (March 1794). In this capacity he took part in the siege include: ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the conquest of the Bommelerwaard.



French Revolution

In December 1794

the armies of Pichegru on the frozen rivers in the Netherlands.

The patriots had formed in France in a Batavian legion, under the command of General Herman Willem Daendels.
The people offered little resistance and Prince William V fled by fishing boat to England. The Patriots took control and called the Batavian Republic.
Daendels played a prominent role in domestic politics in drafting the new constitution.

Coup d’etat
Daendels volgede with scrutiny work to prepare a Constitution for the Batavian Republic. When this did not to his knowledge went, he committed his first coup, January 22, 1798 and continued with his grenadiers all Federalists outside the National Assembly.

On July 12 d.a.v. He grabbed it again and forced illegally elected Executive Directors to resign, which earned him the nickname Second Brutus. In 1798 the Executive Directors appointed him commander of the Batavian Republic of Batavian troops, who would participate in the landing in Ireland, but the expedition was called off.

In the following year he was the head of a Batavian division under the leadership of Chief General Brune, with an impending mandate English-Russian invasion of England to prevent. He could not prevent the successful landing in 1799.

Slander Campaign
Although he is in the further struggle behaved very bravely and enemies to the agreement of Alkmaar were forced to leave the country, was for Daendels’s many adversaries envious and a welcome opportunity to begin a campaign against him. They even accused him of treason. Disappointed took Daendels in 1800 resigned, settled as a farmer in Ontario and kept himself entirely aloof several years of politics.



In 1795 a French-backed revolution in Holland expelled the Stadthouder,

William of Orange, who fled to Britain, where he issued the so-called ‘Kew Letter’, instructing VOC officials in the Indies to surrender their posts to the British on demand.

On this basis, the British occupied Melaka, Padang and Ambon without a struggle, Banda by surprise and Tidore by assault, but were unable to capture Kupang or Ternate

Monete e Medaglie Estere. Olanda-Indie Orientali. Repubblica Batava (1795-1806). Duit 1808. KM 76. AE. g. 3.09 BB.

Bid Info: Price: € 20.00

1 Gulden 1795 (Sch. 91a / Delm. 1179) – ZF-

3 Gulden 1795 (Sch. 79 / Delm. 1146) – F/ZF euro 40,-

Fine condition euro 1795.-

Duit 1785 E 25





½ Gulden 1796 (Sch. 101 / Delm. 1200 / WES 117/R2) – PR/UNC /net exemplaar met mooie kleur en minieme randoneffenheden / zeer zeldzaam

Munten- en Postzegel Organisatie Numismatic Auction on

Closing: May 23 – May 26, 2012

Bid Info: Price: € 400.00







Rare 3 Gulden 1797 with HOLL: (Sch. 81b/R / Delm. 1146) – ZF-











Rare George III Gold Guenia 1798




THE BATAVIAN REPUBLIC from 1788 until 1806

. In the time the possessions of the former VOC were administered by the Batavian Republic it was under the supervision of the Council of the Asiatic Possessions and Establishments (Raad der Asiatische Bezittingen en Etablissementen.)

The Batavian Republic introduced the use of the emblem of the sovereign in the colonies and this was continued by the following administrations. First this emblem consisted of an altar charged with an anchor and a dolphin, supported by a lion with the national flag and the Batavian Virgin with spear an hat of Liberty.

The legend of these stamps read “raad der asiat(ische): bezitt(ingen): en etabl(issementen) der bataafsche / republiek”. [13]In 1802 the emblem was changed into a lion rampant, armed with a sword and a bundle of arrows.On the stamps for use by the councils the emblem of state was surrounded by the legend “raad der asiat(ische): bezitt(ingen): en etabl(issementen)”.[14]Nevertheless on a florin for circulation in the colonies there appeared the old symbols of the Company and of the States General: a ship sailing to the sinister and the crowned arms with the lion with sword and arrows.  This time the symbols can be considered as the symbols of the territory and of its ruler.


The establishment of Bandung

When the Bandung regency led by the Regent RA Wiranatakusumah II, the powers of the Company on the archipelago ended due to the VOC went bankrupt (December 1799).




April ,2nd.1799

The VOC Papermoney 1799

The first papermoney of the Netherlands Indies

At the end of the 18th century, the first kind of papermoney appeared in the Netherlands Indies. The notes were issued by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) that represented the Dutch interests in the East.

Many money transports from the Netherlands got lost and the wars with England twarted these transports regularly. Also the political uncertainty in Europe due to the French revolution and the war between France and England, resulting in the occupation by the English of the Dutch possessions in the East and West, bothered the VOC substantially.

As a consequence, the decay of the VOC started in the second half of the 18th century. The subsequent scarcity of money and the shortage of precious metals for coinage, led to the issuing of papermoney in 1782. The notes were issued in a period during which France also re-introduced papermoney and a number of other European countries also started using papermoney, like Sweden, Denmark and England.

Initially interest bearing bonds were issued (6%) in denomiations of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 en 1000 rijksdaalders. In 1873 the interest was not applied anymore. The notes were issued in multiples of rijksdaalders, starting from 1 up to 1000 rijksdaalders.

The exchange rate of these credit notes and the exchange against cash was problematic due to the impoverished situation of the VOC and resulted in substantial depreciation and the notes being sold at exchange rates lower than 15%.

Just before the VOC got bankrupt in 1799, the Netherlands Indies government issued new emissions, even during the French occupation (in the name of King Lodewijk Napoleon) and the English occupation (in the name of the English East India Company EEIC)) until approximately 1810.

Example of this first papermoney, a rijksdaalder from 1799, good for 48 zwaare stuyvers Indish money, issued in t’ Casteel (the Castle) in Batavia. The notes carry authenticity marks with VOC stamps on obverse and reverse, on handmade paper and has signatures by Brongers, Brinkman and Kleijnst(?).

This extremely rare note price estimate 28.000 Euro.


Gedenkboek van De Javasche Bank 1828-1928, L. de Bree, G. Kolff & Co., Weltevreden


Look part two

Japan Papermoney History Collections (sample of E-Book In CD-ROM)



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Showroom :
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(Museum Duniamaya koleksi unik masterpiece Dr Iwan)





J. J. Stokes Date of birth: October 6, 1972 (1972-10-06) (age 38)
Place of birth: San Diego, California
Career information
Position(s): Wide receiver
College: UCLA
NFL Draft: 1995 / Round: 1 / Pick 10
As player:
2003 San Francisco 49ers
Jacksonville Jaguars
New England Patriots
Playing stats at

Jeral Jamal Stokes (born October 6, 1972) is a former National Football League wide receiver. Stokes last played in the NFL in December 2003 for the New




Consultan Information

collections can look at my museum “Our Ancestor Museum WANLI SONS North Jkarta Indondonesia”




Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Limited E-Book In Cd-Rom

Special for Numismatic Collectors and Historian Scholars

Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016


Dr Iwan comment

In July 2016 I visit this country , with my wife Lily and So0n Anton ,with his wife Grace and my granddaufghter Cess withh her grandmother Sisca. We we stayed at GrandNikko Hotel Tokyo, we visit Mount Fuji, then by train we visit Osaka and stayed at   Hotel mayling Osaka, we visit also Kyoto , then after that I with my wife visit Hongkong.



I found Japan papermoney in 2000, and

I still collected that papermoney until this day .

In 2016 I star to collect Switzerland Paper MoneY


And for add my museum collections in North Jakarta Pondok Gading “Our Ancestor Museum WANLI SONS”

This E-book I write for my Sons Anton Jimmi Suwandy ,and his wife Grace with their children Cessa as the remembrance of my effort to ptotect the world heritage from Switzerland.

I put some information from Wikipedia dan E-Bay to give more knowledge to collectors and historian scholar.

Jakarta August 2015

Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Ret.Senior Superintentands Indonesian National Police

Consultant Information



10th Century

During the period of Japanese history from 1185-1603, Japan was ruled by the Emperor, but his power was not absolute.


One of the neatest collectible currencies in the world is Japanese Hansatsu. These banknotes were issued during the Edo Period (1603-1868), but there are similar designs issued before the Edo period and after the Edo period, during the Meiji Restoration, which restored Imperial Rule to Japan.



After winning the Battle of Sekigahara

in 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu became the supreme ruler over Japan. He organized all the Daimyo’s into around 300 Han, a type of fief, or domain, from which he demanded loyalty. Those who were his enemies had their houses destroyed and their lands taken. Those who were loyal, he granted powerful positions to in the Han’s.

The Han’s were able to produce what were called Han-Satsu, a type of banknote similar to notes issued previously by private issuers, but had since been removed from circulation. Hansatsu were issued in the different han’s and they circulated primarily within the han they were issued in, though there were a few exceptions. Hansatsu were based on the gold, silver and copper coinage of the time, but there were a few that that were to be exchanged for commodities such as rice and fish.

17th Century

Yamada Hagaki Period Issued By Shinto Priest


A Yamada Hagaki, Japan’s first banknote, circa 1600.

Japan’s first banknotes, called Yamada Hagaki (山田羽書), were issued around 1600 by Shinto priests also working as merchants in the Ise-Yamada (modern Mie Prefecture), in exchange for silver.[1] This was earlier than the first goldsmith notes issued in England around 1640.[1]




An early issue of domain scrip took place in the Fukui domain in 1661. As early as 1610, private notes had been printed for purposes such as payment of workers on construction projects. Domains issued scrip to supplement coins in times of shortage and to adjust the amount in circulation. They also exchanged scrip for coins to improve the financial situation of the domain. By the end of the period, eight out of ten domains issued paper, as did a few daikan-sho and hatamoto.


Accepting scrip always carried the risk of forfeiture.

18th Century

Edo Period

(Era Shogun)

Feudal domains of Japan

During the Edo period, feudal domains of Japan issued scrip called hansatsu (藩札?) for use within the domain.

During the Edo period, the shogunate seized some domains, and transferred others; on such occasions, the new daimyo might not honor the old scrip. Following the condemnation and death of the daimyo Asano Naganori, for example, Ōishi Yoshio, a house elder in the Akō Domain (and later the leader of the Forty-seven Ronin), ordered the redemption of scrip at 60% of face value. In addition, in times of financial difficulty, the domain might simply declare scrip void.

Early in the period, domains printed their own scrip; later, they operated through




In 1707 the controlling Tokugawa Shogunate banned the use of paper money, due to abuses of the system.


However, in 1730, the practice of issuing Hansatsu was officially resumed. In reality, Japan was actually controlled by powerful Daimyo, (feudal lords) and Shoguns (warlords). This period has been divided up into separate periods of rule based on who was in control at the time.

prominent merchants, whose credibility was important to the acceptance of the currency.

This paper currency supplemented the coinage of the Tokugawa shogunate. Most scrip carried a face value in silver coinage, but gold and copper scrip also circulated. In addition, some scrip was marked for exchange in kind for a commodity such as rice.

In addition to those issued by the domains, forms of paper money were also issued by rice brokers in Osaka and Edo. Originally used only as a representation of amounts of rice (subdivisions of koku) owned by the scrip-holder and held in the Osaka or Edo merchants’ storehouse, these scrips quickly came to be used as currency


Japan Edo period papewr money “Hansatsu Imone” Nara 1866 UNC Est price IDR 263,157.89

Dr Iwan Comment

I found this paper money three type , two from Tokyo flea market and one from Jakarta market.

Japanese Banknotes



A collection of 18th & 19th century Hansatsu banknote designs



When Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigned in 1867, the result was the Boshin War in January of 1868, in which the Shogunates forces were defeated and the Emperor declared himself to be restored to power. This period is known as the Meiji Restoration. At this time the government began an exchange program for people to turn in their Hansatsu for the new national currency called the Dajoukansatsu, which was the first banknote issued by a central government in Japan. This was met with reluctance, however, and the exchange ran until 1879.


Hansatsu notes are vertically printed and narrow, which has garnered them the nickname of ‘Bookmark Notes’ by some collectors. The notes have many different designs and motifs, and are usually filled with the Japanese Kanji script both in printed and handwritten form. One of the more prevalent design features is that of a corpulent man standing on two barrel shaped rice bales, and carrying an oversized sack over his shoulder. These depictions are of the Daikokuten, one of the Shichi Fukujin, or Seven Gods of Fortune. Originating from the Buddhist faith in India, where he was known as Mahakala and was a fierce warrior god. Towards the end of the fifth century, he was ensconced in Buddhism, and he made his way to Japan by the eighth century where, over time, he lost his fierce ways and became a chubby, happy man. Renamed Daikokuten, he adopted a magic mallet, a large treasure sack, bales of rice, and became the god of wealth, happiness, farming, and of course, good fortune. He rapidly grew into a favorite deity throughout Japan.


His association with agriculture has him depicted almost always standing or sitting on two rice bales. This has also made him a favorite deity for cooks and kitchens. Tradition also has it that the main pole in a house is often called the Daikokuten pole, meant to support the house with good fortune.


The oversized sack of treasure has in it three items, in abundance: Wealth, Wisdom and Patience.


The magical wooden mallet is said to be able to grant whatever wish you want when it is struck on the ground, and when shaken, coins will magically appear to fall out of it. The mallet contains a wish granting jewel, called the Hoju, that is a special symbol of power in Buddhism. The Hoju is said to be able to grant wishes, bring calm, and give understanding of the Dharma, or Buddhist law. The Dharma is also considered to be wealth in Buddhist teachings. The jewel has also been said to contain the sacred ashes of the Buddha himself. The mallet can also be seen with three jewels in a flame, or a single pointed flame.  The three jewels and flame are, along with rice, powerful fertility symbol. On Hansatsu notes, these jewels can most often be seen on the ends of the rice bales.


Daikokuten is somtimes depicted with three heads, and is then known as the Sanmen Daikoku, which is depicted to show him as the protector of the three Buddhist “Treasures”: Buddha himself, Law and Buddhist disciples. This depiction of him was quite popular during the Edo Period in Japan.


Below are some typical Hansatsu notes from my personal collection. As I do not read Japanese, the translations are not complete. I have had to base my identification of these notes from the information I could obtain from the seller, or from other sources in books or on the Internet. Unfortunately, I have not come across a detailed description of these notes in English, and have often had to rely on sources in French or Polish – there is undoubtedly something lost in the translation at some point. Any assistance in the identification or translation of these notes will be greatly appreciated.

Link: How to attribute dates on Hasnatsu


1 Silver Monme – 1740



1 Silver Monme – 1863



1 Silver Monme Issued by the Shibamura Han in the Yamamoto-Wahsu Province during the Enkyo (Edo) era, year 2 (Kinoto Ushi) – Western year 1745



1 Silver Monme Issued during the Kyoho era, year 15 (Kanoe-inu) Western year 1730



1 Silver Monme – Undetermined Han and date




1 Silver Monme – Issued in the Anwei era – Western year 1854




1 Silver Monme Issued during the Tenpo era – Western year 1838



1 Silver Monme Issued during the Keio era year 2 (Hinoe-Tora) – Western year 1866



1 Monme Issued during the Keio era – Western year 1865


 Image result for JAPAN 1 Monme Issued during the Keio era - Western year 1865-1867

1 Monme Issued during the Keio era – Western year 1865-1867

 Image result for JAPAN 1 Monme Issued during the Keio era - Western year 1865-1867


1 Monme Issued during the Koka era, year 4 (Hinoto-Hitsuji – Western year 1847



1 Silver Monme Issued during the Keio era year 1 Nana Meguri Hanchi-ko Mura – Western year 1865



1 Silver Monme Issued during the Bunkyu era, year 4 Hyogo Prefecture of Kasai – Western year 1863



3 Silver Bu Issued during the Kyoho era, year 15 Kanoe-inu – Western year 1730



3 Silver Monme Issued during the Kyoho era, year 15 Kanoe-inu Nagasawa, Kawachi (Osaka) – Western Date 1730



1 Silver Monme issued by the Yanagimoto Han in Yamato no Kuni Nara-Ken Prefecture Issued during the Bunsei era, year 13 – Western year 1830



1 Silver Monme issued by the Mangani Temple of Abeyamain Yamato no Kuni Nara-Ken Prefecture Issued in Keio 2nd year during the Edo era – Western year 1866




3 Silver Monme issued by the Hatake Mura Village in Atsumi Gin, Mikawa no Kuni – Achi Ken Prefecture Issued during the Meiji era, year 2 – Western year 1869

Valid until Meiji 5th year – Western year 1872


The gentleman catching a fish in this vignette is not Daikokuten, but is instead the ‘laughing god’ Ebisu, one of the Seven Gods of Furtune. According to legend, Ebisu gained ill favor with his elders at the age of three, and he was cast into the sea, who is always happy and laughing, and evidently very generous. He is depicted as always wearing traditional Japanese court clothing with a fishing rod and a fish known as a ‘red sea-bream’ (pagrus cardinalis), which is supposedly the most delicious fish that can be prepared. In some modern illustrations, he is also associated with jellyfish.


Ebisu is the patron of merchants and tradesmen, as well as fishermen. Perhaps due to his clothing, it is considered good luck to purchase clothing and material on Ebisu Day.


How to date Hansatsu (Or try to really, really hard, anyway!)

Link: How to attribute dates on Hasnatsu



Look more Hansatsu Edo Papermoney collections from this era from E-Bay auction

Japan Edo period paper money “Hansatsu 1monme” Nara 1866 Uncirculated

o    IDR263,157.89

o    Buy It Now


o    From Japan


Japan Edo period paper money “Hansatsu 1monme” Nara 1700s

o    IDR131,578.95

o    Buy It Now


o    From Japan



o    IDR4,440,789.47

Was: IDR5,921,052.63

o    Buy It Now

o    25% off

o    From United States


o    IDR118,421.05

Was: IDR157,894.74

o    Buy It Now

o    25% off

o    From United States

Japan Edo period paper money “Hansatsu 1monme” Nara 1700s


The shogunate prohibited the use of scrip in 1707.


.Edo Period: Pre-conditions for Industrialization

(See Handout no.2)

The Edo period: 1603-1867


Nikko Toshogu Shrine (Yomei Gate)


Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Edo Shogun

From the late 12th century through the 17th century, Japan was ruled by samurais (military leaders) but politics remained unstable. Internal wars and power shifts were very frequent, especially during the late 15th century to the end of the 16th century (called Sengoku Jidai, or warring period).

Finally, Ieyasu Tokugawa unified the country after the decisive Battle of Sekigahara (located between Nagoya and Kyoto, visible from Shinkansen) in 1600 and the attacks on Osaka Castle in 1615 where the rival Toyotomi family perished. Ieyasu established a new government in Edo and became the first shogun of the Edo Bakufu in 1603. Edo, a sleepy little town until then, was transformed into a huge political city by aggressive public works including land reclamation, new canals and clean water supply systems. The Tokugawa family ruled the country in the next 264 years (15 shoguns in all). Ieyasu Tokugawa was deified and worshiped in Nikko Toshogu Shrine (even today).

We start the story of Japan’s economic development from the Edo period because pre-conditions for later industrialization and modernization were created internally during this period (moreover, quantitative data for earlier periods are very limited). The following are the pre-conditions that were generated:

(1) Political unity and stability
(2) Agricultural development in terms of both area and productivity
(3) Development of transportation and the existence of nationally unified markets
(4) The rise of commerce, finance and the wealthy merchant class
(5) The rise of manufacturing (food processing, handicraft, etc)
(6) Industrial promotion by central and local governments (sometimes successful but not always)
(7) High level of education

These are the features of the Edo period which are commonly cited by many researchers. The remainder of this lecture discusses them in detail. Note that some of these conditions are not achieved even today in some countries. In fact, developing countries that are equipped with all these conditions are relatively rare.



Here are some basic terminology for the Edo period:


The old name for Tokyo. Edo literally means the mouth of bay. Incidentally, Tokyo means eastern capital (the western, or the traditional, capital is Kyoto).


Regional samurai ruler. During the Edo period, it meant the head samurai of a local government (han).


Originally, the supreme commander of dispatched army. But it usually means the head of a central military government.


Residence of a military ruler. Later it meant the central military government itself.


A local government (like province or prefecture) in the Edo period.

Features of the Bakufu-Han System

The basic characteristics of the Edo society and politics were as follows.

(1) It was a class society: The ruling class was samurai (military men who were permitted to carry a sword). Then farmers (ranked no.2), craftsmen (no.3), merchants (no.4). There was a big gap between the samurai class and other classes. Farmers were officially placed no.2 because they paid the rice tax, but they were not particularly respected. Below all of these classes, there were also outcasts (eta and hinin).

(These four classes were called Shi-Nou-Kou-Shou (from top to bottom). Historically, Vietnam also had the distinction of Si-Nong-Cong-Thuong (Chinese characters are the same, only the pronunciation is different). It is clear that the idea originally came from China. In Vietnam, however, the top class “Si” meant scholars or literary bureaucrats, not fighting men. Moreover, it merely showed what types of people were important and respectable in society without political implication. The Edo government changed this idea into an ideology that legitimized a class society with samurais on top.)

(2) Politically, it was a centralized system. The Bakufu (central government) had absolute political power over the fate of hans (local governments) and could even remove or abolish them. It was a feudal society in the sense that the shogun gave daimyos the land to rule. In return, daimyos pledged loyalty to shogun. Any sign of disobedience was met with sternest punishment (often seppuku (ritual suicide) and/or the termination of the family).

(3) Economically, it was more decentralized. The Bakufu was not very capable of (or interested in) imposing consistent economic policies. Its policies were often unstable and short-sighted. Each han could decide its tax rates and other economic regulations, or encourage certain industries (so long as it was not explicitly prohibited by the Bakufu).

(4) The Bakufu imposed the following expenses on hans. (i) sankin kotai, bi-annual commuting between home and Edo (one year the daimyo must live in Edo, next year in his han, then Edo, then home, ad infinitum) — a large number of retainers also moved with him. This cost a large sum of money and usually constituted the largest part of han’s expenditure; (ii) public works ordered by the Bakufu, such as building castles, moats, roads, irrigation ponds and canals, waterworks, etc; (iii) other ad hoc and arbitrary taxes and charges.

Imposition of these financial expenses on hans had the effect of weakening the financial capability of hans so they were unable to build military forces to rebel against the Bakufu.


Figure 2-1

Bakufu-Han System


The Edo society was agrarian (particularly at the beginning) with about 90% of the population being peasants. Later, the ratio declined somewhat. The basic unit of production was the small family. Previously, one farming household often contained many families plus servants. But official land surveys (kenchi) conducted before and after the beginning of the Edo period dismantled the big family system and created small farming units, with each family guaranteed of the land to cultivate.

According to the law, peasants had no right to move and were tied to the land as labor force (they were the tax base !) But in reality, some farmers moved to new land, sometimes to avoid a high tax burden, unreasonable policy or famine, but sometimes to look for new land to improve their life. Later, as rural income rose, many well-to-do farmers enjoyed village festivals as well as trips to Ise Shrine and other religious spots (officially for worship, but actually for fun).

Villages were well organized and permitted autonomy, as long as they paid rice taxes as stipulated. The rice tax was levied on villages (not individual farmers), and village representatives, who were often themselves farmers, allocated rice tax burden among all villagers. In a sense, they played the role of lowest-level tax administration. Thanks to them, the Bakufu and hans could raise tax revenues with little administrative cost. Prof. Keiichi Tanaka (Edo historian) argues that farmers were very dynamic and independent, and they often rejected Bakufu officials and policies which were inconsistent and unreasonable. (Prof. Tanaka thinks that the Bakufu had no long-term vision and their laws and regulations were ad hoc responses to unfolding events.)

There were two ways to determine the rice tax obligation. One was the kemi (inspection) system where an official inspector came to check the actual yield every year. Naturally, village representatives treated the official with lots of food and gifts. Some officials only had drinking parties and did not actually check the fields. The bribed official happily understated the crop output (often very substantially) so villages paid much less taxes. According to Prof. Shinzaburo Oishi (historian), such corruption was an important reason for chronic revenue shortage of the government. On the other hand, if the visiting official was arbitrary and uncooperative, he might raise the tax obligation to the chagrin of the farmers.

Another method was the jomen (fixed amount) system where the rice tax was unchanged for three or five years based on the average output of the preceding years. Under this system, the government could expect a more stable tax revenue and also minimize the inspection cost. Farmers borne a greater risk for crop failure, but incentive to produce was also greater (if they worked hard, additional output was all theirs). According to Prof. Tanaka, farmers often preferred the jomen system because they did not want to cope with corrupt officials every year.

During the Edo period, agricultural development underwent two phases: from quantitative expansion to qualitative intensification.

Table 2-1
Estimated Land under Cultivation

 (unit: thousand hectare)

930 AD


1450 AD


1600 AD


1720 AD


1874 AD


Source: S. Oishi (1977).

From the mid 15th century to the late 17th century (this includes the previous Sengoku Jidai (warring period) as well as the early Edo period), there was an enormous expansion of farmland (especially rice paddies). Earlier, rice was produced in narrow valleys where mountains ended and plains began–this was the only place where constant water supply was available. But during this period, large-scale water projects were carried out all over Japan by daimyos and private farmers to control floods and use rivers for irrigation. As a result, land under cultivation expanded dramatically. The plains, which had hitherto been uninhabitable marshlands, were turned into productive paddy fields. The population increased rapidly (such population growth was very unusual for a pre-modern society). Prof. Shinzaburo Oishi calls this “The Great Age of Opening Fields.”

After the late 17th century, land expansion came to a halt. The rapid growth of farmland in the previous period also brought some negative effects, including (i) shortage of labor force; and (ii) deforestation and frequent occurrence of floods. From this period onward (even today), Japanese agriculture emphasized intensive cultivation with large inputs of labor and technology, instead of quantitative expansion.


Agricultural technology in the Edo period

From the 18th century onward, the area of cultivation and population remained relatively stable, but rice output continued to grow thanks to increased productivity. Contributing factors included double cropping, new species of rice, fertilizer (dried fish was popular), and invention of new farming tools. Many guidebooks were published to teach farmers how to produce crops more effectively and efficiently.

At the beginning of the Edo period (17th century), peasants produced mainly for family consumption. They ate what they produced and their living standards were at subsistence levels. However, from the middle Edo period, as productivity rose, agricultural surplus was created and peasants began to sell their rice and other crops to the market (which was nationally integrated). Cash crops increased and commercial agriculture began.

Officially, all farmers were supposed to belong to (or be tied to) pre-assigned land. But in the 19th century as landless farmers increased, the landlord-tenant relationship began to emerge.

Farmers’ uprisings (ikki) frequently occurred, especially at the time of famine and toward the end of the Edo period. They were unhappy with taxes, inflation, famine, corrupt officials, or government policies.

Budget and money

The Bakufu’s revenue sources included the following:

–Rice tax from land directly held by Bakufu (land not distributed to other daimyos)
–Monopoly on mining, foreign trade and minting money
–Direct control on major cities (Edo, Kyoto, Osaka, Nagasaki, Sakai, etc)
–Financial contributions from merchants in exchange for monopoly & cartel permission
–Charges on and borrowings from rich merchants (sometimes not repaid)
–In addition, the Bakufu assigned hans to various public works, as noted above

Hans’ revenue included the following:

–Rice tax from its territory
–Revenues from local industries (if industrial promotion was successful)

The entire fiscal system was based on the rice tax. The unit of fiscal account was “koku” (about 180 liters of rice). The han’s economic size was measured in koku and samurai’s salaries were paid in rice (but of course they had to convert it to cash to buy things). Rice was physically collected from each village and transported to the major rice markets (Osaka was the most important national rice market), then redistributed to the rest of the country. The “koku” size of each han was based on cultivated areas at the beginning, but as new fields were opened and productivity rose, the official “koku” size and the actual “koku” size of each han deviated.

This rice-based system had the following consequences:

(1) Since rice had to be actually shipped across regions, this tax system required a nationally unified transportation and distribution mechanism. Private merchants provided such services but the Bakufu and han governments often guided and supported them. Land transportation (on horseback) was very costly and inefficient, so sea and river transportation was mainly used.

(2) Economic activity gradually shifted from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture and handicraft industries. But the government’s tax base basically remained on rice. There were some taxes on commerce but this did not become the reliable tax base. As a result, the Bakufu and han governments faced fiscal crisis while farmers and merchants were allowed to increase their income and wealth.

(3) Faced with chronic fiscal crisis, the Bakufu responded in the following ways: monetary debasement (similar to printing money, which leads to inflation), spending cuts, tax increases, price controls, administrative reforms. Some commercial policies were tried, including providing certain merchants with the exclusive right to market a product (i.e. monopoly) in exchange for financial contribution to the government.

Money consisted of both gold and silver. Gold was popular in Edo and silver was mainly used in Osaka. Copper money was also used for small transactions. Hans could also issue local paper money. Inflation rose at the time of famine and accelerated toward the end of the Edo period (especially after international trade was resumed).

Transportation and commerce


Tokaido “Highway”

The Bakufu designated five official highways and opened major sea lanes. But private inns, restaurants, shippers, baggage carriers, etc. provided the necessary service. Farming villages near the highway were required to provide horses when necessary (part of their nontax obligation). Sankin kotai (bi-annual commuting by daimyos) also stimulated the development of the road system. At the same time, due to military reasons, Bakufu did not encourage free movement of people and merchandise. At major check points, sekisho (passport controls) were created. Some rivers were left without bridges, intentionally and for military reasons. Hans were not allowed to build ships or maintain navy.

As noted above, from the beginning, the Edo tax system presupposed a nationally unified rice market. Development of cash crops and handicrafts also stimulated nationwide commerce. Osaka was the commercial center with many rich merchants and money lenders, while Edo was a political center and consumption city. Naturally, the sea lane between the two cities was well developed. In Osaka, the futures market in rice emerged (this is said to be the first futures market in the world).

The Bakufu’s policy towards commerce and industry was variable and inconsistent. Sometimes the central government tried to control and tax private businesses. Other times free economy was permitted. Cartels were sometimes imposed and other times prohibited. Among historians, opinions differ as to whether the Edo economy was more dynamic under free market policy or pro-cartel policy. Prof. Tetsuji Okazaki (Tokyo University) tries to show that estimated GDP grew faster during the time when cartels were permitted than when they were banned. He argues that trade cartels were a positive factor for the development of the Edo economy rather than an impediment. However, his data and regressions may be too crude to be decisive.

Toward the end of the Edo period, many hans and local cities developed economically. As a result, direct trading among them (without the intervention of Osaka merchants) began. The center of economic activity gradually moved eastward, from Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto) to Edo and Eastern Japan. Many markets (not just rice, but almost everything) were nationally integrated.


As agriculture and commerce grew, pre-modern manufacturing (handicrafts, food processing) also began to develop. For example, the following products were produced:

tea, tobacco, wax, indigo, salt, knives, sword, pottery, lacquer ware, silk, cotton, soy sauce, sake, paper, stone cutting, medicine, chemicals


Cotton weaving factory in Owari (Nagoya). No steam engines or electricity yet, but division of labor was underway.

In order to enrich local population and increase tax revenue, many hans promoted local industries, and some even succeeded (S. Nishikawa and M. Amano, 1989). For example,

Tokushima han (indigo): Farmers produced indigo along the Yoshino River and their output gradually grew. But indigo distribution was monopolized by Osaka merchants who imposed high interest on loans. In order to protect local farmers and encourage local merchants, the han government created an indigo exchange and provided financial and distribution services. But the Bakufu objected to this move, prohibiting such official support (the Bakufu wanted to protect Osaka merchants who contributed financially to the central government). So the han privatized the indigo exchange and other services.

Takamatsu han (sugar): The Takamatsu government issued han’s paper money to promote various industries but failed, and its money depreciated. After many such failed attempts, the han finally succeeded in research on sugar production (from sugar beets) and commercialized the technology. As sugar production greatly increased, the han promoted inter-han trade (direct trade between hans). But again, the Bakufu tried to discourage such trade not brokered by Osaka merchants.

Satsuma han (military technology): This han in southern Kyushu imported new technology from the West and produced blast furnace, cannons and western ships. It was also engaged in illegal trade with Ryukyu (Okinawa), which was very profitable. By increasing wealth and military capability, Satsuma han later played the key role in toppling the Bakufu government and establishing the Meiji government.

These are just a few examples. Many other hans were engaged in industrial promotion, including Choshu han (paper, wax), Yonezawa han (safflower, lacquer wax), Akita han (silk and silk dress), Hizen han (pottery, coal), Higo han (lumber, silk), and so on. But we should not forget that there were many hans which were less successful and deeply in debt. They borrowed money from big private merchants but never repaid.



Bakufu school at Yushima Seido (Ochanomizu, Tokyo). Confucianism was taught to the sons of bakufu samurais.

Professional school (enacted)

The popularity of education in the Edo period is often cited as the cause of fast industrialization in later periods. Education in this period ranged from the recondite study of Chinese philosophy and literature at public schools to children’s primary education at private schools. More specifically, four types of learning institutions were important.

(1) Bakufu schools

The bakufu’s schools mainly taught Confucianism, an ancient Chinese philosophy started by Confucius in the 6th to 5th century BC. It emphasized social order, proper rituals, the way of good political leader, and respect for elderly and superior. The Edo government vigorously promoted Confucianism as an ideology to legitimize and maintain the class society. Seika Fujiwara and Razan Hayashi were the leading bakufu scholars. Students had to memorize and interpret ancient Chinese books. How to modify this foreign doctrine to fit the Japanese reality was one of the important theoretical questions. There were also bakufu schools for European language (Dutch) and technology (medicine, navigation, military technology, etc).

(2) Han schools

Hans also established schools to educate their young samurais. The curriculums were basically the same as bakufu schools with Confucianism at the center of learning. Toward the end of the Edo period, han schools were expanded to emphasize practical skills such as military training and foreign language. Some even accepted non-samurai students. Many han schools were transformed into education institutions in the following Meiji period.

(3) Private professional schools

An eminent scholar often established his school and recruited students. Depending on the instructor, various subjects were taught: Confucianism, research on ancient Japanese literature (later leading to nationalism and anti-foreigner movement), Western language (Dutch, later also English), medicine, science, technology, and so on. These schools accepted both samurai and non-samurai students. In the late Edo period, they often attracted talented and hot-hearted young people with the desire to contribute to the country. Their eyes were opened to the international situation and Japan’s precarious position in it. A large number of national leaders in the late Edo period and the early Meiji period came from such professional schools.

Table 2-2
Examples of Private Professional Schools (Late Edo Period)

School & location

Teacher & year of establishment

Main teaching

Prominent students

Shokason Juku
(Hagi, Choshu Han)

Shoin Yoshida

Social and political philosophy

Shinsaku Takasugi (anti-bakufu fighter)
Genzui Kusaka (anti-bakufu fighter)
Hirobumi Ito (prime minister)
Aritomo Yamagata (prime minister)

Teki Juku

Koin Ogata

Dutch language & medicine

Yukichi Fukuzawa (founder of Keio Univ.)
Masujiro Omura (military reformer)
Sanai Hashimoto (Western studies)
Keisuke Otori (Bakufu & Meiji statesman)

Narutaki Juku

Philipp F. B. von Siebold (German)

Western medicine

Choei Takano (Western scholar)
Genboku Ito (medical doctor)
Keisuke Ito (medical doctor and botanist)

(Hita, Bungo Han)

Tanso Hirose

Confucianism & ancient Chinese literature

Choei Takano (Western studies)
Masujiro Omura (military reformer)

(4) Terakoya (private primary schools)

These schools were run by local teachers for teaching 3Rs — reading, writing, and arithmetic (abacus) — to small children, usually starting from six years old. The popularity of terakoya all over Japan contributed to the very high literacy among the general public.


Terakoya in caricature. The teacher simultaneously taught different things to different kids. In this picture, some kids are fighting in the corner.


Proto-industrialization and population dynamics

Economic historians have noticed that certain areas of Europe (say, Flanders in Belgium and Lancashire in England) were “industrialized” in the 17th-18th centuries, even before the Industrial Revolution began in the UK. This industrialization was characterized by rural, family-based production of textile and garment without modern machinery (often brokered by urban merchants).

The concept of proto-industrialization was proposed to explain why this happened, and why it was observed in certain areas only (proto means primitive or early). The proponents advance a hypothesis to explain rural industrialization from the unique interaction among agriculture, population and commerce. Population growth is often considered given in economic modeling. But in the hypothesis of proto-industrialization, population dynamics is a crucial endogenous factor. F.F. Mendels and P. Deyon, who proposed this idea, define proto-industrialization as the phenomenon satisfying the following three conditions:

–It is a manufacturing activity for market sale, not for home consumption.
–It is undertaken by peasants in a rural area (where soil is poor and plots are small).
–It is located near an area of commercial agriculture with large farm size and high productivity.

Proto-industrialization begins as a side job in villages where agricultural productivity is low. They can sell cloth and garments to nearby rich villages where agricultural productivity is high. It is a sort of specialization (or division of labor) within a relatively small geographical area: villages with fertile soil produce farm products and villages with poor soil produce manufactured goods, and they exchange output with each other (they also sell products to the outside world too).

Furthermore, the hypothesis of proto-industrialization is demographically dynamic, as follows:

(1) For some reason, villages with poor soil face a population increase, leading to food shortage.
(2) Poor peasants engage in the production of garments for sale to relieve population pressure.
(3) This increases their income, and they start to get married sooner and have more children.
(4) Population growth continues to keep the peasants just as poor as before even though they are more “industrialized.”
(5) Supply of cheap labor is increased in this way, and rich farming villages and urban merchants continue to accumulate wealth.

(This widening income gap may possibly generate capitalists and landless farmers which leads to industrialization under full-fledged capitalism. However, such historical linkage is not convincingly proven statistically.)

According to Prof. Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University), Japanese data in the Edo period does not support the hypothesis of proto-industrialization as stated above. There is no evidence of systematic population change in the areas where peasants engaged in pre-modern manufacturing. On the contrary, it is said that farmers practiced birth control (sometimes even killing new-born babies) to cope with the population pressure.

At any rate, proto-industrialization seems to assume a rather peculiar population dynamics which may be applicable to certain European regions in certain periods, but not in the rest of the world or other periods. However, the idea of population growth responding to the process of early industrialization is an interesting one.

Additional Questions & Answers


Dore, Ronald P., Education in Tokugawa Japan, University of Michigan Center, 1984.

Iwanami Shoten, Keizai Shakai no Seiritsu: 17-18 seiki, Nihon Keizaishi 1 (Establishment of Economic Society: 17th-18th Centuries, Japanese Economic History vol. 1), A. Hayami & M. Miyamoto, eds, 1988.

Iwanami Shoten, Kindai Seicho no Taido, Nihon Keizaishi 2 (Signs of Modern Development, Japanese Economic History vol. 2), H. Shimbo & O. Saito, eds, 1989.

Nishikawa, Shunsaku, and Masatoshi Amano, “Shohan no Sangyo to Keizai Seisaku” (Industries and Economic Policies of Hans) in Iwanami Shoten, 1989.

Oishi, Shinzaburo, Edo Jidai (The Edo Period), Chuko Shinsho no.476, 1977.

Okazaki, Tetsuji, Edo no Sijokeizai: Rekishiseidobunseki kara Mita Kabunakama (The Market Economy of Edo: Trade Cartels from the Viewpoint of Historical Institutional Analysis), Kodansha Sensho Metier 155, 1999.

Saito, Osamu, Proto Kogyoka no Jidai (The Age of Proto-Industrialization), Nihon Hyoronsha, 1985.

Tanaka, Keiichi, Hyakusho no Edo Jidai (The Edo Period Led by Farmers), Chikuma Shinsho, 2000.




In 1730, however, Tokugawa Yoshimune authorized domains to issue paper with time limits for redemption. Large domains (200,000 koku and above) could issue currency valid for 25 years, and small domains for 15 years. His son Ieshige prohibited new issue of scrip, and restricted the circulation of scrip other than that exchangeable for silver, in 1759. Despite the prohibitions, domains in severe financial straits occasionally issued paper money.

Each domain formulated its own rules about its scrip. While there were some that forbade the shogunate’s coinage, many allowed both coins and scrip to circulate.


From Marteau

(Redirected from Money (Japan))



   1 The Closed Country

   2 Selling Silver for Silk – International Trade Relations

   2.1 Trade Relations with Europe

   3 Monetary Politics

   3.1 Paper Money of the Clans

   3.2 The Unified Currency – Metal Money

   4 A Note on our Conversion Tools

   5 Literature

Japan 1710-1714 (Hoei Era) Gold Koban or Ryo


The Closed Country

Japan practiced a policy of national seclusion – the “closed country” or “sakoku” policy – aiming at autarky in economical terms, yet it developed a trade deficit resulting in the 1690s in a severe shortage of money. Japan’s Edo or Tokugawa period beginning in the early years of the 17th century (see Japan’s dynasties and rulers) became a period of stability and growth, yet the developing nation failed to turn the advatageous situation into one of wealth creating more wealth – paradoxes sharpened by the dangerous monetary decisions of the 1690s and early 1700s. Compared with the parallel history of England’s monetary decisons following the 1680s one could read the history of money in Japan as one of all the fatal decisions those responsible in London’s could not even dream of.


Selling Silver for Silk – International Trade Relations

Japan’s economy was at the beginning of the 17th century – after a century of internal wars – theoretically independent. The strife between the feudal clans (daimyo) had led to a concentration of power. Oda Nobunaga, 1534-1582, the first of Japan’s three unifiers, had effectively welcomed the Portuguese who had landed on Tanegashima island in 1543. Their technological support – fire arms – was helpful and the Jesuit mission they brought seemed especially convenient to counterbalance the power of the militant Buddhist cloisters. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 1537-1598, his successor, acted undecided between toleration and a total ban of the Christian mission. Tokugawa Ieyasu, 1543-1616, the final unifier of Japan eventually opted for the seclusion of the country and a ban of Christianity. Supported by the Portuguese, the Spanish and the Dutch the new faith had proven to be of no real service on Japan’s way to a centrally governed state. In 1612 the shogun’s retainers and residents of Tokugawa lands were ordered to foreswear Christianity, in 1616 all foreign trade was restricted on Nagasaki and Hirado, an island northwest of Kyushu. The Kyushu daimyo had been the most prominent supporter of the new faith just before. 1622 saw the execution of 120 missionaries and converts, 1624 the expulsion of the Spanish, 1629 a wave of executions with thousands of Christian victims – an estimated 500,000 Japanese had embraced the new religion over the last decades. The edicts of 1633 and 1635 prohibited all contact between Japanese and foreigners: Ships and Japanese subjects were forbidden to leave Japan for a foreign country without a license; all Japanese living abroad were to be put to death if they tried to return to Japan (except those who had resided abroad for less than five years and had been unavoidably detained). The Nagasaki commissioners were to investigate all those suspected of being Christians, and a reward was offered to any informer who revealed the location of “Bateren”, foreign priests. Foreign ships arriving, were to be guarded while a report was sent to Edo. A strict search was to be made for bateren on all ships entering Japan. The Portuguese were restricted to Deshima, an artificial island especially created for that purpose in Nagasaki’s harbor. The Shimabara Rebellion of 1637-38, in which discontented Christian samurai and peasants rebelled against the bakufu (the shogunate administration), was ended by Edo’s government through the help of the Dutch whose ships bombarded the rebel stronghold. Soon thereafter, all “southern barbarians” – the term refering to the Portuguese and Spanish – were permanently expelled, members of the Portuguese diplomatic mission were executed, all subjects were ordered to register at a Buddhist or Shinto temple, and the Dutch and Chinese were restricted, respectively, to Deshima and to a special quarter in Nagasaki. Besides small trade of some outer daimyo with Korea and the Ryukyu Islands, to the southwest of Japan’s main islands, by 1641 foreign contacts were limited to Nagasaki.

The political turmoil of the late 16th and early 17th centuries had paved the way to the Tokugawa or Edo period – the period in which Edo, today Tokyo, became the political centre of the nation. Power was from now onwards to lie in the hands of the shogun; the emperor played a ceremonial rather than a political role. The political stability the new regime dictated, allowed growth. Those who profited from the situation found, however, few incentives for investing their wealth in anything more profitable than their representation. As far as the trade balance is concerned the wealth created in Japan came to be spent on luxury goods satisfying the rich upper class. Silk from China and ginseng from Korea became the most important imported goods. An estimated 1.1 million kan (4,125 tons) of Keicho cho-gin – approximately three-quarters of the silver coinage and silver produced in Japan – left the island in this exchange over the hundred years from 1614 to 1714. A ban on exporting gold that had been implemented to curb the outflow, was lifted in 1664, the sell-out of gold and silver became legal and accelerated in the last decades of the 17th century – till the monetary decisions of the years 1695-1714 served to make goods produced outside Japan too expensive to be paid with money that freely any longer.


Trade Relations with Europe

Trade relations with Europe were everything but marginal. They had begun with the arrival the Portuguese in 1543. Dutch explorers had reached Usuki Bay on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu in 1600. Their original expedition had started with 5 ships from Rotterdam on June 27th 1598 of which only one had reached Japan – the Liefde with 24 men, 23 Dutch, and their English captain. Europe’s nations contested each other over influence on Japan’s growing regime. The Dutch eventually won and gained the monopoly on Japan’s trade with Europe. The privilege was otherwise an ordeal: the permanent settlement to be reached over a bridge included a director of the Dutch East India company and about ten employees. No foreign women were allowed on Deshima island. (The regulation was first violated in 1817, Japan’s authorities could, however, enforce their laws three months later). Dutch ships came twice a year – time which had to be passed in isolation. But the base paid: In 1662 the Dutch trading houses withdrew from Taiwan. The Taiwan-Nagasaki import route on which white raw silk, the finest type of Chinese raw silk, used to reach Japan, lost its importance. Nagasaki became the central harbour of a trade now focussing on Korea; and the Tsushima domain became the mediator sustaining the new trade connection. The connection provided Japan with import goods right into the 1690s. Chung Sungil [“The Volume of Early Modern Korea-Japan Trade: A Comparison with the Japan-Holland Trade” Acta Koreana vol 7-1, 2004] compared trade volumes passing between Korea and Japan in Pusan and between Japan and the Dutch in Nagasaki and concluded that trade with the Dutch did not outweigh the Korean-Japanese trade before the 1690s. The situation changed after 1695 and Chung Sungil’s investigation implies that the main reason for the change had little to do with official ceilings set by the Tokugawa shogunate. The Tsushima daimyo was effectively able to circumvent any restrictions and send false reports to the bakufu whilst the Japan-Dutch trade connection could be tightly monitored by the central government. The primary reasons for the drop of the trade with Korea seems to have been the devaluation of Japan’s silver money in 1690s.

Later efforts to bring back the old currency and to thus solve the problems of Korean-Japanese trade relations, failed. When re-introduced for trade abroad in 1710 (and in 1714 for trade inside Japan) the better money was no longer affordable to those who had first lost their wealth when acquiring the worthless money of the 1690s and early 1700s. Goods from abroad remained expensive.

The Dutch, more interested to buy than to sell – silk and porcelain, goods to be sold on Europe’s markets with good profit rates – could take the otherwise catastrophic situation as an advantage. They could offer what Japan needed: money for goods to be sold on other markets.


Monetary Politics

Japanese mon, the basic copper coin, as minted between 1668 and 1700

The Edo or Tokugawa period had begun around 1600 with the settlement of the feudal conflicts. The clans had lost power to the central shogunate government. Decisions to create a central currency stood at the beginning of the era. The new money was to have gold, silver and copper units – all exchangeable at fixed rates. The Oban and the Koban gold coins were oblong plates, the smaller Ichibukin little rectangular pieces of minted gold. Silver was hardly minted in the European sense of the word. It was traded in lumps and weighed. The central unit for silver, the momme, was (and still is) a mere unit of weight matching 3.75 g. The lowest unit, the copper mon was influenced by the design of Chinese coins, the only object in the ensemble resembling a conventional coin. The rates between gold and silver were fixed, yet market reates fluctuated. The pattern did not change between 1600 and 1700:



1 Oban


7.5* Ryo


1 Ryo / Koban


4 Bu



4 Kan



70* Momme


1 Bu


4 Shu


1 Shu




1 Kamme


1000 Momme


1 Momme [3.75 g]


10 Fun


1 Fun


10 Rin


1 Rin




1 Kan [3.75 kg]


1000 Mon


1 Mon


*market rates

Wages for ordinary people were paid mostly in copper and silver coins. Wages for the Samurai class, which accounted for 10% of the total population, were paid in amounts of rice. The Tokugawa shogun granted the Samurai a fief, the stipend was measured by the volume of rice the region could be expected to produce. Three times the year the Samurai sold the rice collected as a land tax to traders – the Samurai were better served with money they could spend on goods – part of the problem Japan’s economy faced.

Japan’s trade developed a sophisticated system of cashless payments on Osaka’s market – the central market for goods produced in Japan. Transactions between merchants were settled in silver. In order to reduce the transaction costs the exchange of metal would have produced, a check system developed with checks issued on the basis of current account deposits at money changers, the “ryogae-sho”. The development which led back into the 1660s supported the commercial transaction with its smooth fund settlement. Between 1716 and 1736 about 650 ryogae-shos settled the checks issued by about 6000 merchants every day. The system was as efficient as the Giro-system used in European countries. Access to it was, however, limited to the leading merchants and it was never used to pay wages. It remained the system of Osaka’s wholesale market. Business in cities like Edo and Kyoto did hardly go beyond retail transactions.

Three characteristics distinguished Osaka’s check system: Central institutions, such as the centralized check clearing institution and a centralized fund settlement institution, did not exist. The ryogae-sho had strong ties among each other, together they formed a strict hierarchy with few but powerful money changers called juunin-ryogae at the top. The juunin-ryogae created a de facto central fund settlement by establishing correspondent deposit accounts used exclusively for mutual settlements. All the checks requested by the subsidiary ryogae-sho were settled within this system. In this sense, the large fund settlement system centring on juunin ryougae can be interpreted as a hybrid of a check clearing and fund settlement system. Thirdly, the juunin ryogae ensured a final settlement by allowing overdrafts of accounts. These were usually settled by gold and silver coins based on the net liability amount gained through balancing the debit and credit every half a month or month. The complex system remained intact until the institution of a modern banking system in the 19th century.

Trade inside Japan was furthermore facilitated by an exchange of paper money gaining importance on the level of the clan territories issuing the respective notes.


Paper Money of the Clans

Paper money promising a given value of gold, silver or copper, was first issued by merchants of the Uji-, Matsuzaka-, Isawa-, Yamato-shimoichi-, and Settsuhirano-go-regions: the Yamada Hagaki notes. The shogunate’s metal coinage and rivalling clan notes issued by the local feudal lords, left, however, no room for a further development of Yamada Hagaki notes. An autonomous administrative body of the Yamada region, the Sanpokai-gosho, was eventually the only authority issuing Yamada Hagaki notes – under permission of the shogunate which thus stabilised the regional power short of money. In the early 18th century, old notes of this production were exchanged for new ones at intervals of seven years to limit the amounts in circulation and the risk of forgeries.


Hansatsu as issued by the Fukui clan in Echizen from 1661 to 1673: A silver 10-momme note from 1666. The denomination is noted in ink and traced on both sides by rows of characters of different shapes and meaning, all pronounced however, identically as “ten”, the note’s denomination. (Image: curtesy of the Bank of Japan’s web page)

Paper money issued by the feudal clans – the “han”, hence the term “hansatsu” – differed from Yamada Hagaki in that it effectively demanded respect as legal tender substituting all gold, silver and copper transactions within the borders of the region issuing the notes. Local authorities supported their paper monies by prohibiting the circulation of species money and by imposing charges on any exchange of paper and metal money within their reach. Hansatsu notes were almost always authorized by the shogunate – by the same shogunate which strove for a unified metal based currency and for supremacy over the feudal lords. Hansatsu issued by a region could, so the laws, not claim any value outside their region. The hansatsu currencies financed and stabilised regional power on the regional level – a stabilisation the shogunate could approve of especially if it became the superior power granting the rights to issue such money. The Fukuyama and the Bingo regions played a leading role in the introduction of hansatsu in the 1630s, the second half of the 17th century saw paper money winning trust throughout the country. The shortage of metal and the massive debasement of the coin implemented by the shogunate in the 1690s did everything but increase the trust in money the central authorities offered. In 1707 the shogunate finally banned all paper money – allegedly a measure designed to curb abuse stemming from the unlimited circulation of hansatsu outside their respective homelands. The measure played, however, its much more important role in the second step of the debasement of Japan’s metal money. With the ban of 1707 more than 50 feudal clans had to change hansatsu they had issued into specie the shogunate issued. Those who changed paper money into gold and silver lost about half of the money they had invested to acquire the paper notes – to the advantage ot the central government issuing the new metal money it could otherwise hardly have brought into circulation.


The Unified Currency – Metal Money

The problem of metal money was its open advantage: metal money bearing its value in the coin minted could be traded without any institution guaranteeing its value. The Korean merchant who accepted Japanese money whether gold or silver accepted a certain amount of fine metal within the piece of metal he acquired. Exchanged on the basis of its weight, Japan’s money could just as well cross borders in Japan without affording any clan territory to guarantee for the value of the coin circulating. The problem of Japan’s metal money was its constant loss in trade abroad. Japan exchanged silver for silk and ginseng – a metal which would not lose its value for goods which were to be lost at home in consumption. Monetary experts could still claim rice to be the nation’s real money and wealth – a currency of use in any state of emergency in which metal would turn out to be fundamentally worthless (H. Eijiro, “The Economic thought in the middle period of the Tokugawa period” (1940), p.7-8 pdf. Rice, so the refutation grew, while money – gold, silver and copper – were stable assets. The stable assets left the country and Japan’s gold and silver mines did in the second half of the 17th century, no longer make up for the losses. The growing economy needed more money and encountered a shortage of money instead.

The option to solve the problem was a move towards a metal based currency of nominal rather than real metal values. In 1695 the shogunate government decided to collect and re-issue the circulating metal money. The amount of money in circulation was diluted and thus optically increased – the number of coins rose, the fine metal total minted stayed the same. Had the Keicho Koban issued after the monetary reform of May 1601 offered approximately 17.9 g gold with fineness of 84-87% The Genroku gold Koban issued in 1695 to replace the old Keicho Koban still weighed around 17.9 g. Its content of gold, was however reduced to 57%. The Hoe gold Koban of 1706 returned to the original fineness, now, however, the size was reduced – the new coin had little more than half the metal value the Keicho gold Koban had had a century ago. The Bank of Japan offers the following images and information to illustrate the development for the gold Koban: link


Keicho Koban



Genroku Koban



Hoei Koban



Kyoho Koban



Gembun Koban




A parallel debasement of Japan’s silver money took place with the production of coins like the silver Hoei Yotsuho Chogin of 1711 – a coin with a silver content of 20% – Keicho Cho gin and Mameitagin had been minted with a fineness of 80%.


Hoei Yotsuho Cho-gin, 1711 Silver coins were debased four times in five years beginning with 1706. The poorest-quality cho-gin, with a silver content of merely 20 percent, was called the Hoei Yotsuho Cho-gin. To note the value the Chinese character ho “treasure” within a circle is stamped four times on the coin’s face. (Image: curtesy of the Bank of Japan’s web page)

The devaluation of Japan’s currency answered the need created by Japan’s growing economy with problematic results: Prices of foreign goods rose as Japan’s new coins were, of course, no money of a nominal value in the modern sense of the word. There was no central bank offering gold and silver of the promised value for coins circulating under that value. Foreign traders could do what Japanese customers could not do: They could demanded more money to get the amount of fine silver they would get for their goods on other markets. Japanese traders had to fulfil their demands and finally convinced the government in 1710 to issue silver of the original quality to satisfy traders from Korea.


Oko-gin, 1710 minted to be used by the Tsushima daimyo to pay for imports of Korean ginseng and Chinese raw silk, to satisfy Korea’s traders who rejected the Hoei Cho-gin because of its inferior quality. As with other cho-gin (silver coins), an image of the god of wealth and the Chinese character takara, “treasure”, are stamped numerous times over the face. The fineness is with 80% comparable to the fineness of the Keicho Cho-gin minted after 1601 – regular cho-gin coins had a silver content of 20-50%. (Image: curtesy of the Bank of Japan’s web page)

The result was a system of double standards. Japan’s silver and gold claimed a value it had not – it could do this within the isolated economy. The measure failed, however, on the wider scale. Prices for goods from China and Korea rose after the debasement. To offer the original content of fine silver Japanese merchants had to offer 160% more minted silver after 1695. The debasement of 1706 forced them to offer 200 momme silver where they had offered 100 momme silver of the original quality. The end of the scale were 400 momme matching now the original 100 momme if reduced to fine silver. 400 momme of 20% silver the Japanese trader had bought at home for the price of 80% silver. The problem was not solved with the introduction of expensive 80% silver minted exclusively for the trade with Korea in 1710 nor was it solved with the new silver money issued in 1714 with the old fineness, yet to be bought for a price no one could afford any longer.

The reform came in two steps: To improve the fineness and weight of gold and silver coins the Shotoku Koban was introduced in 1714 – in quality and weight matching the old Keicho Koban. Rumors alleged it was by no means equal in quality to the Keicho Koban. The following year, hence, saw the introduction of the Kyoho Koban, which was slightly higher in quality than the Shotoku Koban and the preceding Keicho Koban had been. The amount of money in circulation dropped with the introduction of the new money. Economic activities came to a standstill, and prices dropped drastically. The measures had consequences down to the rice prices, impoverishing both the samurai class and its farmers.

To stimulate the economy and raise prices, the eighth Tokugawa Shogun, Yoshimune, finally carried out another recoinage in 1736, lowering the quality of gold and silver coins again and increasing their circulation. As had happened with the recoinage of the Genroku and Hoei Koban, the Gembun Koban was debased. Nevertheless, this recoinage deserves more credit, as it supported the Edo period’s economic development from the aspect of currency circulation. Governmental profits from the recoinage resolved the problem of a currency shortage, succeeded in turning the economy around, and allowed the currency a high degree of stability for the next 80 years. Japan had taken the step to a currency of nominal values, yet the market brought this currency back to the value given with the coinage itself.

The immediate effects of the recoinage of the 1690s and early 1700s where immensely problematic – Japan suffered a wave of bankruptcies. In the longer perspective the catastrophe led Japan towards even greater autonomy. The economical problem of the trade deficit was not solved by decisions which might have turned Japan into an exporting country able to stabilise its trade balance. Much rather the decisions strengthened the way towards the even severer national seclusion. As for Japan’s government the steps taken had their beauty: the clans, beaten in the wars of the 16th century, had made money by issuing paper-money for gold, silver and copper money. In the end the central government had made its own profits in the struggle for power. Profits in money and in power over the money it issued.


A Note on our Conversion Tools

It is at this point everything but uninteresting to offer conversion tools — in order to perform conversions as traders would have performed them and to allow comparisons of prices and wages on the different Asian and European markets exporting and importing goods like silver and porcelain. The rates between gold, silver, and copper coins were fixed by the shogunate government: The 1 Ryo gold coin matched 50 momme of silver or 4 kan of copper coins. Actual rates differed due to the changes of supply of gold and silver on the market and due to different evaluations of the coins involved. The Kenji gold Koban minted in the 16th century had stood at 60 momme of silver, the Keicho gold Koban of 1601 had been changed into 80-90 momme silver, the Genroku gold Koban of 1695 came to be accepted as an equivalent of 70 momme silver (Eijiro Honjo (1940), p.6 pdf).

The central unit of account in Japan and between Japan and its few partners abroad was the momme silver – quite conveniently nothing but a unit of weight. The difficulty is, of course, the devaluation of Japan’s silver and the double standard it created between the nominal value of money inside Japan and the “real” value of the coin to bee seen from without. Those who traded with Japan made sure they were not paid with bad silver at the rate Japan’s government had forced its citizens to accept. In 1710 Japan began to mint silver coins of the old 80% fineness exclusively for its Korean trade partners. If we base our tools on an exchange of regular Dutch silver coins and equivalent amounts of Japanese silver of 80% fineness the rate will be one of 3 Dutch guilders matching 10 momme: On the Japanese side 10 momme of 80% silver will amount to 30 g fine silver. On the other hand 3 Dutch gulden could be an amount of fine silver between 28.67 and 30.88 g depending on whether one paid in silver gulden (of 10.49 g coin weight and 91.1% fineness) or more valuable Leeuwendaalders (the equivalent of 3 gulden, each coin of 27.53 g metal weight and 74.3% fineness) – with both coins we get a corridor of tolerance our conversion should aim at.

The factor of 3 was chosen to facilitate further computations with silver of less than the nominal 80% fineness. The new coinage could be imposed on a country of closed borders and we get accurate information about the general structure of prices and wages if we allow the new money to have – at least initially – actually circulated at its nominal value. Rates with 80% silver are otherwise misleading. If one changed money one took care of compensations or demanded better coins. If you think of actual money being changed you will hence ask to take the actual fineness of Japanese silver into account. To do so you change the first factor of our conversion tools: 3 stands for 3 g silver and the orginal money of 80 percent fineness, make the momme contain it 1.88 g silver and you will calculate with money minted after 1695s, go down to 0.75 g silver per momme to calculate with the ultimate debasement of 1710. You will now need 133 and a third momme to match 10 Dutch gulden. The price of foreign goods had more than quadruppled, so the perception Japanese customers had, when buying with their new money, a money they had received for a very dear price



  • Camfferman, K./ Cooke, T.E., “The Profits of the Dutch East India Company’s Japan Trade”, Abacus, vol. 40, no. 1, (February 2004), pp. 49-75(27). link
  • Sungil, Chung, “The Volume of Early Modern Korea-Japan Trade: A Comparison with the Japan-Holland Trade,” Acta Koreana, vol 7-1 (2004).
  • Shikano, Yoshiaki, “Currency, wage payment and large fund settlement system in Japan: 1600-1868” (Wages and Currency: Global and Historical Comparisons, Symposium in Amsterdam/Leiden, 24-25 May 2002). Abstract
  • Ohnuki, Mari, “Paper Money in Japan 2-2 Hansatsu(I): From Their First Issue to Their Prohibition in the Early 1700s”, Short Essays on Monetary History Contained in Monetary and Economic Studies, Research Division 3, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan (ed.), Monetary and Economic Studies, 17.1 (1999). link
  • Fujii, Noriko, “Oko-gin Silver Coins for Import of Korean Ginseng – A Two-Tiered Pricing System for Silver Coins”, Short Essays on Monetary History Contained in Monetary and Economic Studies, Research Division 3, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan (ed.), Monetary and Economic Studies 16.1, (1998). link
  • Ohnuki, Mari, “The Genroku, Hoei, Shotoku, Kyoho, and Gembun Koban”, Short Essays on Monetary History Contained in Monetary and Economic Studies, Research Division 3, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan (ed.), Monetary and Economic Studies, 15.2 (1997). link
  • Tashiro, Kazui, “Exports of Japan’s Silver to China via Korea and Changes in the Tokugawa Monetary System during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, in: Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giraldez (eds.), Metals and Monies in an Emerging Global Economy (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1997).
  • Uyenaka, Shuzo, “The Tong Shin Sa and The Tokugawa Bakufu: An Aspect of Korea-Japan Relations, 1603-1867,” East Asian Review, 1 (March 1997), 89-98.
  • Mikami, Ryuzo, Edo Bakufu: Hasan e no Michi [Edo Period Government: The Road to Bankruptcy] (NHK Books, 1991) [in Japanese].
  • Tashiro, Kazui, “Exports of Gold and Silver During the Early Tokugawa Era, 1600-1750”, in: Eddy H.G. Van Cauwenberghe (ed.), Money, Coins and Commerce: Essays in the Monetary History of Asia and Europe (From Antiquity to Modern Times): Proceedings of th 4th and 5th International Monetary History Conferences (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 1991).
  • Tashiro, Kazui, Tokugawa Jidai no Boeki [Trade during Tokugawa Rule] Nihon Keizai Shi (History of the Japanese Economy), vol. 1 (Iwanami Shoten, 1988) [in Japanese].
  • Hisamitsu, Juhei, Nihon Kahei Monogatari [The Story of Japanese Coins] (Mainichi Shimbunsha, 1976) [in Japanese].
  • Tashiro, Kazui, “Tsushima han’s Korean Trade, 1684-1710,” Acta Asiatica, 30 (1976), 85-105.
  • Bank of Japan, Economic Research Department, ed. Zuroku Nihon no Kahei [Japanese Coins], vol. 3, (Toyo Keizai Shimposha, 1974) [in Japanese].
  • Taya, Hirokichi, Kinsei Ginza no Kenkyu (Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 1963). [A study of early modern silver mints in Japanese]
  • Honjo, Eijiro, “The Ecomonmic thought in the midde period of the Tokugawa period”, Kyoto University Econmonic Review, vol. xv, no. 2 (Kyoto, April 1940), p.1-33. [On monetary politics, price developments and the relatinonship between coinage and price developments, 1688-1763] pdf
  • Honjo, Eijiro, “The Ecomonmic thought in the eraly period of the Tokugawa period”, Kyoto University Econmonic Review, vol. xiv, no. 4 (Kyoto, Oct. 1938), p.1-17. [Concentrating on the period 1600-1688] pdf
  • Honjo, Eijiro, “The Ecomonmic thought in Tokugawa days”, Kyoto University Econmonic Review, vol. xiii, no. 1 (Kyoto, Oct. 1938), p.1-22. [Overview of th perod 1600 to 1867] pdf






19th century\


As a rule, scrip circulated only within the domain that issued it, but there were exceptions. For example, paper issued by the Kishū domain in 1866 was also used in Yamato, Izumi, Kawachi, Settsu, and Harima Provinces.

In 1871, the Government of Meiji Japan ordered the abolition of the han system and ordered the exchange of all scrip for the national currency. Exchange continued until 1879. In the interim, some scrip carried markings from the central government indicating the value in yen and the smaller sen and rin.


Tokugawa coinage was a unitary and independent metallic monetary system established by Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1601 in Japan, and which lasted throughout the Tokugawa period until its end in 1867.[1]

Further information: Japanese currency

Gold mines across Japan, such as the Toi gold mine (pictured) provided the material for the coinage.

The establishment of Tokugawa coinage followed a period in which Japan was dependent on Chinese bronze coins for its currency.[1] Tokugawa coinage lasted for more than two centuries, and ended with the events of the Boshin war and the establishment of the Meiji restoration.

A Tenshō Ōban (天正大判), made in 1588 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

The first attempt at a new currency were made by Hideyoshi, who developed the large Ōban plate, also called the Tensho Ōban (天正大判), in 1588.[2]

From 1601, Tokugawa coinage was minted in gold, silver, and bronze denominations.[1] The denominations were fixed, but the rates actually fluctuated on the exchange market.[1]

The material for the coinage came from gold and silver mines across Japan. To this effect, gold mines were newly opened and exploited, such as the Sado gold mine or the Toi gold mine in Izu Peninsula.

Devaluations and re-evaluations[edit]

Initially, the coinage was used essentially for export purposes in order to pay for imports of luxury goods from China, such as silk.[1] As gold and silver were in short supply, and also because the government was running a deficit, the content of gold in coins was decreased on two occasions, in 1695 and 1706-1711, in order to generate more revenues from seigneurage, but with the effect of generating inflation.[3]

With the beginning of the 18th century, Japan started to restrict the export of bullion currency, which came to be seen as a loss for the country. An export ban on monetary specie was imposed by Arai Hakuseki in 1715.[1] Trade substitution was encouraged, but remained limited anyway due to the policy of closure, or Sakoku. Upon Arai Hakuseki’s suggestion the government increased again the gold and silver content of coinage in 1714-1715, but this led to crippling deflation this time.[3] In 1736, Japan abandoned this policy and again increased the money supply, with a resulting price stability for the next 80 years.[3]

In the early 19th century, budgetary problems resulting from natural disasters and large Tokugawa governmental expenditures led the government to increase the money supply and the seigneurage associated to it. From 1818 to 1829 the money supply increased by 60%, and from 1832 to 1837 by 20%. Severe inflation again followed as prices nearly doubled.[3]

Size evolution of the Koban during the Tokugawa period. From left to right: Keichō koban (1601-1695), Genroku koban (1695-1710), Hōei koban (1710-1714), Shōtoku koban (1714), Kyōhō koban (1714-1736), Genbun koban (1736-1818), Bunsei koban (1819-1828), Tenpo koban (1837-1858), Ansei koban (1859), Man’en koban (1860-1867).


Keichō gold coinage: Ōban, Koban, Ichibuban, 1601-1695.

Tokugawa coinage worked according to a triple monetary standard, using gold, silver and bronze coins, each with their own denominations.[1] The systems worked by multiples of 4, and coins were valued according to the Ryō. One Ryō was worth 4 Bu, 16 Shu, or 4,000 Mon (a cheap bronze coin).


The Ōban (大判) was a very large gold coin plate, equivalent to ten Ryōs, or ten Koban (小判) plates.


Main article: Koban (coin)

The Koban (小判) was a regular ovoid gold coin, equivalent to one Ryō. The initial Keichō Koban (minted from 1601) had a weight of 18.20g. The 1714 Sado Koban (佐渡小判金, 4th year of Shōtoku) also had a weight of 18.20g and was made with an alloy of typically 85.69% of gold and 14.25% of silver.[4]

Nibuban and Ichibuban[edit]

A Tenpō silver Ichibuban (1837-1854).

The Nibuban (二分判) was worth half a Koban and was rectangular gold coin.

The Ichibuban (一分判) could be either made of silver or gold, in which case it was a quarter of a Koban. The gold Ichibuban of 1714 (佐渡一分判金) had a weight of 4.5 g, with 85.6% of gold and 14.2% of silver. The silver Ichibuban from 1837 to 1854 (Tenpō Ichibugin, 天保一分銀, “Old Ichibuban”) weighed 8.66 g, with an alloy of 0.21% gold and 98.86% silver.[4]

Nishuban and Isshuban[edit]

There were then Nishuban (二朱判) and Isshuban (一朱判) small denominations of silver or gold, before getting to the Mon or Sen bronze coins.

From 1853 to 1865, the silver Isshuban (Kaei Isshugin, 嘉永一朱銀) weighed 1.88 g, with an alloy of 1.7% gold, 98.7% silver and 1.12% copper.[4]

Genroku gold Nishuban (1695-1710).

Bunsei gold Isshuban (1819-1828).

Kaei silver Isshuban (1853-1865).

Kan’ei tsūhō[edit]

Keichō tsūhō coin (慶長通宝), circa 1606.

Regarding copper coins, the Kan’ei tsūhō coin (寛永通宝) came to replace the Chinese coins that had been in circulation in Japan, as well as those that were minted privately, and became the legal tender.[5] This put an end to more than four centuries during which Chinese copper coins, obtained through trade or Wakō piracy, had been the main currency of Japan.[5]


Nibunkin (二分金) coins, packaged and certified for easy handling and authentification.

Hiding places for Tokugawa coinage.

From 1772, the silver coins had a denomination in function of their value in gold, and had significantly less silver than their face value (rather than being just silver-by-weight) so as to cover coinage expenses, a practice known as token or fiduciary coinage, and a characteristic of modern coinage.[6] This technique was introduced later in England, in 1816, with its adoption of the full gold standard.[6] At the market rates of 1858 10 silver units could be exchanged for 1 gold unit by weight, whereas the face value of silver units was only convertible at 5 to 1. This permitted an increase of monetary circulation without actual production of more bullion, and provided great profit (seigniorage) for the Bakufu.[6]

A Koban box (called Senryōbako, or “Box of 1,000 ryō“), used for transportation.

World ratios for silver and gold were significantly different, gold being generally valued much higher than silver, at about 15 to 16 weights of silver for 1 weight of gold. This difference motivated foreigners to bring silver to Japan, to exchange it for gold at a very interesting rate.[7]

In 1858, Western countries, especially the United States, France and Great Britain imposed through “unequal treaties” (Treaty of Amity and Commerce“) free trade, free monetary flow, and very low tariffs, effectively taking away Japanese control of its foreign exchange:[7] The 1715 export embargo on bullion was thus lifted:

“All foreign coin shall be current in Japan and pass for its corresponding weight of Japanese coin of the same description… Coins of all description (with the exception of Japanese copper coin) may be exported from Japan”

— Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 1858, extract[8]

A Keichō koban (minted 1601-1695), versus a Man’en koban (minted 1860-1867), shows the drastic reduction in gold weight of the koban denomination.

This created a massive outflow of gold from Japan, as foreigners rushed to exchange their silver for “token” silver Japanese coinage and again exchange these against gold, giving a 200% profit to the transaction. In 1860, about 4 million ryōs thus left Japan,[7] that is about 70 tons of gold. This effectively destroyed Japan’s gold standard system, and forced it to return to weight-based system with International rates. The Bakufu instead responded to the crises by debasing the gold content of its coins by two thirds, so as to match foreign gold-silver exchange ratios.[7]

As a consequence, the Bakufu lost the major profit source of recoinage (seigniorage), and was forced to issue unbacked paper money, leading to major inflation. This was one of the major causes of discontent during the Bakumatsu period, and one of the causes of the demise of the Shogunate.[7]

Other coins[edit]

Despite Tokugawa Ieyasu’s strong will to unify the currency, there were still some local exceptions, with locally made currency.

Silver koban of Sagami Province, called Odawara Hishi (小田原菱).

Silver Nanryō Ōban (南鐐大判).

Gold Genbun Inari Koban (元文稲荷小判).


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Metzler p.15
  2. ^ The Cambridge History of Japan: Early modern Japan by John Whitney Hall p.61 [1]
  3. ^ a b c d The political economy of Japanese monetary policy by Thomas F. Cargill p.13 [2]
  4. ^ a b c Toi Museum
  5. ^ a b Japan Currency Museum permanent exhibit.
  6. ^ a b c Metzler, p.16
  7. ^ a b c d e Metzler, p.17
  8. ^ Quoted in Metzler, p.17


Japanese currency

























  1. ^ a b Japan Currency Museum permanent exhibit.


This article incorporates information from the Japanese Wikipedia.

  • Bank of Japan
  • 新井政義(編集者)『日本史事典』。東京:旺文社1987(p. 329)
  • 竹内理三(編)『日本史小辞典』。東京:角川書店1985(p. 290)

External links[edit]


Japanese currency

























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A Kan’ei tsûhô coin from the Edo period (date unknown, left), a replica Keichô koban (center), and a Meiji 14 (1881) one sen coin (right)

A number of different modes of currency were used throughout Japanese history, including, in the pre-modern period, the heavy use of Chinese coins. By the Edo period, a relatively standardized system of gold and silver coinage was in place, though it experienced dramatic inflation and devaluation, among other financial crises, at times. Systems which served as precursors for a “modern” system of banks and paper currency, along with futures markets and other such economic/financial developments, emerged in the 18th-19th centuries, and beginning in the Meiji period, “modern” systems based on the Western model were established.



Early Coinage

It is widely believed that the first currency to be produced in Japan was minted in the Wadô era (708-715), an era named after the discovery of copper in Musashi province (Wadô 和銅 literally means “Japanese copper”). These coins, with a face value of one mon, were based on the kai yuan tong bao (開元通宝) coinage then circulating in Tang Dynasty China. These small round coins with square holes in the middle would serve as the standard model for the shape or form of coins in both China and Japan for many centuries. Recent discoveries since the 1990s, however, have unearthed earlier, unlabeled (mumon 無文) silver coins, as well as coins known as fuhonsen 富本銭. The latter seem to have emerged in the 680s, during the period of Fujiwara-kyô; in contrast to the mumon ginsen which were valued by their actual weight in silver, and which Emperor Temmu outlawed in 683, the fuhonsen were fiat money (face value).

After the so-called Wadô kaihô (“Wadô coins”), other currencies continued to be produced until the mid-10th century, each named after the Imperial reign era in which they were produced. These included the Mannen tsûhô, Jinkô kaihô, Ryûhei eihô, Fûju shinpô, Shôwa shôhô, Chônen taihô, Jôeki shinpô, Jôgan eihô, Kanpyô taihô, and Engi tsûhô.[1]

Coinage at this time was used only by the aristocracy or religious elites, while the rest of the population functioned on a barter system in which value or buying power tended to be expressed in terms of silk, cloth, or rice.[2] One hiki 疋 of silk was generally valued as equal to one koku of rice (1 koku = 10 to 斗 = 100 shô 升), though this varied. Still, on average, from the Heian period through the Sengoku period, one koku of rice was considered equivalent to one kanmon, or 1000 mon in coins; one hiki remained steadily equivalent to ten mon of coins through the Edo period.[3] The direct association of goods, especially rice, with value, would continue through the mid-19th century; in the Edo period (1600-1868), lands would be valued in terms of their agricultural production, taxes would be paid in rice (or equivalents), and samurai would be paid their stipends in rice.

These early currencies fell out of usage, however, in the tenth century. By the time of the issuing of the Engi taihô (901-923), the currency had become debased, meaning that a given coin, despite officially having a certain denomination, actually contained less precious metal than its nominal value. In other words, there was severe inflation, as a given amount of currency no longer had the value (or buying power) it once did. And so, people lost confidence in the currency, and the government stopped minting coins for a time.

Several centuries later, beginning in the 12th century, Song dynasty Chinese coins began to be imported in considerable volumes, as a natural result of increased trade with China. The Northern Song, in fact, minted more copper coins than any other Chinese dynasty, and though the export of coinage from China was banned, Chinese coins nevertheless flowed throughout the East Asia region.[4] The court noble Saionji Kintsune alone is known to have imported as much as 100,000 kan of Song coins, enough to fund the construction of a dozen or more buildings. Song coins circulated so widely that as early as 1240 the Kamakura shogunate had reversed its various bans on the usage of cash, permitting its use everywhere but in the northernmost provinces.[5]

Muromachi Period and Ming Trade

Chinese coins continued to be a major presence in Japanese markets – at least among the elites – into the Muromachi period (1333-1573). The Ashikaga shogunate entered into formal trade relations with Ming Dynasty China in the late 14th century, and maintained relations until the mid-16th. Coins associated with the reign of the Yongle Emperor (1403-1425) were particularly numerous in Japan due to the close Sino-Japanese relations during that period, under Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, but coins issued in the Hongwu (1368-98) and Xuande (1425-35) reigns in particular have also been found in considerable numbers. The export of gold, silver, and copper from China remained forbidden in this period, but copper coins ended up being taken back to Japan by the tribute envoys anyway, after selling their cargoes in China.

The use of currency expanded considerably in Japan in the Kamakura (1185-1333) and Muromachi periods. Taxes previously paid in rice or other crops were now increasingly paid in Chinese coinage (though payment in crops was still very common), and coins circulated more widely. Systems of moneylenders called kariage or dosô emerged. But the currency being used was almost exclusively Chinese coins.[6]

Japanese coins first began to re-appear, and the volume of Chinese coins in circulation in Japan to drop, in the mid-15th century. Due to price fluctuations, Japanese merchants / tribute envoys in China found it more profitable to purchase goods – such as silk – in China to resell in Japan, rather than bringing Chinese coin back. Some areas in western Japan even began minting their own coins in imitation of the Chinese ones, and sending traders with Japanese coins to China to buy Chinese goods. Chinese coins from the late 15th century, e.g. those minted in the Hongzhi (1488-1505) reign, are quite rare finds for archaeologists in Japan today, and those from later reigns are almost entirely absent.[6]

In the Sengoku period (1467-1600), and especially as Japan began to become more integrated in the mid-to-late 16th century, regional daimyô began to expand their mining efforts, and gold and silver came to be more widely circulated, and exported. Gold dust had long been a common element in gifts (tribute) paid by samurai lords and shogunates to the Imperial Court; bags of gold dust of a designated size, called (納), were valued at 20 ryô.[7] In the central regions of the country, where mining was most prevalent, taxes came to increasingly be paid in gold and silver; this was then exchanged for coins or rice. Kin’ya and gin’ya (gold and silver dealers) emerged and enabled these conversion (exchange) transactions. These dealers, along with firms officially licensed by the local lord, called ginza or tenbinza, also dealt in producing, and certifying, pieces of gold and silver with a designated level of refinement or quality. Certified pieces, called hankin or gokuin-gin would be marked with numbers, kanji, kaô (monograms), or crests, indicating the firm’s certification. The term hankin would later be used in the Edo period to refer chiefly to ôban coins, but in fact the term could be applied to all certified & marked pieces of gold.

In the Edo period, the ryô would become one of the more common monetary denominations, and would become intricately tied into the koku, a measure of rice. However, prior to that time, the ryô was more closely related to a Japanese adaptation of the Tang system of measuring precious metals. In Tang China, precious metals were measured in “big” chin (J: kin, 斤) and “small” chin, and in “big” liang (J: ryô) and “small” liang,[8] with the smaller denomination being one-third that of the “large” denomination.[7] In the Nara and Heian periods, Japan simply made use of the “small” Chinese denominations as a standard denomination, omitting the “small” designation. But by the end of the 13th century, the Japanese implemented their own system of denominations, equating one ryô of gold to four monme and five bu[9].

For the sake of convenience, the ryô was, for a time in the late 16th century, devalued to four monme four bu. Around the same time, the denomination mai, equal to ten ryô, was briefly used.

Coins were minted from time to time in the Sengoku period by various local/regional power-holders, including lesser daimyô, as well as the likes of Oda Nobunaga. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, after securing control over most of the archipelago, minted coins as well. The so-called Tenshô-hishi-ôban, an ôban coin shaped like a chestnut (hishi), was first minted in 1588, the sixteenth year of the Tenshô era; similar coins continued to be made for several years afterwards. However, the vast majority of such coins produced in the 16th century were ten ryô coins, produced to be given as gifts to loyal commanders, or for other similar purposes, and not for general circulation.[10]

Edo Period

Two ten ryô ôban, one five ryô ôban, and a one ryô koban coin, on display at the British Museum

Samurai stipends in the Edo period were paid out in koku, i.e. in rice. However, gold and silver coinage was used in everyday exchanges (especially among chônin/commoners – peasants, merchants, artisans, etc.). In Edo, gold was more widely circulated, while in Kamigata (the Kyoto-Osaka area), silver was more commonly the mode of exchange. Gold was exchanged in relatively standardized coins issued by the shogunate, known as koban, and worth one ryô apiece.

A ryô was considered to be roughly equal to one koku, which in turn is said to have been roughly the amount of rice needed to feed a man for a year. However, rice and gold prices fluctuated dramatically over the course of the period, with 19 separate incidents of currency devaluation between 1819 and 1837 alone,[11] and the exact amount of rice that comprised a koku is, in any case, a subject of debate. Over the course of the Edo period, the cost of rice dropped dramatically relative to the value of gold, making samurai (who relied on stipends paid in koku) less and less wealthy than members of the merchant class who earned their incomes in gold and silver.[12]

The use of the gold koban, however, was most common in and around Edo, and the farther one traveled from Edo, the less standard it became. At the beginning of the Edo period, there were over one hundred types of gold coins in circulation,[13] and so in many parts of the country, particularly the active commercial centers of Kyoto and Osaka, and other areas at a considerable distance from Edo, currency continued to be valued by weight, and not by face value. While gold coins were particularly standard in Edo, in the rest of the country, silver and copper coins remained quite common, and were valued by their weight, in momme. One momme of silver was a little less than 4 grams. The most common denomination of silver was a 43 momme nugget called a chôgin.[14] One hundred momme of copper coins were worth roughly one momme of silver, and one thousand momme was called one kanme. Weights, previously not fully standardized, were in the Edo period restricted to those produced by the Gotô school, whose weights were to be used in all transactions for weighing out, for example, gold or silver. (Rice was measured by volume, not by weight.) Gotô Tokujô, who produced weights and coins for Oda Nobunaga, and gold engraver Gotô Yûjô (1440-1512) were members/ancestors of this family.

The Edo period monetary system, or at least its foundations, was established quite early in the period. In 1601 (Keichô 6), the Tokugawa oversaw the minting of a series of coins, in fairly large quantities, explicitly for circulation. The largest was the Keichô ôban, worth 10 ryô; the Keichô koban and ichibuban, gold coins worth 1 ryô and 1 bu respectively, were “face value” coins, with the value of one bu dependent not directly on the weight of the gold coin, but rather tied to the rising or falling value of the koban. Silver chôgin and mameita-gin coins continued to be valued by weight, and circulated in paper wrappings.[15]

Regional currencies continued to be used for a time, along with hankin and gokuin-gin certified bullion. Merchants in the Ise-Yamada area began producing paper money as early as 1600. Many domains produced their own paper notes; the oldest known today in its original form was a variety produced in Fukui han in 1661.[16] Kaga han (Ishikawa prefecture), which is still known today for its precious metals, was one of a number of places which had its own systems of certified bullion (mainly in silver), including what was called shuhô-gin – certified silver in a vermillion wrapper. Bullion sent to Edo or other parts of the country from these mining areas was often stamped or otherwise designated by marking for that region. To take just one example, bars from Niigata were stamped with the character ei/sakae (栄, prosperity). Akita han was also a major mining and minting area, producing gold and silver sen (coins in the same form as copper coins traditionally), along with koban, crude silver ore (jô-gin), and certified silver (gokuin-gin). Akita employed its own producers of weights and scales.[17]

By the end of the 17th century, the shogunate took control of the silver mines and the minting of currency, and established shogunate-controlled ginza, kinza, and copper mints in Osaka and Edo. The Kan’ei tsûhô was first minted in 1670, and the system was standardized, eliminating regional variant currencies, at least in theory.[16] Though this might seem on the surface like it might stifle economic development, in fact, the opposite occurred, as regional differences in currency systems, and protective policies put in place by the various domains, were eliminated, allowing freer circulation of money and goods throughout the country, especially in and out of the major economic centers of Edo and Osaka.[18] Despite the shogunal ban, many domains continued to produce their own fiat money, at least at times. Akita han issued its own fiat money in 1755, in an effort to monopsonize rice; the project was short-lived, however, being shut down a mere two years later after tea merchants from Mino province complained to the shogunate about the non-convertible currency. In another example, Tokushima han issued paper money beginning in the 1680s in an effort to make up for an insufficient supply of silver. Most domainal efforts to print their own money resulted in unintended inflation.[19]

Meanwhile, precious metals, especially silver, flowed out of the country in great volume, especially through Nagasaki. In the 16th century Japanese silver mines had become much more productive just as Chinese ones began to wane, spurring this considerable outflow. Copper mines similarly saw a considerable increase in their output in the 17th century, but by the end of that century, Japan’s silver mines were already beginning to run dry. This led to dramatic devaluations in the coinage, and rampant inflation, at various times over the course of the Edo period, as the shogunate attempted to implement financial/monetary policies to address the declining supply of precious metal. The Keichô koban weighed four momme, eight fun, and was 862 parts gold to 132 parts silver. After 1695, it was debased to 564 parts gold to 432 parts silver, with the total weight of the coin remaining the same.[20] One of the most significant instances of this came in 1718, when the value of the gold ryô dropped by about 20 percent. One gold ryô had been equal to roughly 60 momme of silver, and was now worth roughly 50 momme;[14] one chôgin (43 momme), therefore, had been equivalent to roughly 71% of a gold ryô, but was now worth closer to 83% of a ryô.[21] Meanwhile, the Genroku-gin pieces of silver (issued 1695-1706), made of 646 parts silver to 352.6 parts copper and 1.4 parts gold, were replaced by the Hôeigin in 1706-1710, made up of 507 parts silver 490.6 parts copper and 1.2 parts gold.[22]

The debasement of coinage in the Genroku period was the first major debasement in the period;[16] the change to minting coins of only 57% gold and ingots of only 64% silver may have created as much as five million ryô in savings (or profits) for the shogunate, providing a much-needed boost to the shogunate’s finances.[23]


Though prices varied widely, of course, over time, from place to place, and depending on the quality of the goods or other factors, the following figures might provide a rough idea of prices (i.e. the value of the ryô) in the “high” Edo period (18th to early 19th centuries).

  • 8 mon – a single piece of relatively low-quality sushi.[24]
  • 16 mon – a bowl of soba.[24]
  • 2 or 3 momme – a cheap ukiyo-e print[25]
  • 300-500 mon – one night with a prostitute at a post-station or port town in the Kansai or Inland Sea regions.[24]
  • 20 momme – an ukiyo-e print of good quality.[25]
  • 32 momme – the cost of seeing a play at Ryôgoku in 1820.
  • 75 momme – the cost of the journey from Osaka to Nagasaki by boat (roughly 14-20 days).[25][14]
  • 90 momme – the cost of a multi-volume illustrated book, such as Soga Monogatari.[25]
  • 1 bu or 1/4 ryô – a night with a particularly expensive prostitute at a post-station near Edo.[24]
  • 1000 momme or 1/4 ryô – the cost of sending a child to terakoya (temple school) for a year
  • 1 ryô – the cost for a man’s formal kamishimo outfit, including hakama, haori, and kosode.
  • 1 ryô – the cost of commissioning a scroll painting by a well-known painter; a screen painting by the same painter might cost roughly 6-10 ryô.
  • 2-3 ryô – the cost of hiring a maid for a year (i.e. the income made by a maid in a year)
  • 4 ryô – the cost of a print imported from Europe[26]
  • 6 ryô – a typical annual wage for a laborer[25][14]
  • 6 to 10 ryô – the fee to commission a major artist for a single set of lavish byôbu (folding screen) paintings; could be as much as even 40 ryô depending.[25]
  • 10 ryô – the cost of a first visit to a Yoshiwara establishment, including tips for the nakai and taikomochi.[27]
  • 200 ryô – A month in the Yoshiwara could cost as much as this.[25]
  • 360 ryô – the cost of buying a small room (80 sq yards) in Edo.
  • 483 ryô – The annual salary of a typical hatamoto in 1711.[28]
  • 500 ryô – The cap on kabuki actors’ salaries, imposed by the Kansei Reforms in 1794.[28]
  • 800 ryô The salary of kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjūrō I (16601704) peaked at this amount.[28]
  • 1000 ryôYoshizawa Ayame I (16631729) was the first kabuki actor to attain an annual salary of this amount.[28]

Denominations Chart


1 ryô

4 bu

16 shu

1 koku of rice

1 bu

1/10 monme 匁

.375 grams


1 monme

10 bu

3.75 grams




1 kan

100 ryô

1000 monme




1 kanmon 貫文

1000 mon




1 koku

10 to

100 shô

1 ryô of gold

1 hiki of silk



1 hiki

1 koku of rice


Meiji Period

The Meiji government began printing its own money almost immediately, in 1868. These first notes were called Dajôkansatsu, after the Dajôkan (Imperial Council of State). A new Currency Act was passed in 1871, establishing the yen as the core denomination of currency. The first national bank notes to feature a person’s portrait depicted Empress Jingû, and came out in 1881.[16]

The Bank of Japan was established in 1882, and issued its first notes in 1885; these notes, known as Daikoku satsu, featured images of Daikoku, one of the Seven Lucky Gods. A Coinage Law passed in 1897 set the economy onto the gold standard.[16]


  • Crawcour, E.S. and Kozo Yamamura. “The Tokugawa Monetary System, 1787-1868.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 18:4, part 1 (1970). pp489-518.
  • Kobata Atsushi. “Coinage from the Kamakura Period through the Edo Period.” Acta Asiatica 21 (1971). pp98-108.
  1. Kobata. p98n1.
  2. When a good was used as payment, its value was often counted in terms of jun-kinu 準絹, jun-nuno 準布, or jun-kome 準米, that is, in terms of how much silk, cloth, or rice it would have been worth.
  3. Kobata. pp98-99.
  4. Kobata. p98.
  5. Kang, David C. “Hierarchy in Asian International Relations: 1300-1900.” Asian Security 1, no. 1 (2005), 65.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Kobata. pp99-100.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Kobata. p101.
  8. That is, da-chin 大斤 (J: dai-kin) and xiao-chin 小斤 (J: shô-kin), da-liang 大両 (J: dai-ryô) and xiao-liang 小両 (J: shô-ryô).
  9. With one monme being 3.75 grams, or ten bu.
  10. Kobata. p105.
  11. Conrad Schirokauer, David Lurie, and Suzanne Gay, A Brief History of Japanese Civilization, Wadsworth Cengage (2013), 153.
  12. Screech, Timon. “Owning Edo-Period Paintings.” in Lillehoj, Elizabeth (ed.) Acquisition: Art and Ownership in Edo-Period Japan. Floating World Editions, 2007. p34.
  13. Crawcour and Yamamura. p490.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Timon Screech, Obtaining Images, University of Hawaii Press (2012), 79.
  15. Kobata. p106.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Pamphlet, Currency Museum.
  17. Kobata. p107.
  18. Kobata. p108.
  19. Mark Ravina, Land and Lordship in Early Modern Japan, Stanford University Press (1999), 59-60.
  20. Arai Hakuseki, Joyce Ackroyd (trans.), Told Round a Brushwood Fire, University of Tokyo Press (1979), 296n239.
  21. Timon Screech (Obtaining Images, p79) cites the figures as 65% and 95%; however, calculating directly, using the figures 43, 50, and 60, results in the percentages 71 and 83.
  22. Hakuseki, 296n240.
  23. Robert Hellyer, Defining Engagement, Harvard University Press (2009), 59.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Amy Stanley, Selling Women: Prostitution, Markets, and the Household in Early Modern Japan, UC Press (2012), xxii.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Screech, “Owning Edo-Period Paintings.” p26.
  26. Timon Screech, Obtaining Images, 325.
  27. Segawa Seigle, Cecelia. Yoshiwara. University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Leiter, Samuel. “Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World.” Impressions 31 (2010). pp114-131

Source samuwiki







Financial Cliques

The zaibatsu (literally financial cliques) were the diversified family enterprises that rose to prominence in the Meiji Era. Some of the most important zaibatsu and their origins were:












  • The founder of the Mitsui zaibatsu, Mitsui Hachirobei Takatoshi, established shops for dry goods in Kyoto (the old capital) and Edo (now Tokyo) in 1673 to sell high quality kimonos. Ten years later he and his sons established money changing shops which soon were carrying out exchange operations for the Tokugawa Shogunate, the government of Japan. One operation Mitsui performed for the Shogunate was to convert taxes which were paid in rice into money available in Edo. Osaka was the principal commercial center of Japan at the time and Mitsui sold in Osaka the rice collected as taxes. Mitsui handled the transfer of funds from Osaka to Edo. Transporting money itself from Osaka to Edo was dangerous and expensive so Mitsui instead bought the promissory notes Edo merchants gave to Osaka and Kyoto merchants and transferred these to Edo for collection. Mitsui did not charge a fee for these important services to the Shogunate but instead was compensated by having the use of government funds for a period of months. For those months between the receipt of the rice tax and the payment of money in Edo Mitsui had, in effect, an interest-free loan which it could lend at interest to other borrowers. Eventually these financial services businesses became more important than the dry goods shops which were the original business of the Mitsui family.
  • Although providing services for the Shogunate was profitable for Mitsui there were risks. When the Shogunate got into political difficulties and needed funds it squeezed the political merchants like Mitsui who had been making profits from its patronage. After demanding substantial comtributions in the 1864-65 period from Mitsui and other political merchants, in 1866 it demanded a payment from Mitsui alone which was more 50 percent larger than Mitsui’s operating assets.
  • Mitsui had to petition for a reduction in the amount the Shogunate was demanding. Mitsui founded a talented negotiator, Minokawa Rihachi, who had once been a servant of the Minister of Finance. Minokawa was uneducated and illiterate but he was a very sharp political operator. Minokawa got the payment demanded of Mitsui reduced by two-thirds. Furthermore the payment was split into three installments. Before the last two installments were due the Shogunate was overthrown.
  • However before its overthrow the Shogunate had asked that Mitsui set up in Yokohama a lending organization that would be funded by custom duties. Minokawa as a reward for his successful negotiation was selected to manage the Yokohama lending institution for Mitsui. Minokawa changed his name to Minomura for this new career.
  • When the Tokogawa Shogunate was overthrown Mitsui was selected by the new Meiji government to provide financial services and handle the creation of a new currency. Mitsui was also instructed to begin preparation for the creation of a central bank for Japan.
  • After Mitsui was well along in its plans to create a central bank the Meiji government changed its mind and called for Mitsui to collaborate with another business, Ono, in the formation of the central bank. Mitsui, Ono and Shamada were the three businesses which held government deposits and benefited from having the use of these funds interest free for a period of time. In October 1874 the government demanded that each of these three firms make a payment to the government equal to one-third of the amount that the government held with them. This payment was required within a couple of months which was too short a time for Ono and Shamada to collect on the loans they had out of government funds and they went bankrupt. Mitsui was able to survive because government funds were a smaller proportion of their holdings than they were for Ono and Shamada. Mitsui had also been more cautious in its lending than Ono and Shamada. But the key to Mitsui surviving is that its political operator, Minomura, had gotten advanced warning of the change in government policy and had longer to raise the payment required.
  • In 1876 Mitsui formed the Mitsui Bank, a major financial institution in Japan in the years ahead.


  • Mitsubishi (Three Diamonds) was founded by Iwasaki Yataro of what is now Kochi Prefecture but was at the time Tosa domain, a samarai-controlled region. Iwasaki was selected to serve in the bureaucracy and later headed the Nagasalo office of the financial agency of the domain. The financial agency was charged with promoting the sale of domain products and using the proceeds to purchase ships and weapons from foreign merchants. The Meiji Revolution brought an end to his domain’s Nagasaki office and Iwasaki was transferred to Osaka in 1869. The trust and relationships Iwasaki developed with foreign merchants were important factors in his career. The Meiji government banned domain enterprises so the financial agency Iwasaki managed was transformed into a private business under Iwasaki’s management. Its primary activity was shipping.
  • In 1871 the Meiji government abolished the domain governments and put in their place the prefecture system. Iwasaki took over the managment of the privatized domain enterprises and assumed responsibility for the debts of the Tosa domain. This assumption of unpaid debt gave foreign merchants great confidence in Iwasaki’s integrity. Initially the new company was named Mitsukawa (Three Rivers) because three of the principle owners had “kawa” as part of their surnames. By 1873 Iwasaki had emerged as the dominant personality in the company and he renamed the company Mitsubishi Shokai.
  • The company headquarters was moved to Tokyo in 1874 and the name changed to Mitsubishi Steamship Company (Mitsubishi Jokisen Kaisha). In 1874 the Meiji government wanted transportation for a military expedition to Taiwan and foreign shipping firms refused to provide the ships. There was a national government enterprise, the Japan National Mail Steamship Company (YJK), from which the government sought transportation. YJK was not an efficiently managed enterprise and it also refused to provide the ships needed. In desperation the government turned to Mitsubishi for aid and Mitsubishi provided transport the government needed. Thereafter Mitsubishi gained favor and protection from the Meiji government. It subsequently changed its name to Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company.
  • Mitsubishi started a Shanghai-Yokohama line and, with government backing, drove foreign ship lines out of the market. When the Meiji government needed military transport Mitsubishi provided it.


  • The Yasuda zaibatsu was founded by Yasuda Zenjiro at the end of the era of the Tokogawa Shogunate. Yasuda came from a poor samarai class family in what is now Toyama Prefecture. He migrated to Edo and worked in a money changing business until 1863, at age 25, he was ready to start his own money changing business. In 1867 Yasuda became a political merchant, carrying out financial operations for the Shogunate like overseeing the collection of gold and silver. Under the Meiji government Yasuda continued to provide financial services. Like other political merchants Yasuda handled tax collections and profited from the delay between collection and the time at which those funds had to be forwarded to the government. Yasuda bought up depreciated paper money which had been issued by the new regime. When the regime announced the paper money would be accepted at its face value in gold coin Yasuda made a fortune. In 1876 Yasuda founded the Third National Bank of Japan.


  • The Sumitomo enterprise had its origins in mining and smelting. Soga Riemon learned copper smelting and processing in Osaka and then founded a copper refinery in Kyoto in 1590. Sumitomo Masatomo was a wealthy druggist and publisher in Kyoto. When the eldest son of Soga married the daughter of Sumitomo he adopted the Sumitomo surname. The copper business grew and the Sumitomo family became one of the companies allowed by the Shogun to trade in copper. Later the Sumitomo family enterprise was allowed to operate the Besshi copper mine owned by the Shogunate.
  • In the 1860’s the Sumitomo enterprises were experiencing financial difficulties which became catastrophic when the Shogun was overthrown. All the special privileges of Sumitomo were lost. The loans that Sumitomo had made to daimyo governments in the past were cancelled.The Meiji government intended to expropriate the Besshi copper mine as a property of the Shogunate government.
  • The mangager of the Besshi mine, Hirose Giemon, was able to make the case that the Shogunate had given Sumitomo the right to operate the Besshi mine in perpetuity and thus Besshi was really the property of Sumitomo. Hirose Giemon was made manager of the head office of Sumitomo and successfully negotiated some terms for the settlement of other financial obligations of Sumitomo. Hirose then began selling copper to foreign buyers and with the advice of a French mining engineer was able to expand production at the Besshi copper mine.


  • In contrast to most of the zaibatsu, the Okura zaibatsu was founded by someone from the peasant class. Okura Kihachiro moved from what is now Niigata Prefecture on the north shore of Honshu to Edo and worked for three years before starting his own grocery store in 1857. After selling groceries for eight years he began to sell guns during the last days of the Shogunate.
  • In 1872 Okura traveled to Europe and the United States where he met members of a Meiji government mission who were also traveling there. After his return to Japan and he obtained government contracts as a result of the acquaintances of government people he made on that trip. Later he established a trading company with a branch in London but his profits came more from services he provided rather than the trading operations of the company. Okura also provided military supplies to the government.


  • Ono was a political merchant company which held government funds on deposit and invested the idle funds in raw silk exporting and mining. When the Meiji government demanded a matching deposit Ono was not able to raise the funds and went bankrupt. Furukawa Ichibei was an employee of Ono when it collapsed. He founded a company to engage in the same activities as Ono. After Furukawa found raw silk exporting unprofitable he concentrated on mining ventures.
  • When the Ono bank collapsed depositors such as Furukawa lost their savings. Soma, a wealthy daimyo family also lost a large amount in the collapse of the Ono bank. Furukawa convinced the Soma family to relinquish its large claim for its lost deposits in return for the ownership of two mines which the Ono company had owned. Furukawa was to manage the mines for the Soma family.


  • The Kuhara zaibatsu had its origins in the Fujita zaibatsu. Kuhara Fusanosuke was the nephew of the founder of Fujita. Kuhara became the manager of an unprofitable Fujita silver mine at Kosaka. Kuhara transformed the unprofitable Kosaka silver mine into a profitable copper mine by utilizing the low grade copper ore available there. The success of the Kosaka mine revived the Fujita zaibatsu. At the time the Fujita zaibatsu was a partnership of three brothers, but Fujita Denzaburo decided to buy out the interests of his two brothers’ heirs, which included Kuhara.
  • With his compensation from Fujita, Kuhara purchased a mine which he renamed Hitachi. Kuhara developed his operations into the third largest copper producer in Japan, exceeded only by Furukawa and Fujita.


  • The Suzuki zaibatsu was founded by Suzuki Iwajiro of Kobe. Suzuki began as a sugar importer in 1874 but expanded to exporting camphor and mint. Suzuki marketed 65 percent of the camphor oil produced in Taiwan when it became a Japanese colony. In the early years of the twentieth century Suzuki moved into sugar refining and the processing of camphor and mint. It also built a steel mill, the Kobe Steelworks, and sought contracts to supply the Japanese navy.


  • Fujita Denzaburo capitalized upon his connections with government officials in Choshu to obtain government contracts for goods and civil engineering projects. The profits from being a political merchant far surpassed the earnings from the Fujita family brewery of soy sauce and saki in Choshu (now Yamaguchi Prefecture). Fujita was what Americans later called a “wheeler-dealer.” At one point Fujita spent four months in jail because of government suspicion that he was using counterfeit currency in his dealings. He and his two brothers later founded Fujita-gumi, a company that engaged in mining and drainage projects.


  • The Asano zaibatsu had a quite different origin from the other zaibatsu, coming neither from a political merchant family business nor a family mining enterprise. The founder, Asano Soichiro, came to Tokyo with practically nothing. He progressed from a street vendor of sugar water through a variety of small businesses to retailer of firewood, charcoal and coal. One major use of coal at the time was to produce coal gas for gas light systems for homes and businesses. In producing coal gas coal is heated to a high temperature without burning and is turned into coke. Coke is valuable fuel and essential for smelting iron ore to produce iron, but at that time the coke was not being used for anything. Asano saw a use for the coke as fuel at the government-owned cement where cement was produced by heating clay and limestone to a high temperature. Asano was also able to induce a Tokyo paper manufacturer to use coke as fuel.
  • From his success in marketing coke as fuel Asano went on to capture a major share of the coal market through marketing the production of a government-run coal mine in Hokkaido. In 1884 he purchased a government cement plant and started his own shipping company to transport his coal and cement. Later he obtained from contacts in the government the exclusive rights to import kerosene from a Russian company.

The relative sizes of the zaibatsu changed somewhat over time. In 1895 the annual incomes of the various zaibatsu families were as follows.


(000 yen)













Reference: Hidemasa Morikawa, Zaibatsu: The Rise and Fall of Family Enterprise Groups in Japan, University of Tokyo Press, 1992



The banknotes of the Japanese yen are part of the physical form of Japan‘s currency. The issuance of the yen banknotes began in 1872, two years after the currency was introduced. Throughout its history, the denominations have ranged from 0.05 yen to 10,000 yen.

Before World War II[edit]


In 1869, the Ministry of Finance introduced notes in denominations between 10 sen and 100 yen. “Imperial Japanese Paper Currency” followed in 1873 in denominations of 1 yen up to 20 yen. “Imperial Japanese Paper Money” was issued between 1881 and 1883 in denominations between 20 sen and 10 yen.


In 1877 and 1878, the Imperial Japanese National Bank issued 1 and 5 yen notes. In 1885, the Bank of Japan began issuing notes, in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 100 yen. 20 yen notes were added in 1917, followed by 200 yen in 1927 and 1000 yen in 1945. [1]

Between 1917 and 1922, the government issued 10, 20 and 50 sen notes. 50 sen notes were reintroduced in 1938. In 1944, 5 and 10 sen notes were introduced by the Bank of Japan.


Japan 1930 10 yen P 40a,PMG 64 FPO UNC IDR 1.157.894, 74

Dr Iwan comment

I found the near same PMG , I didinot nremember when and where I found this PMG



Allied forces notes[edit]


The Allies issued notes in denominations of 10 and 50 sen, 1, 5, 10, 20, 100 and 1000 yen between 1945 and 1951, during which time the Bank of Japan also issued notes. Banknotes below 1 yen became invalid on December 31, 1953 by the same legislation mentioned above.


P.O.W 1 yen Camp Chit Ticket for US Military (very rare) est price IDR 2.368.289,47

Australia actually made notes for the occupation as well and those can be seen at the Australian Reserve Bank website [2]

Regaining sovereignty[edit]


By the early 1950s, notes below 50 yen had been replaced by coins, followed by those for 50 and 100 yen in the late 1950s.


In 1957 and 1958, 5000 and 10,000 yen notes were introduced.


The 500 yen notes were replaced after 1982,


while 2000 yen notes were introduced in 2000.


100-1000 yen notes were introduced at July 2016 with small papermoney type.

Dr Iwan comment

I have   almost all of the above Japan PM type


except geometric patern 1946

200 yen 1946 ,

1000 yen 1986 (I found but I sold in 2000)



5000 yen 1956, I still hunting this rare bank note,

I found a rare catalogues of Japan Banknote with more older bank note which some I found in Jakarta, if the collectors and scholar want to look please visit my museum”Our Ancestor Museum WANLI SONS Kelapa Gading North Jakarta Indonesia.

Look the complete table of Japan papermoney at another page below



Series A (1946–48)





Date of






issue suspension




94 × 48 mm

Prunus mume blossoms

Geometric patterns

May 25, 1948

December 31, 1953

June 30, 1954



100 × 52 mm


The Diet building

September 5, 1947



124 × 68 mm

Ninomiya Sontoku

Geometric patterns

March 19, 1946

October 1, 1958




132 × 68 mm

Geometric patterns

March 5, 1946

April 1, 1955



140 × 76 mm

The Diet building

February 25, 1946



162 × 93 mm

Prince Shōtoku, “Yumedono” (A hall associated with Prince Shōtoku in Hōryū-ji Temple)

Hōryū-ji Temple

February 25, 1946

July 5, 1956

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.



Series B (1950–53) [3]




Main Color


Date of






issue suspension



144 × 68 mm


Takahashi Korekiyo

The headquarters of the Bank of Japan

December 1, 1951

October 1, 1958



148 × 76 mm


Itagaki Taisuke

The Diet building

December 1, 1953

August 1, 1974



156 × 76 mm

Dark blue

Iwakura Tomomi

Mt. Fuji

April 2, 1951

January 4, 1971



164 × 76 mm


Prince Shōtoku


January 7, 1950

January 4, 1965

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.


The series B introduced a new high value banknote ¥1000.


Series C (1957–69) [3]




Main Color


Date of






issue suspension



159 × 72 mm


Iwakura Tomomi

Mt. Fuji

November 1, 1969

April 1, 1994



164 × 76 mm


Itō Hirobumi

The headquarters of the Bank of Japan

November 1, 1963

January 4, 1986



169 × 80 mm


Prince Shōtoku

The headquarters of the Bank of Japan

October 1, 1957

January 4, 1986



174 × 84 mm


Prince Shōtoku

A pillar painting of Hōō in Byōdō-in Temple

December 1, 1958

January 4, 1986

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.

The series C introduced two new high value banknotes ¥5000 and ¥10,000.


Series D (1984) [4]




Main Color


Date of






issue suspension



150 × 76 mm


Natsume Sōseki

Pair of cranes

November 1, 1984

April 2, 2007



155 × 76 mm


Nitobe Inazō

Mt. Fuji, Lake Motosu and cherry blossoms



160 × 76 mm


Fukuzawa Yukichi

Pair of pheasants

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.

Due to the discovery of a large number of counterfeit Series D banknotes at the end of 2004, all Series D banknotes except ¥2000 were virtually suspended on January 17, 2005,[5] and officially suspended on April 2, 2007.[6] According to a news release [7] from the National Police Agency, they seized 11,717 counterfeit Series D banknotes (excluding the ¥2000 denomination) in 2005. However, they seized only 486 counterfeit current issue banknotes, namely Series E ¥1000, ¥5000, ¥10000, and Series D ¥2000.


Commemorative series D (2000) [4]




Main Color


Date of issue







154 × 76 mm



Scene from the Tale of Genji and portrait of Murasaki Shikibu

July 19, 2000

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.

2000 yen note with The Tale of Genji and Murasaki Shikibu on the right corner

Dr Iwan comment

I found this papermoney at Seoul City at NamDaimon Market money changer in 2008.

This is the current issue. The 2000 yen note was first issued on July 19, 2000 to commemorate the 26th G8 summit in Okinawa and the 2000 millennium year as well. Pictured on the front of the note is Shureimon, a famous gate in Naha, Okinawa near the site of the summit. The other side features a scene from the The Tale of Genji and the author Murasaki Shikibu on the lower right corner. The motif of the scene was taken from the 12th century illuminated handscrolls of the novel kept at the Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya. The image of Murasaki Shikibu is taken from the Gotoh edition of the Murasaki Shikibu Diary Emaki held at the Gotoh Museum.

These notes are rare in the market, but at banks they are readily available. Many Japanese consider the 2000 yen note a novelty as it is the only Japanese denomination whose first digit is 2. To promote the circulation of the notes, some companies had started paying wages in them. The series D is the first to display the EURion constellation.


Series E (2004) [4]




Main Color


Date of issue







150 × 76 mm


Noguchi Hideyo

Mt. Fuji, Lake Motosu and cherry blossoms

November 1, 2004



156 × 76 mm


Higuchi Ichiyō

“Kakitsubata-zu” (Painting of irises, a work by Ogata Kōrin)



160 × 76 mm


Fukuzawa Yukichi

Statue of hōō (phoenix) from Byōdō-in Temple

For table standards, see the banknote specification table.

This is the current issue. The EURion constellation pattern can be observed on the series E.

Source wiki



Lokk more info from E-Bay auction August 2016-08-15


(3) WW ll era JAPANESE Bank note…10 YEN.

o    IDR52,500.00

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o    45m left (Today 8:18PM)

o    From United States

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o    IDR13,026.32

o    1 bid


o    5h left (Tuesday, 1AM)

o    From Greece


40 BILLS World War II Japanese Military Yen Money Banknote NIPPON VINTAGE

o    IDR131,578.95

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o    9h left (Tuesday, 5AM)

o    From United States

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Japan 100 Yen, 1953, P-90, UNC

o    IDR32,763.16

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o    IDR78,947.37

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o    From China


Japan Military notes “Shotoku Hei-gou 100Yen” 1945 ◆UNC condition

o    IDR78,947.37

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o    From Japan


Japan 500 Yen Nippon Ginko Banknote

o    IDR65,657.89

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o    11h left (Tuesday, 6AM)

o    From United States


Japan banknote 10000 yen (1958) B358 P-94 UNC-

o    IDR2,236,710.53

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o    From Japan


New listing Japan 1 Yen Banknote 1945 aUNC P 67 WWII

o    IDR118,289.47

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JAPAN 5 Sen, 1944, P-52, UNC

o    IDR65,657.89

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o    From Singapore


Japan 1916 1 Yen 2x Banknotes

o    IDR65,789.47

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o    2h left (Today 9:47PM)

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New listing 1944 Japan 10 Sen World War II Era Bank Of Japan World Currency Banknote

o    IDR26,184.21

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o    From United States


New listing Japan paper money ten yen Lot of two rare print errors

o    IDR65,789.47

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o    From United States


New listing 1944 Japan 5 Sen World War II Era Bank Of Japan World Currency Banknote

o    IDR26,184.21

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JAPAN NOTE 100 YEN (1953) P 90b UNC

o    IDR91,973.68

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o    From Argentina


New listing Japan paper money ten yen Lot of two rare print errors

o    IDR328,947.37

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o    From Taiwan


Japan Banknote “2000Yen bill” UNC condition

o    IDR355,263.16

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o    From Japan


Japan, Allied Military, 10 sen, (1945), P-63, WWII, aUNC

o    IDR87,368.42

Was: IDR91,973.68

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o    From United States


JAPAN 1 YEN ND 1916 P 30 UNC

o    IDR210,394.74

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o    IDR315,789.47

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o    IDR35,394.74

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o    12 sold

o    From Thailand


New listing 1942 Japan 50 Sen World War II Era Great Imperial Japanese World Currency

o    IDR26,184.21

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PHILIPPINES MONEY Bank Notes Japanese JAPAN Occupation 1 Centavo (10) Different

o    IDR262,500.00

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Japan … P-51b … 10 Yen … ND(1944) … *AU-UNC*

o    IDR2,072,368.42

Was: IDR2,302,631.58

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o    From United States


JAPAN 10,000 10000 YEN ND 1984 P 99 UNC

o    IDR2,894,605.26

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New listing Japan Empire Dragon Note 10 YEN ten yuan Serial 492609

o    IDR118,289.47

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o    From Taiwan


New listing Japan – 1000 Yen 2004 UNC Lemberg-Zp

o    IDR189,342.11

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o    From Ukraine

JAPAN 1000 1,000 YEN 1984 ND P 97 UNC

o    IDR328,815.79

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o    From Thailand


Japan banknote 10 yen (1946) B351 P-87 UNC-

o    IDR45,789.47

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o    From Japan


Japan – 1000 Yen ND (2004) UNC, Pick 104b

o    IDR203,815.79

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o    From Ukraine


10 SEN Banknote of JAPAN – 1945 – Allied MILITARY Issue – Lot of Two (2)

o    IDR13,026.32

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o    6h left (Tuesday, 2AM)

o    From United States

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New listing LOTS of (2) Japanese papermoney Bank Notes Dollars, Government Bills 50, 10 yen

o    IDR65,789.47

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Japan banknote 100 yen (1946) B342 P-80

o    IDR460,394.74

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o    From Japan



o    IDR5,263,026.32

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o    From Singapore


Japan P-106 2004 10000 Yen (Gem UNC)

o    IDR1,958,947.37

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o    From Korea, South

Japan JPY (2000) UNC 2000 Yen Banknote Money Bill P-103b

o    IDR355,263.16

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o    17 watching

o    From Canada


Japan P30, 10 Yen Propaganda Note

o    IDR460,526.32

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Japan banknote 1 yen (1916) B312 P-30 UNC-

o    IDR210,394.74

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o    8 watching

o    From Japan


Japan 1 Yen 1946 P 85a circulated Banknote , M10

o    IDR25,657.89

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Japan banknote 5000 yen (2001) B362c P-101 UNC-

o    IDR1,973,684.21

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o    From Japan


Japan Banknote “2th Kiyomaro 10yen” 1943 XF-condition

o    IDR92,105.26

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o    From Japan


Japan 10 Yen 1940’s Block {376} Circulated Banknote

o    IDR65,131.58

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o    From United States

6 pc Japanese Government Currency WWII Invasion Occupation 32.50 Pesos U grade

o    IDR26,184.21

o    1 bid


o    11h left (Tuesday, 7AM)

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Bank of Japan 2th 1944y~ 100Yen Shotoku Block {150} aFine

o    IDR157,894.74

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o    From Japan


Japan banknote 50 yen (1951) B353 P-88 UNC

o    IDR723,552.63

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o    From Japan


Japanese banknote 5 yen military m 25 UNC 1938

o    IDR250,000.00

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o    From Russian Federation

Japan banknote 10 yen (1930) B320 P-40

o    IDR78,815.79

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o    From Japan


New listing Malaya – Japan occupation WWII Banknote 1 Dollars 1942 P-M5c Block Letters MO

o    IDR70,875.00

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JAPAN, 10 YEN, P#40a,ND(1930)

o    IDR48,288.63

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o    IDR131,578.95

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1000 Yen Nippon Ginko Japan Japanese Banknote Circulated

o    IDR315,789.47

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Paper Money Japan 1930 10 yen #419149

o    IDR71,710.53

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Japan, 1 Yen, ND (1946), P-85, Ch. UNC

o    IDR62,368.42

Was: IDR65,657.89

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o    From United States


Japan 10 yen 1930 VF CRISP Banknote P-40

o    IDR105,131.58

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o    From Israel

New listing LOTS of (3) Japanese papermoney Bank Notes Dollars, Government Bills 5 Yuan yen

o    IDR131,578.95

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Japan banknote 1 yen (1916) B312 P-30 VF

o    IDR65,657.89

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o    From Japan



o    IDR393,421.05

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o    From Spain

Japan Currency 2004 UNC 5000 Yen Banknote Paper Money Bill P-105b

o    IDR897,894.74

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o    IDR2,368,289.47

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o    IDR35,394.74

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1957 Japan 5000 Yen Banknote Nippon Ginko Circulated

o    IDR776,315.79

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New listing Japan- Allied Military P-67a & 71. (1945) 1 & 10 Yen.. UNC

o    IDR354,375.00

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Japan 10 Sen (Taisho Fractional Note), 1920, UNC

o    IDR394,736.84

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Japan Banknote – 1 Yen, ND 1916, P-30c, UNC, PMG 64 EPQ (121154)

o    IDR394,736.84

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o    From Hong Kong

New listing 1930 JAPAN PROPAGANDA 10 YEN AU/UNC.

o    IDR855,263.16

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Japan 9 different banknotes set collection LOT H

o    IDR131,447.37

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o    From Japan


Japan 1939 10 Yen Military Banknote

o    IDR131,447.37

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Set of 4 diff. Japan paper money WW2 era f-vf

o    IDR118,815.79

Was: IDR131,973.68

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JAPAN 1000 1,000 YEN 2004 P 104 UNC

o    IDR223,552.63

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JAPAN 1 Yen, Takeuchi Sukune, 1916, P-30, UNC

o    IDR236,710.53

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o    IDR328,947.37

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o    IDR2,631,447.37

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Japan … P-56b … 10 Yen … ND-Replacement- … *VF*

o    IDR888,157.89

Was: IDR986,842.11

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JAPAN 10 Sen, 1944, P-53, UNC

o    IDR65,657.89

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o    From Singapore


Japan banknote 1000 yen (1963) B359 P-96 UNC- single letter prefix

o    IDR591,973.68

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o    IDR78,815.79

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New listing Japan 1 Yen 1945 VF+ Pick 54b

o    IDR420,921.05

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Japan Banknotes “2th Shotoku 100Yen” 1944 rare

o    IDR236,842.11

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Japan banknote 10 yen (1946) B328 P-56

o    IDR157,763.16

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New listing JAPAN 5 YEN ND (1942) aUNC P 43a

o    IDR556,447.37

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JAPAN, 100x 100 YEN note, 1 bundle(100 notes), ITAGAKI, UNC

o    IDR2,105,263.16

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o    From Japan

Japan banknote 2000 yen (2000) B364 P-103 UNC

o    IDR387,763.16

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o    14 watching

o    From Japan


Lot of 6 Japanese Government Notes – 1 Gulden, 3x 10 Pesos, 1 Cent, 5 Centavos

o    IDR276,184.21

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o    1d 12h left (Wednesday, 8AM)

o    From United States

New listing LOTS of (3) Japanese papermoney Bank Notes Dollars, Government Bills 5 Yuan yen

o    IDR131,578.95

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o    From United States



o    IDR90,789.47

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o    Only 1 left!

o    From Spain

New listing JAPAN 50 SEN 1942-44 UNC NEUF P 59

o    IDR184,078.95

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o    From United States

Japan banknote 10000 yen (1958) B358 P-94

o    IDR2,236,710.53

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o    From Japan


Japan 1984 – 1993, 5000 Yen, P98b, Black serial # UNC

o    IDR1,973,684.21

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o    From Korea, South


JAPAN: 10 YEN NOTE, ND (1943), P-51, VF+/aXF

o    IDR131,447.37

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o    From United States

Japan WWII Propaganda 10 Yen leaflets 1945 aUNC

o    IDR1,447,236.84

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o    From Korea, South


JAPAN, 10 YEN, P#40a,ND(1930)

o    IDR101,660.26

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o    From Canada


Japan banknote 2000 yen (2000) B364 P-103 UNC #01 FREE SHIPPING!

o    IDR378,289.47

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Japan 10 Yen P 56 (1945)

o    IDR322,236.84

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o    From Estonia


Japan ND (1984-93) Pick-97d UNC 1000 Yen

o    IDR920,394.74

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o    From United States


Philippines Japan occupation WWII Banknote 100 Pesos 1943 P-112a

o    IDR50,625.00

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o    From Australia


Japan 1000 1,000 Yen, 1963, P-96, UNC

o    IDR263,026.32

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o    From China


Japan Edo period paper money “Hansatsu 1monme” Nara 1866 Uncirculated

o    IDR263,157.89

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o    IDR184,078.95

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o    From Thailand


New listing Japan 1 Yen 1944 aUNC P 54a

o    IDR381,315.79

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Japan 1930, 10 Yen, P40a, PMG 64 EPQ UNC

o    IDR1,157,894.74

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o    From Korea, South



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Japan Gold Banknote Pure Normal Gold Foil 10000 Bill Paper Money Collection For Feng Shui Favors

Material: Metal ; Style: Antique Imitation ; Carving Type: Etched ; Brand Name: WR ; Use: Souvenir ; Technique: Carved

Gold Banknote Collection

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New Product Japan 10000 YEN Paper Money 24Kt Gold Banknote Fancy Collectable Banknotes With COA Frame

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New Arrival Japan Gold Banknote 10000 Yen Collectible Banknote Paper Money for Collection

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Rated 5.0/5 based on 3 customer reviews Feedback(3) | Orders (3)

Gold Banknote Collection

Rp 43,682.94 / piece

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Plated Paper Money Collectible Gold Foil Banknotes Japan 10000 Yen 24k Gold Banknote For Souvenir Gift

Material: Metal ; Style: Antique Imitation ; Brand Name: paper money ; Carving Type: Etched ; Regional Feature: Japan

Go hand in hand Album

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CGG Gold Foil Crafts

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Min. Order: 1 piece

Wholesale Old Japan 10000 Yen Gold Banknote Plated Paper Money of The Prince Sheng De with Certificate Card for Collection

Style: Japan Style ; Brand Name: None ; Material: Gold Plated ; Theme: People

World CoinBanknote

Rp 26,236.00 / piece

Min. Order: 10 pieces

Normal Gold Banknote Japan 1000 Bill Fake Banknote Paper Money With Coa Frame Metal Craft

Brand Name: None ; Material: Gold Plated ; Style: Europe ; Theme: Patriotism

Gold Banknote Collection

Rp 26,236.00 / piece

Min. Order: 1 piece

24k Gold Banknote Japan 10000 Yen -1993 Nippom Ginko Double Plate Paper Money Collection Decoration Make Selling

Style: Antique Imitation ; Brand Name: None ; Material: Metal ; Theme: People

Order (1)

Go hand in hand Album

Rp 19,545.82 / piece

Min. Order: 1 piece

Japan Gold Banknote 5000 Yen Paper Money Plated Gold 99999 For Collection with coa frame

Brand Name: None ; Material: Gold Plated ; Style: Japan Style ; Theme: People

Gold Banknote Collection

Rp 26,236.00 / piece

Min. Order: 1 piece

High Quality 9999 Plated Paper Money Collectible Gold Foil Banknotes Japan 10000 Yen 24k Gold Banknote For Souvenir Gift

Style: Antique Imitation ; Brand Name: None ; Material: Metal ; Theme: People

Orders (2)

Go hand in hand Album

Rp 23,612.40 / piece

Min. Order: 1 piece

Wholesale New Japan Gold Banknote 10000 Yen Gold Foil Paper Money with Certificate Card for Collection and Gifts

Style: Japan Style ; Brand Name: None ; Material: Gold Plated ; Theme: People

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Rp 26,236.00 / piece

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Rated 4.8/5 based on 20 customer reviews Feedback(20) | Orders (17)

Gold Banknote Collection

Rp 32,795.00 / piece

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Normal Gold Plated Japan 5000 Yen Bill Banknote Paper Money Art & Collectible Gift

Style: Japan Style ; Brand Name: None ; Material: Gold Plated ; Theme: People

Rated 5.0/5 based on 3 customer reviews Feedback(3) | Orders (4)

Gold Banknote Collection

Rp 19,677.00 / piece

Min. Order: 1 piece


Google expl.




  1. ^ “1000 Yen note 1945 prince Yamato Takeru”. World Banknotes. Retrieved 14 February 2015. 
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b
  4. ^ a b c Currency in Use: Bank of Japan
  5. ^ Archived August 8, 2007, at the Wayback Machine.
  6. ^ 一万円券、五千円券および千円券の今後の支払について:日本銀行
  7. ^ Archived August 10, 2007, at the Wayback Machine.

External links[edit]


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Japanese currency



















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The End @ Copyright DR Iwan 2016

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DR Iwan Comment

I have some of this collections below (near same  or used condition)








In this day with my loving Toyota Hardtop Lancruiser BJ 40, I went alone to Rengasdengklok to look at the historic house where Bung Karno and Bug Hata were” Keep ” by the young man 55 years ago inorder to aksed them to proclaimed the Indonesian Independent there (the complete story look at the Indonesian Independent war collections and Bung Hatta Collections in this blog or in my old bl9oc hhtp”//

Very difficult to found the road to the Candi “Jiwa” (Ancient Soul -BudhishTemple), after enter the Rengasdengklok ,from the Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road, at West Cikampek I foun dthe sign

,then tern left and after the railways t’s turn to the right,

I came to the very crowded market


Then the turn right until at then of that market

,turn left near the small river, I drive straight until arrived the sign

, the Jiwa Temple at the right circa 40 km in very bad road,with very small arrow directions of Candi Jiwa , then turn to the right about 500 m.

I enter the broken candi Jiwa, and with the helping of the native peoples there I have seen other borken candi, they talled me about 24 candi beside Candi Jiwa there.


All the candi built frome “Bata” sands break.

At the small camp’s house there ,I saw the project map,and some artifact founding, like same small sand Tablet with Buddish’s relief ,and a broken earthenweare vessels (Kendi),and small jarlets(buli-buli) and some new ceramics, they said until now they still studied the earliest Candi which ever found in Java circa three or four century AD much older than the Ancient mataram kindom of Java, may be this candi built by the Ancient Tarumanegara Kingdom, no Ancient coins and Chinese ceramic found there. I took the adventure after read te magazine story about Mr Abu Ridho from National Centre Museum and Mrs Sumirah Adyatman of Adam Malik museum,s curator ever came there too.

  1. August.15th 2010

After ten years , I am asking my son Anton to take me with my wife with his Toyota Kinjang Innova to adventure agains to Rengas Dengklok in order to comemorate the 65 years of Indonesian Indenpent day.

After that we went to “Candi Jiwa “to look the progress of that Candi renovations, because I have read in Kompas Newspaper a week ago,that some foriegn’s arkeologist had found athe human skull and skelletons ,very long diameters about two meters long body-head with their ancient gold necklage and sword.

The Road still same but before the raillways ,there atre the new flyt over bridge wich made the road more closer, and still turn right strait to the Rengas Dengklok market but I didnnot met the Historic House anymore,

after arrive the market still the same turn to the right until the end of market near river turn left but the road more best with cement beton and smoe asphalt betons to cadi Jiwa, now there have two candi almost finished ,one cadi Jiwa and near that candi, new candi Blondongan are still in renovations ,


please look my profile at two candi Jiwa at Batujaya krawang west Java


This time I with my wife Lily and My son Anto, have made some interesting pictures of some artifact found

The picture of the candi Jiwan and Blondongan


2) The letest artifact have just founds, very pity the Ancient Gold were bring abroad by the archeoligt to studies .

3) the older foundings’s artifact.


An :Sebenarnya apa yang dimaksud dengan candi ?
Ark: Menurut Pak Soekmono (dia salah satu maestro arkelogi di Indonesia gan),candi adalah tempat memuliakan orang2 yang sudah meninggal.Ini masih ada kaitannya dengan asal kata “candi” itu sendiri,yaitu “candika”,nama lain dari Dewi Durga,dewi kematian.
namun masyarakat terkadang menggunakan istilah candi untuk menyebut bangunan peninggalan dari masa Hindu-Budha di Indonesia.Terkaadang juga digunakan untuk menyebut bangunan bersejarah agama Hindu-Budha di luar negeri seperti candi Angkor Wat di Kamboja dan candi Khajuraho di India.
Namun yang unik adalah dalam prasasti2 atau naskah2 kuno yang sudah ditemukan dan diterjemahkan,tidak ditemui istilah candi.Sebutan yang digunakan adalah Padharmaan,Dharma Haji,Dharma Lpas,Prasada,Bhavana,Vihara,Parahyangan,Pangastulan,Tirth,atau Patirthan.

Quote:An :Sejak kapan tradisi pembangunan candi masuk ke Nusantara?
Ark:Sebelum tradisi Hindu-Budha masuk ke Nusantara,tidak ada tradisi membangun bangunan dari batu.Jikapun ada,jumlahnya sedikit sekali.Ketika agama Hindu dan Budha masuk ke Nusantara,tempat pemujaan awalnya pun masih terbuat dari kayu.Kemudian digunakanlah batu sebagai bahan bangunan.Itupun masih berukuran kecil dan masih minim ornamen dan masih ada unsur Indianya.
Istimewanya candi di Nusantara menurut Bosch adalah dari segi teknis,mungkin tidak begitu mengagumkan,tapi dari segi seni,candi2 di Nusantara memiliki nilai yang tinggi.Hingga kini,bangunan candi tertua masih dilihat pada gugus candi Hindu di Dieng. 
Ada sebuah teori yang mengatakan bahwa raja2 Nusantara mendatangkan arsitek langsung dari India untuk memebangun candi,tapi teori ini masih lemah karena tidak ditemukan candi bercorak India,misalnya penggunaan pilar.Kemudian munculah teori baru bahwa arsitek Indonesialah yang membangun candi dan mereka membangun candi sesuai yang tertera dalam kitab Silpasastra (kitab yang berisi kaidah pembangunan candi).

Quote:An :Sebenarnya apa sih latar belakang orang zaman dahulu dalam membangun candi ?
Ark:Latar belakang candi dibangun adalah untuk Memuliakan orang yang meninggal atau sering disebut dengan didharmakan.Biasanya yang didharmakan adalah orang penting seperti raja,bangsawan,atau agamawan.Dalam tradisi Hindu Budha tidak mengenal tradisi penguburan,yang ada adalah pembakaran mayat yang kemudian abunya dilarung ke laut sebagai simbol terpisahnya roh dari unsur keduniawian yang selanjutnya akan menyatu dengan dewa yang dulu menitis pada seorang raja (mirip dengan konsep Avatar).Setelah melalui berbagai upacara,barulah didirkan candi untuk mendharamakan raja.Untuk candi Budha,
Candi dibangun sebagai tempat pemujaan atau sebagai biara.Abu jenazah biasanya disimpan di stupa2 dekat candi.Ketika candi dibangun,tanah didirikanya sebuah candi dijadikan sebuah Sima atau tanah perdikan (tanah bebas pajak) melalui berbagai upacara.Penetapan Sima ini biasanya dicatat pada sebuah prasasti.Candi memiliki konsepsi yang jauh lebih rumit daripada bangunan2 pada masa kini,konsepsi sebuah candi meliputi :
1.Candi merupakan tiruan dari gunung suci,yaitu Mahameru dan Kailasa,jadi banyak sekali ornamen tumbuhan yang ada dalam sebuah candi.
2.Sebuah candi harus memiliki konsep geometri suci atau dalam tradisi India disebut Mandala.
3.Candi merupakan simbol dari rahim atau Grbagrha.
4.Candi merupakan pusat dari peziarahan.
5.Candi merupakan imitasi dari surga,makanya banyak relief bidadari pada sebuah candi.
6.Sebuah candi merupakan penghubung antara surga dengan bumi.
Quote:Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi


Denah Candi Borobudur yang melambangkan sebuah Mandala

Quote:An :Saya masih bingung bagaimana orang2 zaman dahulu membangun sebuah candi ?
Ark:Bagaimana orang2 zaman dahulu membangun candi juga masih menjadi pertanyaan bagi arkeolog karena tidak ditemukan alat2 untuk membangun candi.Teknik membangun candi tergantung dari bahannya sendiri.Untuk batu,biasanya digunakan susunan batu yang saling mengunci seperti pada mainan lego.Sedangkan untuk batu bata,biasanya batu bata akan direkatkan dengan cara digosok gosokan menggunakan air.
Yang jelas,dalam membangun candi harus memerhatikan hal2 yang ada dalam ilmu Vastusastra atau Silpasastra. Ilmu ini berisi berbagai hal mulai dari pemilihan jenis tanah,cara pengujian tanah,pembuatan diagram,detail bangunan,hingga pembagian kerjanya.

Quote:An:Terus adakah pembagian kerja dalam membangun sebuah candi ?
Ark:Tentu ! sebuah tentu membutuhkan pembagian kerja agar bisa berdiri dengan baik termasuk candi.Adapun pembagian kerja meliputi:
1.Yajamana : Yajamana adalah orang yang memerintahkan dan mendanai pembangunan sebuah candi.
2.Acharya : Imam,atau pendeta yang memimpin upacara pembuatan candi.
3.Sthapati : Arsitek,dipilih oleh Acharya.
4.Sutrhagin:Surveyor,bertugas untuk menentukan tanah tempat akan dibangunnya candi.
5.Taksaka : Tugasnya menghias candi dengan relief2 dan membuat arca.
6.Vardhakin:Orang yang tugasnya mirip pekerja kasar,misalnya mengangkat batu,membuat perancah,atau menyusun candi.

Quote:An :Seperti apa bentuk susunan pada sebuah candi ?
Ark:Susunan candi dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu bagian yaitu:
1.Kaki candi merupakan bagian bawah candi. Bagian ini melambangkan dunia bawah atau bhurloka. Pada konsep Buddha disebut kamadhatu. Yaitu menggambarkan dunia hewan, alam makhluk halus seperti iblis, raksasa dan asura, serta tempat manusia biasa yang masih terikat nafsu rendah.
2.Tubuh candi adalah bagian tengah candi yang berbentuk kubus yang dianggap sebagai dunia antara atau bhuwarloka. Pada konsep Buddha disebut rupadhatu. Yaitu menggambarkan dunia tempat manusia suci yang berupaya mencapai pencerahan dan kesempurnaan batiniah. 
3.Atap candi adalah bagian atas candi yang menjadi simbol dunia atas atau swarloka. Pada konsep Buddha disebut arupadhatu. Yaitu menggambarkan ranah surgawi tempat para dewa dan jiwa yang telah mencapai kesempurnaan bersemayam.
Pada dasarnya,candi merupakan tempat bertemunya surga,bumi,dan dunia bawah.Untuk lebih jelas lihat gambar di bawah
Quote:Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Susunan candi Prambanan

An :Apa aja sih yang ada pada bagian dalam candi ?
Ark: Dalam konsepsi India,bagian dalam candi melambangkan rahim atau disebut juga Grbhagrha.Pada bagian dalam candi Hindu biasanya kita akan temukan lingga,yaitu batu yang melambangkan dewa Siwa.Selain lingga,kita juga akan menemukan arca dewa yang merupakan penjelmaan seorang raja.Lalu pada bagian dasar candi,terdapat sumuran yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan peripih,yaitu kotak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan abu,entah abu jenazah atau abu hewan,serta lempengan emas yang bertuliskan mantra2,lalu ada permata,kaca,atau cangkang kerang.Pada bagian atas ruangan,terdapat rongga kosong yang fungsinya diyakini sebagai tempat bersemayamnya rohnya dewa.
Lalu untuk candi Budha,kita akan dapatkan patung Budha serta pengiringnya.

Quote:An :Terus apa sajakah yang ada pada bagian luar candi ?
Ark:Pada bagian luar candi terdapat relief2 yang menceritakan kisah tertentu.Pada candi Hindu,biasanya menceritakan kisah Mahabaratha atau Ramayana.Sedangkan pada candi Budha bisasanya menceritakan kisah perjalanan hidup sang Budha.Kemungkinan besar relief2 pada masa itu diberi warna,namun seiring zaman,warna2 tadi luntur.Ada juga antefix,yaitu hiasan segitiga pada bagian puncak dinding.Antefix dibuat untuk memberi kesan bangunan lebih tinggi daripada biasanya.Kemudia terdapat Jaladwara,yaitu semacam tempat pembuangan air hujan yang dihias sedemikian rupa.Selain itu,
masih terdapat kala makara.Kala adalah hiasan pada bagian atas pintu candi yang berbentuk seperti wajah Iblis atau raksaksa Kala.Adapun Makara adalah hiasan di kaki tangga candi,biasanya berbentuk hewan aneh.Kala Makara berfungsi untuk menakut nakuti roh jahat agar tidak masuk ke dalam candi.Kala sendiri adalah dewa waktu.Di Jawa Timur,kala digambarkan memiliki taring besar pada bagian atas dan bawah mulut,berbeda dengan di Jawa Tengah yang taringnya hanya pada bagian atas.Selain itu,terdapat pintu masuk candi yang dibedakan menjadi dua,yaitu candi bentar yang tidak memiliki atap,dan paduraksa yang memiliki

Quote:An :
Ark:Tata letak candi dibagi menjadi dua,yaitu secara konsentris,dan secara berurutan.Secara konsentris,posisi candi yang lebih besar dikelilingi oleh anak-anak candi yang lebih kecil (candi perwara),sehingga candi paling besar ada di tengah bangunan.Sistem ini dipengaruhi oleh tata letak mandala.Contohnya pada Candi Sewu dan Candi Prambanan.Secara paralel yaitu posisi candi perwara berada di depan candi induk. Ada yang disusun berurutan simetris, ada yang asimetris. 
Ada juga pola denah memanjang ke belakang.Urutan pengunjung memasuki kawasan yang dianggap kurang suci berupa gerbang dan bangunan tambahan, sebelum memasuki kawasan tersuci tempat candi induk berdiri. Sistem ini merupakan sistem tata letak asli Nusantara yang memuliakan tempat yang tinggi, sehingga bangunan induk atau tersuci diletakkan paling tinggi di belakang mengikuti topografi alami ketinggian tanah tempat candi dibangun.Ada juga yang dibangun secara tersebar.
Contohnya pada Candi Sukuh dan Pura2 di Bali.Arah hadap sebuah candi tergantung dari konsepsi dari tata ruangnya,secara kosmologis,candi menghadap ke arah barat atau timur.Candi terkadang menghadap ke arah gunung tertentu yang dianggap suci atau disebut dengan Chtonis.
Oh ya,hampir semua bagian tengah candi tidak berada tepat pada tengah bangunan,kecuali sebuah candi di Ngemplak,Sleman Yogyakarta.
Quote:Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Denah Candi Sukuh yang memanjang ke belakang
Quote:Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Denaha Candi Prambanan yang konsentris

Quote:An :Terus dimanakah orang zaman dahulu memilih lokasi untuk membangun candi ?
Ark:Sesuai dengan kitab Silpasastra,masyarakat membangun candi berdekatan dengan air,jika tidak ditemukan air,maka akan dibuat sebuah kolam,karena air merupakan salah satu unsur upacara.Selain itu candi dibangun pada sebuah puncak gunung karena ada kepercayaan bahwa gunung merupakan tempat bersemayamnya dewa.Contoh candi yang dibangun di puncak gunung adalah candi yang ada di gunung Penanggunan.Jadi bikin candi itu gak asal2an kaya bangunan zaman sekarang.Semuanya ada konsepsinya.

Quote:An :Selama ini saya membaca buku sejarah,disebutkan bahwa candi memiliki dua langgam,yaitu langgam Jawa Tengah dan langgam Jawa Timur.Apakah itu sudah benar ?
Ark:Hal itu sebenarnya sudah benar,tapi ada catatan bahwa ada candi berlanggam Jawa Tengah tapi ada di Jawa Timur seperti Candi Badut,di Jawa Tengah juga ada candi berlanggam Jawa Timur seperti candi Sukuh dan Candi Cetho.
Oleh pak Soekmono,akhirnya pembagian candi didasarkan bukan berdasarkan lokasinya,tapi berdasarkan masanya,yaitu Masa Klasik Awal dan Masa Klasik Akhir.

Quote:An :Ada berapa candi dari ukuran, kerumitan, dan kemegahannya ? 
Ark:Candi dibagi menjadi 3 berdasarkan dari ukuran, kerumitan, dan kemegahannya candi yaitu :

1.Candi Kerajaan, yaitu candi yang digunakan oleh seluruh warga kerajaan, tempat digelarnya upacara-upacara keagamaan penting kerajaan. Candi kerajaan biasanya dibangun mewah, besar, dan luas. Contoh: Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Candi Sewu, dan Candi Panataran.
2.Candi Wanua atau Watak, yaitu candi yang digunakan oleh masyarakat pada daerah atau desa tertentu pada suatu kerajaan. Candi ini biasanya kecil dan hanya bangunan tunggal yang tidak berkelompok. Contoh: candi yang berasal dari masa Majapahit, Candi Sanggrahan di Tulung Agung, Candi Gebang di Yogyakarta, dan Candi Pringapus.
3.Candi Pribadi, yaitu candi yang digunakan untuk mendharmakan seorang tokoh, dapat dikatakan memiliki fungsi mirip makam. Contoh: Candi Kidal (pendharmaan Anusapati, raja Singhasari), candi Jajaghu (Pendharmaan Wisnuwardhana, raja Singhasari), Candi Rimbi (pendharmaan Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi, ibu Hayam Wuruk), Candi Tegowangi (pendharmaan Bhre Matahun), dan Candi Surawana (pendharmaan Bhre Wengker).

Quote:An :Terus apa saja fungsi dari sebuah candi ?
Ark:Macam2,mulai dari :

1.Candi Pemujaan: candi Hindu yang paling umum, dibangun untuk memuja dewa, dewi, atau bodhisatwa tertentu, contoh: candi Prambanan, candi Canggal, candi Sambisari, dan candi Ijo yang menyimpan lingga dan dipersembahkan utamanya untuk Siwa, candi Kalasan dibangun untuk memuliakan Dewi Tara, sedangkan candi Sewu untuk memuja Manjusri.
2.Candi Stupa: didirikan sebagai lambang Budha atau menyimpan relik buddhis, atau sarana ziarah agama Buddha. Secara tradisional stupa digunakan untuk menyimpan relikui buddhis seperti abu jenazah, kerangka, potongan kuku, rambut, atau gigi yang dipercaya milik Buddha Gautama, atau bhiksu Buddha terkemuka, atau keluarga kerajaan penganut Buddha. Beberapa stupa lainnya dibangun sebagai sarana ziarah dan ritual, contoh: candi Borobudur, candi Sumberawan, dan candi Muara Takus
3.Candi Pedharmaan: sama dengan kategori candi pribadi, yakni candi yang dibangun untuk memuliakan arwah raja atau tokoh penting yang telah meninggal. Candi ini kadang berfungsi sebagai candi pemujaan juga karena arwah raja yang telah meninggal seringkali dianggap bersatu dengan dewa perwujudannya, contoh: candi Belahan tempat Airlangga dicandikan, arca perwujudannya adalah sebagai Wishnu menunggang Garuda. Candi Simping di Blitar, tempat Raden Wijaya didharmakan sebagai dewa Harihara.
4.Candi Pertapaan: didirikan di lereng-lereng gunung tempat bertapa, contoh: candi-candi di lereng Gunung Penanggungan, kelompok candi Dieng dan candi Gedong Songo, serta Candi Liyangan di lereng timur Gunung Sundoro, diduga selain berfungsi sebagai pemujaan, juga merupakan tempat pertapaan sekaligus situs permukiman.
5.Candi Wihara: didirikan untuk tempat para biksu atau pendeta tinggal dan bersemadi, candi seperti ini memiliki fungsi sebagai permukiman atau asrama, contoh: candi Sari dan Plaosan
6.Candi Gerbang: didirikan sebagai gapura atau pintu masuk, contoh: gerbang di kompleks Ratu Boko, Bajang Ratu, Wringin Lawang, dan candi Plumbangan.
7.Candi Petirtaan: didirikan didekat sumber air atau di tengah kolam dan fungsinya sebagai pemandian, contoh: Petirtaan Belahan, Jalatunda, dan candi Tikus

Quote:An :Terakhir,apa saja bahan untuk membangun candi ?
Ark:Ada bermacam2 bahan yang digunakan untuk membangun sebuah candi,antara lain :

1. Batu andesit, batu bekuan vulkanik yang ditatah membentuk kotak-kotak yang saling kunci. Batu andesit bahan candi harus dibedakan dari batu kali. Batu kali meskipun mirip andesit tapi keras dan mudah pecah jika ditatah (sukar dibentuk). Batu andesit yang cocok untuk candi adalah yang terpendam di dalam tanah sehingga harus ditambang di tebing bukit.
2.Batu putih (tuff), batu endapan piroklastik berwarna putih, digunakan di Candi Pembakaran di kompleks Ratu Boko. Bahan batu putih ini juga ditemukan dijadikan sebagai bahan isi candi, dimana bagian luarnya dilapis batu andesit
3.Bata merah, dicetak dari lempung tanah merah yang dikeringkan dan dibakar. Candi Majapahit dan Sumatera banyak menggunakan bata merah.
4.Stuko (stucco), yaitu bahan semacam beton dari tumbukan batu dan pasir. Bahan stuko ditemukan di percandian Batu Jaya.
5.Bajralepa (vajralepa), yaitu bahan lepa pelapis dinding candi semacam plaster putih kekuningan untuk memperhalus dan memperindah sekaligus untuk melindungi dinding dari kerusakan. Bajralepa dibuat dari campuran pasir vulkanik dan kapur halus. Konon campuran bahan lain juga digunakan seperti getah tumbuhan, putih telur, dan lain-lain. Bekas-bekas bajralepa ditemukan di candi Sari dan candi Kalasan. Kini pelapis bajralepa telah banyak yang mengelupas.
6.Kayu, beberapa candi diduga terbuat dari kayu atau memiliki komponen kayu. Candi kayu serupa dengan Pura Bali yang ditemukan kini. Beberapa candi tertinggal hanya batu umpak atau batur landasannya saja yang terbuat dari batu andesit atau bata, sedangkan atasnya yang terbuat dari bahan organik kayu telah lama musnah. Beberapa dasar batur di Trowulan Majapahit disebut candi, meskipun sesungguhnya merupakan landasan pendopo yang bertiang kayu. Candi Sambisari dan candi Kimpulan memiliki umpak yang diduga candi induknya dinaungi bangunan atap kayu. Beberapa candi seperti Candi Sari dan Candi Plaosan memiliki komponen kayu karena pada struktur batu ditemukan bekas lubang-lubang untuk meletakkan kayu gelagar penyangga lantai atas, serta lubang untuk menyisipkan daun pintu dan jeruji jendela.

Quote:An :Oh ya saya hampir lupa,bagaimanakah seorang arkeolog memperlakukan sebuah candi ?
Ark:Pertanyaan yang sudah saya tunggu sejak awal,jadi begini seorang arkeolog memperlakukan sebuah candi sesuai dengan kode etik ilmu arkeologi.Jadi sebuah candi harus berdiri di tempatnya ditemukan (selama tidak ada proses tafonomi) dan jika harus disusun harus menggunakan batu aslinya.Jika candi benar2 runtuh dan batu aslinya belum ditemukan,maka bisa diganti dengan batu baru,tapi harus diberi tanda.Tujuannya jika batu aslinya ditemukan kembali,maka batu baru bisa diganti dengan batu asli.Jika anda melihat pada candi Prambanan ada beberapa batu yang tidak memiliki reliefnya dan berbeda sendiri,maka itu termasuk batu baru.
Karena apa ?Ketika batu baru diberi relief,maka akan menghilangkan kesan otentiknya.Pak Soekmono pernah memberi catatan ketika candi Prambanan akan direkonstruksi kembali bahwa Candi boleh dibangun kembali,asalkan batu baru tidak boleh lebih dari 30 % dari batu lama.Pak Soekmono sendiri lebih suka candi dibiarkan runtuh karena menambahkan kesan eksostisnya.Sama halnya pemerintah Kamboja membiarkan Candi Angkor Thom ditutupi semak belukar dan runtuh agar terlihat eksotis.
Quote:Sekedara tambahan :
Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Antefiks,hanya berfungsi sebagai hiasan

Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Lingga Yoni,simbol dari kesuburan

Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Jaladwara,fungsinya seperti saluran pembuangan air pada masa sekarang.

Anda Bertanya Arkeolog Menjawab :: Seputar Candi
Stupa,susunan batu yang berbentuk setenga lingkaran yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan relik atau abu.

Quote:Sumber :
Soekmono, 1974. Candi Fungsi dan Pengertiannya, UI Press.
George Michell,Hindhu Art & Architecture

(1) Eathenware Budhist Tablet astifact

(2) Earthenware Jar Kendi artifact

(3) Eatherware Jarlet buli-buli artfact

(4) other old artifact finding


Batujaya Museum

The Jokowi History Collection

Part One

Created By

DR Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Limited E-Book In CD-ROM

Special For Senior Collectors And Historian

Copyrighy @ Dr Iwan 2014



Saya mulai tertarik dengan Jokowi saat pemimilu Daerah Gubernur DKI, dan kemudian saat Pilpres RI 2014 walaupun kemudian saya beralih ke capres PrabowoSubianto karena saya menginggat jasa ayahnya

Prof Sumitro mendirikan Fakultas Ekonomi di Padang sumatera Barat tempat kelahiran saya dan Prof Sumitro membantu perjuangan rakyat Sumatera Barat menentang Komunisme.

Kemudian saya kembali tertarik dengan Jokowi karena Prabo tidak mengakui hasil PIlpres dan mengugatnya di Makamah Konstitusi,sifatnya yang arogan membuat simpari saya menghilang walaupun saat Pemilu saya memilihnya.

Untuk mengrahui bagaimana perlkembangan peranan presiden Indonesia Ke 7 Joko Widodo dengan

wakilnya Moh Jusuf Kall(JK) saya akan mulai mengumpulkan informasi sejak kampanye Pemilu dimulai baik dari surat Kabar maupun dari internet,dan inilah hasilnya.

Semoga Karya Tulis ini dapat menjadi masukan bagi generasi penerus,dimasa mendatang.

Selamat Pak Jokowi dan JK kami mengharapkan anda berdua dapat meningkatkan peran dan keberhasilan Republik Indonesia baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri seperti yang di diharapkan oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia

Jakarta Agustus 2014

Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Presdien RI

Komentar Dr Iwan

Presiden Jokowi, hati-hati bila tanda tangan sesuatu, anda telah keliru menadatangani prasasasti huruf keliru

PELUMBACURAN yang seharusnya PELUNCURAN, jika Bapak telah lupa akn janji membuat telaga raksasa di Jakarta dan juga pembangunan lainnya nanti juga akan lupa, tentu anda seharusnya bersumpah demi nama allah untuk selalu meminta ILHAM dan KEPINTARAN untuk dapat memecahkan permasalahan didunia yang penunh tandatangan dan ancama,serta memberikan peneranga agar seluruh rakyat Indoensia waspada terhadap berbagai ancama, jika bapak laksanakan tentu Bapak akan dipilih pada prode berikutnya

Dr Iwan Suwandy

Konusltan Informasi


Hi Iwan

And I’m sorry, but it’s a tough one.

Who was the most important artist of the 1960s?

I know, I know.

What a ridiculous thing to ask.

How do you even answer that?

You’ve got all of the Beatles.

The Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead…

There’s Jimi Hendrix,

Joni Mitchell and

Jim Morrison alongside countless others from

Ray Davies to

Brian Wilson.

Let’s not even start on


I can hear you banging your head against your desk.

I’ve been banging mine for the past couple of hours.

But humour me.

Which one?

Who’s the one person to personify the spirit of the era?

Because if you asked me…

After a lot of thought…

And enough head banging to give me a mild concussion…

I would have to say

Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan was the voice of his generation

AKA Robert Zimmerman.

The nobody from nowhere who arrived in New York in 1961, to pay his respects to

a dying Woody Guthrie…

Who passed him the torch of the great American folk tradition

Think about it.

Dylan revolutionised folk music, breathing life into a dying sound.

In his music we hear the voice of the new America.

The sound of changing times.

Author Joyce Carol Oates once wrote: “When we first heard this raw, very young, and seemingly untrained voice, frankly nasal, as if sandpaper could sing, the effect was dramatic and electrifying.”

His songs are eternal.

They speak to all ages and backgrounds.

Do you remember the first time you heard Blowing in the Wind?

I do

And so do millions of others.

In 100 years’ time people will still be listening to his music.

I’ve got something for you

It’s a set list signed by Dylan.

Bob Dylan Autographed Set List

For Sale: £2,950.00

  • Bob Dylan handwritten set list from a 2001 concert
  • Signed by the artist clearly in black pen
  • Lists some of his most famous songs

Bob Dylan (1941-) is one of the most influential musicians of all time, who has had a “profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power.” His career has spanned more than five decades, but nonetheless quality memorabilia remains extremely rare due to his private nature.

Dylan has handwritten and autographed this set list for a live concert performance in Seattle, Washington in 2001, “To Celery, Best wishes! Bob Dylan, 2001”. ‘Celery’ was a member of staff helping on the tour.

Each section of the show is divided into groups of songs, beginning with Shine the Light and ending with the enigmatic All Along the Watch Tower. Dylan’s autograph is placed on a blank section of this list.
The list is written in thick black marker, while Dylan’s signature is inscribed in fine black pen. There is some handwritten blue text on the back of the page. Some light folds and creases to the page, otherwise in excellent condition.

This item qualifies for our layaway plan

For Sale: £2,950.00

Stock Status:In Stock 
Product Code: PT620


From a gig in Seattle, Washington in 2001

5 things you never knew about Bob Dylan

  1. Dylan has worked under various aliases over the years, from Elston Gunn to Blind Boy Grunt.
    4. He’s the only rock musician ever awarded a Pulitzer Prize.
    3. In 1997 he performed for Pope John Paul II. 
    2. He’s released 36 studio albums over the years. 
    1. While he was born Jewish, he became an evangelical Christian in the 1970s.







Hi iwan,

Welcome to your Paul Fraser Collectibles newsletter.

First for you this week:

Cold Blood

Have your read Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, or seen the film? It is the account of the horrific murder of a Kansas family in 1959.

And now a guitar owned by one of the two men responsible is coming to auction at Guernsey’s in New York.

Capote mentions Smith’s guitar several times in his book

Perry Smith’s Gibson-made guitar auctions with a $175,000 high estimate at the end of the month. It is accompanied in the lot by the guitar played by

Robert Blake in the 1967 film adaptation.

Guernsey’s comments: “The In Cold Blood pair of guitars in the auction must constitute one of the most unusual musical offerings ever: those who vividly recall the legendary Truman Capote book and movie will remember that Perry Smith, the much-analyzed killer, toted his guitar everywhere.”

Che Guevara’s cigar box

Personal items connected with Che Guevara are rare. So you can be sure the auction of the revolutionary’s cigar box will cause excitement on March 1


Cuban history of this calibre is a rare find

It’s expected to make around £10,000-12,000 ($14,500-17,398).

“Items relating to this period of Cuban history rarely appear on the market. We have only handled one Che Guevara signed photo in the last 10 years,” says Ben Jones of Mullock’s –


Christmas tales

Rare Book Chrsimast Tale

short stories written

by Charles Dickens in the 1850s.

A unique Christmassy Christmas Gift

Before you say anything , I Know

I Know it’s only November 17 away

I know Christmas is more than five weeks But I make no apology for talking chrismas with you today

You need to know about this now

Because this is such a special Christmas gift for you and your family




Trade Card

Created By

Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Copyright @ 2015





Babe Ruth

In the week that Shakespeare’s will went on display in London, the will of another legendary artisan has come to light.

Babe Ruth’s last will and testament will auction on February 20 with a $150,000 estimate.

Babe Ruth memorabilia can sell for millions

Ruth (1895-1948) signed the will in 1933, two years before he played his last professional game.

Ruth artefacts are the most valuable in the sports memorabilia arena. His 1920 Yankees road jersey sold for $4.4 million in 2012 – a sports memorabilia record




Ty Cobs Card History Collections


Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Consultan Information

Limited E-Book In CD-Rom Edition

Copyright @ Dr Iwan 2016


I have seen a very rare Baseball Card Collections


Ty Cobb Baseball Cards and Autographs: A Peach of an Investment

Ty Cobb is synonymous with the dead ball era of baseball.  Most of his 22-year career was spent with the Detroit Tigers.  This Hall of Fame inductee had a very colorful life, both on and off the field.  Also, he was one of the few players, who performed the dual function of player and manager.  Ty Cobb baseball cards and autographs are among the most sought after in the hobby.

Comment in google eksploration as upload below

Ty Cobb Baseball Cards and Autographs: A Peach of an Investment

Ty Cobb is synonymous with the dead ball era of baseball.  Most of his 22-year career was spent with the Detroit Tigers.  This Hall of Fame inductee had a very colorful life, both on and off the field.  Also, he was one of the few players, who performed the dual function of player and manager.  Ty Cobb baseball cards and autographs are among the most sought after in the hobby.

Collecting Ty Cobb memorabilia

Cobb’s original baseball cards have been collected for decades.  Every generation of collector rightfully views him as one of the greatest baseball players of all-time.  Validating his popularity, Cobb was named to Major League Baseball’s All Century Team.

Because he excelled in so many areas of the game, many collectible subsets have him included.  Examples would be the following:  .300 batting club, 3,000 hit club,  Hall of Famers, stolen base leaders and many more.

Even though Cobb spent the 1927 and 1928 seasons with the Philadelphia Athletics, team collectors associate him with the Tigers and Detroit team collectors view Cobb as a pinnacle card in their team sets

1932 US Caramel Ty Cobb

Cobb’s personality, brash as it was during his playing days, probably helps his status.  He’s considered one of the game’s most feared tough guys.

Investment quality of Ty Cobb cards

Cobb, like stocks within the Dow Jones Industrial Average, is considered a blue-chip player and investment.  His cards steadily and consistently appreciate in value, especially when viewed over five and ten year time horizons.

There are enough issues of his cards to provide liquidity, while maintaining scarcity at higher grades.  For investors, who wish to add Cobb to their investment portfolios, they should look at both cards and autographs.  Each presents their own, unique opportunities.

Ty Cobb autographs

Cobb lived until 1961 and signed autographs for many years after his playing days, although he wasn’t exactly a man about town.  He was a prodigious letter writer and many Cobb letters have made their way into the marketplace (there are usually a few on eBay via this link and they are fascinating–even those simply responding to fans).   Prices vary dramatically.  Thhere are a lot of autographs in the market, but still not enough to keep up with collector and investor demand.  Be sure to buy with a certificate of authenticity from a leader in the field such as JSA or PSA.

A fairly large quantity of Cobb signed checks also exist and with forgery still an issue in the industry, a signed check is one way to collect authentic signatures without much worry.  Expect to pay at least $1,200-$2,000 for one.

Below are some of the most popular Cobb cards in the marketplace, although by no means does the list showcase all of those from his playing career.  Click the title of each to see that particular issue being offered by eBay sellers.

Top Ty Cobb Baseball Cards to Watch

1912 T202 Hassan Cobb and Jennings/Ty Cobb Steals Third– This card, like no other, captures the true grit and determination of the player.  The middle of the multi-player tobacco issue features a photo of Cobb sliding into third base.  With Hughie Jennings sharing space with Cobb on this rectangular issue, you can’t lose.  Cobb also appears on other combinations in the T202 set.

1914, 1915 Cracker JackThe 1914 Cracker Jack set is exceedingly rare but collectors can find 1915 Cracker Jack Ty Cobb cards in the market.  They’re still quite scarce and expensive.  However, the sets are very popular because of Cobb’s stature, the desirability of the set itself and Cracker Jack’s still iconic status in American culture

1911 T205 Gold Border – A lithograph portrait of Ty Cobb is featured on the front of the card.  The gold border gives this one an elegant quality but they are also prone to showing wear because of it. Like the T206 issue, these come with various cigarette brand ads on the back and the less common brands can command big money.  However, the best advice is to buy the best quality Cobb you can afford.  Mid-grade examples can be found for $2,000 and less but near mint issues will run into the tens of thousands.

1909 E95 Philadelphia Caramel – If you’re looking for the quintessential Cobb portrait, this might be it. The E95 baseball card set is attractive and popular but Cobb’s card is spectacular. Standing in the collared uniform with the famous Tigers cap on his head, Cobb’s lithograph portrait is set against a red background.  The card is a more economical alternative to the T206 issue and around ten can usually be found on eBay with prices reflecting the smaller number of cards available compared to T205 and T206 Cobb cards

1909-1911 T206 How popular was Cobb?  Popular enough to have four different card issued in this set, which was produced during the height of his career.  There are two portrait cards, one picturing him with a bat on his shoulder and another with the bat just off his shoulder.  T206 cards were produced with several different types of cigarette ads on the back and the most rare examples of these will command the highest prices and be in demand but so will higher grade T206 Cobbs, regardless of back.

Of course, the rarest Cobb card is the T206 style with the ‘Ty Cobb Tobacco’ back.  Issued only in tins of a brand of tobacco endorsed by Cobb, only a small number exist and they sell for huge prices.  In 2013, a PSA 1 example sold for $120,109 via Goldin Auctions.

Ty Cobb baseball cards and autographs have proven to be a worthy investment and it’s unlikely that will change.   Cobb’s status as one of the game’s greatest players remains intact.  You’ll have competition in the marketplace, but compare prices of completed sales and bid or buy accordingly.


B.Cardin Inv.

More info look.

E-Book In CD-Rom

Ty cobs history collctions

By Dr iwan suwandy,MHA

Consultan information or in web blog Hhtp//

Or via email for mor information or coonsulation the the original or flase card and the value of the card original or repepro





o    IDR32,467,532.47





intage magazines appeal to people who have a particular interest in old paper, to be sure, but they are also collected for the specific content on and between their covers.

For example,

those who have fond

memories of JFK may seek out copies of the November 29, 1963, issue of “Life,” with its formal portrait of the recently assassinated 35th president on its somber cover.

Serious Beatles fans almost certainly want a copy of the January 9, 1968, issue of “Look,” which included a quartet of full-page, psychedelic photos of John, Paul, George, and Ringo by Richard Avedon.

And military historians may collect copies of “Colliers” printed during World War II for its articles by Martha Gellhorn, who famously stowed away on a hospital ship so she could report on the D-Day landing at Normandy.

Not all magazine collectors are so high-minded. Year in and year out,

one of the most popular vintage-magazine titles has been “Playboy,” especially its undated first issue from December of 1953, which featured a Marilyn Monroe centerfold. For those who claim that they only read “Playboy” for the articles, there are numerous more literary issues to choose from,

including the March, April, and May editions from 1954, in which Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” was serialized in its entirety.

For art lovers, there are old copies of “The Saturday Evening Post,” which were famous for its covers by Norman Rockwell, and “Harper’s Weekly,” which occasionally had covers by Maxfield Parrish.

More recently, copies of “Oz,” a London music, fashion, and culture magazine from the late 1960s, have been in demand for the artwork created for it by Martin Sharp, who silkscreened posters of Bob Dylan on foil and made album covers for Cream.

Other magazines fall somewhere between comic books and science-fiction novels, such as issues of “Amazing Stories,” which, in the 1940s,

reprinted a number of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ tales of earthman John Carter’s adventures on Mars, or, as it was named by Burroughs, Barsoom. “Argosy” was also an outlet for Burroughs, serializing his “Tarzan” adventures in the 1920s and ’30s.

Finally, there are magazines that are infamous for being spot-on parodies of other magazines.

In 1972, the “Harvard Lampoon” produced its version of “Cosmopolitan,” which featured a nude centerfold of

Henry Kissinger, which was as disgusting as you might imagine it would be. Not to be outdone, in 1980, “New West” produced a slim but brilliant five-page parody of “Sunset” which it called “Sunsect,” featuring a family picnicking in the shadow of a nuclear power plant on the cover and articles such as “Mule trips into East Los Angeles–a guide” and “Tulips so big they eat meat” inside.

 The End @ Copyright Dr iwan 2016

INILAH KENANG-KENANGAN DARI dR iwan bagi seluruh teman-teman dan keluarga besar , dibuat saat setelah musim hujan yang penuh prihatin.

Saya harap kleuarga besar akan tetap meneruskan web blog ini apabila suatu waktu saya sudah taka da lagi didunia ini

 dan koleksi tersebut hendaknya tetap disimpan dlam museum leluhur kita WANLI di rumah yang sya peroleh s=dari ahsil penjualan koleksi saya.

yang saya kumpul sejak berumur sepuluh tahun (tahun 1955) sampai tahun 2016 ditambah koleksi yang akan dtang diperkirakan dua puluh tahun ;lagi (2036), saat ini entah dima a aku berada di gunung, dihutan,didasar laut , didlam sungai atau masih melayang0-melayang diudara, karena itu sya minta cucu saya antoni wiliam suwandy membacakan pesan saya terakhirr di saat jenazah saya dimakamkan secara militer saat trompet dan genderang dan temabakan diletuskan SAMBIL MENDEKAP PISTL MAINAN YANG oPA JANJIKAN YANG BELUM DISERAHKAN.






















































































































































































If I told you, iwan.

That just minutes from now…

…you could own a piece of American folklore…

…would you believe me?

I don’t blame you if you’re sceptical.

But it’s true.

Because I have for you a piece of memorabilia from an American folk hero.

A folk hero as much an American legend as Daniel Boone, Johnny Appleseed or Davy Crockett.

A folk hero as much a part of the story of America as the Plymouth Rock, the US Constitution, or Ellis Island.

“Impossible Paul”

Impossible to own a piece that important? That legendary? That rare?

It’s not impossible.

This item is rare, yes. Hugely, rare. Which means these things appear for sale but seldom.

But it is possible.

And today is one of those rare occasions.

Are you ready?

This is a piece of paper.

A piece of paper bearing a letterhead from the Crosby House hotel, in Beaumont, Texas.

106 years ago, one of the legends of the Old West took out a pen…

…and wrote seven words on this piece of paper.

The folk hero who wrote these seven words is so celebrated…

…so much a part of American culture…

…that she is almost mythical.

“Did she really exist?” children ask, as though her feats were so legendary, she can’t have been real.

It’s why this piece of personal memorabilia is so exhilarating for you to own.

It’s the myth becoming a reality.

This woman was such a dead-eye shot she could:


Shoot a cigarette from your mouth at 50 paces 


Snuff out a candle’s flame with a single bullet 


Split a playing card in two along its edge

You’ve got it now, I’m sure.

We’re talking Annie Oakley. Who took on the men, and spanked their behinds.

The farm girl now a folk hero: Annie Oakley

The Annie Oakley who, besides being the finest shot around, was also:

America’s most famous woman: At 5 foot nothing, with a gun slung over her shoulder, and a femininity offset with a swagger that said “look but don’t touch”, her shows sold out in America and around the world.

A pioneer for women’s rights: Not only did she shoot guns for a living, Oakley taught 15,000 women to handle guns for self-defence. She once said: “I ain’t afraid to love a man. I ain’t afraid to shoot him either.”

Today, perhaps many know her story from the musical Annie Get Your Gun. Perhaps the true woman behind the legend is in danger of being lost.

But not for you.

Not when you own this striking rare autograph and inscription

I am thanking you!” writes Annie Oakley

This is a hand-signed note from Annie Oakley from 1910.

It reads “Annie Oakley Butler. I am thanking you!”

(Butler was her married name).

Who was the sharpshooter thanking on this day 106 years ago? We don’t know.

What we do know is that Annie’s signature is stunning

Crisp and confident: a gorgeous signature

Just look at the crispness. The confidence. This is a woman who knows she is good. And in 1910, she is at the top of her game.

What’s more, the autograph, inscription and piece of paper are in excellent condition. And that’s not all you get.

Because this note comes mounted and framed – along with a superb Annie Oakley photograph. It all makes for a stunning piece of American history

Annie Oakley Autographed Note

For Sale: £2,950.00

  • Note autographed by legendary sharpshooter Annie Oakley, star of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show

Annie Oakley (1860-1926) was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. Dubbed “Little Sure Shot” by Chief Sitting Bull, 5-foot-tall Annie rose to fame in her role in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.

This item features Annie’s autograph, reading “Annie Oakley Butler. I am thanking you”, dated 1910, on headed stationary (7.5cm x 18.5xcm) from the ‘Crosby House Hotel” in Beaumont, Texas. The “Butler” element of her name comes after she marrised traveling show marksman and dog trainer Fracis E Butler in 1876. 

This wonderful autograph is in excellent condition and comes mounted, framed and glazed with an image of Oakley.

This item qualifies for our layaway plan

For Sale: £2,950.00

One you will love showcasing on your wall.

And if you’re still reading, I’m guessing you’d love to know its price.

Ann ie Oakley

1860: Born into a farming family in Ohio. Aged 8, Annie starts shooting game to support her family, and sells the animals to local shops and restaurants. By 15, Annie’s prowess has paid off the family mortgage on their farm. 
1876: Aged just 15, Annie beats renowned show marksman Frank E Butler in a shooting contest. Annie marries him the following year. 
1885: Joins the famous Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show and is the star attraction for the next 16 years. 
1890: While touring Germany, Oakley shoots the cigarette out of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s hand – missing the opportunity to prevent WWI. When war breaks out, Oakley writes to the Kaiser asking for a second shot. She receives no reply. 
1917: Turned down by the US government to head a women’s division of sharpshooters in WWI. Instead, Annie raises money for the Red Cross by putting on shooting displays for the troops. 
1926: Dies a legend

How much?


Annie Oakley stuff is rare. Her autograph is rare. And collectors want it. Which means major auction prices. In recent years I’ve seen:


Annie’s shotgun sell for $240,000 


Annie’s Stetson hat auction for $15,000 


An Annie-signed photo make $11,000

So what price for this striking Annie Oakley handwritten note today?

£5,000 ($7,120)? No, lower.

£4,000 ($5,696)? No, lower.

£3,000 ($4,272) surely?

This is yours for just £2,950 ($4,200).













Ice hockey

I don’t often get to talk ice hockey in these emails. But today is an exception. Because Classic Auctions’ winter auction took place earlier this week.

If you’re a connoisseur of the game, you’ll know the name Dave Keon, who was at the heart of the Toronto Maple Leafs team in the 60s and 70s.

Dave Keon played for the Toronto Maple Leafs the
last time they lifted the Stanley Cup – 1967

A jersey he wore in his rookie season was the top seller, making $52,360.

There was also a strong performance from Canada goalie Ed Belfour’s 2002 Winter Olympic medal. It made $25,015, while a Bobby Orr Boston Bruins “gamer” achieved $12,518.



Pre scandal



Post Scandal


For tweleve Year


The End @ Copyright Dr Iwan 2016





Source Paul






in small museums near candi Jiwa


Candi Jiwa yang pertama kali ditemukan di Situs Batujaya. Ada 24 candi di kompleks ini, di permukaan. Belum yang rata/ bawah permukaan tanah. Teridentifikasi 30 umur, seluas 5 km2

24 candi sekaligus. Itu baru di permukaan, belum yang di bawah permukaan. Bisa jadi yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara. ( kalau sabar, Allah takkan menyia-nyiakan kesabaran itu, kan ? Dihadiah full packed : candi, gerabah kuno, kerangka prasejarah, keramik, dll. You name it ). Situs Batujaya telah teridentifikasi 30 umur dengan luas sekitar 5 kilometer persegi. Dahulu di sepanjang pesisir Karawang berjejer bangunan tertua di Indonesia. Abad 4 Masehi. Warisan kerajaan Budha kuno, Tarumanegara



There is another candi at batujaya named Candi Cangkuang

Hasan Djafar , UI archaeologists , head of the excavation team Batujaya site , describes the discovery of coherent this site . Excavations have been going on for 22 years has resulted in many discoveries of artifacts : bongkah2 red brick which can then be reconstructed temples are quite large , pottery – pottery , beads , clay tablets and surprising and newly discovered in 2006 this ( mainly July 2006 ) is the discovery of dozens of human skeletons were still intact from the skull to the soles of the feet .

Two women archaeologists French and Dutch nationals specifically come to this site for skeletons excavated at the site Batujaya , take some samples of bones and teeth and will do a DNA study of the fossil bones and teeth in order to get the physical characteristics of the data are more complete . Latest methods in archeology is that a fossil specimen of the human race must be carried out by archaeologists from different races . Possible , to avoid contamination when sampling . Because the human skeleton race in Batujaya estimated from Indonesia , namely Mongolid , then who took the sample is orang2 of the European race ( Caucasian ) .
Research over the course of 20 years has produced some tentative conclusions , namely : ( 1 ) the site was on the verge of pre – history and history of Indonesia ( 4th century and 5th AD , the current limit of pre – history and history of Indonesia is AD 400 years ) , ( 2 ) temple Batujaya made ​​of batamerah and discrete Buddhist temple , ( 3 ) pottery and beads were found is from the Neolithic period , ( 4 ) votive tablets ( a kind of seal ) of baked clay bearing short posts in Pallava script .

The Beattles

History Collections

Edited By

Dr Iwan Suwandy<MHA

Consultan information





Imagine, iwan.

You’ve bought an autograph. You love it.

You have it mounted and framed. You hang it on your wall. You show it off to friends, neighbours, the postman.

But then the doubts begin.

Perhaps you notice other autographs from this famous figure don’t match yours. Perhaps a friend asks “how do you know it’s real?” and it sets you thinking. Or perhaps something just doesn’t feel right.

So you send it to an expert for authentication.

The reply is everything you’ve feared.

“In our opinion this autograph is not genuine”.

It leaves you feeling stupid. A chump. Not to mention out of pocket.

Every time you see it you feel furious. Furious with the seller who swindled you. Furious at yourself for being scammed.

Think I’m scaremongering? Think it won’t happen to you?

Do you know what percentage of autographs on eBay are fakes?

An estimated 80%.

And if you own a signature from one of the 10 famous names on the list below, you’re in real danger.

Because this is autograph authenticator PSA/DNA’s latest list of the 10 most “dangerous” historical and entertainment autographs.

By “dangerous” they mean most likely to be forged.

The dangerous top 10

  1. Star Wars cast
  2. The Rolling Stones
  3. Jimi Hendrix
  4. Led Zeppelin
  5. Marilyn Monroe
  6. Michael Jackson
  7. John F Kennedy
  8. Neil Armstrong
  9. Elvis Presley
  10. The Beatles

“So what’s the answer Paul?”

Don’t run to the hills, vowing never to buy an autograph again.


Realise that you can enjoy the incredible hobby of autograph collecting withcomplete confidence.


You have two options:

  1. Become an expert:This takes years of study and experience. There’s no shortcut. Few in the world can genuinely say they are.


  1. Buy from an expert you trust:I have been trading in autographs since 1977. That is 39 years. In those 39 years I’ve handled tens of thousands of signatures. I’ve seen it all, from terrible fakes to the almost superb.

My 39 years in the business mean I don’t get caught out.

Which means when you buy from me, you know you’re buying the real thing.

And you also get a further layer of security.

Because when you buy from me you get my Lifetime Moneyback Guarantee of Authenticity.

Which means if the autograph turns out to be fake in the future – I will give you your money back. Every penny.

I am happy to offer you this guarantee because I know you’ll never need to use it.

Want to own an autograph you know is genuine?

If you want to own an autograph on the “dangerous” list, but are scared you’re going to get stung, keep reading.

These are four genuine autographs from the “dangerous” list you can buy now at Paul Fraser Collectibles.

The Beatles

Danger alert.

The Beatles are the world’s most popular autograph. Which also makes them the most forged. Always be on your guard.

The most desirable Beatles autographs feature all four members. Autographs such as this:

Four genuine Beatles signatures: just £7,950 ($11,371)

This is a page from an autograph album, signed by John, Paul, George and Ringo in bright blue ink.

Look at the life in these autographs. The youthful excitement of the band and their fans leaps from the page. This piece of paper truly captures the essence of the Beatles and the Beatlemania era.

I’ve seen signed copies of the Beatles’ Sgt Pepper album sell for as much as $290,500. But there are still good deals available at Paul Fraser Collectibles.

This item does have mild staining to the bottom right. Which is why I’m offering you it for just £7,950 ($11,371)




The Beatles First Recorded In Hamburg Germany , Tony Sheridan’s On My Bonnie In 1961 with named “ The Beat Brother”

(part Of Contract)

Complete document look below








Original source



Cavern 1961
















Meet The Beattles at Aintree Institue Invitation 1961


Top of Form

Earlier today, we posted about the 1962 Beatles poster, and ticket

The rebel Rouser ticket years (?)




Theter Ticket fil A Grand River Cruis 1962

Two Ticket 1962

Pier head Liverpool 1962




Winter Garden 1963

Odeon Romford 1st performance ticket year(?)



Bournemouth theater 1963

Mr Smith’s Nightclub 1963

Ticket 1963


Vintage Photo London 1963






TV scene Southampton 1963

Mersey View Ballrom A Dabnce ticet 1963

Juke box ticket 1963’


Royal Variety Performance 1963

Vintage Photo Forthlin Road 1963

Top of Form

The Beatles taking a break from recording `From Me To You’, `The One After 909′ and `Thank You Girl’ at Abbey Road Studios with George Martin, 5th March 1963

Bottom of Form



Let it be show at The London Pavilluion Picadilly Cirbus Ticket


Hyde Park 1964

Four types Ticket 1964

Two Vintgae Photo, Twickenham studio 1964

All I Need is Love,japan,1964

Don’t Buy My Love,Japan,1964




A Hard Day’s Night 1964 Nederland


At Bar 1964


I feel Fine-She’s AWomen Netherland 1964

Guiters Abey Road Photo 1964


Madame tussaud 1964

Ringo drummer 1964 at The rock and Roll Hall Of Fame 1964

Vintgae Photo Fans London 1964